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What happens while she's in the States

"I was playing with Shirley's pussy ina crowded pub"

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My wife is what you would call a high flyer.  At thirty four she was working just below the UK CEO of a large American owned business.  Then she was offered a three year placement at their American headquarters.  The UK CEO was due to retire in a little over four years time, and it looked like she was being groomed for the top spot, so she couldn't really say no.  There was no way I could take a sabbatical from my job and as they are UK based only a move was out of the question.

We decided that Sam would go and I would stay where I was.  Her company would fly her home for four visits a year.  Three months between shags was a big ask and after a lot of discussion we agreed that what happened when she was away stayed in the States, and that applied to both of us.  The first three months were tough as I would wake expecting to feel Sam next to me in bed and she wasn't there.  On her return we fucked like rabbit for almost the whole of her short break.  Then Sam was gone again.

I started to frequent my local pub a bit more and got chatted up by one of the barmaids.  Even though she wasn't really my type I was more than half inclined to go with it and fuck her as she had made it pretty obvious that was where she wanted it to go.  I held out and resisted  and eventually got to the six month break.  Again I got all the fucking I could get before my wife returned to the States.

My first visit to the pub, after she had flown out, had a surprise for me.  In the two weeks I had been screwing my wife's brains out, the pub had a change of managers.  I was told that the last managers had left under a dark cloud.  He was shagging guess who?  Yes the barmaid that had practically thrown herself at me, and his wife was drinking all the profits.  The new managers seemed nice enough. 

They were Shirley and Dave.  He was into his fifties and straight away I noticed that his eyes were glazed and he was trying to hide that he was pretty drunk.  He walked and talked ok, but there was small tell tales where he would drop his guard.  Shirley was a different kettle all together she was thirty two, a year older than me.  She just oozed sex in the way she moved and then when she talked it felt like she was stroking you.  Or at least that was how I felt.  She also had the body to match.

Under the last management the pub had gone down hill and the regulars had moved to another pub.  Shirley worked extremely hard, not so much with Dave.  The pub had a small makeover and the punters started to return.  Shirley and Dave both took a night off, but on separate evenings.  Shirley took Thursdays and Dave took Wednesdays.  The rest of the week they both worked.  Shirley had sacked most of the bar staff and had taken on some fresh ones.  Things were looking good for the pub and Shirley looked even better.  Things looked good for them until a Wednesday night when Dave was off.  So was one of the bar staff, and another member of the staff resigned that morning to go to a better job.  Shirley was on her own and rushing everywhere trying to keep the customers happy.  She was running out of glasses so I offered to collect some for her.

I placed loads of empties on the bar just above the glasses washer.  Shirley asked could I be a pet and load them as well for her, and offered to pay me for my time.  As I was on my knees loading the washer Shirley stretched up above me to get a customers personal jug and as she did I got a great view up her skirt to her tight little blue panties.  Oh how I wanted to reach up her skirt and stroke her pussy.  I did manage to keep myself in check.  Once the washer was full, Shirley bent down to show me how to set it going and I had a look at her other end as her tits almost fell out of her bra and blouse. 

I couldn't walk back around the bar as I was now sporting one hell of an erection.  Fortunately one of the customers thought I was bar staff and dictated an order to me.  So there I was behind the counter pouring pints and getting bottled and canned drinks for him.  Shirley handed me a fob to work the till and I rang up the till and the man paid by card.  I ended up working the rest of the evening behind the bar and got several more looks up Shirley's skirt and down her bra.  At the end of the evening I even helped clear up and as I reloaded the washer Shirley stretched to put glasses back on the shelves.

I was looking directly up her skirt and she was telling me what she would pay me and could I do the next Wednesday night for her.  As I told her I didn't need paying she saw me looking up her skirt.  "I see you prefer payment in kind," she joked.  She did insist on paying me in cash just before she let me out the pub..  The following Wednesday I went straight behind the bar and started to serve the customers.  Again there was just the two of us in bar and the staff that worked and served from the kitchens left just before ten p.m.. 

