Eventually my seat number is called & I join the long queue of people all shuffling slowly down the enclosed gangway heading to the plane for my journey home. Dallas was particularly busy today & the dark cool air conditioned doorway to the plane was just visible above people's heads in front of me. Eventually a friendly BA stewardess greeted me at the door with a smile & a request to see my boarding pass, I showed her & after she looked at it she directed me which way to go. Once more the shuffling continued as the queue of people slowly filtered through business class, where the people with lots of money get to stretch out to a horizontal position if they wanted...gits. Then through the curtain & into premium economy, this is where those with a little more money than me get to sit but my shuffle continues on & then I move into cattle class. I look around at all the people being shoehorned into their seats, it could almost be a set out of Star Wars with people of different sexes, races, ages, heights & sizes all try to get in place without disturbing anyone around them for fear of getting cut down with a light sabre or blaster.
I see my window seat & move to it, it's in a row of three & the two outside seats are already occupied. Placing my bags in the overhead locker I look down at the occupants & they look up at me. "Hi, my seat's over by the window" The man sitting in the isle seat climbs out "come on Sarah, let this chap take his seat" with that the lady (who I presume is Sarah) begins to move & pulls herself out. "Dean, give us a hand love, I can't get up" & the pair begin to laugh loudly as Sarah squeezes herself out of the narrow gap between 2 rows of seats. "Thanks" I say & slide my way across into my seat.
Dean & Sarah get back into their seats & we introduce ourselves to each other. They're a married couple & are headed back home after visiting their son who was a worker on the oil fields. They're both in their early 50's, Dean quite a well built muscular man, good looking guy with a trimmed shaped dark stubble with some grey in there. Clearly he's embraced the Texas life with his denim shirt, jeans & cowboy boots which he's very proud about. Sarah is a tall voluptuous woman, a big girl all over but with curves. Her chest fills the rather shapeless baggy t-shirt that she's wearing & a long loose fitting ankle length skirt often falls open occasionally along a split to reveal rather plump shapely legs. She's quite a plain looking lady but has a smile that lights up the cabin & a twinkle in her eye that engages you & demands your attention.
The plane takes off & it's not long before the hostess comes around with drinks, Dean tells me he has a bottle of vodka with him so only to get "mixers" if I'd like to have a drink with them. A few drinks later we're in good spirits & laughing loudly about the silliest of things & I can feel Sarah's foot stroking up & down the side of my leg, I look at her & she smiles at me knowingly. The moment is interrupted as Dean leans over trying to top up my glass, "nearly finished mate, helps me sleep on flights" he says. Sarah laughs a quite mischievous laugh & looks at me & once again begins to slide her foot up & down the back of my calf. I drink the last of the vodka quickly & ask to be let out so I can use the bathroom, they both move & let me by. I make a dash to the bathroom & shut the door quickly behind me, my mind racing about what was going on & what if Dean caught Sarah playing footsie, how would I explain it & if I should say anything to either of them. I made my mind up thinking it was likely just a little flirting game Sarah was playing & it unlikely to go any further as we're on a plane packed with other people & her husband by her side. I flushed the toilet, cleaned myself up left the bathroom to head back to my seat. The lights were now dimmed for the overnight flight & I made my way to my seat. Sarah was in my seat looking out of the window, "Do you mind if she has your seat, she gets a little travel sick sometimes & looking out helps settle her". Sarah turns her head to look at me over her shoulder & says "please, I'd be ever so grateful if you would". "OK, ok. If it helps your tummy to settle I can sit at the isle seat". Dean then explains how he can't sit anywhere other than the isle as he's so tall that he can stick his legs into the isle for comfort & the middle would be far too cramped for him. I let out a sigh & agree to sit in the middle. Dean lets me by & I take me seat, they've both got their blankets out & pass me mine. I shake it out as best I can & recline the seat placing the pillow behind my head trying to get comfy & shut my eyes. Within minutes I can hear Dean snoring, not loudly but loud enough to hear he's already asleep. I hate people who can drop off the quickly, if only I could but instead I lay there listening to others dropping off one by one around me.
