This isn't in a situation where you are fucking my mouth, nice and very sexy though that is, this is where you make your self comfortable and you simply enjoy me pleasuring you. I shall undress for you down to some nice lingerie but with all relevant areas on show and free for you to look at or touch should you wish. I'm working on the assumption that you are already hard. I will position myself between your legs, whilst watching your face and before i settle I will wrap my breasts around your cock and gently tit fuck you holding my breasts tightly against you until you look relaxed and ready. Bending my head I'll kiss with my lips the top of your penis and then the lightest of sweep with the tip of my tongue, once, twice, three times and pursing my lips I will blow upon it so to tease you with the warmth of my breath.
Shuffling my self down very low between your legs looking upward to your hard cock I will start licking along and around the very base of your cock enjoying the thickness at the base, skimming across the top of your balls. my tongue will slowly and with renewed saliva glide up the underside of your cock to the frenulem with a gentle flick off the end, returning to the base to tease you again. I shall look at your face for approval and then i shall gentle nibble up the underside leaving again with a gentle flick across the very tip of you penis.Wanting to tease you some more but not taking your fullness into my mouth as yet I return to the base of your penis my tongue will roam in the opposite direction circling your balls one at a time ,nuzzling them with my nose and gradually sliding them into my mouth feeling their weight on my tongue. Whilst in the warmth of my mouth I shall circle with my tongue and let your balls bathe in the moisture.
Cupping your balls in my hand I shall shift my body to a higher position and looking down on your cock, glancing up to hopefully see an expectant look on your face I won't be able to resist a long lingering kiss on your lips...... Inching my way back down i will lick my lips and open my mouth as wide as I can and take my mouth down over your cock trying to not let it touch the inside of my mouth. You will feel warmth and my breath on your cock before i close my mouth around you as deep as I can. wrapping my lips around you, my tongue sliding up the under side of your cock I will draw my mouth all the way up. The more I draw my mouth up and down the full length of your cock I will begin to wiggle my tongue as i draw up especially wiggling it over the sensitive part under the glans. Pausing at the top I will glance again to your face and listen for a murmur as i explore the underside of your glans seeking the most sensitive spot. Again I slide my mouth down your cock wiggling my tongue as i come up and as I draw up to the tip positioning my tongue so that it draws itself against your hot spot.
Feeling your body tightening and having made your cock very wet and slippery my hand will encircle it as I once more return my attention to your balls, licking and sucking them into my mouth.My hand slowly and smoothly rubbing the length and feeling the soft skin on the tip as my thumb slides over the slick saliva.
Having bought you to a peek and wanting to slow you down I shall pause and reaching my hand out to a cold chilled glass of Champagne I shall take a sip whilst looking at you, I shall invite you to join me and then offer you to sip from my lips, lingering once more as I taste your mouth. Pulling away I will take another sip, holding it in my mouth I will lower my head again onto your cock. The bubbles and the cold of the Champagne making you almost jump but then sinking into pleasure as I swallow the Champagne and suck against your very hard cock. Once again pressing my tongue to the centre of your arousal I will glide the full length of you. A little more urgent, letting you taking over in the speed and pressure............