I loved working from home. The other thing I liked was living opposite the primary school. Twice a day the yummy mummies would walk their children to and from school. There was one in particular that I loved to see. She looked to be in her mid twenties and she would walk one small child to school whilst she had a baby in her stroller. There was something about the way she walked that got my juices flowing. I envied her husband as I watched her gyrate up and down the road.
This one morning she was just a little late and bumped the stroller down the curb just a little hard as she rushed to get junior to school. Afterwards as she crossed the road and pulled the stroller up the curb a wheel dropped off the stroller. I see her struggling to get it out of the road and pick up the wheel. Everyone else looked and just walked away. I rushed to her aid. The end cap that is hammered on had just pulled off. I suggested that if we went in doors I could effect a repair on it.
She gladly accepted my offer and unclipped the carry cot part and carried junior inside as I grappled the frame and wheel. I told her I would be just a few moments getting some tools as she placed Junior on the kitchen table. He was still fast asleep and completely unaware of this transportation failure. Back with a hammer and some grease I greased the shaft and then washed my hands clean from the grease. Then sat on the floor I slid the wheel back on and reached for the table and cap to fix it back on. As I reached up, not looking where I was reaching, my hand went up her skirt and I touched her pussy.
I immediately withdrew my hand apologizing. She said something about at least someone was touching it. I finished the job wondering what she meant. The cap on and the wheel secured and ok, she put the carrycot back on the frame and secured it. Junior was still blissfully unaware of the problem or the fix. I offered her a cup of tea or coffee and to my surprise she asked for coffee. I thought she might have just run now the repair was done. Instead we were soon sat with our beverages.
I asked what she had meant by her remark and she blurted out that her husband hadn't touched her since her baby was born and he was now seven month old. I told her he was mad not to touch her, and that if she were my wife I would be at her beautiful body all the time. She laughed. It was only now that we swapped names and I learnt that she was Cindy and had been named after Cindy bear in Yogi bear. Once coffee was finished we both stood and I stepped to the side to get out of her way, but she also moved the same way. It must have looked like a dance step. Then instead of stepping to the side again she stepped forward and gave me a big sloppy kiss.
Needless to say I was kissing her back. Then we were at each other, hands everywhere. My kitchen isn't very big so I suggested that we moved into the lounge. We did and left the door wide open in case junior cried. I soon had her naked and laid on my sofa as I went down between her legs and gave her pussy a good licking and sucking, Cindy was panting and groaning. She was trying not to make too much noise as she didn't want junior to wake and stop proceedings. I stood and Cindy assisted me to get my shoes trousers and pants off. Then she pulled me on top of herself.
She took hold of my hard cock and steered it straight to her pussy and fed it into herself with just a little help from myself. We fucked for a good ten minutes before I came in her. I was pretty sure she had already come when I let go. We rested a while and then she was on her knees sucking my cock. She told me she had to have some more, she said she was still in need. Once hard she had me sit on the sofa and she straddled me and rode me as I played and sucked her heavy tits. She definitely came this time, even if she hadn't before. Then I pumped a second load into her pussy.
That was the start of it. From then on I would have the kettle on ready for her once she had dropped her older child off. We would fuck like rabbits in the lounge. Once junior was more active we would set him up with toys on a rug to keep him busy while we fucked in the next room. It got harder as he started to toddle and then fortunately he went to a playgroup for several hours.
We shared an hour each day, until her elder child started secondary school, and then it was just the odd snatched occasion during the day. Eventually even junior was at high school and our liaisons almost fizzled out, until she got a job. The job was at the shops at the end of my road and she started to come round at lunch times. There was little lunch being consumed if you know what I mean, but there was plenty of snacking going on. We had been having our affair for nearly fourteen years when Cindy told me that her husband had left her. He had no idea that we had been seeing each other. It turned out that he had been seeing someone since junior was born.
I asked her to move in with me, but it never happened at that time, although our affair did continued. It was only when both her kids left home did she finally agree to move in with me. It was twenty six years after we first met that she moved in. Her boys were delighted for us and at our wedding two years ago told us that they had known about us for many years and was pleased that we had finally tied the knot. That was a year before Covid came and I for one have enjoyed isolating with Cindy although she has missed as muck contact with her lads, although they Zoom every few days.
The other good news is that both of them intend to get married once things are back to normal.