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What started us swinging?

"How a day trip with the wife's sister and her husband changed our life"

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What started us swapping partners and well swinging, was a trip to Blackpool almost 20 years ago I was 29 at the time and my wife Dianne was just 24. We’d been married for just over 3 years and we had an 18 month old daughter, who took up most of our time. Like a lot of new parents we hardly had enough time between work and family to experiment much with sex. When we’d first got together we shagged like rabbits and Dianne had always ready for sex. She loved sucking my cock and before we’d had kids she would take a long, lazy Sunday morning sucking it, exploring it. She’d take an age licking my balls and the crack of my arse before swallowing my seed. Or we’d fuck whenever the mood took us in any room of the house. She’d cum so hard we’d have to change the sheet’s as we giggled at the mess we’d made. After our daughter was born though, time and money were short and we were lucky if we got a quick fumble on a Saturday night. Around the same time Dianne’s sister Mel and her husband, John were in the process of trying to save their marriage. They had separated and were dating one another in an effort to remember why they fell in love in the first place. As part of this process Mel suggested that we join them on a day trip to Blackpool. As John was and is my best mate as well as my brother in law and I’ve always got on with my wife’s baby sister, who was just 20 at this point, it seemed like a great idea. Before she’d settled down with my mate John, Mel had had a bit of a reputation as a wild child. Mother at 16 and a string of boyfriends. She had more sexual experience than John who had only had one girlfriend before marrying my wife’s sister. Dianne was somewhat more chased than Mel as I was only the second man she’d ever had sex with. Although she did admit that she’d sucked off a couple of other boyfriends before losing her virginity. I won’t lie. I has fantasied and even had the occasional wank thinking about my wife’s sister but I’d never done anything about it. I never dreamed I would. The day of our trip, babysitters organised and a whole day and night child free we couldn’t wait to get going. I was to drive and as it was a warm day both girls were showing a lot of skin. At this time Dianne was a size 10-12 with a curvy bum, large DD boobs and a pretty, innocent face with dark eyes and long brown hair. She was wearing shorts and a tight t-shirt that really showed off her figure. Mel was slimmer at about size 8 with smaller pert breasts and much slimmer almost boyish hips and bum. She was wearing a crop top and short skirt and I must confess I though, “John’s a lucky man to be pushing his cock into that.” We arrived just around lunch and after having something to eat and having a couple of drinks we went to the pleasure beach. John and Dianne hate roller coasters, but Mel and I love then so while they waited we did the rides. I teased Mel that if the coaster was to violent, her boobs might fall out and to show that she didn’t care if that happened she lifted her top and flashed her bra as we dropped. That had me hard I can tell you and I wondered how far her devil may care mood might go. John is one of those guys who likes a drink and although I couldn’t drink (being the driver) we indulged him and we spent much of the rest of the afternoon in various pubs, drinking and generally having a laugh together. There was definitely a lot of teasing going on and the conversation was drifting to more and more sexual innuendo with each drink. By the time we decided to head for home it was around 10pm and both girls were merry, without being drunk. As we sped along the motorway John was teasing them to flash the lorry’s and coaches that we passed. I couldn’t see what they did but he assured me they were flashing their bras at the passing traffic. He must have been a little drunk himself as I don’t believe a sober John would have had the nerve to ask my wife to flash. As we got nearer home we all decided that it was too early for the night to end and we stopped off at Johns flat (where he lived while he and Mel decided whether to move back in together) and picked up some of his “infamous” home brewed wine. There’s a tree in the gardens near were we parked and I teased Mel and Dianne that the should run round it without their tops so I could see what I’d missed on the motorway. They didn’t remove their tops but they did make a couple of circuits of the tree. Teasing me by lifting their tops and flashing their bra clad boobs. As you can imagine I was getting horny and I so wanted to get Dianne to bed and fuck her. However John appeared with the wine we made our way back to our house and opened up a bottle of his fire water. We sipped our drinks and chatted and the tone of the conversation stayed pretty raucous. At one point Dianne asked what Mel had done for sex while she and John had been separated. “Porn and a good vibrator.” Mel replied and we all laughed. Mel then continued, “I’ve become quite the expert on porn, we should put some on.” “I don’t know if we have any.” Said Dianne looking at me. Well of course I had some and I agreed to fetch it. Back in those days as you can imagine it was on video tape and there was a sense of anticipation as I slipped it into the player. Dianne admitted as the movie started that this was the first porn she’d ever seen. These days porn is just fucking but this was one of those wonderful 80’s movies with a story (such as it was), shitty music and men with huge cocks fucking women with big hair and too much makeup. Because of