During the evening it got very busy and I had to go collecting glasses to keep the bar stocked.  It was while I was stacking the washer that Shirley was reaching over me serving a customer.  She had a very short skirt this evening and I could see her red panties and this time I couldn't resist and I reached up and stroked her pussy through her panties.  Shirley didn't make any attempt at moving away or removing my hand as I stroked her pussy.  Here I was in a very busy pub with my hand up the managers wife's skirt stroking her pussy, and to add to that I was sure I heard a purring sound escape her lips.  Then she was moving away from me.  I ended up serving from right there until me erection subsided.

Much later when the pub closed I was collecting glasses and Shirley was bent forward loading the washer again, I couldn't help myself as I slipped behind the bar and as she was bent forward and slipped my hand up her skirt and straight into her panties.  Shirley squealed with surprise and looked to see it was me with fingers now slipping into her hot wet hole.  She told me I was a bad boy especially when I had stroked her pussy with all the customers there.

While she scolded me she again made no effort to stop me and indeed a few minutes later she was wiggling her arse around due to the fingers causing her enjoyment.  I dropped to my knees and pulled her panties down to her knees and withdrew my fingers and replaced them with my tongue.  Shirley had been purring again with my fingers, but the purring was now replaced with Ooohs and Aaahs.  That just made me lick and suck her pussy and arse harder, which in turn cause Shirley to moan.  I now had a hard on again and this time there seemed to be nothing stopping me from going further.

I took my cock out my trousers and stood and slipped it straight up Shirley's sweet pussy.  It was the first time I had ever fucked over a dish washer let alone in a pub.  It didn't last long for either of us as Shirley's pussy milked my cock dry as she shook her way through an orgasm.  That night I got paid in cash and kind.  Shirley even sucked my cock back to life for round two, and for that we went into the snug and made love on one of the four sofas.

After that we made love every Wednesday nights after the customers had all left.  I missed one Wednesday night, having told Shirley my wife would be home for her third break and visit home.  On my wife returning again to the states  I was back behind the bar on Wednesday nights and after the shift we would make love before I would return home to an empty bed and Shirley return to her marital bed.  This Wednesday was no different.  I had managed several feels of Shirley's pussy during the shift and was looking forward to our regular fuck.   I was behind the counter on the floor fingering and sucking Shirley's pussy as she loaded the washer when suddenly I heard a voice.

"Have you nearly finished love?" it was Dave talking to Shirley.  Dave could only see part of the top of Shirley as we were behind the bar.  She told him she still had a way to go yet.  I stayed hidden and continued to lick her pussy as Dave told her he wasn't feeling well.  From his position in the doorway that led to their flat upstairs he explained that he had been sick several times.  I wasn't surprised as he was slurring his words as he was obviously drunk.  I heard Shirley sigh as my tongue made contact with her clitoris.  Dave said he would go back to bed and Shirley told him that was a good idea.  I heard the flat door close.

After he had been gone, and a few moment later, Shirley told me I was a bad boy especially as I didn't stop or move away while Dave was in the room.  I joked that he was so drunk he wouldn't have noticed if I was stood up and shagging her in front of him.   Mind it didn't stop her twenty minutes later from bending across one of the sofas in the snug while I fucked her from behind.  She was twice as energetic with her movements that night, as I fucked her, and she came much harder than normally.  Guess the excitement of nearly getting caught worked her up.

Shirley started to go to town on her Thursday night off with a couple of the female customers.  When they got back, the first few times, she went straight into the pub to her husband.  On the third or fourth time she ended up at my door and into my bed before going home well shagged.  Obviously this had to stop when my wife was on her flying visits.  This went on week after week.  I would fuck Shirley in the pub on Wednesday nights, after a shift behind bar, and then again Thursday nights in my own bed.  We had one close call when we both fell asleep and it was almost seven a.m. when we woke.

Shirley dashed off and went to the co-op and got milk.  When she returned to the pub Dave was wondering where she was.  She waved the milk telling him theirs was off.  Fortunately she got away with it.  Although Dave was so drunk, most of the time,  I was still surprised he didn't even noticed that Shirley wasn't there.    It was coming up for my wife's visit and my summer holiday.  I booked us a hotel in Cornwall for a fortnight and my wife flew into Bristol and had a hire car to meet me at the hotel.  She had just the first week and would be flying back on the Saturday.  It was just like our honeymoon when we got married.  We barely left the room and when we did it was mainly to eat. 

