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How did it begin? 5

"The conversation just got better."

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We'd been trying out a different way of communicating, since the introduction of a language control idea. Wild, liked it, so far. Wild was now the alter ego of the nervous 23 year old, whose beast of a bf had basically dumped her. But, she couldn't get rid of him, as he was the father of two children that they had. Her desire to want to explore her darker side with him, had been met with total derision. Laughed at, ridiculed and dumped, apart from when he wanted a f*ck. I'd asked where he was these days. He apparently had gone home to his parents, to his mum's, to cause mayhem tyere and to play permanently on xbox gaming with internet mates...and fishing. "So how're you feeling, wild?" I asked after a few days of suggesting the language changes . "Sir, I...oops...this sub is feeling very different inside her...damn!!! its head, Sir. Sir, Sorry for the mistakes, Sir." " you're doing well, wild. I'm pleased that you're trying to make the effort and using the changes. And what's the feeling like? " "Sir, it's a feeling that I like, Sir. Sir, you're making to go further, Sir." " you used an " I", wild. Please keep thinking and checking, if you want to continue using this idea. " "Sir, this sub does, Sir. Sir, it feels hungry for more, Sir. Sir, Is there more?" " Yes, wild, there is. you'll have noticed something else too when I've replied to you. Any reference to you, starts with a lower case letter at the beginning of a sentence, or for your name, constantly. you, wild, must use an upper case letter for any word when referring to Me, wherever that word is in a sentence. Now, if you want to ask a question... you're already beginning to use Sir, in the correct add a delightful little suffix every time you ask something. you add, "...if it pleases You, Sir." Notice the capital letters too. " "Sir, yes Sir. So if I...shit...this sub wanted to ask about going out clubbing with my...drat...its mates, it could use the thing on the end of the question then, Sir." "Yes, always after every kind of question. Is there a club weekend coming up, wild?" " Sir, there is, Sir. Sir it's mum's weekend with the kids, Sir. " "Ask then. See if you can do it. I forgot to say that if you really like this control, and we carry on using it, then you have two weeks to get it right and master it." " Two weeks??? Sorry...forgetting myself...bugger!!! i said myself...and now just said I, Sir. Sometimes this sub feels on a roll, and is pleased when it gets things right, But goes off the rails whenever it thinks too fast. " "I'm smiling as I read your words, wild. you're working well and I can see that you want to do this. Perfection comes with more use, so keep at it. Now, think, and ask that question, like a gooood little girl." Sir, this subs toes curl up when it reads that you've written that it's a good girl, Sir. " "Delicious, wild. The question. Composed?" " Sir, yes, Sir. Sir, this sub has a chance to meet up with its mates this weekend, Sir. Sir, could this sub be allowed to meet with them, din t pleases you, Sir? " "Well done!!! Very nearly perfect, wild. I shall mull over your request, whilst you explain where you were thinking of going." " Sir, two mates and it were hoping to meet here, have drinks, then taxi into town, go a few bars meet another girl and then club, Sir. " "Is this a good group, wild." " Sir, yes Sir. Sir we've been mates since school, Sir. " "Very well. I give you permission to go out with your mates on condition that you allow Me, to choose what you wear, based on what we've said before. " "Sir?" " What was that, wild? " Sir, a kind of question, Sir. " "And how do you ask a question, wild? " There was a pause in the chat. "Sir, this sub would like to know what it has to do if you choose its clothes, if it pleases You, Sir? " "Excellent, wild. your effort paid off. If you want to continue with control, then maybe some time before your night out, you send images of you wearing three outfits, for Me to choose for you. " Quiet again. Had she gone to the loo? "Sir, this sub...Your property, would really like you to choose its clothes for the night out." I re read the line...she had just taken a huge step, if I read it correctly.
Written by pigden__user

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