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Army Wife 2

"How I handled my husband's long absences"

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(My wife's story continued from "Army Wife")

For the next few days the guilt grew and grew until I knew I had to tell him and ask his forgiveness. I called and left a message for him to call me (in those days no cell phones and no direct calls into their quarters). He called that night expecting bad news that I had a car accident, was in hospital, or worse. I said it was just as bad and told him how horny I had been for 5 months and what I had done, then asked him to forgive me. There was silence, and then he said he needed to think about it and would call me back in a little while.

Those 40 minutes or so ticked by like a death sentence being carried out. When he called back, I was frantic about our marriage and began blubbering before he could say anything more than 'Hi'. He calmed me down and said he had thought about it and realized these long separations that were not normal in a civilian marriage needed different rules. I could continue to get physical relief as needed, but he wanted to be able to do the same, and we would talk in greater detail about it when he returned - whether or not we would be required to tell each other about it or adopt the attitude of 'what happens down range stays down range'. I was so relieved. We ended by saying 'I love you' to each other and that nothing would affect our marriage.

I resolved to never again prowl the commissary for a partner, but didn't know how to surreptitiously satisfy my need for another man without the other wives easily finding out. Later that week I was doing my volunteer morning at the Officer's Wives Club on base gift shop and Helen, a long time Army wife who I had become friendly with, asked me to hers for coffee when I told her I needed advice on an 'Army wife problem'.

As she made us coffee and tea sandwiches, I reminded her that my husband had been gone on TDY (temporary duty) for 5 months and had 7 more months away. Before I could go on, she said, "And being a young wife, you wonder how to handle your need for sex." My open mouth surprise gave her my answer, so she said all Army wives go through that and the short answer was either remain faithful and 'handle it yourself', or satisfy the need with another man. I told her that was it exactly and I had discussed it with him, and he gave me permission to get it from another man, but my problem was how to do it without the other wives where our on base quarters were finding out.

She chuckled as she said, "You want to know what I do?" "Well, ... er ... yes," I stammered, surprised she was so open about being unfaithful to her husband when he was away. She said for me to not be surprised since, by her guess, at least a third of long time Army wives got it from another man when hubby was away on TDY; with most of them faithful the rest of the time. She then said I probably wanted to know how to find a man surreptitiously. I nodded 'ye,' and she told me her method was to concentrate on the officer's visiting the base on TDY since the chance of them telling someone in our base community would be very low.

She said she goes to the Officer's Club for an early dinner in the dining room on a Monday through Thursday and avoids the O'Club bar since that's where the wives on the prowl go. The idea is that officer's visiting on TDY are housed in VOQs (visiting officer's quarters) near the club since they usually don't have personal transportation.. She looks for a likely candidate when first entering the dining room and asks if he wants to join her for dinner, or does the same for one entering after her. If they hit it off during dinner, she takes the initiative to go to his VOQ for sex. She then answered all my inquisitive questions and was surprisingly forthcoming about her own experiences with other men when her hubby is away on TDY.

I lasted about three weeks before 'taking care of it myself' no longer did it for me. It was a Monday and I was at the hostess desk of the O'Club dining room at 6PM, right behind a man just being taken in to be seated. The hostess came back for me and led me past his table on our way to mine two tables further in. When he looked up as we approached his table, I gave him a shy smile and he smiled back. I quickly noticed he was wearing a wedding ring. She seated me and gave me a menu. I was very nervous, but girded myself and immediately went to his table. The dining room was empty except for us since it had just opened. He got up in a gentlemanly manner and I asked if he was new to the base or maybe visiting. He said he had arrived the day before for a week's TDY. I asked if he wanted company for dinner since I didn't like eating alone, and he said 'yes'. I sat down and the hostess brought me my menu. We introduced ourselves and then scanned our menus. After ordering, we chatted about the usual things like who we were, what we were doing on base, and became acquainted.