Just as begin to nod Sarah's head rests on my shoulder, I look down expecting her to be asleep but her eyes are wide open looking me straight in the eye. I look back at her somewhat confused until I feel her hand slide over my thigh & straight to my groin where it comes to rest. I close my legs quickly & try to grab her wrist but she spits out quickly in a sharp whispered voice that if I make any fuss she'll start screaming & tell whoever that I groped her. The gravity of my positions hits me, there's nothing much I can do. She lifts the dividing armrest that was between us up & back into the upright position between the seats, "Now open your legs & let go of my wrist then you can put your arm behind me". I does as she asks & put my arm behind her back & she rests her considerable weight against my arm as she leans back pinning it against the chair her head once again resting on my shoulder. "You might as well just enjoy my touch, we've got 7 long hours to kill" with that her hand once again starts to slide between my legs & comes to rest on my groin. She gently squeezes the soft lump through my trousers & I begin to feel the blood flowing & filling up the veins in my cock as I slowly get harder. She traces the shape of my stiffening cock through my trousers & pays a lot of attention to the top with gentle squeezes of my now throbbing helmet & then back again to the fly where she slowly drags her nail along the zipper. I can feel every tooth of the zipper as her nail clicks slowly across each one as it works its way up until she reaches the catch. My breathing becomes a little deeper in anticipation, she grasps the catch & as slowly as she worked her nail up the zipper she clicks it open one tooth at a time. One of the hostesses walks past us unexpectedly but pays us no attention, totally oblivious as to what's going on under the blanket. Sarah's hand slides into my now unfastened zipper & slides along the material of my pants,squeezing my shaft tightly as she goes, precum already leaking from the tip of my cock & soaking through my pants. "Mmmmm you feel wet already, you haven't cum already have you?" she asks. I let out a quiet murmur of "no, I just leak precum very easily". Her hand moves away from groin & slides up & under my t-shirt where her hand comes to rest on my chest & she starts to gently rub & stroke my nipples. My nipples are hard all the time as it is let alone being in the position that I'm in increasing the excitement & arousal. She starts squeezing my nipples in turn, pulling on them, rolling them in between her thumb & finger, pulling & squeezing them hard enough that makes me unexpectedly squeal in pain/pleasure & often commenting on how much she'd like to suck my nipples. Her other hand unfastens the button of my trousers while hooking the band of my pants & pulling them down under my balls & letting my hard cock Spring free. She runs her finger along the underside of my shaft until she reaches the tip & runs the palm of her hand over it covering it in the oozy slick precum & then sliding her hand down my shaft making it wet & slippery. She begins tweaking my nipples hard once again at the same time she grips my cock tightly & starts to pump my shaft with purpose. She looks me straight in the eye & smiles "are you going to cum for me, are you going to empty your balls in my hand, are you going to cum on this plane with all these people around you & my husband right next to you?". I can't believe what's happening, I can feel my orgasm growing ever nearer at an accelerated pace & I can't do anything to stop it. I can feel the tell tale muscles begin to tight in my body as my orgasm approaches & then she stops, she lets go of my cock which slaps back against my stomach, her fingers let go of my nipple & feel a warmth on my stomach as a huge globule of precum oozes from out of my cock. She lets out a little quiet laugh & asks "did that feel good, does my hand feel nice?" I nod at her, I'm not sure if I let out a deep breath through relief or frustration or maybe a mixture of both. "Like I said, we've got 7 hours to kill & I can't have my playmate all spent & out of playfulness can I?" "No, that wouldn't be much fun now would it" I reply. Her hand reaches back down & pulls my trousers & pants down to my knees giving total freedom to my slowly softening cock. She slides a hand onto my balls & gently squeezes them, her other hand rests on the shaft her finger runs up the vein to release a big warm load of precum into her hand. She takes it out from under the blanket & licks it. "Mmm.. I like your cum, you taste good." she licks her palm clean & slides it back under the blanket & down onto my shaft.
Her hand begins to pull on my ball sack as she tugs it down at the same time she begins rolling & squeezing my balls, sometimes the squeezes are soft other times the squeezes are hard & uncomfortable whilst other times they are long painful squeezes but the touches on my balls encourages the blood flow once again & my cock begins to harden as her fingers slide over it. She pulls down on my balls which in turn pulls back my foreskin totally exposing my throbbing sensitive helmet, precum already oozing & flowing freely from the rock hard tip. Again she places her palm over it covering it before wrapping her hand & fingers around the head. She begins to wank me once again only this time she's only working the head. Short fast hand movements that only stimulate the helmet which I can feel throbbing in her hand. Her other hand still pulling down & squeezing my balls tightly. "How long do you think you can last, how long before your pathetic male resilience gives in to my touch & you empty your cum into my hand? All I'm going to do is exactly what I'm doing, how long?"
"I don't know, 10 minutes?" I reply. "Let's see shall we, if you can last 10 minutes you get a special reward but remember to stay quiet because my husband is still fast asleep & you don't want to wake him up".
