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Horsing around

"Her horses got loose and I helped round them up and ended up rounding on her."

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I had seen this beautiful woman riding her horses around the lanes where I live. She was in her early thirties as was I. The nearest I had been to her was when I had said good, as she rode past. On several occasions I had mused to myself what lucky animals the horses were to have that magnificent woman riding them, if only she would ride me. It was December in 2014 and although no snow had fallen it looked as if it was on the way. It was bitterly cold. I had the fire roaring and was about to sit down with my TV dinner when I heard noises outside. I went out to find a horse in my garden eating some of the grass and weeds at the edge of the garden. I quietly closed the gate so as not to spook the horse. I found a rope and went and got a carrot. I formed a loop in the rope to put over the horses head to make a temporary bridle. I showed the horse the carrot and he was quick to come and get it. I slipped the rope over his head. I knew where the woman lives, so I tied the horse to a bench in my Barn that I had converted to a workshop and garage and shut the door. I drove almost a mile to the woman's house and knocked the door. She was surprised to see me and was shocked when I told her that I thought I had one of her horses in my garage. She quickly got dressed in her riding gear and came out into the yard leaving a disinterested husband watching TV. She discovered that there were two other horses missing, someone had deliberately let the horses out as all three stables were wide open. We could see the first horse the far side of the yard. The woman who had introduced herself as Jasmine, Jazz for short, took a bridle and slipped it onto the horse and led him back to his stable and locked him in. I suggested that If she took a couple of bridles I could drive the only other lane the horse could have taken and we could walk the two back to the stables. As I drove around the lane with Jazz sat next to me, she was thanking me for my help, when I spotted the second horse. It wasn't far from my house across just one field. So Jazz having got the horse in her bridle walked the horse to my house whilst I drive round the lanes back to my house. She beat me there. I parked and went to her, just as the heavens opened. Fortunately it was rain and not snow. We quickly put the horse in the barn along side his wandering friend and then dashed indoors out of the rain. Jazz telephoned her husband to say she had the horses and was holed up due to the rain, but would make her way back as soon as the rain slowed or stopped. He again seemed disinterested or not concerned about anything. I had a kettle on the go and offered Jazz some tea while we waited for the rain to subside. Jazz had removed her wet coat and was looking for somewhere to hang it. I took it from her and hung it on some hooks by the fire I used to dry stuff on. She said yes to some tea and sat by the fire on the sofa. She had a magnificent figure, and I recalled seeing her bounce up and down on her horse with her tits bouncing and her hair blowing around in the wind as she galloped along, As I handed her some tea I asked her about her husbands lack of interest. Jazz burst unto floods of tears. Between the tears she managed to tell me that she wished she had never married him. He had moved in with her, in the house and land she had inherited from her parents and almost immediately turned bone idle and refused to do anything that was not directly for himself. When she had asked him to leave he had refused and said he had squatters rights. I put my arm around her to comfort her saying that I could never hurt a beautiful woman like her. She turned to kiss me on the cheek, but as I had also moved it landed on my lips and then I pulled her in tight as I pushed my tongue past her lips and into her mouth. She moaned even with my tongue in her mouth then pushed her tongue into my mouth. I cupped one of her delicious tits in my hand as we kissed. I felt a shiver run through her and it definitely wasn't due to the cold weather as the lounge was quite warm as we sat in the glow from the fire kissing each other. I pulled away and stood pulling Jazz to her feet and hooked my thumbs into her riding britches and pulled them down to her knees. She had a tiny red pair of panties that I quickly pulled down to meet the britches. I turned her around and bent her over and she was kneeling on the sofa and supporting herself on the back of the sofa. I quickly took out my cock and took aim and slowly pressed against her pussy lips. Then it broke in and slid halfway into her pussy. Jazz moaned loudly at the intrusion, but pushed back to gain more cock. Then we were trusting our genitals at each other in a race to orgasm. Jazz just piped me to the post and shook quite uncontrollably through her orgasm. I followed by spraying my cum inside her pussy. We redressed and sat talking as I replaced the tea that had gone cold. She told me that she hadn't had sex for almost all of the four years she had been married and this was her first indiscretion. I promised her that it would be far from her last if I had anything to do with it. The tea forgotten again, I took her to my bed where we both disrobed and she lay like the beauty she is on my bed as I crawled up between her legs and took her pussy lips into my mouth. Jazz was moaning and thrashing around on my bed as I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and played with it with my tongue. "Fuck me, please fuck me," she begged. This beauty begging me to fuck her. I crawled up her body and slipped right in up to my ball with the help of the previous load I had left acting as lubrication. Her legs wrapped around me as we started a steady rhythm of thrusting our pelvises at each other. It lasted much longer than the first fuck and we came together with Jazz again shaking from head to toe as she came. We rested a while cuddled to each other. Then she reminded me that we needed to get her horses home. We dressed and putting our coats on, went outside. The rain had stopped. We put the bridles on both horses and walked them, about a mile, to her house and into their stables. Jazz put some extra feed down for them and checked their water. As she bent doing one of her chores I stroked her arse, giving me a slight boner, even after having fucked her twice. Then we went inside and Jazz called across to her husband, "Thanks for your help." He mumbled something to her and then spotted me. "What you doing here again," he asked. I replied much more than he was, which obviously annoyed him. "Well you can go now," he snapped. I told him I would go when Jazz wanted me to go. I could see he was getting very annoyed now. "You leave my house when I tell you," he snapped in an intimidating manor. I