He was easy to talk to and we got past the part where I told him I was eating out because it was lonely to always eat at home while my husband was away on his own TDY. When he asked how long and I told him it was 5 months into a year TDY, he got the message but didn't make any show of it. But he knew, and he knew I knew he knew. The conversation flowed easily for the next hour or so.

It was a very pleasant dinner, but when we paid our checks, there was an awkward pause before he asked me if I wanted more wine in the bar. I told him I avoided the bar and he understood, then suggested his VOQ room. I said 'yes', and he led the way to the O'Club entrance. Once outside, I told him I had my car and we should ride rather than walk the block or two to his VOQ. He immediately understood my motivation to avoid prying eyes. In the car, I asked if his wife knew what he did on TDY. He said they had an 'agreement' and neither one talked about what happened while he was away. I said we had the same agreement, and he nodded.

I spent over four hours with him in his bed. He was an exceedingly accomplished lover. We slowly kissed and explored each other's body as we undressed. He had begun by saying he wanted to go slow with everything and let the passion gradually build at a pace determined by both of us. I told him that was music to my ears, and we did just that. By the time we were naked, his hands and mouth had me totally aroused - wet and swollen and ready for his penetration. I sat on the edge of the bed as he stood right in front of me. I sucked his good sized cock until he told me if I continued he was going to come in my mouth, but he said had a much better place to do that. I scooted up onto the middle of the bed on my back, raised my knees and splayed out my thighs as far as they would go, opening myself up totally for him.

He crawled up between my thighs and gazed lustfully at my exposed cunt area with my swollen lips parted for his cock. I was sopping wet with arousal. After a few seconds, he lowered his hips to mine. I guided his cock with my hand to my entrance. A mutual hip thrust and the head was inside. I moaned with pleasure and he slid a few more inches up me. I moaned again and he slid it all the way up me. I couldn't help it, I moaned, "God, that feels so good," and rolled my hips up against him, eager for it to begin.

I wrapped my arms around his upper back and hooked my lower legs behind his thighs, settling myself into my favorite position, and thoroughly enjoyed the feel of a man between my legs after so many months without. He began at a slow pace and I just swooned, moaning with his gentle thrusts. This was just what I craved for so many months without my husband. We were a good 'fit' as we rode up the slope of increasing passion. It took us maybe 10-15 minutes of exquisite slowly increasing thrusting to approach the abyss. When I said to him, "Now, I need it now," he increased speed. I was so aroused it took him just a minute or so of fast pounding to push me over the edge. I gasped out my orgasm with my hips jerking and my tummy trembling. He came right after me and we both enjoyed  spurting his hot cum up me.

He collapsed onto me and slow fucked me until his cock deflated. We stayed like that for a long time, kissing and hugging until he finally rolled off to lie next to me on his side facing me. I half rolled toward him and we came together in a tangle of arms and legs as we kissed and cuddled. I so needed that physical connection with a man after finally having a cock induced climax. It felt heavenly and I prolonged it for as long as possibe, until I felt his cock begin to harden again. I reached down and caressed it as he slid his fingers up inside. We aroused each other until he was fully hard and my breathing became labored as my passion rose. He remounted me between my wide spread legs and we did it all over again, with me coming once more.

By the time I finally looked at my watch, it was midnight and we had been in bed for four hours, having had several more sessions. I came twice in a row on top, and he pounded me to several short sharp serial orgasms from the rear, before I was finally fully satiated. I didn't want to leave his bed and we had a long goodbye kiss and cuddled lying there. I finally got up and dressed to go.

As we moved to the door to his quarters for me to leave, we both began to ask each other at the same time if we could meet again the next night, and laughed at having the same idea. I spent the remaining four nights of his TDY on base in his bed, and it was wonderful. I had a few bouts of guilt during the days in between, but reminded myself my husband had given me permission. After he returned from his year away, we had fantastic sex that first night. The next night I told him in bed about that week of passion which led to more fantastic sex that night and for many nights afterward. The same thing happened in the following weeks as I told him of my other 'adventures' while he was gone. And the same thing happened when he told me of his while he was away.

(To be continued)

Written by SunnyCat1

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