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I woke to a beauty in my bed

"Fiona told him that she was not only with someone, but fucking and about to come."

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The last thing I could remember was being in a really crowded pub watching the footy.  Our team was winning, and everyone was in good spirits in more ways than one.  I had eyed up one of the bar maids and tried my luck with her.  She was quick in letting me down gently. Then two lads were trying their luck with her.  One of them was minted and I thought that I would stand no chance against someone like him.  He was loud and giving it some as well as throwing money around as he ordered round after round of drinks.


Then I was waking up and there lay the barmaid next to me.  I watched her beautiful face as she breathed in and out and then her tits that were only partially covered as they rose and fell.  I tried wracking my brain as to how I got home and how come she was in my bed.  The next conundrum was what was her name and did we?  I rolled to her and put my hand up on one of her breasts.  She didn’t flinch so I snuggled up to her.  Now she moved and she opened her eyes and moved away to face me.


Stupidly I said, “Good morning,” and she smiled at me and asked me to turn away as she got out of bed and went to the toilet.  I did initially shut my eyes, but as she went to leave the room I peeped at her back and gorgeous arse as she disappeared from view.  I wondered what if anything I was wearing and peeked under the bedclothes to see that I was naked.  I wondered how I got that way.  Did I undress or did she undress me.  I noticed that both her and my clothes were in a pile my side of the bed.  I was thinking that she had to come back for her clothes, if nothing else and I would get a better look at her then.


She was soon back, and she realised that I was looking straight at her, and she quickly got under the covers again to hide her body from me.  I was asking how we came to be in bed together and what her name was as I took in the gorgeous shape of her body and that her pussy bush matched the hair on her head, dark brown, before she was under the covers.  It was now that she told me that her name was Fiona and that we had arrived at my humble home in a taxi.  I said something about not remembering getting a taxi.  Fiona laughed and told me that I hadn’t actually called the taxi, she had.  Then she told me that I had paid for it.  She corrected herself as she told me that she had taken my wallet out of my pocket to find something with my address on it so she could tell the taxi where to take me.  She confessed that she also took fifteen pounds out of it to pay for the trip.


I asked where my wallet was now, and Fiona told me it was back in my trousers.  It was now that Fiona told me that she had rowed with her boyfriend and needed somewhere to crash for the night, if not longer.  I quickly told Fiona that she could stay as long as she liked.  Fiona pointed out that I only had one bed although the house had two bedrooms.  It was now that I got up the courage to ask, “Did we errr…”  Fiona asked didn’t I remember.  I had to confess that I couldn’t remember, and asked had she undressed me?  Fiona told me that she had undressed me,and as she undressed, I rolled back over onto the side I was now, hence why Fiona was now on the opposite side to her clothes.


I told Fiona that I had cheated and looked as she left the room and again as she returned, and she had a fantastic body, especially her bum and tits.  Fiona went a little red.  Then talk about saved by the bell, Fiona’s phone started ringing.  It was my side of the bed and Fiona climbed over me to get to her bag that was under her clothes.  She moved back a bit and ended up squarely on top of me as she indicated to me to be quiet.  She was straddled me as she answered the call.


I was apparent quite quickly that it was her boyfriend as straight away he was quizzing her as to where she was.  Fiona lied that she had stayed with one of her friends.  The call deteriorated and was quickly turning into a full-scale row again.  With Fiona on top of me and her tits dangling not far from my face I instinctively reached up and took hold of one of her beautifully formed tits.  Fiona gently smacked my hand but didn’t remove it, so my other hand reached out and grasped the other tit.


I heard the faintest of groans leave her lips.  It was lucky her boyfriend was going off on one, so he didn’t hear the groan.  I could feel my cock slowly uncoiling itself and pushing against Fiona’s bush.  Fiona’s hand went down between us and held my cock away from her pussy as she gave her boyfriend a mouthful of abuse back.  It was during the torrent of abuse that I raised my head and took one of Fiona’s nipples into my mouth and sucked on it.  Fiona went to gasp but managed to turn it into something that resembled a cough.  Fiona’s boyfriend came back at her with more abuse and accusations.  As I sucked, I could feel my cock pulsing in Fiona’s hand as she had a fairly firm grip on it.


I continued to suck first one tit and then the other.  As the argument continued and Fiona was reaching a peak, I could feel her rubbing my cock head against her clitty.  My poor cock was now straining hard in her hand.  I heard Fiona say, “It would serve you right if I had slept with someone else.”  A torrent of abuse was hurled right back at Fiona who just said, “Fuck you.”  Then she slipped my cock into her pussy and slipped all the way down it until I was balls deep in her pussy as she ended the call.  As Fiona placed the phone on the bedside table she told me, “Well don’t just lay there, fuck me.”  I was quickly humping at her from below, as she rose and dropped onto my cock.  I continued to suck her gorgeous tits as we humped.


It wasn’t the best fuck I had ever had, but it was the most unexpected and exciting.  We were both reaching our own climaxes as her phone started to ring again.  Fiona was gasping far too hard from her climax to answer it as she picked it up again.  Fiona was now climbing off me laying on her front next to me as she looked at her phone.


“What!  What do you want now.  Whatever it is you’re too late.”  I couldn’t hear the reply, but it was lengthy, and not what Fiona wanted to hear as she was quickly giving him another mouthful.  As they argued I could feel that my cock hadn’t gone completely soft, and it was even beginning to grow again.  It was my turn to straddle Fiona.  My cock was quickly between her legs and rubbing along her hot wet crack as I used it to excite my cock some more. The argument raged on as I got harder and harder.  I was working my cock in her crack and touching her clitty on each thrust between her legs.


Fiona suddenly let out a long groan.  Her boyfriend had heard it this time and accused her of being with someone.  Fiona lost it with him and told him that she was, and that her lover was a better fuck than he was.  She sort of wiggled her arse as my cock slid along her crack again.  This time as I slid back, I used my hand to steer my cock, and slid straight back into her hot little pussy.  Fiona groaned loudly and I heard her boyfriend ask was she with someone now, and Fiona told him that she was not only with someone, but he was fucking her as she was talking to him.  The abuse was loud as Fiona ended the call for the second time.


This was a better fuck as I ploughed in and out and Fiona pushed back greeting my cock as it penetrated her pussy with each thrust.  The phone rang yet again, and Fiona answered it to a loud gasp.  Then she let him have it.  “I’m about to come so unless you want to hear it you had better fuck off and leave me alone while I arghhhh.”  Fiona dropped the phone as I ploughed through her orgasm to my own orgasm and dumped a second creamy load in her pussy.  The second fuck was a much better fuck with a much better orgasm.


It was my turn to roll off Fiona and I lay watching her still gasping for air.  She looked absolutely fantastic as she recovered, and I told her so.  Fiona picked up her phone again and listened, but he had rung off.  “Looks like you’re stuck with me for a bit,” Fiona informed me.  I again told Fiona that she could stay as long as she liked as long as I got to enjoy looking at her and fucking her.  I couldn’t believe it, but Fiona asked me to look the other way as she got up and dressed.  I thought it funny, but nice that she was shy even after I had looked at just about every part of her and sucked her tits and fucked her twice.


That was sixteen years ago.  It was two years after that night and morning that we married and another three years later still before the first of our three years was born.  Even now, Fiona still prefers to get undressed in the dark and asks me to look away when she is naked.  The moment that she gets aroused I can look and do just about anything I like with her, but afterwards she goes all shy again and I still love her for it.  Over the years the sex has just got better and better and I still thank my lucky stars that Fiona had decided to spend the night with me.  She still never told me if we had made love that first night.

Written by Lucky Ken

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