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"It was agreed to have swapping weekends"

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Hi, Keith and Daisy here.  Were not members but have used your site for inspiration for some ideas.  We are forty-three and forty-two years old.  We have been members of a swinging group for almost fifteen years.   About five years back we contemplated leaving the group as things had become so predictable just like an old married couple.  The group when we joined consisted of six couples and in a matter of two to three years had grown to thirteen couples.  All the couples had started off being good looking couples, but Pat had let herself go after having kids and Bill now had health issues.  The club had now lost two couples.


The way the club worked was that on the third Friday of the month we would meet up at a pub.  We would play some kind of game or draw straws or something.  Then on month the woman chose who she would be sleeping with the next the men would choose.  The order was dictated by the outcome of the game.  The newly formed couple would go their own way, always to the woman’s house where they had a total of three hours to do what they wanted to do.  Then the men would have to go home, hopefully satisfied with their lot.  None of us had a big enough house to accommodate all of us so the format had stayed the same for as long as we could remember.


Both Daisy and I had felt some dissatisfaction from some of the members and asked Paul who started the club to call a meeting where we could all talk about it.  The age-old problem of where to meet came up, so I booked and paid for our Parish Hall for the evening.  The idea wasn’t to have sex, just talk about where the club was going.  Of the eleven couples just ten were able to attend.  I explained that the club had become stale, and it was the same thing every month, either the man or woman chose his or her partner and then they were away doing what they wanted.  I was surprised that several other couples felt the same.  I had laid out paper and pencils and asked everybody take three minutes and write down their three top things that they would change if they could.  There was lots of scribbling going on for almost five minutes, and surprisingly little to no talking.


I had knabbed a flip chart from work for the evening and as I called out the wish list everyone shouted yes or no to put it on the flip chart.   Some of the suggestions were rejected out of hand as impractical.  The annual group orgy was quickly put down.  Bill shouting out that he knew how that would end.  He said he would get stuck with FAT Pat.  Did he really say that?  Pat looked mortified and I rebuked Bill for calling her FAT, even though she was.  She had started out the prettiest and one of the slimmest women in the group, all those years back, and although her face was still pretty, the sixteen to seventeen stones she now carried was off putting.


The first yes was for getting new members.  It was also agreed that some sort of annual meeting where we discussed things before having fun went down well.  Someone had suggested weekend breaks.  There were clearly difficulties, like with Daisy and I, in both being away for a whole weekend due to childcare.  It was decided that once pairings were made, half a couple would use their weekend and the other half use theirs sometime later in the month.  I must say I agreed to having someone else’s wife all weekend, and definitely looked forward to that.


There was a suggestion towards threesomes.  I was surprised that it had come from one of our female members.  Needless to say, all the men said yes, and a few women agreed, but I could see a few women looking worried about it.  There were loads of other suggestions but there was no consensus on any of them.  The meeting ended with agreement to seek out new members, an annual meeting, weekend swaps and threesomes but only for those that wanted to take part.


I drafted a set of notes regarding what was discussed and agreed.  Everyone wanted the weekend swap to happen in the month of June which was three months away.  The May meeting and swap would also setup the swaps for June.  I had also looked into hotels for a weekend close to Christmas for the annual meeting.  I got lots of calls telling me they were happy with what had been discussed and planned so far.


By sheer chance, at this time, we had a new woman join my workplace.  She was a real flirt and good looking.  She was also a fair bit younger than me.  After one very suggestive flirt, I told her about our swapping club and suggested she might like to join us.  That killed the flirting stone dead.  I thought that I had ruined things and it might be awkward at work with her after that.  Two days later she sidled up to me and told me that I was a dirty old man, then she giggled and said just how she liked her men.  Later she again sidled up to me and stroked my cock and asked when our next meeting was.  She said her husband had said yes to visiting and perhaps joining our group.


The May meeting at the pub had us playing darts to see who picked first.  It was the men’s turn to choose.  I was the third man to chose and chose Audrey for that night.  Then the women played darts and I was chosen by Allison for a weekend session.  Daisy chose Roy for her weekend.  I had already talked it over with Daisy that she had the first weekend away first.  My brother and I own a cabin in the wilds of North Wales.  Daisy and I had had many happy days in the cabin making love in the wood, around the lake and also on the lake with the small boat we have.  I rang my brother to make sure he wasn’t intending to use it and he said he was away all of June and part of July.  It was decided that I would use that for my weekend.