During the week I fended of several calls from Shirley.  My wife and I had agreed that we could play away while she was in the States, and neither of us wanted to know about what the other was doing or who with.  She did joke asking was that my girlfriend calling me, and I told her it was just work.  My wife had barely left for the airport when Shirley was ringing me again.  She said she was sick and tired of Dave being drunk all the time and could she come down and stay a few days with me.  Well I had a double bed some 120 miles from home and nobody to catch us out so obviously I said yes.

Shirley arrived almost four hours later.  We got lots of faces pulled by the hotel staff that realized that I was now with another woman.  After the first few days of fucking it felt more like we were a married couple, and we even went off sight seeing.  I wasn't sure which of the two weeks I enjoyed the most.  On our return Dave was very repentant and told Shirley he had gone almost the full week without a drink.  I was surprised as he almost looked sober.  I still continued to work Wednesday nights and fuck Shirley after closing time, but Shirley had stopped our Thursday nights at my house.

I was beginning to worry about what would happen when my wife's three years were up.  Then on her next flying visit she informed me that they had asked her to stay an extra year and then step in as CEO in the UK straight afterwards.  I was extremely happy for her and we went out celebrating.  After a great meal and several drinks my wife suddenly confessed that she had been seeing a guy called Rick.  I was instantly worried that this would turn into the I'm leaving you speech.  I was relieved when she said that it was just for some fun and some sexual relief.  She also said it didn't mean anything and could I forgive her.  I reminded her of our agreement that what happened between our visits was to stay outside of our marriage.  She kissed me and thanked me.  I then confessed that I was also occasionally seeing someone.

I could see some concern in her eyes.  It would be easy for her to fly home away from her friend, where mine was here and would still be here when she finally returned home for good.  I assure her it was just a fling and would end as soon as she was due to come home permanently.  I think it was her biggest tug ever to go back to the states knowing I was seeing someone, and she had 18 months left to do in the States.

A few days later I had a call from my wife saying she was so worried about our relationship that she was thinking of resigning and returning home.  I assured her I couldn't wait for her to return, but it would be silly to throw everything she had worked for away.  Eventually I managed to turn her around by saying I would end things with Shirley now. 

It didn't happen and I continued fucking Shirley for the next six months, like clockwork every Wednesday night.  During that time Dave had managed to stay dry and he now seemed like a very nice man.  I almost felt sorry for him knowing I was fucking his wife every week.  We had another evening where he nearly walked in on us.  We had just dressed and having a kiss when we heard the door go.  I slipped into the gents and Shirley walked around the other way to fend Dave off.  On my exiting the gents I said my good nights and left for home.

Shirley almost called time on my fucking her, due to almost getting caught, but gave into me as soon as my hand stroked her pussy.  We again fucked in the snug.  Two weeks later, and neither Shirley or I know why, but Dave really fell off the wagon and was staggering so much that he fell over in the pub.  I ended up putting Dave to bed.  It seemed ironic that I was putting the husband of the woman I was shagging to bed.

It was two weeks later again on the Wednesday night when I was shagging Shirley.  We had just finished when we saw flashing lights in the carpark.  We quickly dressed and was met by two police officers at the door.  Dave had been out in town, and got drunker than ever, if that was possible, and had collapsed in the high street.  He had been rushed to the hospital and the officers offered Shirley a lift to the hospital as they felt it was bad.

Shirley went with them and I closed up the pub.  At two in the morning I was woken by Shirley ringing my door and a taxi pulling away.  She needed her keys to get back in the pub.  I offered her a tea or coffee and over a cup of tea she told me that he had landed fully on his face.  Being so drunk he didn't even attempt to break his fall.  From what she told me he was pretty bashed up and would be in hospital for several day as they would operate on him first thing in the morning.  Shirley stayed the night, but we did not have sex I just cuddled her.