that it allowed us to have a laugh as we commented on the story, props, and acting. That kept the mood fun but still very naughty. Mel and Dianne would comment on the “actors” performance and cock size. While John and I cracked jokes about the decor, story and acting. When it was over the girls were still taking about the porn star’s dick’s and whether they liked the idea of them that big or not. A sober Dianne would never have asked her sister, but out of the blue Dianne asked, “So how does John compare to the guys in the movie?” “He’s got a pretty big cock and he knows how to use it.” Replied Mel in a knowing voice. Dianne looked over at John, who was sitting in an arm chair and raising an eyebrow she said, “Really.” She drew the word out which almost made it feel like a question. “I’m sure he’d show you if you asked.” Said Mel. “I’ll get my cock out for anyone.” Said John, half joking. Then Mel looked at me and said, “Come on then lets see how you both compare.” I really didn’t want to go comparing dicks with John. I’m 5’6 and he’s 6 foot. If everything was in proportion he’d be easily bigger than me. Did I want Dianne seeing that? Worse still I’m very much a grower not a shower (as the saying goes). Fully hard I’m a respectable 6 inches but soft, much, much smaller. However when Dianne also chimed in that we should do it. I was somewhat painted into a corner. If I didn’t join in the night was pretty much over and I was the killjoy and to be honest there was a part of me wondering were all this might lead. So with the sisters sitting and giggling, side by side on the sofa. John and I stood in front of them and started unfastening our jeans. I was purposely looking at Mel’s boobs as I unzipped hoping I’d become a bit aroused and I managed a little tug on my member before pulling down my boxers which allowed a bit of growth. John had his dick released first much to the delight of the girls. He stood with his hands on his hips exposing his cock. I looked at Dianne and wondered if this was the first cock she’d seen since we got married, other than mine. She was certainly giving it a good looking over. I’d not seen may dick’s outside of porn so I found myself taking a look at John’s penis. After what Mel had said I expected a monster but what I saw was a flaccid 4 inch dick. “He must get bigger when he’s hard.” I thought. Then it was my turn. I’m sure I was blushing bright red as I slipped down my underwear and showed them my manhood. Well there were giggles not gasps but no size comments in comparison to John at least. Mel made sure she had a good look at me. I suppose its not often you get the chance to see you brother in law’s cock and she was making the most of it. “Well they aren’t like the ones in the movie are they Di?” Said Mel as she looked from one cock to the other. “To be fair they were hard.” Replied John. “Well I’ve seen yours hard and it still isn’t as big as one of theirs.” Giggled Mel. John’s home brew must have been having an effect on me or the situation was bringing out something I hadn’t known was there and I heard myself saying, “OK, so we’ve shown you ours. Doesn’t that mean you have to show us yours?” “That’s only fair.” Agreed John. Well Dianne looked at Mel and Mel looked at Dianne. “What do you think?” Asked Dianne. Paraphrasing John’s earlier comment Mel replied, “I’ll show my tits to anyone.” As the girls stood and John and I each took a chair I realised what I’d started. John, my oldest friend and the husband of my wife’s sister would soon be feasting his eyes on my beautiful wife’s tits. My consolation of course was I was going to get to see the lovely Mel’s breasts, something I’d never thought would happen in my wildest dreams. I’d stuck my penis back in to my boxers but I noted that John’s was still on show. The girls stood and full if giggles Mel pulled her crop top over her head showing off the pretty pink bra that I’d seen earlier on the roller coaster. Dianne quickly followed suit. Peeling off her tight t-shirt and showing the white bra she was wearing. It was already struggling to hold in her ample breasts and I could the tops of her aureoles peaking over the cups. I’d have bet on Mel exposing her breast first, but it was my wife, Dianne who unclipped her bra first and showed off her large tits. Much to the admiration of her brother in law I might add. He let out a low whistle of appreciation that wasn’t lost on Dianne. Next Mel undid her bra and let it fall to the floor. Her beasts were smaller but clearly firmer and both girls had large thick nipples in the middle of their large aureoles. I had the devil in me by now (or Johns wine) and I stood and approached the girls. I took one of Dianne’s heavy breasts in my hand and then one of Mel’s in my other. I compared the two and I got no resistance from either woman. Mel’s tits were much firmer than my wife’s, I told her this too, which seemed to please her. Dianne was smiling as I groped her and her sister. I expected John to join us but he just sat stroking his cock. “What do you think mate, how do they compare?” I asked him with a tit in each hand. By now I really didn’t want this to stop. And inviting John to appraise and perhaps feel my wife’s tits seamed the best way to keep things moving. And to be honest I think that I wanted to see him groping her. John had other ideas though and I quickly understood he wanted to go further than I’d dared so far when he said, “They both have cracking tit’s and while I am very much enjoying the view I don’t think a look at your boobs equals a look at our cocks.” He was stroking his now hard cock and he spoke. “So what did you have in mind?” Asked Mel. “I think only a pussy equals a cock.” He said with a smirk on his face. “So you