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Stories from our swinging life - part 5

"My partner meets my railway friend"

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We have been absent for some time for a couple of reasons. Battling with our "every little bit helps" credit card who having compensated us £500 after being scammed reneged on it by taking back the money although thankfully our H**C bank didn't do the same. The other was it's taken a long time to convince Margery to carry on with our stories due to a not very nice person unkindly calling her a slut in a story comment; there is always one who spoils it for the rest, eh? Hopefully not again or more. Otherwise we thank those who have sent nice comments like Humerous. (We are only able to reply to direct messages) 

When we fell in love and she moved in with me it has to be remembered in fairness she wanted to turnover a new leaf in her life with the past being the past and showed no inclination to go back to her old ways. However, if she did then I expected it to be in a mutual threesome and so when that happened it has to be said it was actually due to me and not her when I became friends with the chap on my daily train journey as mentioned in our "about us" intro. Back then it was not the "done thing" to read such "dirty" magazines in full view on a train so we used to read them covered by The Daily Mail with it being a useful small tabloid newspaper. It was only when I sat next to him and plucked up the courage that we got chatting and swapped our magazines with our "swinging life" then accidentally starting. So, here we go with restarting our stories ....... 

C1 - Marg meets my railway friend Colin for the first time!  

After seeing him a few times and us getting on well he said he could get hold of some porn films from a work friend and asked if we would like to see them at our house.That was because he said his wife was a bit of a prude and there was no way she would ever let him see such disgusting things! I said  I would check with Marg thinking she would but she was reluctant saying he sounded like a pervert but after I kept on about it and told a little white lie saying they were just soft blue films she agreed but only if our friends Dave and Joan joined us. She said like that she would feel more comfortable than being alone with a total stranger. They were four years older than us and had been my very good friends for a long time and lived nearby with me having worked with him for six years until we were made redundant and went our own ways.

It had become a habit for us to take turns to visit one another on a Saturday evening for drinks every 3 or 4 weeks. The girls also use to see one another during the week so it was not unusual for me and Dave to sometimes visit alone but that was all above board and nothing ever happened until much later as I will tell you in due course. Colin brought a couple of films which were both about a half hour long and if you know anything about back then you will appreciate very good quality being Colour Climax productions. One was about a group meeting in a wood and the other about Vikings invading and pillaging and actually had what looked like a genuine boat prop, brilliant! They were the full works which prompted Marg to whisper annoyingly in my ear that I had lied to her, oops! Anyway, we all quite enjoyed them apart from Joan who made some grumpy comments. I reckoned that was because I noticed Dave had been touching her legs during the films as she sat squeezed between him and Colin and that was why she had been moody. l couldn't see with sitting at the other end of the settee but did wonder if Colin had also sneaked a feel with Joan or had craftily moved his leg up an down against hers.

Anyway, Dave was obviously a bit miffed with her spoiling the evening and to our surprise they finished their drinks and thanking us said they had to leave. We had expected them to stay for more drinks and a chat but now Marg found herself in the situation she had wanted to avoid with us being alone with Colin. Fortunately he had been the perfect gentleman while we had been waiting for them to arrive and had said all the right things to her. Little did I realise at the time them leaving early would set off "the train of events" (that being a very apt phrase as it turned out!) as I will tell you in the coming weeks. Marg hadn't dressed up and was wearing nothing special with just a white blouse, black skirt, S&S and her old fluffy house slippers! As you know she has a lovely slim figure which didn’t go unappreciated by him who made some flattering remarks as we idly chatted about ourselves. 

I went into the kitchen to get some more cans of lager which took a few minutes needing to get a new pack from the garage. When I returned I obviously surprised him for having taken my place next to her on the settee I saw him quickly take a hand away from her legs. He offered to go back to his armchair saying he had moved there so it was easier to talk to her but I told him to stay there wondering if he would be bold enough to touch her again but didn’t. We had not spoken about anything like that and we were just watching the films and having a social evening with some drinks. It was when he turned to me that I noticed the big bulge in his trousers and realised why she had been glancing down at his trousers. With Dave and Joan turning up late he said he ought to be off before his wife started wondering where he was. Obviously he hadn't told her he was coming to our home to see the films and had said he was meeting me for a drink in the local Five Bells Pub. 

He asked if he could leave the films with me to give him on the train on Monday which was great and with us watching them a second time I soon had even more of a raging hard prick. We had a good kiss and cuddle and during that I found she was really aroused having a very slippery pussy when I removed her sticky knickers to have her. Intrigued at seeing him touching her I casually asked if anything had happened when I was out of the room. A first she said nothing had but when I said I had seen his hand on her leg she reluctantly told me. She said as soon as I had left the lounge he moved across and quietly saying he would love to look at her legs went to lift her dress up but she stopped him saying he couldn't. He then quickly leaned over and putting a hand behind her neck pulled her head to try kissing her. She said he only managed to get a quick peck before he moved a hand to grope her breasts and then to squeeze her thighs and feel her suspender buttons under her skirt and that was when I had come in.

