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Lucky escape

"Roxy told me she was pregnant and when I asked was I that dad she said who elses could it be."

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In the days before DNA, I was nineteen and had just started to see a girl that I met in a party. On our second date we drove to somewhere quiet and using a condom I took her virginity. It was nice but I'd had better girlfriends. Whilst I liked her she wasn't a partner for life if you know what I mean, and to be fair I had made that clear to her. Then in a pub I met her older sister along with a group of mates. Straight away I fancied the older sister and a couple of the mates. I got on well with them and hoped that I might get a chance with one of them. It wasn't to be, well not that night anyway. Afterwards it was back to my quiet spot and another session with the younger sister. She already knew that she wouldn't be able to hang on to me. Then a few days later I ended up at the sisters house. Their mother was out and would be for at least four hours as she was at work. Both sisters were there along with a friend they called Roxy. Of the three Roxy was the real looker followed by the older sister. Whilst I fancied a fuck with Roxy she wasn't exactly the sort of girl that I could take home to meet my parents, Her clothes and the way she presented herself shouted slut, but was most men's idea of a good fuck. The older sister Jane was a different kettle of fish. My parents would love her. It started with a bit of mucking around and I tickled the younger sister around her waist and as she wriggled to get free, Roxy jumped on top of me trying to tickle me. Fortunately I'm not very ticklish and retaliated against her. The next thing I know all three girls are trying to tickle me. By the way this occurred in the girls bedroom on one of their beds. It was on a hot summer day and none of us were wearing much clothing due to the heat. I was now fighting off three girls and winning as all three were ticklish. Then Roxy started to pull my shorts off while the sisters battled on trying to tickle me. At first I just about managed to keep my shorts on and turned on Roxy. Within seconds I had her blouse off and was going for the bra when I had to change tactics as the younger sister was pulling at my shorts. She to soon lost her blouse and bra exposing her nice big tits. I was back having to defend against Roxy and her bra was soon on the pile of clothing. Now Jane was the one on my shorts and I turned my attentions to her blouse and bra. I soon had them off and expected the game to end. But far from it Roxy had turned up the heat and whilst I lost my Tee Shirt she was again at my shorts as was the younger sister. I fought them both off and had Roxy out of her skirt to find that she wasn't wearing any panties. While still fighting them off I thought nice beaver. It was only now that I realized that my cock was rock hard. The fight continued and both sisters lost their skirts and I was tickling Jane, and as she squirmed with one big yank her panties were around her ankles. As her pussy was on full show she seemed to give up the fight. Jane and Roxy then sat it out as I tackled the younger sister. Her panties were soon on the heap. I now had three naked girls and had just about managed to keep my shorts on. Jane suggested some drinks and went and got some squash. At this point I was sat on one of the girls beds with my girlfriend on one side and Roxy on the other. We sat sipping the drinks and I teased that I was the winner. Drinks finished and cleared away. Jane decided that the game wasn't over and again went for my shorts. The game was on again and this time between Roxy and the younger sister they had me pinned down the younger sister was sat on my chest with her pussy almost in my face and Roxy was sat on my stomach. The combined weight had me pretty well pinned down. I suspect that I didn't fight that hard to keep them on, and shortly Jane had my shorts down enough to have exposed my cock. I'm not sure if it was Jane or Roxy that said, "Look at the size of that." I have a seven inch cock that I am quite proud of, and I think it was now that my cock was on show that I stopped struggling with them. The next thing was a mouth sucking my cock into it. I had no idea which of the two it was as all I could see was the younger ones pussy and to make it less likely that I could see who was sucking me the younger one moved forward four inches and her pussy was now on my face. This was turning from a tickle fight into an orgy as Jane and Roxy were now sharing my cock between them and hands were playing with my balls as I licked at the pussy in my face. It wasn't long before the younger one squealed and groaned. My tongue had done it's job and she had come. She fell away from me and in a flash Roxy had taken her place as Jane continued to suck my cock. I was really enjoying this and was well into sucking Roxy's pussy when I felt Jane move and she was now straddled my cock allowing it to penetrate her pussy. It wasn't long before Jane groaned as she came. How I managed to stop myself from coming I will never know. As Jane climbed off me Roxy took her place. She had barely sat on my cock and rocked a few times when I came. Then it hit me, I wasn't wearing a condom. I knew I needed