I enjoyed my next three hours in Audrey’s company and between her legs.  One new couple had joined us, and I also introduced Jan and her husband Sam to the group, but they weren’t quite ready to join in yet.  Daisy’s weekend was looming fast, and I was getting excited for her.  Then it was here.  Roy arrived at eight p.m. after our kids were in bed.  It seemed very strange seeing your wife off knowing she was going away to get the brains fucked out of her over a weekend.  Well, that’s what I intended to do to Allison on our weekend.  I will hand you over to Daisy who will tell you what happened to her.


Hi, Daisy here.  As Keith said I was collected by Roy and I settled into his car, wondering where we were going and what would happen.  I had made love with Roy several times before and he was a good lover, so I had no worries there.  It was over two hours before we arrived.  It was at a Southampton Marina.  I never knew Roy had a boat or sailed.  As it was late, we dropped our bags into the main cabin and went back on land to a restaurant.  We had a good meal and lots of wine before returning to the boat.  By the way Roy kept telling me off for calling it a boat and corrected me that it was a catamaran. 


To say that I was worked up was an understatement.  He barely touched me, and I was already coming.  He wasn’t quick to fuck me, instead he licked and sucked his way up my legs towards my pussy.  It was excruciating.  The sensations just kept on growing and then when I finally came Roy was there licking and sucking my clitoris.  Then he was on top and in me.  I was building towards another orgasm when a passing boat created a wake and as Roy thrust and the boat rocked, well you could say it rocked my world.  I was coming and coming and coming again.  Roy eventually collapsed on top of me gasping.  In my orgasm I had missed his coming in me, the wetness between my legs told me he had come in me, but at that moment I really didn’t care what he was doing or enjoying.


I was beginning to get cold, so Roy pulled the covers over us and cuddled up to me to warm me up.  I could feel his limp cock between my back and his front.  His breath on my shoulder and in my ear was beginning to get me going again.  Then he was gently chewing my ear.  Ooooh, how good did that feel?   I put a hand back to play with his cock.  It was still wet with the mixture on his and my juices.  I offered to lick it for him.  It was the first time a man has ever told me that they didn’t want a blow job.  He whispered that he would much rather play with my pussy.  Then he did just that feeding two fingers into my sticky pussy. 


I could feel myself getting worked up again, and I could hear myself moaning.  Roy’s cock was also getting worked up and was slowly growing in my hand.  Roy was still kissing and sucking on my ear.  Then he moved so his other hand was around me and holding one of my tits and rolling the nipple around.   Roy could certainly multitask.   Then Roy moved my hand away from his cock and snuggled tighter in the spoon position and his cock just slipped straight back in me.  I gasped at the suddenness of his cock penetrating me and hitting deep in my pussy.  He lasted a long time and caused a further two orgasms before coming in me.  This time I felt it as he jerked inside of me as he came.


I slept very well and when I did wake Roy was up and working on the boat.  Sorry Roy, catamaran.  When he saw me, he came to me and kissed me and suggested breakfast.  It was only cereal and a cup of tea, but that was all we needed.  Then we were under way.  Roy said that once we were out of harbor, I should suntan on the trampoline.  He joked that I should do it naked to make anyone that saw us jealous of him.  I think he was a little surprised that I stripped and laid on the trampoline.  I even surprised myself as this was the first time naked on a boat like this.


Later I joined Roy at the helm, still naked.  He joked that I was the best figure head he had ever seen on a boat.  He sailed us all around the Isle of Weight.  it was just after we had passed the Needles that he fucked me from behind as he steered us.  Several hours later we were stopping in a harbor.  I had dressed before that.  Then we were in Cowes wandering around.  I was just a little land sick, but ok.  Roy knew a good pub where we had a great meal before going on a beach.   Roy kept teasing me by stroking me on my tits and pussy when he thought we wasn’t being watched.  Later we ate again before returning to the catamaran.


I was a lovely night, and I didn’t stop Roy when he had me holding the wheel and was kissing my ears and fondling me tits.  God did Roy know how to work a girl up.  Then before I knew what was happening my shorts were around my ankles and his fingers were in my pussy.  His tongue and mouth were still doing wonders on my neck and ears.  It felt so romantic under the stars as the boat rocked gently and Roy caused massive feeling in my body.  I heard myself gasping and them moaning just before the fingers in my pussy disappeared, only to be replaced by Roy’s cock.


I had to hold on tight to the wheel as I came several times.  Then Roy was groaning, and I felt his cum erupt in me.  Then there was clapping.  When I looked around three other couples had watched us fucking from their boats, and one of those couples was now following our lead and had started to fuck.  My legs were weak, and I had to go below and lie down.  Roy was a little while, checking the boat over, and probably watching the couple fucking before joining me below.  Roy spent the next ten minutes licking and teasing me as he worked his way up from my feet to my pussy.  He gave me the most delicious sucking before having me kneel and fuck me doggy style.


