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We were a pair of Virgins

"How Cat and I lost our virginity."

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I had always been a loner, probably because I was moved from one foster home to the next. I struggled to make relationships and just as I reached eighteen I met Catherine (Cat). We clicked straight away. She was in temporary care as she went through moods and her parents needed a break from her. I can't claim that it was my influence but she quickly calmed down. The family we were with tried to keep us apart but it must have been like pushing water uphill. Then at eighteen I was shipped out and was housed in a one bed flat by the council. Although it was the other side of town I kept in contact with Cat. It got a little harder when she went back home as it was harder to get there by public transport. But we did still meet up, usually in town where we could both get to. Then I was invited to her home. Her mother was nice, but her father just seemed to blank me at first. Rose was Cat's mother and she thanked me for being Cat's friend and said that I had a good influence on her. At the end of the afternoon Rose told me not to leave it too long before visiting again. At their front door, it was the first time that I had a real kiss with a girl. Some of the women I had stayed with would kiss me on the top of the head, but this was my first kiss on the lips and I wanted more. To feel being wanted and liked made all the difference and gave me such a warm feeling. On my next visit I was talking about the struggle to get employment as I was basically in a hostel and employers seemed to take one look at where I lived and dismiss me. Rose said that Tom her husband might be able to help with that and the next thing was I was working for a haulage firm cleaning the trucks, coaches, the yard and offices. I didn't care work was work. The boss seemed to like me and I did work hard. Then he asked did I have a driving license. I had to tell him no and he said not to worry he would get me lessons. I was soon having lessons and life seemed on the up. Even Tom seemed to have warmed to me. I didn't want to ruin things with Cat but we had moved on to petting and I wanted more. She did to, but was scared, especially as I had no experience. Then on the Saturday after my lesson I was dropped off at Cat's home. I found that Cat had gone into town to collect something, so I sat talking to Rose. She told me that she was so pleased that Cat and I were getting on well and that I was doing well at work. Then after she took a big breath she asked had I made love to her daughter yet. I told her that I wanted to but we hadn't as Cat was scared. I confessed that I was also a little scared as I hadn't had any experience in that direction. No more was said and then cat was home and we went to her room to play some music. It was two Saturdays later and Tom had gone off to watch a football match and I was left with Cat and Rose. It took just a few minutes for Rose to turn the subject around to sex. I don't know about Cat but I was quite embarrassed talking about sex with Cat's mother. She asked if we had progress to full blown sex and Cat whispered no. Rose asked if Cat was taking her tablets. It turned out that Rose had taken Cat to the Family Planning Center some time back back. Cat replied that she was. Good it's about time you two got it together Rose announced. I was all for that but I wasn't sure how to go about it. Rose took us upstairs and had us strip off and sit on Cat's bed. I had felt cat's tits and seen them a few times, but although I had stroked her pussy a few times, I hadn't actually seen it before. I liked the patch of dark hair. Rose had us touching each other. It was much easier without clothes and Cat was soon wanking my cock under her mothers instruction. It felt good on my cock as did her pussy on my fingers. Then Rose told me to go down on Cat and I had no idea what the hell she meant and she patiently talked me through licking Cat's pussy. Wow that was thrilling, not only did I like the taste, but I also liked that it made Cat squirm and squeal as she enjoyed it. After a while Rose told Cat to suck my cock. Cat was more than just resistant she was cringing at the idea. To my surprise Rose was quickly between my legs and licking first the head and then the shaft and finally she sucked it into her mouth. Cat sat watching with a look of fascination on her face. It didn't last to long as I didn't last that long. Rose took all my come into her mouth and showed the two of us that she had it and then swallowed it. I was amazed. My cock was beginning to go soft and Rose told Cat that she needed to suck me to keep me hard. Still nervous, but she did lick it and then eventually take it into her mouth. Cat's technique needed way more practice compared to Rose's and I cringed a few times when her teeth raked my cock. It did get me back to full hardness again. Rose had us in the sixty nine position with me on the top I really loved that. Then Rose said it was time to do it. She had Cat lay on her back and Rose guided my cock to Cat's opening. She told me to push gently and as I did Cat squealed and wiggled away. Two more attempts and Rose was asking Cat what was wrong. Cat confessed that although it felt uncomfortable her main problem was that she was scared. Rose told Cat to get off the bed and as she did Rose stood and removed her panties. Now I had seen not one but two