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"Rescued a young girl and turned her into a full sexual woman"

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I'd like to tell you about Caroline, how she has developed from a repressed timid girl into an outgoing bubbly beautiful woman. That also goes hand in hand with Toby who is a self centered prick. I first spotted Caroline when she came into the pub with Toby about three years ago. She seemed shy and quiet, quite unlike Toby's normal women who never last more than a few weeks. In the old days they would have call Toby a cad. Toby called Caroline Line on several occasions. I asked one of his mates why he was calling her Line, his answer was that Toby said that she is only half there. He left Caroline at a table whilst he got drinks and gave her a drink, and then went off flirting with other women in the pub. I felt sorry for her, but it was none of my business. A few weeks later they were in the pub again and Toby was treating her like crap. and openly fondled the arse on another of his old conquests. Sally who he fondled was just the opposite of Caroline she was too outgoing. She slept with anyone and everyone that had a cock. I know, I had a quickie with her in the alley leading from the pub, and after I finished she did two more men that came out of the pub. Three days later I was in the pub and I don't know what started it but Toby was giving Caroline a hard time calling her all sorts of names and telling her things like she was a sexual desert. Basically he was telling her that she was no good in bed and he had enough of her. She sat crying and all Toby's mates were laughing and jeering at her. In the end I could take no more and went across to Toby and told him how he was a prick and to leave her alone. I guessed he would have no option in front of all his big mates, he threw a punch. I blocked the punch and landed one of my own on his nose, giving him quite a nose bleed. He scurried away to the toilets to clean himself up. I sat and spoke with Caroline, who seemed to be crying even more. She was scared that Toby would throw her out as she had left home and moved in with him, much to her families disapproval. She cried that she would have nowhere to go. I was trying to tell her that she was much better off without him. When he came out of the toilets, he came across to Caroline, and told her she could collect all her crap and get the hell out of his life. I threatened him with a second nose bleed if he didn't leave her alone. He knew I would as when we were at school together I had given him several slaps when he upset me. He left the pub. Caroline was crying even more saying it was my fault he kicked her out. One of Toby's so called mates came across and told her that Toby was just looking for an excuse to kick her out because she was in Toby's words a sexual repressed member of the god squad. He went on to say that he had been seeing Shannon behind Caroline's back and intended to move her in next. When Caroline had finally stopped crying she told me she had nowhere to go, as her family had told her not to come back when she left, as they did not approve of him or her sleeping with a man before getting married. I told her not to worry as she could have the use of my spare room, in fact I had two spare rooms. She thanked me. We left and I took her home and whilst walking I told her that tomorrow being Saturday I would go with her to collect her belongings. She seemed a little scared, but I reassured her that Toby would not kick off if I was with her. She asked what about my wife or girlfriend. I told her my last girlfriend had emigrated to America with her work, so I was at the moment on my own. Next morning she seemed a lot happier and after breakfast we took my car around to Toby's and I pounded on the door. When he finally opened it he was in just a pair of shorts, probably hastily put on to answer the door. I barged in telling him we were there to collect all of Caroline's belongings. She collected all the bits from downstairs and when she went to go upstairs he stood in Caroline's way. I stepped between them and asked did he want a black eye to go with his sore looking bruised nose. Reluctantly he moved aside. I followed Caroline up the stairs and when we entered the bedroom the was a young lady laying naked on the bed. "Who the fuck are you," she asked aggressively. I suggested she shut her trap or I would fill it for her, as Caroline collected up all of her belongings. The girl whoever she was, as she wasn't Shannon, Just laid there not making any attempt to cover herself up. Once we had collected all Caroline's possessions we descended the stairs. I could see that Toby was angry, so I put myself between him and Caroline, and when he was about to give her a mouthful I told him to shut it or I would. He went quiet as Caroline took two trips to the car to put all her belongings in the car. While she was out the room, I told Toby what a shit he was and had