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Turning Mary....a bit extra

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In the first 6 stories I outlined how over the course of 6-9 months Mary (not her real name) had been turned from a loyal and sexy wife into a complete whore ready to suck and fuck whenever and whoever she was given the opportunity. John her husband (again not his real name) had been pivitol in having their widowed friend fuck his wife encouraging her in everything that flowed from that first 3sum. In that last story I said that John might not be aware that his wife was now doing things outside our little group, I only have Grahams side of the story and no way of knowing how much is true or fiction but he is always careful what he says and to whom and never when John is around. One or two of you dirty sods have asked me to tell what I know, but I do need to be careful what I say not only to protect Mary and John but also to stay within the rules of this site.....not everything can be published apparently. So, a big health warning about truth and the complete low down.

Essentially Graham has been taking Mary out when John is not around, mainly during the day but sometimes when Johns work takes him away for a day or two. Its what they do that gets interesting, not a simple fuck session between thetwo of them but with a lot of extra guys and more. I have explained that our group sometimes use an industrial unit closeby for our "gangbang sessions". There are only 8 guys in the group so its normally 5/6 guys unless there is something special arranged. What started as Mary being made available to us is her being available during the daytime to the guys working at the place, and that in turn has meant a few guys from elsewhere on the industrial park popping over for some fun. I gather that when it started the guy that runs the business got a boost in productivity and the guys got more content. There is now a room that is kept free of the work materials and tidy so that it can be used for fucking. I have seen the room so that part is at least true. I am told she sometime gets there about 9.30am and leaves around 3pm, spends all day in the room with guys popping in when they are on a break, sometimes as many as 20 guys over the course of the day. I do know that there is a good mix of guys at the unit, older, younger black, asian so if its all trure she gets a good selection of cocks to suck and fuck with. How the hell she keeps all that from John I really dont know but she has become a total whore in our group so would not put it past her.

She has also been taken to a farm for something similar, Graham hints at something else but my lips are sealed about that, more than her cunt lips are apparently.

Then there is the sex club we sometimes use, they run sessions for couples and other groups (gays, Bdsm, and so on) if you go on a Thursday it might be CD/Tvs etc, Tuesday it might be fetish and so on. On a Wednesday its whore day and thats when Mary has been taken, of course there are other women there then but she is always willing to get laid. I have to say that once or twice I have wondered if my own wife has been taken to any of this but I think her work keeps her fairly restricted as regards opportunity to "play away" if she was minded too, besides I think we have been doing this kind of thing long enough that the novelty would have worn off by now anyway. I`m not entirley innocent myself so good luck to her if she gets the odd bit extra to our normal group of friends.

Anyway, like I said at the beginning I cant actually verify much of this, its just what Graham lets slip out from time to time but if only half of its true then Mary had indeed been turned into a total whore.....and good for her and all the other women who enjoy fucking around as much as the guys.

Written by Seaman2023

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