She begins to increase the intensity on the tip of my cock, it feels like it's ready to split into lots of pieces with the stimulation. Her hand squeezes my balls in a rhythmic encouraging motion, each squeeze sends out another drop of precum which begins to fill the underside of the vein but her tight grip prevents it from oozing out & my entire cock feels like it's beginning to swell to a different size with all the pressure being applied. The sensations she's delivering are all to much & once again I can feel my muscles begin to tight & my breathing change as my climax approaches, her hand still working the very tip of my cock & frictions building up heat, my hips begin to raise from the seat as the cum begins to rise & she lets go of everything once again. I slump back down into my seat, my cock twitches & throws out a solitary spurt of cum as my climax is denied once again. "I can't believe you did that" I hiss at Sarah & she struggles to stifle a laugh & looks at her watch & then looks at me. "4 minutes, 4 pathetic minutes & you was ready to empty your balls." She says in a scathing fashion. "I couldn't help it, your hands are too good. You know all the places to force my climax" I reply. "In that case I think we'd better stop playing if you're so weak that you can't take a 10 minute handjob from me". My world is spinning, how can this be happening. I'm so frustrated & aroused I just want more. "Please, give me another chance. I thought you said 7 hours is a long time to kill, there's still lots of time & I recover well, I'll do anything you want". A mans voice chips in "I'm glad you said that" it was Dean. "My wife has some exceptional hand skills when it comes to working a cock but us men know better really on how to stimulate a cock, after all a woman doesn't have one so how does she know what really feels best". I look round at Dean who was smiling at Sarah, he'd been awake all along & enjoying what was going on. My hard cock losses its prowess in a heartbeat as I coughed & spluttered trying to respond with some kind of apology. "Don't worry, all will be good if you do as we say. If you don't you'll be found with your trousers down & cock exposed for all to see & then you'll be in trouble. Now put your arm behind me". Dean lifted his armrest & moved it into an upright position & pushed back into the seat. He leans back against my arm pinning between him & the chair, his leg crosses over my leg & pulls it to the font of his seat. "Now lay back & enjoy the touch of a real cock handler". With both my arms pinned back I was in no position to argue as Deans hands slid down taking hold of cock in one hand & my balls in the other. Squeezing them both blood flowed surprisingly quickly into my shaft making it rock hard in no time. Dean wrapped his forefinger & thumbs around my balls & pushed them firmly downwards exposing my helmet as the foreskin slid back to as far as it could. His other big strong hand grasped the head & squeezed out a few drops of lingering precum before sliding it all the way down to the base. "You have a nice cock mate, I'm going to enjoy this... In fact we're going to enjoy this more than you" Dean said. He let go of my balls & lifted his hand to Sarah who eagerly sucked his middle finger whilst still squeezing my cock tightly enough that I could feel my heartbeat in my pulsing cock. He took his hand away from Sarah & back underneath the blanket to grip my balls again trapping them with just his forefinger & thumb around the scrotum & pulling them down as far as he could. His other hand started slowly sliding back up the shaft & squeezing the helmet once there releasing a little more precum & coating the palm of his big hand by swirling it about over the tip which in turn forces my cock into an involuntary twitch. His hand starts to jerk up & down the length of my shaft with force & domination, gripping my shaft in a vice like grip each stroke delivering an ever intensifying stimulation & each time his hand slides down my shaft he pulls my back harder until I feel his wet finger slide between my cheeks & push into my arse. This provokes a very involuntary reaction as my body begins to spasm & my head pushes back against the chair & I begin to let out a moan. Sarah quick as a flash covers my mouth with her hand as Dean carries on pumping my cock with quick hard firm strokes & my climax has now gone past the point of no return. I feel Sarah lift her weight from my arm & quick as a flash she pulls the blanket over her head. Deans hand releases my balls as his finger pushes deeper inside my arse up to his knuckle, his other hand slides hard down my shaft at the same time as Sarah's mouth slides over my near bursting helmet & sucks me as my cum blasts into her eager mouth. Deans hand releases my cock & Sarah carries on sliding it into her mouth as I keep ejaculating, she carries on sucking me drawing out all the cum she can get from me. After what seems like an age she lets my soft drained cock slide from her mouth & comes back up from under the blanket & smiles at Dean. Dean looks at her & then at me "2 minutes 55 seconds is all you lasted with me stimulating you, us men know best". "So what are we going to do for the next 6 & a half hours? It could get very boring indeed if you can't recover as quickly as you said you could" said Sarah with a mischievous smirk on her face & her hand already gently squeezing & stroking my cock.