Dave was in hospital for almost two weeks and during that time she slept most nights at my house.   Dave was told his life expectancy was short if he continued drinking.   There was several days that she was unable to leave the pub open and visit Dave so she shut the pub.  It got back to the owners who sent someone to investigate.  He arrived on the day that Dave came out of hospital.  Dave looked horrendous with loads of stitches and bandaged a bit like the invisible man with only half of his bandages.  Although It wasn't a Wednesday I worked bar for Shirley to try to give the guy the best impression about how the pub was run.  Dave spent the evening in their flat and after we closed up and the investigator left to make his report, we again made love in the snug. 

It was under a week when Shirley was told that the owners had gathered as much information as they needed and they wanted her to go to their Birmingham offices to discuss the report.  I went with her as support.  We were met by three men.  Although they were impressed with the way the pub was run they had several concerns.  Firstly the income to the outgoings for the pub didn't fully balance.  They suspected, and was probably right, that Dave was drinking into the profits.  Secondly the report from the police, they had obtained, suggested that Dave was a long time drunk and that was supported by the medical report.

I didn't know it but Shirley was the licensee and not Dave.  She was told that Dave couldn't remain on the premises for safety reasons, his safety and the pubs safety.  He had two weeks to leave.   They were happy for Shirley to stay on, but Dave had to go.  It was an extremely awkward ride home and Shirley asked me to be with her when she informed Dave.  Dave's answer was to hit the bottle again.  Shirley found an answer to their problem and rented a house almost opposite the pub.  She also kept Dave away from any booze and the pub.  I was now fucking Shirley two or three times a week after closing time.  I wondered if Dave now being sober ever wondered about why Shirley was so late home some nights.

The pub was wearing Shirley down as she was working seven days a week in a very busy pub and no support from Dave.  I did what I could to help but I could see it wasn't enough.  Then my wife was home for another visit.  On her return to the States I went to the pub.  At the end of the evening she didn't want to make love, well not straight away.  We sat talking and she informed me that she was moving to another pub in a quieter spot near Weymouth.  She also told me that she wasn't taking Dave with her as he was back heavily on the drink, yet again.

Then she dropped a bombshell on me when she asked me to leave my wife and go with her.  I love my wife and as much as I loved being with Shirley I couldn't or wouldn't give everything up to go run a pub as it would also mean giving up my job.  She dragged me up to the flat where we fucked for ages with her telling me I could have this every night if I went with her.  I will say it was one great fucking session, but even that couldn't persuade me to give up my life and run a pub near to Weymouth.   We fucked three more times over the coming days  before Shirley had the removals lorry packing and removing her belongings.   Dave was totally shocked and confused as well as drunk and couldn't fathom that Shirley was leaving him.  Then she was gone leaving Dave stood in the street looking confused and lost.

About a fortnight later Shirley rang me saying I could still change my mind and join her.  She told me the pub was great and she had good staff and it almost ran itself.  I declined the offer to join her permanently, but went down for a long weekend.  I had three great nights with Shirley in her bed before returning home.  I got lots of calls saying she was missing me and asking me to join her.  I told her that whilst I loved her and enjoyed being with her I was married and loved my wife. 

Then I had one more weekend at Weymouth before Sam was coming home for good.  Shirley tried all weekend to persuade me to move in with her.  I told her I couldn't and left Shirley close to tears.   It seemed strange having my wife home and not just for a week.  I think she was also finding it strange and the new post as CEO was harder than she thought.  So the first four months were hard and took a while to get back to what we had and some normality.  It didn't help that I was missing Shirley

Then Sam informed me that one of the conditions on CEO's was that all five of them met once a year in America for a week to work out the coming years strategy.  For the last fourteen years, up until the virus, I have spent that week either in Weymouth or somewhere else with Shirley.  I'm pretty sure Sam still sees her man in States as she gets texts from him shortly before she jets off, and as we agreed what happens while she is in the States.  The other stranger thing is that Shirley married again after divorcing Dave, and her new husband seems aware that once a year I see and fuck his wife.  Mind who am I to shout about seeing other people.  I'm looking forward to the next time Sam gets called to the States so I can spend time with Shirley again.

Written by Joe

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