been for as long as I had known him and at 28 that was a lot of time. I also warned him that any attempt to get back at her I would take revenge on him personally. Back at my house I gave Caroline a hand to get everything indoors and most of it in her room. I left her sorting the room out. When she did come downstairs she came to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheeks. I asked what it was for, and she replied for being so kind to her. She settled in nicely and we got on well and when Friday came around she gave me some money for housekeeping. I told her there was no need, but she insisted. That night we went to the pub, the first time since the altercation with Toby. When we got in there Toby was with his bunch of moron mates. Being the big man he made a comment, something to the effect that obviously I wasn't into sex, because I wouldn't get much if any from Caroline and what I would get wouldn't be worth having. I stood and walked toward Toby who had his arm around Shannon. When I was just a few feet away from him he was moving backwards, cringing and expecting a pasting, or at least another bloody nose. I said in front of everyone," Look the coward is scared. See your still fucking every slapper going, looking in Shannon's direction. What happened to the slapper you fucked Friday night." Bu this time I was right in front of him and his back was against the wall and he had nowhere else to go. I shouted," Boo," at him as he cowered down. I just walked away. I could hear his so called mates jeering at him, also Shannon was shouting at him, hitting him with her handbag. He was still cowering. Then he ran like a scared rabbit out of the pub. I sat back down with Caroline and we talked as we drank our drinks. Several of Toby's so called mates came over and said that it was time someone gave him a good beating because of the way he treated people, especially girls. Then another one came across and said much the same, but gave Caroline a warning that he had some photos of her in the nude on the bed, and he was liable to send them to everyone he could. They were photos that Caroline knew nothing about, he probably took them whilst she was asleep. I decided that I would prevent him from doing that. When we got home Caroline was even quieter than her normal self and shortly went to bed. I was a software programmer for a big software house, so I set about writing a bit of software to send to Toby's phone. It took two long evenings to complete the work and check that it ran properly. The third evening I asked Caroline for Toby's phone number. She looked surprised and asked why. I told her that it was to prevent Toby from distributing the photos of her to anyone. She gave me the number and I typed it into the program and set the program running on my computer. We heard the computer dial the number and it sent what would look like a text to his phone. When he opened it and looked at the picture of a nude woman I had pulled from a porn site, it held his phone and sent all the photos on his phone to my computer and deleted them from his phone. It took nearly twenty minutes to complete the task. I flicked through them and found the three photos of Caroline and I showed them to her. She looked embarrassed and said she had no idea he had taken them. I deleted them off my computer in front of her so she knew that they had gone. I did think to myself that she did look good in them. Then I ran the second part of the program which sent him another text. This text when he opened it locked his phone to my computer and turned off his ability to turn the phone off. Then it replaced all the other photos, from my computer, most of which were previous sexual conquests in poses I guessed they wouldn't want others to see. Then the program send copies of every photograph to everyone in his contacts list, including friends and family. It had hold of his phone for over two hours before it came back on my screen and said "Task Completed." Then it had released his phone and let his phone continue in it's normal way. Caroline asked what I had done. I told her something that Toby wouldn't like and left it at that. The next evening Caroline had come down in her one piece fluffy pajamas, which had a bunny rabbit head as a hood. She sat next to me on the sofa and snuggled into me as we watched a play on television. During the play my arm had dropped from the back of the sofa and was wrapped around her as perhaps a brother would cuddle his sister. The play ended with a very poor ending. "I heard something today," Caroline told me. I asked what she had heard. "Toby's phone accidentally sent all his pictures on his phone to everyone he knows," she informed me. Not that she needed to, tell me. " Several angry boyfriend have been to his house and given him a good beating." "Oh," I responded, "It's a good job I removed the photos of you from his phone," I told her, "or yours could have been sent to other people." Caroline agreed and snuggled in tighter to me. I