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Having my cake and eating it.

"I had to get my wife to repeat what she said and confirm she had told me I could sleep with Daisey"

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My wife was away looking after her sick mother.  I know it’s kind of cruel but I was beginning to wish she either got better or that she passed quickly.  It had been nearly three month since I had seen my wife and even longer since we last had sex.  We have a lot of friends who rallied around but as most of them are couples there is only so much they could or would do to help.


I was back home when a police vehicle arrived and the officer said that someone had wondered why my wife had vanished.  He was doing a welfare check.    After telling him that I felt the same, I explained that she was away at her mothers and gave him an address and phone number so he could confirm what I had told him.  He left happy with the details I gave him.  A few days later several neighbours were fussing around and offering help.


At thirty four the main help I needed was a damn good shag.  It was beginning to feel like years rather than months since I last had sex.  Whilst my wife would be happy missing out on sex, I had a much higher sex drive and was beginning to climb the walls.  It was a few days later that Daisy a single mum further up the street dropped by offering me some stew that was left over and telling me that if there was something else she could do to help all I had to do was call her.  I wanted to scream that it wasn’t stew I needed it was a good old fashioned shag.


As Daisy walked away I noticed that she had a rather cute bum that sort of wiggled when she walked.  It didn’t do me any good watching her and I considered a wank.  Later when my wife rang I told her about the neighbours and that Daisy had also called with a stew.  I heard a loud Mmmmm from my wife who informed me that Daisy was a single mum.  I told her that wasn’t anything I didn’t already know.  My wife said that she was probably looking for some company.  I told her I suppose so and left it at that.


The next day I returned Daisey’s pot and thanked her for the stew.  She immediately invited me in for coffee.  I was in two minds but said yes.  Daisey was two years younger than me and over coffee she told me that she had been on her own since her husband walked out on her and her son when he was very young.  Stupidly I told her I was sorry.  Daisey asked what I was sorry for as he had ran off with someone else, he hadn’t died he was just unfaithful.  During coffee Daisey put her hand on my knee and I thought that she was a bit forward, but there was nothing in it.  After coffee I returned home to do some work.  That night when my wife called I told her that I missed her and after other chatter I told her I had returned Daisey’s pot and had a coffee with her.   That provoked another Mmmmm.


Then my wife snapped that I’d be sharing a bed with her next.  I snapped back that at least I’d be sharing it with someone.  The call ended on bad terms.  First thing next morning my wife rang to apologise.  I think as much as apologising she was checking to see that I hadn’t done anything rash and go and sleep with Daisey.  We talked and I pointed out that I really did need my wife back.  We ended the call on much better terms.


Later the doorbell rang and Daisey was there inviting me to dinner along with her and her seven year old son.  I told myself it was just dinner and she was being neighbourly.  Besides her son would be there.   After dinner Daisey put her son to bed and read him a storey.  When she returned to me she offered me a brandy saying she was going to have one.  I thought why not and said yes.  I had only to walk eight doors down to my house.  Daisey put on some soft music as she poured two brandies and handed me one.  Then she sat with her brandy pretty close to me on the sofa.


We passed general conversation and then when my brandy was gone Daisey offered me more.  I declined and told Daisey that I should get back home.  With that Daisey lunged at me lips first and as I turned away I received a large kiss on the cheeks instead of the lips where Daisey had aimed.  As I eased her away I pointed out to her that I was married.  Daisey apologised and went a little red faced.  I think she was now glad that I had excused myself and left.


Later that evening my wife rang and asked where I had been earlier.  I told her about the meal with Daisey and her son and went on to tell her about the lunge and kiss on the cheeks.  I stressed that it was not returned and I had done nothing to cause it.  I went on to say that I had come home immediately afterwards.  My wife had been rather quiet as I told her about it.  Then she told me that there was some bad news and that her mother hadn’t improved and the doctor felt that things may not get much, if any, better.   I of course told her I was sorry and surely if that was how things were going to be, perhaps it was time that she considered her mother going into some sort of care facility.  My wife said she needed to be there a while longer before she took a decision like that.  I told her that I understood.


Well, I did understand it but I didn’t have to like it.  I really wanted my wife back and not just for a good shag.  I wanted someone warm in my bed.   I was just falling off to sleep when the phone went again.  My wife had rung back.  She asked what I thought of Daisey and I told her that Daisey was a pleasant enough woman that just wanted company and by her actions probably sex as well.  My wife asked if I liked her.  I said she was good looking and yes I liked her and what was she angling at.  My wife came right out with it.  If I’m not back soon would you like to make love with her.  I told my wife that as much as I might think about sex with Daisey or any other woman I am married and I would never cheat.