want to see my pussy?” Said Dianne in mock shock. “I think it’s only fair after all you are looking at my cock.” He replied. Well to be honest he was right. Dianne couldn’t seem to take her eyes from his large erect cock. So then Dianne looked at Mel and said, “Fairs fair don’t you think?” Now I was probably the most sober person in the room at this point, as we’d all carried on drinking as these events had unfolded and I was in something of a dilemma. On the one hand, when Dianne sobered up in the morning and she remembered flashing her pussy at our friend John, there might be hell to pay, especially if she thought I’d encouraged her to do it. The idea was beginning to be a turn on though and I really wanted this to continue, and of course I really wanted to see Mel’s cunt. So trying not to sound too, lame I said to Dianne, “Are you sure you want to go further babe?” “Course I’m sure, I’m just having fun and we are all friends, after all.” She responded “OK babe.” I said and from that moment I let her do as she pleased. I returned to my seat as Dianne undid her shorts and in one swift movement pushed them and her panties down as far as her knees, exposing her hairy pussy. These days she shaves it bald but back then she only trimmed her bush and Mel commented, “Gosh Di aren’t you hairy.” “I love a bush.” Said John, making it obvious that he was looking at my wife’s pussy. “So show us yours.” I said to Mel. When she did it was a bit of an anti-climax. As because she was in a skirt she just pulled down her panties and lifted the hem of her skirt to flash her own shaven pussy. Then she let the skirt drop and her gash was hidden away again while Dianne was still exposed. Topless and with her shorts round her knees I said to Dianne without thinking, “You might as well be naked with what you’ve got left on.” “Your right.” She said and slipped her shorts and panties completely off. Here was my wife now totally naked in front of my best friend and her sisters husband. She was completely unashamed and unconcerned that he was looking at her with lust in his eyes as he stroked his hard cock. “So are you joining me or wimping out.” |She said to John as much as me. John didn’t hesitate and quickly stripped off his clothes, I followed suit. It was Mel who hesitated. Perhaps she was a little reticent about getting naked in front of me. Or perhaps she knew where this was heading. Whatever it was though she wouldn’t let herself be upstaged by her older sister and she to eventually joined us in getting naked. The two girls looked great naked and I didn’t blame John for his lustful looks. I was hard now too and not trying to hide it. When Dianne pointed this out Mel suggested that we do the comparison between John and I now that we were hard. So we were once more made to stand side by side in front of them while they sat on the sofa. This time they did more than look. To my eyes John was about an inch longer than me now that he was fully erect. However when both girls took turns wrapping their hands around our shafts for a “girth test” They agreed that mine was just slightly thicker. I can’t tell you how turned on I was as Mel, naked and pretty handled my cock. However what nearly had me shooting my load was seeing my wife with my friends hard dick in her hand just a foot from her face. There was now a real air of sexual tension in the room. The girls taking hold of our cock’s felt like it had crossed an imaginary line it just needed a spark and it was John who lit the fuse. “Since I’ve lost the girth test, what about a taste test?” He said. He said it in just the right tone so that he could be serious, or joking depending how they took it. However as I watched, Dianne looked up at him and smiled. Then she opened her mouth lent forward and to my total amazement, she took his cock in her mouth. She sucked his stiff dick for just a few seconds then looked up at him smiling and said, “Taste’s pretty good to me.” Then they both looked at Mel. She still had my cock in her hand. I think she was almost as shocked as me. She’d just seen her husband with his cock in her sisters mouth and as I’ve already said, lately John and her had been having their issues. I wondered if she’d get angry and storm off. But she followed her sister lead and took my in her mouth. She cupped my balls as she sucked and gently squeezed. Then with a quick kiss on the tip of my penis she said, “I like the taste test”. Well that really was the green light and Dianne started sucking John’s cock in earnest now. His head was thrown back and his eyes closed and he enjoyed the pleasure of my wife’s lips and tongue on his cock. Mel tugged on my cock for a few seconds as she watched her sister then she to started showing what a wonderful cocksucker she could be too. The moment was golden, and I looked at John and smiled as my cock filled his wife’s mouth and my own wife’s head bobbed up and down as she pleasured him. He smiled back then with a quick dart of his eye’s towards my Dianne, he mouthed, “Can I fuck her?” I looked at my pretty wife as she happily sucked another man’s dick then back at John and I nodded my approval. He raised her up and took her to the middle of the room, then the lay on the floor side by side and kissed. Its funny but the kissing gave me a pang of jealousy that seeing her suck his cock really hadn’t. I suggested to Mel that we join them and she agreed. She lay at the side of her sister, their hips touching and I lay beside her and kissed her for the first time. I groped her firm breasts and then I let my hand drift down to her shaven mound. When I slipped a finger inside her I found she was sopping wet. Dianne always gets very wet and often leaves a large wet patch when I fuck her, It is