When at University I had numerous relationships and affairs with both men and women. I was inwardly happy with being bi, however coming out was a different matter 40 years ago.
I ended up marrying long term girlfriend Angie (5ft, lovely tits, filthy mind and great arse) and we honeymooned by island hoping in Greece. It was whilst on Mykonos that my bi tendencies resurfaced late one evening when I sucked a beautiful Greek cock around the harbour area.
Fast forward a couple of years and we had bought our first house. Even though we had good jobs we had overspent and were skint. A good friend of mine Carl would often come around with beer, wine and cigs, at least giving us some sort of social life.
On one occasion Carl suggested strip poker and we all thought it would be fun. We got down to our underwear when Angie bottled.it. She did say that if we got pissed the night after she would give it another go and intimated we could go much further. I really fancied Carl so I thought game on!
The following night Angie got dressed in her sexiest bra and thong, high heels, pull up stockings and tarty makeup . Angie answered the door to Carl and we were soon necking the wine and out came the deck of cards.
Me and Carl were down to our underwear and Angie was loving it, egging us on to get naked. Angie lost the next hand and I dared Carl to remove her bra. He soon unclipped her, commenting on her rock hard nipples. Next hand I lost and removed my underwear, revealing my 7 inch cock, noted for its thickness. Carl suddenly dropped his, shocking me and Angie with the size of his 9 inch monster dick. The sexual tension was electric with Angie suggesting we played dares and immediately set Carl the task of removing her thong.
He was surprised by her full dark bush and immediately dared her to shave. II set him the dare and she loved the sensation of being shaved by Carl who played with her erect clit whilst sensitivity going about his business. Her pussy looked amazing and she was now craving cock. The dares were coming thick and fast, with lots of mutual wanking, fingering, frenzied kissing, oral, rimming and face sitting. I dared Angie to sit astride Carl rubbing her cunt up and down his hard shaft, without letting him enter her.
It didn’t take Angie long to moan out loud and cum on his cock. Angie was now lost in lust and turned around saying ‘is one of you going to fuck me?’ I handed Carl a condom, offering to sheath his cock for him. Angie stated no condoms, wanting bareback. Carl got behind her and slipped his 9 inch cock into her shaven cunt, fucking her with long strokes. I got underneath, allowing Angie to suck on my cock. I started to lick her and Carl’s cock as his fucking got harder and deeper. Angie was moaning out loud and coming hard. Carl dumped a big load in my wife, enabling me to drink his cum and clean his softening cock off. I shot my load into Angie’s mouth who then snowballed the contents into both mine and Carl’s eager mouths. We were knackered and went to bed for more fun and to discuss how we take this turn of events further.