this happened approximately 15-17 years ago. my wife worked in a well known supermarket in a suburb of our home town.
she was dressed in a smart uniform consisting of a multicoloured blouse/jacket and straight knee length skirt.
i often asked her to wear stockings and suspenders which she was not completely opposed to.
At this time my wife was about 49-50 years of age (and to me still a very desirable woman).
There was young man who joined the staff, and was very quiet, keeping to himself, he worked hard and did as he was asked too.
After about six months my wife and the young man would have breaks together in the staff room, she told me he always tried to steer the conversation onto the subject of sex.
I replied she should let him do just that and try to find out his intentions, at first she refused saying "why would i want to do that, i'm happy with what i have". I replied "you never know it could be fun for you, it could be fun for him and it could be fun for me"
A month later i arrived to pick her up at 2pm. we decided we would do some shopping in store. i asked her where he was "he's probably picking some stock out in the back of the store" i told her to walk through the back of the store and go to the staff room and make it look like she was retrieving something from her locker. she said "why" i said trust me if he sees you he will make a beeline for you.
She asked me "and what if he does follow me, what then" i replied "well, turn around back to your locker and undo the top button of your jacket, and make sure he can see your boobs". Off she went as i watched her walk through the shop and into the rear of the store. it was abut ten minutes when she returned with her face looking slightly reddish. I knew instantly some had happened. She walked upto me and asked "well, are we ready, have we got everything?" . "well what happened" i asked. "i'll tell you in the car". with a smile on her face.
we paid at the till and left the store, putting the food in the boot of the car.
when we where on the main road i asked her "so what happened?"
she said when she went through to the staff room she opened the locker and she heard him come in behind her.
She undid the top button of her jacket and and widened it. she thought "maybe a bit too much".
he said to her "you know you make me horny" she replied "don't be silly i am old enough to be your mother". "but i don't want my mother, i want you!!" , "well, you can't have me because i am married". she then told me that he moved his right hand towards her chest and placed his big finger inside her right bra cup and stroked her nipple. "you really are a sexy woman and i want you as soon as is possible" "give over my husband is in the shop". it was 3 days before she was back in work and again he made a beeline for her. "well, have you made up your mind?" my wife replied "made my mind up about what?" "about me and you getting together", she explained "you know me and my husband do everything and go everywhere together, so how is it possible?" , "i don't care if he is with you or not i want you".
she went on doing her work, and soon her shift was at an end.
she came over to see what we were buying for tea. we put some items in the basket.
I said go to the staff room again but this time when he comes in just engage in small talk. then i want you to give a small screech. he will obviously want to know why. tell him your suspender had pinched her skin, then lift your skirt and let him see you adjusting stocking.
he followed her into the staff room. and they spoke about the karaoke at a pub not far from where we both live.
right on cue she screeched and he said "whats wrong?" "my suzzie pinched my leg" he said "ooohh lets have a look" but she was already gathering up her skirt to so-called adjust the strap. he exclaimed "very nice very nice indeed" by this time he had his rigt hand stroking and feeling her camel-toe.
she pushed his hand away and hurried out of the store.
Due to holidays and different shift patterns we did not see each other in store again as he was asked to resign because the female didn't like him.
It was maybe 2 years later my wife and i went to our local bingo hall for a break. i asked my wife to wear a black camisole under a black blazer. "why" she said "nobody is going to see anything" i just replied "trust me"
we left the bingo hall and said our farewells to our friends and returned to our car.
"What now" she asked "we are going to the pub where the karoke is" , "you never know HE might be in", "i doubt it", she sighed.
we parked up and i told her to take the camisole off so she was by now only dressed in the blazer and black bra and black trousers , black shoes as we entered the pub and there he was at the bar. I went to get some drinks. i heard him say to her "i see you've brought him with you" she replied "so, what difference does it make?", "so you can come outside with me then?" , "yes of course why not?". i took the drinks and headed for a table, she followed me and explained "i', just going outside with him, you don't mind do you?" "not at all, but do yourselves a favour and use the back of the car'".
10 minutes later i finished the drink and left the pub.
i walked down the car park and jumped in the passenger side (to get the best view as she was behind the drivers seat).
they where at this time snogging. tey broke away and i asked ro what have you two been up to then.
my wife opened her blazer to show he had indeed unbuttoned it.
second installment to follow