one with the younger sister as she wasn't on the pill, only recently loosing her cherry, but assumed that Jane and Roxy being that little bit older and probably more sexually active were. We all rested a while and then the younger sister was sucking my cock trying to revive it. Roxy joined her in her efforts and it wasn't too long before I was hard again. I tried to get a condom, but Roxy insisted that I didn't need one. I'm not sure how it happened but I ended up with all three of them, on all fours sideways on one bed and was moving from pussy to pussy. I would give the one I was in ten or so strokes with my cock as I fingered other pussies then move to the next. I was worried about the younger sister and decided to make sure that it wasn't her pussy that got my second load. I almost dropped my second load in the older sister Jane's pussy, but at last second pulled free and slammed into Roxy and dumped my load. Of the three being the sluttiest I thought if anyone was on the pill it would be her. The two sisters tried to revive my cock again a while later to no avail. Then their mother was due home so after a good tidying up and lots of fresh air spray we dress and was about to leave when their mother got home. I was quickly introduced before we left and went to the pub. Over the coming weeks I saw all three girl, but only the younger one to have sex with, and I had her go on the pill, but was still using condoms until she would be safe. Then one night we were all in the pub along with a big group of their friends. During the evening Roxy pulled me to one side and dropped a bomb on me. She told me that she was pregnant. I asked if it was mine and all she said was who else's could it be. I was suffering shock, fear and excitement at the thought of being a dad. I felt myself going cold. How was I going to explain Roxy to my parents. I knew that they would insist that I married her, even though they would hate her. It sat back with the group and sat thinking about all the consequences of an afternoon of fun. What if I had got all three pregnant! I could see from the younger sisters face that she knew about Roxy being pregnant. Then to cap it all Roxy announced it to the whole group that she was pregnant and came and kissed me as if to claim me for herself and tell the group it was mine. That night I took Roxy home and we cemented the situation with a good fucking, well I couldn't do any more damage could I. For the next two months I was with Roxy and we fucked at every opportunity. Roxy's bump was just beginning to show. I still hadn't told my parents and was struggling with what I would tell them. Then I spent an afternoon with Jane. It was nice just talking to her and at the end of the evening we were at my favorite quiet spot. Needless to say we ended up in the back seats screwing each others brains out. Jane had told me that she was safe and on the pill. I was a bit apprehensive at first as already having one girl pregnant I didn't want a second. Afterwards as we sat talking and cuddling I told her that if I wasn't in deep with Roxy I would love to be her regular man. Then she told me. "She's not carrying your baby. She was already pregnant before that day at our house, and she saw you as being a way to get a baby daddy." I asked how she knew and she told me that Roxy had told her several days before that afternoon that she was pregnant. She was just using the opportunity to blackmail me into marrying her and fathering her child. It's one thing to know and another in those days to prove it. Between Jane and I, we hatched a plan. Two nights later I picked Roxy up and as usual we headed for my quiet spot. After we had screwed several times we were sat talking and I asked to attend her up coming scan of the baby. Roxy was rather cagey about when it was. It was now that I told her that I needed a blood sample before I would marry her. Initially she told me no problem. Then I lied and told her that I have a rare blood type, as did all my family, and any baby I conceive would have the same blood type as me as it's a dominant type. I told her that if it was not mine I would sue her for deformation of character along with the stress and suffering she would have put me through. In seconds Roxy was in tears, (crocodile tears) saying I was being cruel to my childs mother. I pointed out that it could only be true if I were the father. I told her I had talked to a solicitor and he would get a court order for the baby's blood if she refused. The floods of tears were now real and through the sobs she finally confessed that the baby wasn't mine. She still claimed that she loved me and wanted me to be the daddy and marry her. I kicked her out of the car making her have a four mile walk home to reflect on her deceit. Two days later I was with Jane thanking her for telling me the truth. We were of course in my quiet spot. After making long slow delicious love to her I knew. I knew she was the one. Eight months later we were married. Her younger sister was our brides maid. Jane and I went on to have three lovely children. As for Roxy she cut all ties with the sisters. The last we heard was that she found some other sucker and now has seven children. I suspect from all different dads. Now that's what I call a close shave.
Written by Rowan

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