guessed she knew I had caused it, but she never actually asked or accused me of doing it. "Do you think I'm pretty?" she asked. I told her that I did. "How come you have never hit on me or tried to have your way with me," she asked. I told her that whilst I like her a lot it was not in me to hit on vulnerable women and especially those much younger than myself. At this time I was just turned thirty and Caroline was twenty two. "Is it because Toby said I was no good in bed?" I responded by telling her that you can only be as good as the lover you are with, this made her smile. "Would you like to go to bed with me?" she asked. I told her that I would, but only if it was truly what she wanted. She didn't answer. We watched a documentary about African elephants and then It was getting late and I went round turning things off and locking the house for the night. Caroline had already gone up to bed. When I got to mybedroom I discovered that Caroline was under my duvet. She gave me a nervous smile as I went to get undressed. "Aren't you going to turn the lights off," she asked. I asked her why did she need the lights off. Then it all came out in a weepy flood of tears. Toby had taken her virginity in the dark in the back seat of his car. At his house she had always turned the lights off before undressing and he just hadn't bothered to put them back on. I asked her why would she want to hide her beautiful body. As usual with girls who show that level of shyness it was a church driven guilt feeling. I told her not to be embarrassed, there was nothing wrong or embarrassing for a man or woman to see a partner in the nude and to make love in the light. Her tears had stopped. Besides I pointed out to her that I had seen photos of her in the nude, and already knew she had a beautiful body. I started to undress and she just lay there and watched. Her mouth fell open when my penis came into sight. It turned out that she had never seen a penis. I went to climb into bed and she threw back the duvet exposing herself. The first breakthrough, I thought to myself. "Teach me everything," she asked. "I want to try everything with you. I rolled to her and kissed her. She was a little inexperienced even kissing, but followed my lead. Then I was kissing down her face to her neck and then on down to her breasts. Not the biggest I have ever had, but very nicely shaped with a slight upward tilt. She was moaning the moment that I started to kiss them. I was rolling the nipple of the breast I was not kissing or sucking. She was throwing her head around. I later learnt that Toby was a roll on, fuck her and roll off, kind of man and sod whether the girl had derived any pleasure. He had never played with her tits. What a waste. After a while I worked my way lower and licked and kissed her navel. The groan that escaped her lips was enough to wake the dead. Then I got down to her trimmed bush. I ran my fingers through her small patch and kissed it before moving lower. She groaned and I think she came as I kissed and then sucked her pussy lips into my mouth. I was sliding my tongue up and down her pussy. the lips slowly peeled back exposing her pink hole and her stiff little clitoris. I licked her clit and sucked it into my mouth. If she hadn't come before she did now as her pussy gushed her juices onto my face and into my mouth and she thrashed around on the bed. She tasted sweet. I kept up licking her pussy and clit for about twenty minutes. She was having regular mini orgasms every few minutes. Eventually I needed more and I asked her what positions she liked. She looked confused and then said the regular was fine. Toby really was a poor lover and I needed to redress this with Caroline, but right now I had needs and a quick fuck would suffice before we started the main course. I climbed on top and my cock slid into her tight pussy. It suddenly struck me, what about contraception. I asked Caroline is she was safe, she told me that she was on the pill. Knowing that I gave her a good quick shagging. It was my first since my girlfriend had left, nearly ten months back. We came together and lay in the afterglow. "Wow that was great ," Caroline declared. I told her she has lots to learn, as we lay cuddling up. Then my cock was beginning to stir. I asked Caroline to suck my cock. She looked shocked. I told her that if she wanted to try everything then that was apart of love making. Reluctantly she cautiously licked the head and a bit of the shaft. It took a bit of persuasion for her to take it into her mouth. She wasn't very good at it and I made a mental note that more training and practice was required. By this time my cock was rock hard. Caroline was about to lay back down when I told her no and positioned he on the edge of the bed on all fours. I walked around behind her an slowly pushed my cock back into her pussy. It wasn't long before she was instinctively started to push back into my cock as I thrust inwards. Caroline came well before me and collapsed flat on the