also quite easy to make her gush and with Mel so wet already I thought, “It must run in the family.” I looked over Mel to John and Dianne. He was now on top of her and I raised myself up just in time to see his cock enter my wife’s hairy cunt. She let out a gasp as he entered her then a moan as she took his full length inside her. Only the third cock ever to enter her pussy and from what she told me about her ex boyfriend, the deepest she’d ever been fucked. She moaned as John kissed her neck, groped her tits and fucked her with long slow strokes. All this time I had been fingering Mel and all of a sudden she let out a wail and her juices gushed over my hand. I just finger fucked her harder and faster and soon her juice was spraying and spattering our thighs and making a huge damp patch on the carpet, It was running down Dianne’s flank and I found it very naughty, thinking that I’d just made Mel cum over her sister. Mel was still quivering in the afterglow of her orgasm as got on top of her I pushed my cock inside her sopping hole. She made a guttural moan of pleasure as I fucked her. Next to me I could see Dianne nearing her own climax as John continued his own cock’s onslaught on her cunt. Her eyes widened and her face and chest flushed red as a loud moan escaped her. At that moment I knew that for the first time since we’d met, she was cumming on another mans cock, my friends cock. By now I was ramming my own cock into Mel as deep as I could and I could feel her wetness dripping from my balls. There was an audible squelching sound with each stoke I made into her. I was torn between watching the fucking that my wife was getting and looking at Mel’s tits bounce with each thrust I gave her. However when I heard John grunting I looked over in time to see him pull out and shoot several gout’s of spunk over my wife’s belly and bush. That did it for me and I couldn’t have held back if my life had depended on it. I ejaculated. Filling Mel’s juicy cunt with all the seed I had. We all lay panting and gasping for air. I can’t remember the last time I felt so drained after sex. The scent of our combined juices filled the air and the carpet beneath both Mel and Dianne was sodden. “Fuck me! Where did that come from?” Asked Mel when she got her breath back. “Best Blackpool trip ever!” I said raising myself up on one elbow. “Hell Yeah!” Said John surveying the room. I could see John’s sperm glistening on my wife’s belly and my own seed was seeping out of Mel’s bald slit. Had we really just done that! Had I really just fucked my sister in law and filled her full of cum! Was she on the pill? Had I really just watched my brother in law fuck my wife! I had to admit I’d enjoyed seeing it. Was that normal? Was I some sort of pervert? And Dianne hadn’t spoken yet, did she have any regrets about sucking John’s cock or allowing him to fuck her? I needn’t have worried. “How are you babe?” I asked her. “I’m good. Just getting my breath back….That was fucking amazing.” She replied. “We should do it again sometime.” Said John. “Maybe we should.” Agreed Dianne. And we did but not in the way you might think. A couple of weeks later Mel and John hand a massive argument. Not about that night I was assured. Over many issues that had built up throughout their marriage. Their trial back together was over and they split up for good. The genie was out of the bottle for Dianne and I though. We talked about what had happened in bed and we wanted it again. Dianne had loved the excitement of pleasuring another man. I had enjoyed seeing her suck and fuck and we wanted to see if the thrill was the same with a stranger or strangers. We found our local swinging club and once we tried it we never looked back and we’ve been swinging now for over twenty years. As you can imagine once John was single he thought we’d play with him again. However Dianne said no and it was only a couple of years ago that she relented and we took him to a club with us and she allowed him to fuck her again. Since that night in the club he’s become a regular in club scene and has fucked my wife in clubs and at parties probably half a dozen times now. As for Mel she went through two more marriages and several bad relationships and the night I fucked her was never mentioned by her again. I thought it was just a wonderful one off (I can’t tell you how many time’s I’ve masturbated as I thought about it). However when her latest partner discussed swinging with her last year she talked with Dianne about it and we ended up taking them to a club. Mel took to it like a duck to water and became a regular with her partner. I watched her fucked by a few guys since then, before one evening getting my turn and once again filling that lovely, tight hole. Since then I’ve fucked her a couple of more time’s and Dianne has had the pleasure of Mel’s partner. Over the years I’ve must have seen hundreds of men and quite a few women fuck my beautiful wife, I’ve lost count of the women that I’ve had. I’ve seen Dianne fuck very well hung black and white guy’s, down to even tiny cocked Asian guys, I’ve seen her out dogging with other men, gangbanged by 5 to 10 men (or more) at once (many times), I’ve seen her have a bukkake from a large group of men, till the spunk ran down her like a river. I’ve see her allow the occasional stranger to fuck her arse (which is very rare, so quite the turn on) and a couple of weeks ago I and two other men pissed over her and a girlfriend while they fingered fucked one another. But truthfully when I think about our adventures, nothing turns me on like that first time when she sucked and fucked my mate and when I filled her sister with my cum.
Written by Dean2311

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