I was stunned when my wife said that it wouldn’t be cheating if she said I could make love with Daisey.  I think I coughed.  My wife continued that as long as it was just for sex I could see Daisey.  I had to get my wife to repeat what she had just said.  Even then I asked for confirmation that she had just given me permission to fuck Daisey.  My wife just said yes but its just sex and it stops as soon as I get home. 


A few days later Daisey arrived at my house.  She was still apologising for her kiss and I told her that I was flattered but shocked at the time it happened.  It was my turn to offer Daisey a drink.  As we had our drinks I told her what my wife had told me, the fact that she had given me permission to sleep with her but only until she returned from her mothers.  Just fifteen minuets later we were in my bedroom and I was between Daisey’s legs licking and sucking her pussy as she sucked my cock.  Then we had a rather frantic fuck that lasted just a few minutes.  After a short rest we were at it again.  This time it was a much more polished and calm as I fucked Daisey from behind.  It lasted quite a long time until we both came. 


As we lay cuddled together, Daisey was telling me after her husband she had a lover who she saw for a few years, but he eventually moved away.  That left Daisey without anyone for almost the last four years.  She said she was crawling up the walls needing a good fuck and had she not just had a good one she might have thrown herself at almost any male just to get fucked.  I told Daisey that I was glad I could help.  At that point Daisey suddenly jumped up and said she was late collecting her son and raced off, still dressing as she went.


Later that night when my wife rang, I straight away told her I had a confession to make.  My wife cut me short and told me she knew and I didn’t have to say anything more.  Instead, we talked about her mother and how things in general were.  After the call I went to bed.  The problem I find with sex is that it is like a drug, you have some and straight away you want more and more.  I ended up wanking something I hadn’t done for quite some while, and all the while I was thinking about Daisey and how we made love and that I wanted to do it again.


It was four days later when Daisey again offered me dinner.  I was round her house like a shot knowing that it wasn’t just dinner on the menu.  Straight after her son was in bed we were at it on her living room sofa, and then a second time over the dining room table.  I eventually went home a really happy man.  I discovered that I had a missed call from my wife and rang her back.  I tried to tell her that I had been at Daisey’s for dinner but my wife stopped me and told me that I needn’t try to apologise and that she understood.  She told me that from now on she would only call in the mornings assuming I wasn’t sleeping overnight at Daisey’s.  I told her that I would never do that as she has a young son and I didn’t want him thinking I was moving in or getting too tangled up with Daisey.


After that call I would see Daisey two or three times a week at either her house of an evening or mine during the daytime.  The biggest problem of day time shags was it disrupted my work as I work from home.  I ended up those days working later into the evenings to catch up.  My wife was good to her word and just rang most mornings.  She never once asked about Daisey or what we got up to or how often.  This went on for the next two months and then my wife started telling me there was improvements with her mother.  I wondered if it was wishful thinking, but my wife assured me she was beginning to improve. 


The improvements seemed to continue for the next month, and then I was being told that if they continued at the same rate my wife may be able to return home.  My wife was predicting six to eight more weeks.  That evening when I shagged Daisey I told her that things would come to an end when my wife returned and that could be six to eight weeks time.  I could see a look of disappointment in Daisey’s face.  Then she told me if that was the case she would have to make the most of me while she could.  She was quickly down on me sucking my cock to get it hard again.  Over the next eight weeks we shagged almost daily and sometimes twice a day.


Then I had a long drive to go and get my wife.  I had spent the whole night with Daisey the night before as we thought that was our last time together.  I got to her mother’s house to be greeted by her mother opening the door for me.  I was amazed that not so many months back they hadn’t expected her to get any better and here she was almost fully recovered from the stroke.  My wife had set up a carer to keep an eye on her mother and help with things she couldn’t do, but in the main she was more than fit enough to live on her own again.  I stayed the night and enjoyed a good fuck with my wife.


On the drive home my wife asked about Daisey and I told her that I had seen Daisey for the last time the night before coming to fetch her home.  I told my wife that I had told Daisey that it was the last time.  My wife asked what about if she had to return to my mother.  I told my wife that if or when it happens we would have to discuss it as I wouldn’t just cheat on her.  My wife was quiet for a long while as I drove.  We must have gone over twenty miles when my wife said she had been thinking about it.  I asked what had she had thought about, and I was told me sleeping with Daisey.  I asked what about it and was stunned by her reply.  How would you like to continue seeing Daisey she asked.  Then to make sure there was no ambiguity my wife added sleeping with Daisey.  I said but your coming home.