bed. I followed her and managed to keep my cock buried in her. Now Knelt over her I pumped away until I came. We were soon asleep after our energetic activities. Next morning she was up and in a very bubbly mood. She kept thanking me for the fucking I had given her. I reminded her of what I had previously said that your only as good as your partner. "Teach me everything ," she demanded. After work I had a rummage in my loft area and came down and handed Caroline a book. "The Art of Great Sex". She sat for ages looking at all the pictures and diagrams. "have you done all these," she asked. I told her that I had not, but was willing to try any and all with her. She took a long time looking and reading the pages about oral sex. I see that look on her face that told a story all of it's own when she got to the section on anal sex. "Have you tried this," she asked. I told her a couple of times and she winced at the thought. When we went to bed that night she turned the light ON and stripped very quickly and dropped at my feet as I took my pants off. She stroked my cock and held it cautiously. It was like my cock was being examined by a doctor looking for problems. Then she tried wanking it. I gave her a little help and instruction and she was quickly doing a good job. I could see her licking her lips and without being asked, licked the tip of my cock then she opened her mouth and sucked the tip and a little more into her mouth. She closed hes lips around it and sucked. I very slowly moved my hips to fuck her face very gently. I didn't want to scare her off now she was doing it without being asked. She was getting quite good. She sucked for around ten minutes before stopping and getting up. I asked did she want me to lick her pussy. Yes please she quickly and enthusiastically answered. I lay her on the bed and licked her to and orgasm. When she calmed down I asked her what position she would like. She laughed and picked up the book and flicked through it and randomly picked a page. Like this she giggled. I got on the bed with her. The position was facing each other with the woman's legs capturing the man between them around his hips. Once in position Caroline fed my cock into her own pussy and we lay thrusting at each other and kissing whilst I played with her tits. Caroline was scraping her nails gently down my back. Then as things built up she suddenly dug her nails into my back and groaned as her pussy milked my cock. We lay for some while just cuddling. "What position shall we try next?" she asked me. Without looking at the book I told her page 69. She had read a lot of the book and now knew what that meant and laughed. Over many months we worked our way through the book. There were some that were practically impossible, but we gave them a try anyway. She had developed her oral skills and learnt to love both giving and receiving oral sex and was now very good at it. Then laying in bed one night she sat up and looked at me. "What?" I asked her. "How many women have you slept with?" she asked me. I lay thinking for several minutes before answering her. "About thirty," I replied. "No wonder your so good at sex," she said. Then she rolled me on my back and sucked my cock until it was good and hard and then straddled me and rode herself to an almighty orgasm that forced me to lurch into my own orgasm spilling my cum deep inside her lovely pussy. Then whilst we were laying quietly, "Have you ever had more than one woman at the same time?" she asked. I told her I had and asked what had brought this on. She sat up in bed and plumped her pillows up and laid back against them. Then a big huff and she blurted it out. "I was reading about a swinging group in Norfolk and what some of them had got up to. It just made me think that there are so many things I have never tried. I asked did she want to try them. She replied that she would like some of them. Now I was intrigued. I asked her to tell me more and what sort of thing would she like to try and what didn't she like the idea of. "Well I liked the sound of being with two men at the same time, so long as one of them was you. I have always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman, and again I would like to try it, but with you there. I read about a woman enjoying a cock in her bum while she was sucking her husband. I wouldn't like a stranger sticking his cock up my bum, but perhaps you could show me what it's like. I wouldn't like gang bangs or anything like that" she told me. I was shocked here was my Caroline, almost a virgin when I met her for the first time, now a strong sexual animal and beginning to lust for more variations in her sex life. "Which do you want to try first?" I asked her. "Well as we are alone together, perhaps you would try putting your cock in my bum," she asked. Well that's for another time perhaps. By the way Toby was hounded and beaten so many times he eventually moved away, abroad I think.
Written by J.J.

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