Like every man in the world I enjoy a good wank. But some are more memorable than others. The first time you remember cumming, the first girl or guy, to wank you off. I remember all of these but one stands out as being the best wank ever.
It was 1970 and I was working in retail. I was 18 years old and like all guys that age I was pretty much erect all the time. I used to wank about 4/5 times a week, always to orgasm. Well for those of you old enough to remember, Wednesdays back then was early closing for shops. In my town at that time there was what was called an 'exchange book shop'. It was really just a place to buy girlie mags and if you knew the guy who ran it some hard porn mags. I used to visit very often and would stay for and hour or so looking at these magazines. Tits and arses all on view. But not pussies ooooo no def not allowed except in hard core stuff, which couldn't buy because I didn't know the guy. There was very often 5/6 men plus me in there. I,as you would expect, had a rock hard cock all the time I was in there and sometimes noticed that all the other guys had hard on's as well. I would get home and wank off as soon as I could, always a nice release of cum.
Any way one Wednesday I am there looking through some mags and I pick up a mag showing a lovely curvy figured woman on a diving board by a pool. I knew it to an American mag because the sun was shining. I open the first page and there was this lovely curvy woman pointing her tits and the camera. I remember my hard cock twitching, lovely big firm tits. The next few pages showed her in a number of poses around the pool. Just your normal tits and arse poses, she had a wonderful arse as well. I have always loved ladies arses..... yum. Got about half way through and then I turned the page and saw it for the first time. No not her cunt. She was covered in baby oil. It hit me like a hard slap. I had never seen a naked woman oiled. My cock almost jumped out of my jeans. I just stood mesmerised. I had to have this mag...... and now. I went to the counter and with shaking hands gave the guy the correct money. He placed it in a plain paper bag and handed it back. It was the longest walk home from town ever. I felt sure everyone knew that I had pictures of a naked woman inside my jacket and I must have been blushing.
I arrived home about 35 minutes after leaving the shop. My cock had been hard all the way home and my underwear was soaked with precum. Running up the stairs and into me bedroom I felt I could at last calm down a bit. I removed the mag from the bag and placed it on my bed, opened at the first pic of her oiled. Slowly I stripped, jacket first the shirt. Removed my shoes and socks and then my jeans. I stood there in only my underwear. I looked down to my pants and saw a bit wet patch. Grasping the waistband I pulled them down slowly. I was so hard. I knelt at the side of the bed and turned a page, omg she was pointing her wonderful arse at me, it was glistening with oil. Reaching down I gently gripped my cock, it was slippery with precum. My foreskin rolled back so easily and it felt so good, the coolness of the air on my helmet. Stroking my hand up a large drop of precum emerged from my cock slit and rolled down the shaft of my cock. I turned more pages, each one showing her in a nice oiled pose. Her tits must have been DD in size, but so firm. Her arse was fantastic in shape and was in one pic been drenched with fresh oil. Then I saw it. She had her legs slightly open and there was glimpse of an oil covered cunt. I started to stroke my cock. Felt so good. Building up speed as turned I knew I couldn't last nor did I want too. By now I wanking hard and fast and I felt my balls tighten and the first spasm hit me. I looked down to see spurt after spurt of my hot spunk erupt from my cock. I was gripping my cock at the base with my foreskin hard back. I had never cum so hard in my life, or shot so much spunk. when the spurting has stopped I released my softening cock. I was actually out of breathe. On the floor was strings of my spunk, I remember thinking that I had shot it quite a distance for me.
I rose a little unsteadily and went to the bathroom and cleaned my cock and went back into the bedroom with some tissue to mop up my spunk. As I walked back I became aware that I was still half hard. Kneeling down to clean up my spunk I started to look again at the pics of her. Now I have never been a super stud but I was getting fully hard again. And for the first and probably only time I wanked again. This time I took it slower and lasted for about 15 minutes before shooting my spunk. It joined the first load on the floor.
I kept that mag for years and wanked many many times looking at it. I disappeared one day. I think my first wife found it and threw it away. I still find naked heavily oiled women hugely attractive and even at my age if I see a nude oiled woman on a beach I will get a hard on. Luckily for me my second wife will sometimes oil up and let me play with her. She knows how hard it gets me and she is also aware that she will get cum after cum from me in return, usually lots of licks before I slide my cock into her.
So that's my best wank, what was yours?