I was young, 18 and I had my first Passionate Affair. I had had a little bit of sexual experience before all of which was a bit lacking. This was different. This was that big Romance. We stayed up all night sharing things we had never shared with anyone before. We had this new experience. We felt so close, it was a Romance, we fucked, we talked, we experimented with our bodies, we learnt things together. There was like this immense honesty where we felt safe going into each others deepest thoughts. We were young we thought we had found a profound relationship never before experienced by anyone. Oh the innocence of youth. But it was immense nevertheless. When we fucked I wanted to be so deep in her, beyond a physical thing I wanted to be part of her I wanted her so much I wanted to be one with her. This all became very consuming, I gave up my job I could only have this relationship there was no room in my life for anything else.
We continued to stay up all night we explored our bodies, we found pleasures we had never dreamed of. We talked, we walked the empty streets at night holding hands, we fucked in empty parks in the middle of the night. We sat in our bedroom talking, watching the sun rise. We would run through the rain and buy croissants and coffee and back to bed to explore ourselves. We were something that was so big we had no comprehension of what it was. We fell in love, the world consisted of just us. Neither of us could get enough of the other. Sex was such a big part of this but it seemed bigger than us. We were not the first, but it was the first for us we had found love.
The thing is you can't live on love alone. So I had to go back to work, I didn't want to work in an office or work for other people so I ended up becoming an entrepreneur, not big time, but nonetheless, I had seven businesses on the go. Again, I was still young and inexperienced in this and seemed to be incapable of delegating. So I ended up working very long hours. Obviously this cut down on our love making but we still continued with a couple of hours a night and this seemed to go okay for a year or so. But then I started to get worn out. We would make love, cuddle, kiss, stroke, fuck, after sometime I would cum. And hey, I'm a guy, I got my rocks off, I'm tired I want go to sleep. My lover was a bit different, each orgasm, seemed to lead to the next being even bigger. She wanted it, she wanted more. So as tired as I was I would lay spent, I would lick her, I would finger her until she hit that next climax. My tongue would get sore, my nose would get sore, my arm would ache from rubbing her. When she climaxed, if I was licking her, she would nearly break my neck with her thighs, my ears felt like they were getting ripped off as she tensed up on my head. If I was fingering her she would nearly rip my hand out of my arm socket. She would claw my arms and back. It was a war zone!
I couldn't take it, I was stressed about my businesses I was getting drained, literally wrung out in bed at night. So I started getting home and going straight to bed. No lovemaking, I would have secret wanks, they were quick gave me all I needed. My Girlfriend, can hardly call her my lover at this stage, was a very sexual person, she needed the physical side of our relationship, she now felt unwanted, rejected, unloved. She left me. But we were deeply in love and so we got back together. I didn't really improve on providing to her and I was too immature to seek help. She did try and fix us up with a counselor, but when I went to the first session I felt they were both attacking me and I never returned. I never talked openly about it with her, I thought I might hurt her feelings, saying that I felt she was being unfair demanding too much so often, she was killing the fun for me. Rather ironically our relationship built on the greatest honesty I had ever known was getting destroyed by my lack of openness.
We were truly in love and even with this mess, we got married. Stupid? Maybe but we had a real caring deep love. It was not enough. There is this sort of macho idea that guys are the ones who are the sexual predators, it's just not true, women quite often have a deep down urge to recreate, they want a good partner to do this with, they want sex to do it. Now that is stereotyping quite a bit, it is true though for a lot of women. But there are also a lot of women who do not want children, they want powerful jobs, that want to be in politics, they want to find cures for rare diseases and they want a bloody good fucking. My ex wife is one of the later and I am so proud of her and what she went out to achieve but she had to leave me because her honesty told her she needed a powerful physical relationship and I had given her that in the beginning, but I had yet again proved men could not multi task and I chose business and money over her.
I am an old guy now and a lot has happened since but I was thinking the other day there is a moral to this story. It's vibrators. Guys these are not your enemy they are your friend. For God's sake embrace them. Some men have felt threatened by the vibrator. They see their woman hit a high they have never given them, don't feel threatened, it's there for you as well. Women introduce your guy to your vibrator. Face it , women, if they want, can go for longer than men so when you are spent and have no more energy or desire. Lay close to you friend, your lady and don't get a worn out arm, just hold the vibrator where she shows you. Use it together, share it. Ladies it's easier to guide your man's hand with the vibrator to the spot than it is to guide his fingers. Come on we all know us guys are not brilliant at getting the spot with our fingers! Now I have met a number of women who don't like vibrators, all I can say to them is that you may need more than we guys can give you. Consider that vibrator as your man's little helper. Go out get it together. Share it. For both of your sakes if it can help you cum take it. Now don't just depend on the vibrator, that sensual, personal feel of tongue and fingers are still needed but add to the sensual bit with the vibrator doing the big job.
For me and I hope for many guys it's very special watching a woman orgasm, her cheeks going pink, then her whole face pink. Spreading down her neck, her tits swelling, some veins bulging, then her whole body tensing, then ecstasy surging through her whole body. Doing that with a vibrator, seeing that intense pleasure, as I say I'm getting old but it is still one of my greatest treats in life.
So the moral of this story is don't screw up your life embrace and use the Vibrator.