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Virgin to multiple cock lover, part 3

"Wet, very wet, to dry and oh no.???"

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Virgin to multiple cock lover, part 3

Wow, didn't expect so many views of my first and second chapters. Sorry it's taken me so long to finish chapter 3, but I have been busy.

So to continue, we were up very late that night looking at the profiles of possible couples we thought we'd like to meet, sending messages and getting some back sometimes within minutes, my heart would jump when I saw another message, we'd read it and say yay or nay. Adam also clicked on some males that kept popping up and so as not to give him any cause to be jealous I'd pretend they were couples. He also opened profiles of single women, but sorry girls, at that time I really wasn't into another female.

After a while with my heart beating faster than my washing machine could spin I asked Adam if he wanted a single man to be the first to do 'IT' to me. I know I should have said to be our first meet, but, 'IT' sounded like it was the word at the time.

Adam completely shocked me by replying, "You mean the first guy to fuck you" 

With a distinct emphasis on, 'Fuck'

I think Adam misinterpreted my deep exhale of breath as me being shocked and offended at the F word. Thankfully he didn't see me clamp my knees together, my boobs suddenly felt extremely tight in my bra but it was too late for my lady part, it responded extremely profusely, only this time the tena lady had failed miserably. 

Please don't take that as a negative point for Tena ladies, there's only so much water a dam can hold back before it flows over the top.

Adam apologized and said, "You do understand that's what we're talking about. We did agree we want to swapping partners and full sex, that's what we put on our profile. It would mean if we meet a couple you'd be with the man and have sex with him, he'd, 'fuck you', just as I'd be with his wife and fuck her.

No holding back, neither of up like condoms we agreed bareback, full sex, I'd be bringing you home with another guys cum in your pussy. 

Adam paused a moment to let me take that last statement in. 

We need to be sure before we go any further"

My inner demon was screaming at me, 'say yes', she's such a slut.

But why was my heart beating so fast, I'd never been interested in other men sexually before, but something had aroused my interest.

I said, "Yes, its what we talked about, ok"

I knew all this, I may have been naive where different positions and other sexual things were involved but I was fully aware of what swinging was all about and what we were planning to do, or so I thought.

Then Adam re-asked my question, "Would you prefer to meet a single man instead" 

And again in my innocent way I asked, "But what about you"

I remember Adam's reply almost to the letter, he put his arms around me, gave me a wonderful kiss, and said, 

"Little innocent you, it would be a threesome, as opposed to a foursome. We find a man that you like, meet up for a drink and chat, have a think about it and if you, we were happy and he was too, then we would arrange a time and place to meet for sex, all three of us.

Adam continued, "You'd be the center of our attention, and of both our cocks, we'd both fuck you, make you cum and have sexy fun"

I have to admit I'd not thought of having two men do 'IT' to me at the same time, but as Adam talked about it my face felt like the skin was burning off. I know my boobs had swelled up, I could feel my nipples tingling and being squashed up in my bra, also that tightening clampy feeling in my lady parts.

I had a sudden fear my period was starting early. My monthly cycle had always been regular as clockwork, but all these sensations were playing havoc with my mind not to mention what they were doing to my body.

Adam clicked on another profile, another couple, then almost immediately he clicked on a single man's profile. He asked, "What do you think"

I studied both profiles picking out things I didn't like, then Adam said, "What about things that you do like"

As I said what I liked about each couple or man, he jotted it down on a piece of paper.

After marking several couples and single men, 

Adam counted the points up and said, "Hmm, looks like you want a threesome fucking"

Adam explained how a threesome would work for us I remember thinking I was glad I was wearing a padded bra otherwise he would notice my nipples poking through my blouse and realised how aroused I was. I should say that at that time, despite my nipples getting hard and protruding when we had sex, I rarely allowed Adam to touch or play with them.

I managed to just say, "Oh"

Adam continued, "I think you'd prefer to meet just the one man on a fairly regular basis, I don't think you'd like a one off then look for someone else and so on"

My inner demon was nodding, I, shook my head.

He said, "Ok so to begin with it would have to be condoms, then when we were happy he was a regular, and safe, we'd dispense with the condoms go for the full on bareback sex. Either way one of us would fuck me first then the other would fuck me, and of course we'd both try and make you cum"

Oh my goodness, where had all these butterflies come from. My inner demon again poked her mind into my thoughts, 'you better make me cum'

I asked, "Would you both, finish inside me"

Adam always did except for the time I let him finish on my boobs.

Of course my inner demon had already worked out that both Adam and the other man would climax inside me, she'd made that decision 5 minutes ago, and also sent my pussy another clenching and my brain the thought of another man's semen flowing inside me.