My wife said that she has known for years that I would like sex more often than she does and that I had struggled to remain faithful.  She said that it wouldn’t be like for the first time with Daisey and at least she would know where I was and who I was with.  The only stipulation my wife wanted to make was no more sleeping in our bed, once she was sleeping in it with me.  I quickly agreed to my wife’s demand and asked how the rest of it would work and my wife told me that was for me to work out with Daisey.


A few days after I was back with my wife, I saw Daisey and told her what my wife had said.  Daisey was thrilled that she hadn’t just lost her latest lover already.  We agreed that I could only visit her after her son was in bed, or away with his grandparents or at school as it had to happen at her house rather than mine.  That night I asked my wife what she thought was the best for her, and she said she was ok with any of them so long as she wasn’t on her own night after night.  I agreed that would be totally unfair and told her that wouldn’t happen.  We agreed that no more than two or three evenings in any month which left mainly during the days or on odd occasions at weekends. 


I tried to be discreet and even tried to meet Daisey without my wife knowing but quickly we discovered that it was practically impossible to keep it from my wife.  Keeping it from Daisey’s son was much easier.  Several months went by and I was enjoying getting sex from both my wife and my lover.  Daisey was definitely happy with things, and one evening I decided to see if my wife was still ok with things.  I was pleased to find my wife was happy and surprised that I wasn’t seeing Daisey more than I was.  I told my wife that I didn’t want to rub her nose in it and besides I was quite happy with what I now had. 


Life was good for all three of us and it stayed that way for almost a year.  Then sadly my wife’s mother had another smaller stroke and I had to take my wife back up to stay with her mother.  Back home I was having sex almost daily with Daisey and even the occasional evening.  My wife, like before, would ring early mornings.  She asked how things were with Daisey and I told my wife things were ok.  She told me she was glad as she though she would be there for a few months at least.  I told her take as much time as she needed as it was her mother and not to worry about me.   Besides Daisey was taking good care of me.


My wife had been away for almost a month when Daisey’s son was going away with his grandparents for a week.  As I still had work and calls from my wife Daisey all but moved in for the week.  The sex was great of course but the companionship and warmth of someone in bed with me was even better.  I didn’t dare tell my wife how I felt, or Daisey in case she got to liking it too much.               As soon as her son was back we went back to seeing each other during the days or evenings when he was in bed. 


My wife started talking as if she would be there a long time or even permanently.  She told me that at least I would be ok with Daisey.  I kept telling her that I wanted her back.  As much as I enjoyed Daisey, and I did enjoy Daisey, I still wanted my wife.  To that end I talked about finding a bigger house so her mother could come and live with us instead of being so far away from us.  My wife came around to the idea and although her mother didn’t want to move south, she realised that my wife and I couldn’t keep living separately like this, and eventually agreed it would be for the best.  I started house hunting around our area for a large enough house where we could have a granny flat so that my Mother in law could have her independence if she did get back to looking after herself.  That way we wouldn’t have to totally care for her.


In the next two months I must have looked at dozens of houses.  Finally, I found one that was just right.  It had a granny flat and it also had another living area that could be let out as it was self-contained.  I quickly told my wife and sent her photos and was told to buy it if I thought it was right for us.  I made a cheeky offer and to my surprise it was accepted.  The only downfall was it was the opposite side of town to Daisey which would mean that I would have to travel more.  My wife’s mother was on the mend again as the sale went through.  It was hard work getting the new house set up and Daisey spent as much time as she could to help me with it.


My wife’s mother was now fit enough to travel and to live pretty much unaided.  I travelled to collect my wife and her mother and oversee her belongings being packed up and shipped to our new home.  My wife was very excited at seeing our new home and her mother’s granny flat.  The following day we were in our new home and my wife was impressed at just what we had done to get it all ready.  Her mother was also happy that all her stuff fitted in her new flat and it was warm and comfortable for her.  The only ones not so happy was myself and Daisey as we were struggling to find times when we could meet.  It was a bit different from walking eight houses down the road.