After he had come, we just cuddled.  I soon slept like a baby.  Next morning, he was still next to me and gave me a real sexy kiss when I awoke.  He suggested going on land for breakfast and I quickly washed and dressed as did Roy.  Then we were walking up the pontoon when a couple came walking the other direction.  The man said that he had enjoyed the show and had Roy swapped his wife in for a newer model.  He obviously knew Roy.  Roy joked that he had, and the man should try it.  His wife didn’t look that pleased with the suggestion.  Later we sailed back across the Solent and up a river.  We stopped for some lunch and Roy fucked me again.  This time on the trampoline.  That was a new one for me. 


Roy bouncing on me and the bounce of the trampoline sure drives a cock in deep.  I didn’t come, but Roy did.  It was different and would like to try that again.  Then we sailed back to Roy’s berth.  It was a long ride back home and when we were on straight roads Roy had his hand between my legs stroking my pussy.  By the time we were close to home I was dying to be fucked again.  I directed Roy to a quiet lane I used to go with boyfriends.   It was the most uncomfortable fuck that I had in a long time, but did I need that and enjoy it.  Roy gave me a big kiss after we dressed as I didn’t want anyone seeing us doing anything when we got to my house.   I told Roy that I had made a good choice and looked forward to being with him again some time.  He dropped me back home and I was pleased to see Keith and my kids.  Now I’ll pass you back to Keith.


Hi, I spent all weekend wondering what they were up to and where they were.  It was a mixture of pleasure and pain knowing what was probably happening with my wife.  Until she typed this it was the first time I had really heard of what had happened on their weekend.  It earnt Daisy a good fucking over our computer desk as I read it.  Now let me tell you what happened on my trip.


I collected Allison from her work.  She seemed a little nervous.  I wasn’t sure why as we had fucked quite a few times before.  On the drive I told Allison that her phone would be useless as there is no cell reception at the cabin and if she wanted to talk to anyone, she needed to do it in the next hour.  She rang her husband and told him we were on route to North Wales and to a cabin.  After the call she settled back relaxing in her seat.  I had a nice view down her blouse at her braless tits.  I had seen and kissed them many times, but they still caused me some discomfort in the groin area.


I had to wake Allison when we got there.  It was almost dark, and I was pleased that the solar panels and battery had some power for us to use.  As Alison put her stuff in the bedroom, I got a fire going and water boiling as I brought food in for the weekend.  I think that Allison was disappointed at not being taken out to wine and dine.  I pointed out to Allison that we were six miles from our nearest neighbour  and almost fifteen miles from a town, although there is a store about eight miles away.


After eating and clearing up, I banked up the fire and put a rug in front of it.  Allison soon melted as I had her on the rug and licked and sucked her pussy for some while.  Then holding her gorgeous tits I fucked her from behind in the glow of the fire.  A while later I needed more stuff from the car and Allison came outside with me.  I told Allison to look up at the stars and as she did, I was again playing with her tits.  “Not out here.  Someone might see,” Allison pleaded. I again pointed out that at night it would be at lest six miles to the nearest person and still unlikely to see anyone during the day.


With that reassurance she allowed me to take her tits out again.  As you can probably tell I am a bit of a tit man.  I love all bits of women, but tits are my main thing.  She didn’t stop me when I reached under her skirt to find her pussy.  She hadn’t replaced her panties.  I wondered if she had decided that they were a waste of time this weekend.  Then I fucked her again bent over the boot lid of my car. 


Later in bed we cuddled, and I suckled on her tits.  Allison seemed to enjoy that and even stroked my cock as I sucked at her rather stiff nipples.  We ended up making love a third time before we snuggled down for the night.  Next morning Allison stayed in bed while I got up and started the fire again and got some hot water and food on the go.  After breakfast it was quite sunny outside, and we went for a walk along the waterfront.  I was surprised to see two small tents just feet from the lake.  Allison remarked that there was nobody within six miles then.  I didn’t answer.


After lunch I asked if Allison had ever been fishing.  She had and had enjoyed it.  I sorted out some tackle and we went down to the boat, and I rowed out into the lake and we both caught a few trout.  We kept the two largest for supper.  On the row back in, we could see the two couples by their tent.  The one couple was sat kissing while the other couple were having a damn good bonk.  Allison thought it funny.  Like us they probably hadn’t expected anyone else around.  I could see that Allison was excited and it was her that had me fuck her in the boat.  A first for me, fucking in a small rowboat. 