I also had a vision of my husband doing the same to me right after my threesome man.

What a slut I was becoming.

I wondered if Adam had read my mind when he said, "Yes of course, we'd both fuck you to your, and our complete satisfaction, with condom to begin with but most definitely without when you were happy for him to do so. As for cumming in you some guys might want to cum on you"

Again my inner demon was screaming at me, "Say yes, yes"

It was a scenario I really hadn't thought about, sex with Adam and me just happened and I didn't have to do or think about it.

But my body was giving me all different signs that I wasn't sure my husband should know about.

I just said, "Yes ok"

At that time I genuinely hadn't considered us having a threesome.

Now I definitely had to excuse myself, I stood up saying I'd put the kettle on. Immediately I felt something wet running down my thighs and hoped Adam wouldn't notice the wet patch on my slacks.

In the kitchen I grabbed several sheets of kitchen towel and furiously stuffed them down my panties, but it was too little too late.

With the kettle on I quickly ran upstairs to our ensuite. I couldn't believe how wet I was. I grabbed the flannel and wiped myself and thought I'd dried myself, but as I walked into our bedroom to get a clean pair of panties and dry slacks, the flood gates had opened again. In actual fact they'd never closed. 

Quickly put another pair of panties on with double tena lady's, pulled on a clean pair of slacks hoping Adam wouldn't notice I'd changed, and ran downstairs.

The kettle had long boiled but I reboiled it and made two coffees. Its a wonder I didn't spill them as I  headed back into Adam's den. I put his coffee on the side hoping he hadn't seen my hand shaking, and sat down 

Adam said, "Check these guys out see what you think, it could be very difficult to get a couple that we're both happy with, so we may as well look at the threesome option"

Phew, I should have changed my bra while I was upstairs, the one I had on felt rather tight, and refreshed my under arm and femfresh down there.

I looked through the profiles of the single men Adam had picked.

"No, oh I like his eyes, but oh no not that one, mmm he's a possible, definitely not someone that wears those clothes on holiday, ooh yes he sounds nice". 

We went through them together whittling out the possible ones and discarding the others, and before I knew it we, I'd  picked out 6 possible men and 4 couples.

Adam set about sending them all messages and then it was time for bed.

Next morning I was awake early and as soon as I heard Adam go to work, I was out of bed and downstairs. Switched the computer on, and cursing why it was taking so long to boot up, and hoping the children wouldn't come down.

How would I explain that.

Finally I got onto the adult site and, oh my goodness, a dozen or more messages.

Drat, heavy footsteps, that could only mean my son was on his way down the stairs. I quickly closed the computer down, I'd have to wait till I got home to read the messages. Frustrated and excited at the same time, and that dam wetness again.

Into the kitchen quickly and started getting breakfast ready. "Mom, you're up early"

"Oh err, I couldn't sleep"

Phew that was a close one, but I'd better go and put some panties on. This is getting too much, the tingling boobs, the clenching sensation of certain muscles. It felt like I was doing permanent kegal exercises. Look it up guys. and I hadn't done those in ages, and this permanent wetness.

I never got moist down there, although Adam always commented on how 'wet' I got when he was paying particular attention to my lady part, and I must admit I never felt dry down there when we did it.

Breakfast over and a quick shower, paying particular attention under my arms and that special area, then out of the shower and dried. Dam where's my femfresh, drat its in my handbag downstairs, thankfully I've got a box of tena lady's in the bedroom that will have to do.

Dressed and out to work, just made it, but again I felt clammy, must be because I had to run for the bus.

Another pantie change mid-morning, and resist touching myself down there.

A phone call at midday from Adam, "Hi darling, how's your day going"

"Oh you know usual" I replied, "How's your day going, will you be home at the usual time tonight"

"Yes should be, err Pam, we've had several email messages from that site, couples that want to get to know us more. Some I think might be what were looking for. Oh and there's quite a few from single men. Where are the kids tonight, if they're out we could look through them all and see if we want to take it further, if you're ok with that"

I didn't want to sound too excited, or that my inner demon was shouting, (yes yes fucking yes of course I'm certain stop asking) and I certainly didn't tell him I desperately needed to go change my panties, again.

I just said, "According to the calendar, their both at home tonight, but they'll probably be in their bedrooms watching tv, so if we're careful we could do that"

"Ok, got to go phones going crazy, see you tonight, love you"

Phew, the tena lady just managed to contain it, maybe I should take up pelvic floor again.

Again guys look it up.

Oh no what if my pussy muscles are weak and I don't please him or feel him.

