I really did love Ashley. She was a beautiful nineteen year old woman. I had been dating her for well over a year. Her family was quite religious and she kept telling me that she was saving herself for her wedding night. Whilst I understood that I was getting frustrated. She wasn't my first and she was aware of that, but I hadn't told her that I had been with five other women. I had pressed her many times and the furthest I had got was a grope of her tits and stroke her pussy through her panties. Then she started to attend some bible classes and we were seeing less and less of each other.
I decided to pick her up from bible class and drive her home. I waited outside of the church for nearly three hours when it dawned on me that she wasn't there and I had been spun a line. The next time she was meant to be going to bible class I followed her after work and she went to a coffee bar where she met with a man I didn't know. She was quick in jumping into his car and I followed them to a quiet area on the edge of town. I managed to remain concealed as I crept up on his car.
You can probably understand my feelings when I saw her feet on the headlining and his arse bouncing up and down. My sweet Ashley wasn't the virgin she claimed to be and after a short while I had to leave with a broken heart. The next day she called me and asked was I still collecting her from work. I told her yes and after work I drove her to a quiet spot and tried to get in her panties again. Yet again she insisted that she was saving herself. I managed a grope of her tits. The tits he was fondling last night and as I rubbed her pussy through her panties I imagined her pussy swallowing his cock. As much as I pushed the more she pushed back. I was getting nowhere.
When I took her home her parents were pleased to see me and we chatted for a while before I went home. Two days later was bible study night and again I followed her. This time it was a different man, but the results were the same. they went somewhere quiet and this time Ashley was out the car and across his bonnet as he slammed deep into her. He was sucking on her exposed tits as he slammed away and then came into the condom he was wearing. Then he drove her near home and she walked the rest of the way.
The following night it was the same for me. Just a fondle of her tits and a stroke of her pussy through her panties as she insisted she was saving herself. Again her parents were pleased to see me when I took her home. I came to the conclusion that I was being used. I was the nice boy that her parents liked and perhaps wanted as a son in law, and in between she was shagging all the bits of rough that she liked. I was mad and angry and wondered what I could do about it. I was considering giving her an ultimatum, them or me and if she chose them I could tell her parents.
As much as I was angry I couldn't go through with it and stuck it out a while longer. In that time I see her fucking three more times and only one was with one of the men I had previously seen. This night I picked her up and we went to our quiet site. Again other than gropes and kisses that was the limit of our fun. Some how she seemed nervous and a little shaky. Two nights later I collected her again and this time she was far more willing to go further.
Not only did I have her tits out, but se let me put my hands in her panties. Then it was Ashley that suggested we get in the back seats. It wasn't long before her panties were off and I was sucking her pussy. It tasted so good and sweet. She suggested that I take my trousers off, which I did. It was obvious that she was going to let me go all the way. Just before I climbed up her body and whilst she was moaning and shaking I donned a condom. A few moments later I was on top of her and positioning my cock for penetration.
It was now that Ashley cried out for me to be gentle as she was a virgin. I knew better and slid slowly but firmly into her pussy. She cried out as if she had just lost her hymen as it went inside. I held still for a few moment as I had with the first virgin I had actually taken. Then went on to fuck her silly for a good fifteen minutes before filling the condom. When I took her home her parents were again pleased to see me.
I didn't see Ashley until her next bible study meeting night and again I watched as she climbed into the car with one of the men I had seen her with before. They drove to a quiet spot that they had been to before, but instead of getting in the back as they had before they sat arguing. I was too far away to hear what was said, but eventually he kicked her out his car and sped off. I watched as Ashley started to walk the two miles home.
The next night we went to our quiet spot and made love again. Yet again I used a condom. Then Ashley was busy for about a week before I managed to see her again. We again made love using a condom and afterwards before I drove her home she said we needed to talk.
"Do you remember the night you took my virginity," she started. I told her yes. "Well you must have got me pregnant," she informed me. I looked shocked and asked what she wanted to do about it. She told me her family being so religious wouldn't stand for an abortion, so the only other option was that we get married. I didn't really answer her and I think she took that as a yes. When I took her home she blurted out to her parents that we were going to get married. Her parents and younger brother seemed elated at the news. I didn't burst their bubble.
A month or so Ashley was busy making preparations for a wedding and asking who from my side of the family we should ask. I piped up that wasn't it time to let her parents know that she was pregnant before we go much further with the planning. Reluctantly agreed and later when her parents returned home she told them her news that she was now three months pregnant. They although disappointed that she hadn't waited until after the wedding seemed really pleased and her father opened a bottle of sparkling wine. As we sat there her mother was fussing over Ashley as all expectant grandmothers to be do, when her father asked me had we any names for the baby.
I told him that Ashley should call it after his of her father. At that point Ashley's father said well you wont want to call it Tom if it's a girl. I told him that well you wouldn't want to call it Tom if it were a boy either. He looked very confused as did Ashley and her mother. It was now that I said, "Well, if Ashley can work out which one was the baby's dad you should call it after him." It was at this point that I got up and walked out.
It was about a year or so when I next saw Ashley as she pushed the pram. For some strange reason she didn't want to talk to me. I heard that her parents support her as a single mum as the real dad wasn't interested.