pussies in just one afternoon. The patch of hair on Roses pussy was more of a bush. Then she lay on her back and pulled me with her. It was an accident but I found one of my hands on one of Rose's tits. Rose took no interest at all as to where my had was. She was more interested in where my cock was and took hold of it and as she put it into her opening she told Cat to watch. Then she told me to push. I was in. Yeees I was in my very first pussy. Now I was there I wasn't quite sure what to do, but Rosa soon had me pumping her pussy. God that was good. Fortunately I had already come or I would have shot my lot already. At first all thoughts of Cat had slipped from my mind. Then I noticed that Cat was just inches from where I was joined with her mother and watching my cock plunging in and out. Rose was groaning and grunting as I plowed her pussy. I was enjoying giving pleasure to Cat's mum. Then to my disappointment Rose was pushing me off. As she did she was telling Cat that it was her turn. As Cat got in position on her back I was pleased that at least I now knew what to do. Rose reminded me to take it very slowly and just increase the pressure until I was in and then to stop there until she told me to move again. I could feel Cat trembling as I put my cock in her opening. I watched her wince as I applied pressure and then with just a little more something broke. Cat yelped and gripped me very tightly and I did as Rose said and I stayed still. It was several minutes before Cat loosened her grip on my arms. Then Rose told me to go very slowly. I was surprised how easily it had gone into Rose's pussy but just how tight Cat's pussy was and how it was still resisting my cock. Cat was still very tense and was going Oooh every time I thrust gently forward although a little more went in each time. It was many thrusts before I felt my balls touch Cat's arse and Rose told me to stop again. I didn't know why but it felt good anyway so I did as told. It was a few minute before Cat started to move her arse pushing it towards me. It felt great and Rose said I could move now. I was soon plunging deep in Cat's pussy and she was pushing back against me. It was several minutes of plunging into her when Cat suddenly went stiff and I stopped moving. Luckily for me Rose was straight there pushing and pulling my arse to keep me going. Cat was groaning loudly as if in pain. Then she went limp. Rose told me to keep going and a few seconds later I came in Cat's pussy. I slumped on top of Cat struggling with my breathing. I felt my cock slip out of Cat and she pushed me off of her. As I looked down I was shocked that there was blood on my cock. I panicked. Had Rose's pussy or Cat's pussy bitten my cock. I couldn't feel any pain. Cat was having the same reaction in reverse when she saw blood on her pussy. Rose soon calmed us down and explained that when I felt something break and let go, it was Cat's Hymen. She said it was completely natural and she explained that it was Cat's thin bit of skin that showed she was a virgin and it was now gone and that she wouldn't bleed like that again. We were both relieved. She had us kissing and cuddling and stroking each other and said to always do that after sex. I would anyway as it felt great. It was a while but I started to go hard again. Rose laughed and said that she wished her husband could get hard again like that and said that Cat was going to have a good time with my cock. She had us move into the doggy position and I had barely started to fuck Cat when she asked to stop saying she was too sore. Rose assured us that next time that problem wouldn't happen again and to show us Rose got on her hands and knees and told me to fuck her. I took it easy at first but soon Rose was telling me to fuck her harder and faster. Like Cat had, Rose went stiff and I just plowed on and when she collapsed onto her front I moved with her still stabbing my cock in her pussy until I came again. Well that was Cat and my first times. It wasn't my last time with Rose who taught me many more positions over the years, that always later benefited Cat. Life got better and I passed my driving license and eventually took my HGV test. I married Cat and moved in with Tom and Rose. A few years later sadly Tom was in a bad accident and we lost him. Cat and I had two children and had a ready babysitter on hand. Tom having passed, Rose occasionally called on me to pleasure her and passed on her experiences to me. Then she fell ill and shortly before she passed she informed us that Cat was adopted when she was two, and that all she knew of her parentage was that her mother was a drug addict who had died when Cat was five. As for her real father Rose had no idea and suspected the cat's mother probably didn't know either. She told us where Cat's Birth certificate was and the adoption papers. Then two days later she passed. I was fortunate to be able to tell Rose how grateful I was that her and Tom had given Cat and I such a good start to adult life and for all the help and patience she had with us, even if it was just a little unconventional. To that end we adopted a five year old boy to see he had a good start to life. That was quite a long tome ago as we are now in our sixties, and we have grandchildren from all three of our children. I often think about how differently things could have turned out for Cat and I if Tom and especially Rose hadn't helped us.
Written by Yorkie

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