A quick powder on my cheeks, my boobs are tingling again, hope I'm not going through the change, do I still look flushed, better get back to my desk.

Why is the afternoon going so slow.

On the bus home, I'm conscious of a man looking at me, oh no have I leaked, can he see a wet patch down there, I certainly feel very moist. In fact it didnt feel just moist it felt like Niagara Falls. Strategically placing my handbag on my lap so he can't see, I slide my hand down between my legs, phew thank goodness, dry, thank you tena lady.

Mental note to myself to check the symptoms for someone my age going through the change. I'm pretty sure being moist isn't one of them.

Off at my stop and just made it to our house and to the downstairs loo, why do neighbours want to stop and chat at the most awkward times.

At this rate I should buy stocks and shares in tena lady, wonder who makes them.

Thinking, how did I get from neighbours, to stocks and shares in tena lady.

Shouted upstairs  "Hi anyone about" then felt slightly deflated when I got a, "Hi mom" followed by our son asking, "What time will dinner be ready " Hmm, if they knew that dinner was the last thing on my mind at that moment.

Oh well let's get the dinner on and who knows we might get chance to check out those emails. I really didnt think it would be this stressful to meet like minded people who wanted sex with other couples.

Did I just say that word.

There, vegetables ready, potatoes on and meat in the oven.

And for those of you with dirty minds, I now fully understand the various connotations of 'meat' and, 'in the oven' and other seemingly innocent words and syllables that have secondary sexual meanings.

Yes I was very innocent in terminology and shall we say styles, positions, but now I feel like the flood gates have been opened and the dam has burst, quite literally.

And because I seem to be going on about my own personal problems, for those of you that want something else more spicy, here's a little titbit for you.

These days not all the fluids leaking from my pussy are my own, nor are they Adam's either, and a tena lady no longer controls the flood, especially after a weekend like I've just had.

So with the dinner cooking I went into the study and searched for our medical journal. Searching the index for menopause and flicked through to the relevant pages.

Do you guys out there realise there are over 30 symptoms us ladies have to put up with regard to the change.

I wonder whether some of you even know what I mean by the change.

That's ok, if or when we meet its not your brain I'm seeking.

So running down the list, let's see, I should know most of them, but here goes are these sensations I'm feeling because I'm going through the change, or to use its medical term, The Menopause. 

There's that word again, men. I could go on but I'd never get to the real point of telling you about our swinging life.

So going through the list of symptoms for the change and its, yes, no, possible, hmm, either way with that one. Ahh, dryness of the vagina, hmm, most definitely not.

Oh, the front door, that's Adam home and yep there's the timer, and 2 hungry grown up kids. Where did the years go.

Thankfully after dinner the children went back up to their bedrooms, don't you worry mom and dad will do the pots. At least I got a thank you from my daughter.

"Adam darling, while I tidy up you can go switch the computer on, if you would like to that is" better not show too much enthusiasm.

And so we set about sorting through all the messages.

This was all too exhausting, I thought at the outset it would be just pick a couple, meet and have sex and, well I hadn't thought any further than that.

So I suppose you're thinking we went through the ones we wanted to meet, arranged a time and place and ????

Well half of my brain may have been influenced by my very wet lady part, but the other half was still in control of my standards, and Adam is always the rock in our marriage, always takes his time to make sure its the right decision.

Even his quickies take half to three quarters of a hour.

Don't knock it, I didn't then and don't now like a quick bang and a wipe and thank you mam. 

So we arranged our first meet, it just so happened to be a local guy, purely because he was the first to answer.

My innocent mind took to him straight away, we told him we were new to this and he told us some of the sit falls to look out for. He was polite and very helpful, and if you're reading this, thank you.

We said our goodbyes and as we drove away I said to Adam, "Yes I'm fine with him, I liked him"

Adam said, "We'll look at the others we picked first" and as usual my husband was right, I was too eager.

Over the next month we met 2 couples for chat and drink. I said yes to one and no to the other.

Sorry, but she was size 10 to my 14. ???

The month turned into a second month then a third. Various meets all with couples as the men just didn't but it and two led us on. Very naughty guys.

Work and home life continued and after time I was glad I didn't buy shares in tena lady as I gradually didn't need them.

We had lots of nice meets with various couples all very friendly and nice, but either they didn't fit the bill or we didn't with them.

Another work day and, beep beep, a text from Adam.

"Hi Pam, that guy the one you didn't like because of the clothes he was wearing, well he wants to meet tonight, and I've said yes"

Holy shit, pardon my language, where the fuck are my tena lady's.

Written by Alpa5749

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