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J has a friend come to visit

"J and I rediscover some fun"

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Hi Folks It has been quite a while since I last told you about what we had been up to - there is a simple reason for this - nothing has happened - until last weekend ! To be perfectly honest things have not been very good at home - J had been working but since January her boss had been forced to cut her hours back to just 3 days per week - this together with lockdown meant that she was prowling around the house like a caged tiger for the majority of the week - something she hates - often just moping around the house in a dressing gown Even our sex life had dwindled to maybe once a fortnight and I could tell she was very bored TBH I didn't help matters as I was always at work and then eventually when we were allowed I resumed playing golf so I was spending less and less time at home with her We could tell things were not good and we did seem to be arguing a lot over trivial things -and of course me playing golf most Saturdays and Sundays - I guess lots of people have been through this due to this damn virus Anyway the weather forecast was good last Friday so we decided I would finish work early and we would go for a drive in the country It was a lovely hot day and I arrived home about 2 pm - had a quick shower and was ready to go when J emerged from her dressing room -she looked great- make up on - fake tan - and she was wearing a thin white vest top with a white lacy bra and a denim mini skirt which came to mid thigh - not too short and for once she seemed happy - which in turn cheered me up We drove out into the countryside / parked up and had a walk before returning to the car and we found a nice country pub with some benches outside I had a few shandys as I was driving and J had a couple of G+T's - it really was great between us for the first time in ages We talked about things and the fact that J was not used to having so much free time on her own and was so bored especially now I was golfing at the weekends and she did not have any "hobby" as such . I offered to give up the golf but she was adamant that I shouldn't as she knows how much I enjoy it "I just need to find something to do with all this spare time " she said and there was a long pause as we both contemplated the options ................. Anyway a group of about 5 guys arrived - all out with their dogs and sat at the next bench about 4 feet away I could see J looking at them and then she got up from the table and announcing she was going to use the ladies - she took her bag with her and was gone for quite a while but when she came back out she was carrying 2 plastic bowls and went over to the guys and said she had brought some water out for the dogs as they seemed hot She crouched down in front of them and spent a long time patting to the dogs and chatting about this and that When she returned to our table instead of sitting normally she straddled the end of it facing the guys - legs either side of the bench and carried on chatting to them It was then that I noticed that when inside J had removed her bra and her pierced nipples were sticking through her thin vest obvious to anyone !!!! Looks like the old J was back I thought The guys all seemed to be very interested in chatting to her and she became very flirty - but soon she announced we had to go home - a few of the guys looked disappointed but J said we had to go but we probably would be back next week In the car I asked J why she had removed her bra -she replied "oh I was too hot" "Really " I replied rather sceptically "Well I also wanted to see if guys still fancied me "she said "Did you get an answer" I asked "Yes" giiggled J "That young guy on the end had a right boner" I said I wasn't surprised as she was flashing her tits at him "Not just my tits " said J and reached into her bag and pulled her white cotton panties out of her bag On the drive home J lifted one leg onto the dashboard ( she had put a large silver clit piercing in which the guys must have been able to see easily ) and began playing with herself Needless to say as soon as we got home she dragged me straight to bed and for the first time in ages we had the most incredible night of passion In the morning I said "It looks like I've got my naughty J back "You ain't seen nothing yet"she laughed On the Saturday I was playing golf so J arranged to go and visit her parents - we arranged that we would both be back about 5 ish When I returned home I noticed a brand new Range Rover Evoque parked in the drive and thought "Oh God whats happening "now I got out and to my surprise a girl got out and said "Hi I'm xxxxxx" ( again I won't use her real name) I said "Can I help you?" "Oh" she said "I'm meeting J at 5 - I think I'm a bit early" I must have had that stupid look on my face again because she noticed I didn't have a clue who she was "I 'm her friend from the massage parlour " she quickly added "Beth" She looked lovely - sparkling blue eyes - pretty face and she was wearing a thin cotton summer dress about mid thigh and strappy sandles - but the thing that caught my eye was the plunging neck line which did little to hide a deep cleavage ( and no bra !!!!) "Hold on "I stammered "I'll check to see where J is" and I got out my mobile and rang J J answered and said she had set off late from her parents and was now stuck on the motorway due to a crash and that she would probably be another hour at least "I said that xxxxx was already here and what was I suppose to do for over an hour with someone I didn't really know "Oh "laughed J "I'm sure you can entertain her - anyway she's got a favour to ask you" "What " I asked "Oh she will tell you - but don't feel embarrassed" With that J asked me to pass the phone over and they had a few moments chatting which resulted in "Beth" giggling and saying "He looks lovely - I'm sure we can find something to do before you get here " - then she winked at me !!! So I ushered us both inside and offered her a coffee more to follow if you want xxx
Written by Lambkins007

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