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Devils and Angels, that’s always a battle isn’t it. What is right, and what is fun, What you should do, but what you want to do. I think everyone has those battles going on in their mind from time to time. I know I do. but often I ignore the Angels and listen to the horn headed devil inside me. Hopefully you know what I mean.

You know- you think ‘oh that looks fun’ but inside your mind- you think ‘ oh i shouldn’t really do that though should I’ but you do it anyway because it sounds amazing, and guess what. it turns out to have been amazing and so you don’t regret it. But then perhaps you feel a little bad in the future for having done something that you look back on and remember just how much fun and excitement it was. See what i mean about the battles between devils and angels. its annoying!

So let me hark back to a year or few gone by. I had met this lovely lady online, and we chatted, swapped a bunch of messages and fantasy chatted about meeting up. This went on for I think a couple of weeks and whilst there was another person in the chat, it turned out that person was- lets just say- not likely to be as discrete as we all wanted, So we sort of sidelined him and carried on chatting ourselves (which I will say I much preferred) Myself and ‘Sammy’ as I will call her, got along pretty well, even if that was just lots of wonderful messages going back and forth. It was fun, it was exciting, and it was erotic, that’s for sure.

I’m not sure how many messages we swapped but I would say it was into the hundreds…..and then that day came. Shall we meet? (yes we shall) We picked a day, and a rough time and then the heart started pounding. (in a good way)

Now, you never (or at least I never) get used to first meetings, I’m always internally very nervous, my minds racing, my hearts pounding, and I do always think ‘what if they don’t like me, or what if i don’t like them’ or ‘what if they are super shy and don’t say anything’ (that’s never a fun one) But that isn’t something i had to worry about with ‘Sammy’ She did initially claim to be shy, but I certainly didn’t see that side of her when we met.

I remember one of her messages that said ‘so when i walk through your door, will we hug, kiss, or sit and have a cup of tea’ and that’s always a puzzler isn’t it. Because until you know what happens, you don’t know what happens. You can say ‘this will, and that will’ but until you are face to face in the same room for the first time, you just don’t know what will happen.

Spoiler: When we met, we didn’t have a cup of tea, we did hug, but it was only a few short minutes before our arms were wrapped around each other and we were hotly kissing and running our hands over each other there in the living room of my flat. It was also only a few minutes after that, before ‘Sammy’ pinned me up against the wall and ran her hands inside my clothing (and when I say pinned, please dont think that was against my will either- I was totally fine with it) The feel of her tongue entering my mouth as we kissed, the type of kissing that i love and adore and craved. Her touch all over my body and I hers.

Its so tempting to go through all the details of the things we did in those short couple of hours during our meeting and whilst I will cover some of those, I don’t want this to be a complete run through of our fun times, What I will say is that for those couple of hours, I had some of the most exciting times id had for years. Its so amazing to experience mutual pleasure with someone who is so uninhibited whilst also being able to totally be yourself too. Its rare, and certainly is in a relationship (at least that my experience in relationships)

Over those couple of hours, we explored everywhere with our fingers (including her venturing to a part of me with her fingers that generally isn’t explored- but hell I didn’t stop her), our tongues, and every other part of me. It was a mix of body parts for a fantastic couple of hours. and we both…well lets say that we came to our destination.- and to make her do that – more than once if I recall, was a definite highlight. I did enjoy making her cum with my fingers, and tongue (at separate times) – but i love doing that and knowing that what I do has a great feeling on someone. and ‘Sammy’ definitely seemed to be enjoy having that done, as much as I enjoyed doing it to her. Glorious to feel, and hear her cumming, Its a sound and feeling i can still feel in my mind when i close my eyes.

Sitting here typing this, after quite a while since our meeting, I can still feel in my mind, how amazing this ladies oral skills were (and they really fucking were amazing) I cant put into words just how much i enjoyed feeling her do that to me, but also watching her do that to me- I could have spent all afternoon enjoying her doing that to me- but that would have been selfish, and my angel won out and made sure i pleasured her as much as she did me (or at least got close to an equal balance)

The time flew by! and in some ways that’s good, because i was exhausted ‘Sammy’ drained me in every way and I had very little energy for the rest of the day (and the following day) My legs ached, and my mind was fried (but in a good way)- and that’s when the devil kicks in- you had an amazing time- but you know really, deep down, you shouldn’t have done it because you have a partner who is oblivious to what you do- but you then remember just how fantastic a time you had. – and around and around your head goes. Now its not the sort of guilt that makes you confess anything – hell no, ive never been that stupid, – but it does make you think ‘was it worth it’ (says your Angel) and the devil replies ‘fuck yes it was’

To be allowed to film a lovely oral session was bliss, and very exciting- i sadly had to delete that video pretty quickly the day after to avoid my partner from seeing it when she needed a picture taking for a job application- but that’s another story and not a very erotic one- needless to say that the video is burned in my mind and the experience of filming it was HOT!

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one to feel that devil angel battle from time to time, but its nice to be able to put it down into words to try and explain it. Its not something i ever used to feel and its annoying that that type of paranoia crops up on me now and again, i rather wished it didn’t. So did I have the best time ever. fuck yes! Do i like to close my eyes and think about the things we did. oh my yes! Do i want to meet her again- Indeed I did- did we meet again? Well no, at the time of writing this, we only did ever meet the once- but what a once 🙂

Did I think there would be a second meeting, actually yes I did- even though I was nervous and felt guilty about having fun behind my ‘normal life’ I still craved for that physical attention again and on occasion did dream about it when i slept. (there’s that devil angel thing again – see what i mean) I wonder if’ Sammy’ gets that devil angel battle or whether she is now, like i used to be. a wonderful horny person who felt no guilt.. (hope for her sake she doesn’t feel bad and thinks of our meeting and it excites her) I know it still excites me for sure. – I do sit and think about what Sammy liked best about that day, and whether she too thought about a second meeting, or whether she was fine with a first… but its nice to have thoughts like that- wondering what the other person is thinking, There is something very exciting about discrete secret rendezvous isnt there

Written by stuart1971

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