was having none of it and responded by saying don't you mean Jazz's house. He had gone quite red and stood out of his chair. He was short, fat and flabby unlike myself as I keep myself in shape and am 6' 1" tall. I told him to shut up and sit down before he hurt himself. He grunted something and sat down realizing he wasn't going to win any war on words, let alone any physical fights. I could see Jazz grinning at the treatment her husband was getting from me, and decided to apply some additional pressure by offering me a drink. I accepted and she poured us two large glasses of brandy saying that it would keep the cold out. We sat together on the sofa, which seemed to upset her husband even more. Then we could hear the rain falling heavily again. "Well you can't walk home in that," Jazz told me, "You'd be soaked long before you got home. We sat drinking our brandy and talking about the horses, which up until now I had never had any interest in, and how the horses could have got out. Her husband was grumbling to himself. The rain hadn't ended, so Jazz poured us a further glass of brandy. Then in a bold move she declared that we should take them to bed as the rain was in for the night. She led me by the hand up the stairs and into her bedroom. She quickly stripped off her clothes and I followed her example and we slipped under the Duvet cuddling. I particularly enjoyed her breasts pressing into my chest as we kissed. "That's my bed," her husband said. He had followed us up stairs. "No it's my bed, and it's my house and if you don't like it you can get out. Otherwise there's a spare room and from now on you can pay for you keep. Now get out!" she shouted at him. He mumbled something but left and pulled the door almost closed. Jazz burst out in a giggle. Then we were kissing again. It took some while before my cock was hard enough to go for reentry, but eventually it was there and I slipped my legs between her legs and slipped my cock into her pussy. We lay rocking together as we kissed. Jazz was moaning between kisses and even more so when I sucked her tits as we continued to rock our groins together. I could sense movement outside the bedroom door. Her husband was watching me fucking his wife. This seemed to make my cock harder and I sucked her tits with renewed enthusiasm and I moaned at my pleasure as I pumped harder at her pussy. Then Jazz came noisily as she shook her head from side to side. I pumped her all the way through her orgasm and then felt my own orgasm and came deep inside her pussy. After recovering Jazz sat up in bed with her beautiful tits above the duvet and took a swig of her brandy. I sat up and followed her in taking some more brandy. "That was fantastic," she said nodding towards the door. I could just make out her husband through the crack in the door where he had opened it slightly. "Yes, I think that was the best fuck I have ever had. Your the most beautiful women I have ever had the pleasure of fucking," I told Jazz, making sure that her husband had definitely heard. She turned to me and kissed me and said she wanted me to fuck her again and every day from now on. We saw slight movement and heard him try to go quietly down stairs, so that we didn't know he was watching. Once he was gone, Jazz giggled and said that it was time he felt some hurt. We finished our drinks, cuddled up while kissing and eventually drifted off to sleep. I woke with Jazz stroking my cock. It was late Sunday morning. We had both slept in. She kissed me and said, "Morning sleepy head, did I wear you out." I told her that it was the best way ever to be worn out. My cock hadn't woken yet. Jazz offered to suck it, but I told her that there was plenty of time for that in the future, but I had a task that I had to do this morning. Jazz asked me to go along with her when we got down stairs. As we got to the lounge, her husband had left his breakfast stuff still on the kitchen table and was already watching a film on TV. Jazz made a point of giving me a long sexy kiss as I fondled her delicious bottom. "What do you want for breakfast, you must keep your energy up if you are going to fuck me some more later," she told me, making sure her husband must have heard. "You also need your energy to pack your things and move in later," she said. "He's not moving in," her husband snapped. Jazz told him in no uncertain way that whether he liked it or not I would be moving in permanently. He went to get up and confront Jazz. I quickly put myself between them, and told him that I was now the man of the house and his rent will be due on Friday. I turned to Jazz and kissed her. I told her I would skip breakfast and go home and start packing and would be back as soon as I could. If he was any trouble I would sort him out well and truly when I returned. Another kiss and I left and started walking home. Once home I got two suitcases from my cupboard and filled them with anything to hand and put them in the car and drove back to Jazz's house. Her husband was watching TV, surprise surprise. I just walked in the back door and set my cases down and call to Jazz. She came down from her bedroom and quickly kissed me. "Put your stuff up in the wardrobes I have emptied for you," she instructed me. I took them up to her bedroom. there were three cases already on the bed. I lifted them off. Two were quite heavy. Jazz asked me to take them downstairs. I took the heaviest two and set them down in the lounge. "What you doing with those," her husband asked. Jazz quickly answered telling him it was all his stuff, and as he wasn't granted access to her bedroom any more, she needed space for me to move my stuff into our bedroom. "Where am I meant to put it?" he asked. Jazz said that she had several suggestions, but he wouldn't like any of them. I fetched the last case from her room and set it with the others. On seeing this he finally moved his fat body from his chair and grumbling under his breath took one case out to his car. I carried the other two out and sat them next to his car as he put the first one into the boot. Jazz followed me out and as he turned to get the next case, "Keys," she said, "I want my house keys back." He was going to argue, but I told him that If he didn't hand them over I would change all the locks first thing on Monday morning, so there was no point in keeping them. He took them off his key ring and threw them at Jazz. She made a point of handing them to me in front of her husband. He put the other two cases in his car and we watched as he drove away. We went back indoors and celebrated by me shagging Jazz on the lounge sofa. I told Jazz that I thought it might be a good idea if I stayed over for a few nights in case he came back. She quickly agreed. He never did come back and I never really went home. We rented out my house and I have lived with Jazz ever since. I might even marry her.
Written by Joe

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