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Seperation made us stronger

"I let Coleen sleep with Howard and she let me sleep with Freda."

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I was working and living away during the week and getting home just for the weekends. I could see it was getting to Coleen. We had only been married for just over three years. We couldn't sell our house and my flat in town wasn't big enough for the pair of us. I couldn't see a way out of it. Plus there was Coleen's job that she loved and didn't want to leave. I was banking on a promotion back to the office near home, and then my hopes were dashed they gave the job to Roberts. I knew it would come back to bite them. In the mean time it was ruining our sex life and not doing much for our relationship overall. The next weekend home was strained and it was clear that Coleen couldn't take much more of this arrangement. I had to do something. Before we got married we would make love practically every night of the week and several times on Saturdays and Sundays. Now it was four perhaps five times over the weekend and then I was back to my dingy flat. I had bought Coleen several sex toys, but she said they didn't do it for her and she couldn't go much longer without good regular sex instead of the wham bam thank you maam that we were getting at weekends. I had contemplating resigning and looking for another job, but we both agreed that wasn't practical, as first off I was very well paid, and secondly there wasn't many jobs out there at this time. I joked that I would have to find her a lover for Sunday to Thursday nights, while I was away. I heard a groan from Coleen and wasn't sure what sort of groan it was. I decided to let it go and after a nice kiss I was back on the road heading to town for another grueling lonely week. We would talk every night on the phone, but it's not the same as being with her. The following weekend after we had made love for the second time, Coleen rolled to me and asked had I meant what I said. I had to ask what I had said. "That you will find me a lover," she told me. I had a think and said that if that would make her happier I would think about it. There seemed an extra spring in our love making the rest of the weekend. Back in the flat I gave the idea some consideration. My initial thoughts were that Coleen might like him more than me and we would be over. On the other side of things was that If I didn't let her have a lover she might just go off and find one anyway. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't. The odds were marginally better if I found her someone. Back home between bouts of sex we talked about it and I told Coleen that I did think that we needed a stand in for me until I could move back or sell the house and buy one in town. Then the discussion was who. I had someone come straight to mine. I had a good friend who was single and although he was a nice chap he always struggled to pull the ladies. I knew he liked Coleen and Coleen liked Howard and she agreed he could be a good choice. I gave him a call and suggested a meet in the pub. Coleen ,wasn't happy more time without me, but she realized that it was for her benefit in the long run. I explained to Howard our problem and he sat agreeing that it wasn't good for her struggling in need of some sex. Then he was surprised when I suggested that he could be our solution and as I pointed out to him it would just take up a couple of evenings a week until either I moved back or we sold the house. He jumped at the offer to bed my wife and agreed to ring Coleen when I was back in town. And so it started Howard spent two nights the first week, three night the second week and by week three he was spending every night in my bed fucking my wife. I later discovered that he was slowly and quietly fucking her while I was talking to her on the phone on several ocassions. I must say I was quite jealous that he was fucking Coleen while I spent lonely nights on my own in my dingy flat. I must also say it played deeply on my mind that Coleen was getting a good shagging and may decide that she didn't want or need me any more. When I was home Coleen made extra efforts in our love making and when we talked about Howard she insisted it was just sex with him, but love making with me. She also said I ought to find myself some pussy for when I was in the flat. I was a little reluctant at first but as Coleen said there would be no cheating as we both knew what was going on. I had made friends with Freda at work and had told her of our situation and she was sympathetic of our position. Then a few weeks later she was upset that her boyfriend had dumped her. I joked that we should become a couple, and then we were. I was sleeping with Freda during the week and home to Coleen at the weekends and Coleen was doing the same with Howard. This went of for a little over three years. I even let the flat go and stayed with Freda during the weeks. I even turned the table a few times as I shagged Freda while talking to Coleen. I even took Freda home one weekend and she met Coleen. They became friends and went off shopping together, while I went off with Howard to the pub. On getting back to Freda's house she informed me that she found Howard sexy and Coleen also informed me that Howard felt the same way about Freda. After that Freda would go home with me some weekends and she would sleep with Howard either in our spare room or at his house. Then it was back to swapping during the weeks. This lasted for about another eighteen months. Coleen was very happy as she was getting all she needed and I was happy for her and also that I had Freda during the weeks to keep me happy. Then it happened. They discovered that Roberts was a waste of space and they sacked him. As soon as I knew I threw my hat in the ring for the job. The bosses were surprised as they thought that I was settled with Freda and we were now a couple. I had to explain that I was still married and visited my wife every weekend. I went for the interview and it went well. In the mean time I had booked a chalet for a weeks holiday. It had three bedrooms and Coleen suggested that I bring Freda and she would bring Howard. What a week. I spent most of it with Coleen but we swapped on two nights. I got back to work and had an envelope waiting for me. When I opened it I cheered and then almost cried. I got the job and could start in four weeks time. I told Freda as we drove home. Needless to say she was less happy about it. I rang Coleen and told her and I could hear Howard groan as he heard. His was clearly one of disappointment. Two weeks into the four, I went in to where my new job was to be, and discovered that they were looking for staff. When I got back to Freda I suggested she move with me back to our house and make a go of things with Howard. The following week she found someone to rent and perhaps buy her house if they could get a mortgage. Then Freda was moving in with us. She was seeing Howard most nights and that was going well. I was surprised just how much the two women had become such good friends. I even managed to have a threesome with the girls one night. Then Freda moved in with Howard. We were such good friends that we still swapped on occasions. Eventually Coleen and I wanted children and it didn't take me long to get her pregnant and then withing a couple of months Freda also fell pregnant. That was the end of swapping. It was twenty five years later when all our kids had flown the nest that we went on holiday with Freda and Howard again. We swapped on the first night after all drinking a bit too much. Most of that holiday I slept with Freda and Coleen slept with Howard. There was no remorse, jealousy or guilty feelings, it was almost normal and natural, and usual to swap, especially knowing that each of us had slept with the others spouse for a long time those years back. Back home we settled into swinging about one night a month, with occasionally twice in a month or once in two months depending on what else was happening with our families. That went of for three years until this last year when everything came to a shuddering halt. We talk often and have all agreed as soon as we can we will be all off for a holiday together again. Can't wait.
Written by Roland

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