We struggled with things for around three months.  Then my wife’s mother had yet another stroke.  My wife was pretty tied up with her mother again.  I was also busy as I had redecorated the additional living areas.  It was a two bedroom flat with all amenities, including a separate lounge, dining area and even a small garden.  I was looking into which estate agent to put it with.  Then one night in bed my wife told me there was a better solution to all our problems.  I asked what she meant and she told me that I should move Daisey into the flat.  I asked was that wise under her mother’s nose.  My wife said her mother wouldn’t be a problem.


When I told Daisey she was thrilled at the idea.  She had helped clean the flat and knew what she would be getting as well as a new flat.  She wanted to know what rent we wanted as she paid her own rent where she was now and wanted to still be independent.  I had the flat valued for both sale and also for rent.  When I told Daisey what the estate agent had said she was over the moon, even at the full rent suggested, it was less than what she was already paying.  I was now doing a third house move as Daisey moved in.  Her son loved the flat and his new room.  My wife had decided that Daisey and the lad could use any of the garden area including our part and I took down the dividing fence. 


Things were great for another four years as I had my wife living with me and my lover just the other side of a wall.  My mother in law was also fairly good and kept pretty much to herself.  I helped out with all the repairs for the mother in law as well as for Daisey.  The only extra thing I had to do was take the mother in law shopping every other Thursday night.  Then sadly the mother in law had a big stroke and there was no chance of coming back from this one, but she did survive it.  My wife was busy with giving her care and even with some medical and social support workers help it had my wife tied up most of the time.  I kept myself busy with work and with Daisey.  Then the mother in law had one last stroke and passed away.  It was sad but she had at least had good care in her last days of life and she had her daughter with her. 


After the funeral we now had a large house and just four of us in it.  My wife said she wanted us to stay as it was where her mother saw out the rest of her life.  She also said that my affair with Daisey had far less impact on us as there was no sneaking around or travelling.  Although he wasn’t my son Alan spent quite a lot of time with me, helping with maintenance on the house.  We became good friend over the next ten years and I often wondered if he knew I was seeing his mother.   At the age of eighteen he went off to university.


My wife was quite happy for me to spend whole nights with Daisey now so long as she had her share of me as well.  We had to be careful when Alan was home, but otherwise I had free range over two bedrooms.   Near the end of his university time, Alan brought a girlfriend home.  She was a nice girl and we were told that after university they planned to live together and get married and have kids.  While my wife and Daisey fussed around with the girl I took the lad to the pub.  We had a long chat about all sorts of things from what he wanted from life to how he intended to support himself and a wife.  He seemed to have it all planned out.


Then he shocked me when he told me that he knew I was having sex with his mother.  I didn’t know what to say.  He told me that he knew I made his mother happy, he just hoped that I never hurt her.  I asked what he meant.  He said that he knew I was married and that his mother was just a bit on the side.  He said that he was worried that if my wife ever caught us his mother would suffer for out infidelity.  I assured him that would never happen.  He seemed happy with my assurances.


After he had moved out after university ended, I helped him decorate and move into his flat with his girlfriend.  My wife seemed very happy and one evening said she wanted to talk with me about our situation.  I thought here it comes.  I was ready for the worst.  Instead, my wife suggested that we absorb the granny flat into the main house and move Daisey in with us.  Then we could rent out Daisey’s flat.  I couldn’t believe she wanted to move my lover in with us, but that was what she was proposing.  I went and brough Daisey round to talk to us about it.  Daisey was also stunned that my wife was happy to live alongside my lover.  My wife pointed out that there had been no issues with us living next door and that the two of them had become friends with each other.


That happened eight years ago and now rather than the eight doors away I once travelled to see her, and then next door when we first moved to this house, now I just travel from one bedroom to another.  It felt a bit awkward at first, but now there is a bit of a joke between them that when they want my company they hang a pair of their panties on their door knob to tell me which room to go into.  It hasn’t happened yet that there are panties on both doors.  I’m not sure what I would do if there were, but I’m pretty sure they both have that sorted.


It was strange when Daisey and I had a talk with her son to explain the new arrangement.  He seemed ok with it and thanked me for looking after his mum.  I assured him it was my pleasure.  Afterwards I asked Daisey does he realise that I sleep with both you and my wife.  She stayed over in his flat that night and when she returned she told me that he did understand and although he thought it a bit different he was happy if it worked for us and she was safe, well and happy.  Daisey assured him she was all of that and more.


I must say, from what had been dire days when my wife was away with her mother, to today where I have a good loving wife as well as a live in lover, things couldn’t be better. The fact that Daisey’s son accepts us as we are, is the icing on the cake.  I really do get my cake and eat it.

Written by Tony

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