Hi all, been a long time reader of all your stories so thought I'll share one of mine, it was when I lost my virginity, I only share this story to close friends, as its hilarious they tend to bring it up once a year for me to tell, mainly to share with other new friends that join our circle during the course of the time. Anyway, here goes.
I'm now 31, I lost my virginity at a sorry age of 21, I'm an Asian (Indian) male, and lacked confidence when it came to the ladies, Dutch courage was my technique, but also my downfall, anyway, one night in the club with my mates having a merry old time, it was coming to the end of the night, and saw a lady friend whom I thought I knew, so went over to say hello, she turned her head and said hello back, this wasn't who I thought it was, just someone that looked like her, she was slightly bigger than an hour glass figure, nice round arse and tits that were on show, but the fact she had a huge smile and was very engaging (touchy feely type) and actually replied with a hello, I carried on chatting, she mention that I had in her words "gorgeous eyes", I knew I was in here as my eyes ain't nothing to shout about, but in the back of my head I knew I will fuck up somewhere, either my own drunken actions, or a cock blocker, or friends dragging them away, as I tend to get close to a shag or at least a phone number but always seem to go home on my own at the end of the night. So we carried on chatting and it was pretty soon both of our tongues were in each other throats, we soon left as the bouncer were kicking everyone out, in the corner of my eye I see my mates cheering me on as they all knew my sob story with the women, so lads will be lads and all that, so we left. Btw her name is amy.
We got into my car (I know tut tut, I drank and drove a lot back then, I don't anymore, honest) my car happened to be parked right in front of the local kebab shop, full of drunken rowdy people, amy wasted no time in the car, she grabbed my head and straight into a snog, then undid my jean and went straight in for the cock, and started wanking me off in my jeans in front of everyone that were standing outside the kebab shop, I soon turn the car on, as I did that, she lowered her head down to start sucking my off, I had to reach round her to get hold of my gear stick, reversed out and drove off with amy sucking on my cock, as I was driving I just couldn't believe I was finally driving my little Peugeot 106 with some girl I just met sucking on my cock whilst driving. I had a place in mind to park up only to find a truck parked there, his windows were covered, but thought I'll park in front of the truck.
Now, the 106 is not a spacious car, and amy wasn't the smallest of girls, she wasn't huge either, she was at that nice in-between, plump, how I like them (tit man btw), but we gave it the good old British try, I was about to lose my virginity for fuck sake, of-course I'm gonna give it a go. Firstly we were snogging as she was stroking my cock, my right fingers were working on her pussy, fingers exploring her vagina wondering what the hell to do with it all, she was wet, my fingers just slipped deeper inside her, then I was putting three fingers then four, after a few minutes, she took my hand out and said "ok, now fuck me" her knickers were already off by then, and tried to jump on top of me, doing so she literally sat on my rock hard cock as she squeezed herself between me and the steering wheel, at the time I thought sex in the car is not all it's cracked up to be, I was beginning to loose my erection, as we were fiddling with the condom, whilst shuffling for room, adjusting the seat, then try to position ourselves so I could insert into her so she could start riding me, but it wasn't to be, my car was far too small, here it comes I thought, I was so close, this is where it will go wrong, but amy was sweet bless her, she said don't worry, and to drive to hers, ignition on, foot down, off we went, to hers.
Amy lives with her parents, and we were at hers, we went round the back of the house to get in and sneaked upstairs to her bedroom, amy told me to make myself comfortable as she went to the toilet to freshen up. Me being a drunken fool back then, I thought I'll stripe off naked and lay on her bed with my hard on (oh yeh, she was at it again with her mouth when I drove to hers), so as I stripped off I saw one of Amy's knickers on her bed, it was a peachy colour, it reminded me of that friends episode when joey wore women's knickers, so for a laff I thought I'll put them on and pose for amy when she got in. So there I was a raging hard on, with nothing on, other than amy peachy coloured knickers, I was standing there and saw the door slowly open, and.........in..........comes.......the........mother, I covered my manhood straightaway, and credit to Amy's mother, with a straight face, she politely asked me to leave, ok I said and quickly jumped back into my jeans and shot off. As I was going down the stairs, I heard some commotion (family dispute) but I was thinking, only I could get this close and still not get laid, I was pretty sure I was cursed.
As I got to the garden, Amy caught up to me, grabbed my hand and told me not to worry about them, we chatted for a bit as we sat in the garden it was 3 in the morning at this point, I told her then about putting on her knickers in her room and how her mum saw everything, it made her laugh, we started groping each other again, she was wanking me off as I was fingering her, she then got what looked like a yoga mat and laid it on the grass, we stripped each other naked, she laid on her back on the mat and I was soon down on her, working my tongue around her pussy, feeding from her reaction of where she likes it tingled, remember all those articles I read in lads mags on how to lick a girl out, going through all the technique to see what works, I came up occasionally to fondle and play with her huge tits, also to catch some fresh air, I knew if I started riding her I won't last long, my cock was about to explode and I haven't even entered her, so I thought I'll hold out as long as I can by going down on her and make her orgasm at least once. My tongue was in motion and my fingers were doing the business, it's was the tongue and finger combo, working like a team, it got to the stage where she was holding my head in place and her thighs were wrapped round my neck, and as her breathing got more intense so was her thighs, to point of near suffocation, she eventually release, spread her legs, pulled me up towards her, and told me she needs me in her now, condom on, and in I went, for the first time ever, I went in slow, and could feel how warm she was inside with my cock, it felt like my cock was finally at home, I then gave it a slam, as she kept reminding me that she wanted to be fucked and treated like a slut, then another slam and another, getting faster and faster after each slam, as I was doing that I lowered down to her and sucked on her nipples and groping the other tit with my right hand, it lasted for minute till I couldn't hold it in much longer, even after I exploded I thought I'll carry on still my cock start deflating to try and save any embarrassment. With some more kissing and fondling it was done, no more a Virgin, finally a man, a man with no dignity perhaps, but a man nonetheless, we put our cloths on exchanged numbers said our goodbyes and I went.
We kept in touch, but it was what it was, a one night stand, there wasn't another session, much to my disappointment.
Well that's all folks, thanks for reading, I actually have a few more to tell, but I'll save that for another time. Hope you all enjoyed it, and sorry if my English is not spot on.