Saying I was really surprised he had done that I asked if she had tried stopping him but she said it had all happened in a flash and she had sort of “frozen” with being so surprised. She said she obviously hadn’t expected him to do that and didn’t know what to do with not wanting to cause a scene hadn't called out knowing I would soon be back. I said surely she could have used her hands to stop him but she said she couldn’t. She said he was quite crafty because she hadn’t been able to stop his straying hand because she had her glass of Whisky Mac in one hand and her other he had entwined his fingers in so she couldn’t get it free and said she was helpless and at his mercy like that. I asked if that had excited her and she admitted while she had been annoyed with him she had quite enjoyed that brief moment of his brazen and bold attention with touching her. I said I had seen her having a look at his bulge and asked if she would have liked to feel it and looking down she hesitated for a moment and then told me she had!

Looking coyly at me she confessed she hadn’t told me everything that had happened in case I got annoyed. She said before he had started fiddling with her suspenders he had gripped her wrist and releasing her fingers from his other had moved her hand to press it on his trousers holding it there. She said feeling his prick move she moved it away but he put it back and holding it there he quietly laughed saying it wouldn’t bite her! Hearing what he had also done made my prick even stiffer and I was soon on my knees. Now it was my turn to a lift her skirt up and parting her legs and putting my hands underneath her bum I pulled it to the edge. By then I could see the evening had certainly had an effect on her because she very wet, much more than normal and when I remarked about it said I shouldn’t have been surprised after seeing his porn films and what he had done. I gently worked my fingers in her sopping pussy and on her clit and with her moaning in appreciation I took the opportunity to ask if she would like to see him again. At first she didn’t reply but with me asking again she said she would but only if I told him to behave and to keep his hands to himself.   

She has a sensitive pussy and obviously wanted me to bring her off but I’m afraid with a rock hard cock I was somewhat selfish and it was not long before I was sliding it up her and giving her a good seeing to. I was still quite intrigued with what had happened and as I worked my prick in and out I jokingly accused her of being a naughty lady for letting him feel her. She put a finger in her mouth like a mischievous girl saying she was innocent and it wasn't her fault but all mine with leaving her defenceless and at his mercy with his sneaky ways. I said from the bulge I had seen under his trousers I reckoned he had a big prick and asked what she thought and if she would have liked to have seen it and avoiding answering me just said it did feel big under his trousers. She had been working her clit as I did her and I could tell she wasn’t far off cuming and when I felt my surge building up I took the opportunity to pop the question and asked her if he could get some more films would she be happy to see them but without Dave and Joan as she didn't seem to like them. 

Once again she avoided answering the question so I quickly pressed her again and then she blurted out she would saying he was a good looking and nice chap and not the “pervy” bloke she had expected. I had timed it just right because as I did she started to cum and I hurried up as we came together with her letting out a long satisfied groan. As we kissed she actually thanked me for arranging the evening saying she had really enjoyed it and the films. On Sunday morning she was a bit quiet so I didn’t push it for fear of putting her off the idea and giving her the excuse to change her mind. Dave surprisingly popped round for a cuppa and to sort of apologise to us for leaving early and Joan being “Offy”. I suspected he really wanted to find out if anything had happened after they went and true enough it was not long before he quietly asked me "How did the three of you get on after we left?” As you know nothing really took place and I hesitated to even tell him about that for I reckoned he would have been a bit miffed to know a stranger had done that with Marg than him.

I suspected he had always wanted to get into her pants as much as I secretly had with Joan but we had never spoken about it. I said Colin had left shortly after them, which was true, but then he gave me a disbelieving look and a knowing smile. Marg had gone to make tea and with the radio on and her not being able to hear us and me getting him to promise not to say anything (how many times do us men say that?) I told him what Colin had done. He accused Colin of being a cheeky git, especially as he had always wanted to grope her but had never plucked up the courage expecting to get a slap for his troubles, apart from causing trouble between us. When I replied saying likewise with my thoughts of Joan he then suggested perhaps we could sort something out between the two of us. In the years to come that indeed did happen with threesome and foursomes with those lifetime friends - those stories later. Over the next few weeks I kept reminding her about his bulge when we were making love saying I was sure she would like to see it in the flesh to find out how big it actually was. Each time I suggested it she didn’t say no to the idea and from her reaction in bed it appeared she was looking forward to the possibility.

My diary records that as being way back on the 5th February 1972 - a long, long time ago as they say in stories but not in another galaxy with this one! Hope you enjoyed.  

With me now having got her back on side she has allowed me to show you some more garden pics. 




Written by Your_fan

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