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Slut wife got spit roasted

"My wife was into flashing and I never knew."

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It all started for me one Saturday morning when I was out shopping with my twenty three year old wife. I hate shopping so when Rhian suggested we go into the coffee shop I jumped at the chance. I was surprised when she removed her coat, and put it on the back of her chair, just how short her skirt was. It looked more like a skirt a school girl would wear. We had sat and just been served when Rhian dropped her serviette on the floor. Being the gentleman I bobbed under the table to retrieve it for her. Imagine my shock when I could see right up Rhian's skirt to her freshly shaved pussy.

On sitting up again I quietly told her that I could see right up to her pussy. To which she replied so could the man a bit further down in the cafe. He was so focused in looking up Rhian's skirt that he was oblivious to us discussing him. I found myself a bit shocked but even more excited knowing what the man was looking at. I could feel my cock growing in my trousers and had to excuse myself and rush to the toilets and wank myself off knowing that a complete stranger was looking up my wife's skirt at her naked pussy while I was in the toilets.

On returning to the table the man had gone and my wife was sat with her legs still parted making sure two teenage lads got a good view. I nearly had to dash back to the toilets for another wank. Instead I quickly paid the bill and dragged Rhian out the cafe to our car. I couldn't wait to get home so I dragged her into the back seats and fucked her in the busy carpark not caring if anyone saw us.

Later back home I asked had she just forgotten to put any panties on. I was stunned when she told me that it was deliberate and was far from being her first time. I asked when her first time was and she told me that she was just fifteen the first time she went out without panties. A few days before hand, she caught an uncle deliberately looking up her skirt at her panties. It gave her a very funny feeling, but she knew she liked it and had discovered that men and boys love looking up girls skirts. She also found that she loved showing them what she had.

My wife had been flashing her fanny for around eight years and I had no idea! I asked how often she did it and where. She said the coffee shop was always good for it and she would go there at least once a week. She said her most exciting time was on a bus. She went up the stairs to the second deck knowing two lads were following her and better still as she came down an older man was waiting to go up and had an excelent view of her fanny. Rhian said he almost had a heart attack.

I could understand why as my cock had grown again and Rhian was quickly over the kitchen table taking yet another fucking from me. Afterwards Rhian told me that had she known how much it excited me she would have told me much sooner. Later still she was telling me about other places she had shown herself off, and that on our wedding day she hadn't worn any panties. That caused her to get her third fucking of the day. That was most unusual for us as we had got into steady married life and sex was reserved for the bedroom and only three or four times a week.

Although I still hated shopping I again went with Rhian the next Saturday. The cafe was almost empty, apart from a man probably in his sixties. I could see him swap his glasses so he could get a better look at Rhian's naked pussy. After he finished his coffeee he passed us to pay his bill and as he got level to us on leaving the man said to me that I was one lucky bastard if I was shagging the fanny next to me. Very shortly we were out of the coffee shop without finishing our coffee and in the back seats of my car again. I couldn't believe just how wet Rhian's pussy was as I sunk balls deep into it and fucked it for as long as I could before makng it even wetter with my cum.

I was ready to go home, but Rhian wanted to go back to the coffee shop where she sat flashing two lads with her pussy leaking my cum onto her seat. Afterwards Rhian insisted that she needed something in Boots. Being lazy I would normally take the lift, but Rhian said it was more fun taking the stairs. There was an older couple following us up the stairs. The woman was muttering something to the man. Upstairs I was able to take a look at the man who was probably in his late forties. He had the biggest smile on his face. His wife had a face that looked like she was chewing on wasps. It probably made his day, week even.

Going down was even better as two lads and two girls were going up. One of the lads was very bold when he said, " Nice pussy missus. Can I have some?" to which Rhian told him no. His girlfriend didn't look to happy. At that time I had a Trumph Spitfire sports car that I took to car shows. Rhian hadn't been that interested up until now when she started to come to meets. She would sit in the passanger seat with her feet on the dash allowing higher vehicle drivers to look down at her fanny. At the shows she would sit slumped in a chair making sure that passing men took more notice of her pussy than they did of the cars.

Then on one suck trip we were on our way home when Rhian insisted that she needed some toilets. She had been flashing her pussy to several van and lorry drivers. I knew we were coming up on a block that sat just off the main road. I told Rhian that I had no idea what they were like, but she insisted that she needed them regardless of how good they were. I sat in the car with the engine still running as she dashed from the car. I was trying to retune the radio without much luck. I sat thinking that I needed to change the ariel that had been broken and was just half height now. Then it dawned on me that Rhian was a long time and I decide to go see if she was alright.

As I approached the block I could hear two men's voices. "Take that you slut," one of them said. The other added, "This will teach you to tease men." I carefully looked around the corner of the block to see one man fucking Rhian's mouth while the other plowed her pussy. I was so shocked I couldn't move. To my amazement Rhian was moving herself on the two cocks and groaning around the cock in her mouth. I watched as the two men high fived and swapped ends. Rhian was again groaning and pushing back as the cocks filled her. It wasn't long before she took a load in her mouth, which she swallowed, and the second load in her pussy.

One of the men was wanting to get her to his lorry and into his cab. I was worried for Rhian's safety and stepped out from behind the wall. The two men were quick in finishing redressing and scurrying away to their lorries. I dragged Rhian into the gents, which fortuantely was empty, and as she gripped onto a urinal I fucked her from behind adding a further load to her pussy.

Back in the car and on route home, Rhian told me that the men had watched her dash into the toilets and waited for her to come back out. As she did she was told she was some sexy loking slut that needed a good seeing to and they intended to give it to her. Rhian said she was so worked up from her earlier teasing that she was dying for some cock and didn't care who's it was. She said she had seen me watching as she was spit roasted by the two men and that I looked equally excited.. It just made her even wetter and more excited knowing I was watching. She hadn't bargined for me getting so excited that I would fuck her in the gents.

Rhian asked what if there had been more men in the gents. I told her that if that were the case her pussy and mouth would have had to work a whole lot harder. After that episode Rhian was a little more careful where she flashed her pussy, but she got to know all the rest stops where she could tease men and get herself fucked. I always made sure she was safe and took a turn straight afterwards.

We had been doing this for about two years when we heard about dogging sites. Rhian was keen to go and check a few out. I was also excited that she might suck and fuck other strangers, but the first lockdown hit us and although things opened up again, we hadn't got around to it. Rhian had however started to go back to our local cafe. Who knows how things might go.

Written by Spitfire Mk 1

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