Back at the cabin I needed to chop some wood for that night.  I stripped to the waist and Allison was teasing me that watching me work had her excited.  We had some lunch, and I cleaned the fish for the evening’s meal.  Allison was outside laying on a blanket catching some sun.  When all tasks were finished, I joined Allison and lay next to her on the blanket.  It wasn’t long before I was again playing with Allison’s tits.  She was obviously enjoying herself as she reached out and stroked my already growing cock.  Then after looking around to see we were on our own, Allison was opening my shorts and sucking my cock.  I soon turned things into a sixty-nine.  Then it was Allison that wanted more and ended up riding me. 


Afterwards I fell asleep.  I was woken by Allison who said she was hungry and could we get the fish on the go.  It was a good meal that I cooked on the fire I started.  Although it was June it still gets cold at night.  Then Allison said she wanted to see the stars again.  I thought she meant another shag, but no she actually wanted to go outside and look at the stars.  I suggested taking a couple of blankets and pillows down to the waters edge and lay under the stars.  Allison thought that was a good idea and soon we were making the short walk to the lake.  I had noticed that the tents had moved and wondered where they had gone to.   I spread one blanket on the ground and the second one over us and we lay looking at the starts sparkling.


It wasn’t long before I was stroking Allison’s tits again.  Her hand wasted no time in fishing my cock out of my trousers and stroking it.  I had seen enough stars and dipped my head under the blanket to suck Allison’s tits.  I soon had her moaning and groaning.  It was Allison that asked me to fuck her.  I decided that I wanted her doggy style and put her on all fours.  It was as I slid into her that I felt like we were being watched.  To be honest I didn’t give a damn if we were being watched, all I wanted to do was fuck Allison and leave another load of cum in her.


I was really getting into it and hammering it home when Allison suddenly told me we were being watched.  I told her I didn’t care.  Then Allison was saying, “That’s it Keith.  Yeeees.  Show them how it’s done.”  It was now that I spotted both couples through some trees.  One of the couples was also fucking while the other couple just watched their friends and us.  I put on the very best show I could, and Allison sung out twice saying she was coming before I gave her another load. When we left the lake the second couple were fucking like rabbits.   I was totally knackered when we finally got back to the cabin, but very contented.  We cuddled and slept in front of the fire.


Next morning, we went down to the lake.  The other couples were nowhere to be seen.  We went swimming in the lake and even fucked again, in the cold water this time. A while still naked we walked back to the cabin where we changed and had a bite to eat and then unfortunately it was time to pack up and start the trip back home.  On the drive home Allison dozed with her hand in my lap.  She only removed it when I had to pull into a garage for fuel.  Then as we started off again it was back in my lap.


It was early evening when we arrived back at Allison’s house.  The house was all locked up.   Allison’s husband was away on his weekend as well.  Allison asked did I want to come in for one last fuck for the weekend.  I couldn’t turn that down and was soon in their spare room having one for the road.  Allison had just screamed her last orgasm of the weekend when we heard a car pulling up.  We met Len at the front door.  He kissed Allison and asked had we had a good time.  I told him that I most definitely had enjoyed myself.  I left Allison telling him all about it.


Back in doors Daisy was waiting for me saying that she was dying to hear about my weekend with Allison and get a fuck herself.  The kids were at her mother’s, so we were soon in bed, and I was telling Daisy about my weekend.  Daisy said she had been randy all weekend, knowing I was fucking Allison.  She said she was jealous, not of Allison, but of what Allison was getting.  Fortunately, I did get hard again.  Wasn’t the best fuck ever, but it was making love to my wife and not just sex.


At the next meeting in the pub, almost everyone agreed that it was a big success and we needed to do it again.  Jan and Sam joined us, and I was lucky enough to have a go with the other new lady that night.  By that Christmas I had also slept with Jan.  Of the thirteen couples that were attending by the Christmas, twelve booked rooms in the hotel.  We stopped two nights and I slept with quite a few women in the first evening, and I managed to have my first threesome the following evening.  Daisy worked her way through a lot of the men over the two nights and I slept the second night with Allison and Marie. 


The club has not only survived but grown, before covid it had expanded to fifteen couples, and we had four more weekends away with a partners and four more Christmas parties.  By the way FAT Pat is no longer fat.  The upset put her on a strict diet, and she lost over seven stones in weight.  She is now one of the best-looking women in the club and is extremely popular with all the men and is often a first choice when the men get to choose.  Bill unfortunately cannot take part due to his health, but still comes with his wife and likes to watch her having fun.


In just the last few weeks I have contacted almost all members and arranged our first return to the pub for a swap.  Hopefully, all being well, weekend swaps can start again and our annual meeting return to the hotel.  There is hope.

Written by Neil

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