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Our first time at a sex cinema.

"Youngish couple discover the delights of a soho sex cinema, back in the day."

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Our first time at a sex cinema. By Plain Jane Housewife Veronica. Hi guys, plain Jane housewife Veronica here. Hubby Bill has asked me to relate to you about our first time at a sex cinema. As usual get the kettle on guys it's a long long long one. As in all my other stories this goes back quite a long time, well most of our first times were quite a long time ago. We were still living on the west coast of Scotland prior to going down to live and work in Cardiff. We were sitting chatting with a play friend as we like to call them. When you do the things that we do you have two sets of friends. Friends and family and play friends and neither of them are aware of each other. I'm sure all you other players are familiar with this way of life. God our friends and family would have a heart attack if they knew about our let's say varied sex life. Yes we lived in a small town and on the odd occasion we would see play friends in everyday situations in a bar a club, shopping with their wives etc etc. On one such occasion getting our weekly shop from our local supermarket, we spotted Mike a guy we had met a few times whilst out dogging. Long story short he followed us around when his wife wasn't looking and I squatted at a low shelf and opened my legs letting him see right up my knee length skirt. It was his lucky day, I had no panties on and he got a free view of my thick black bush. He was a big man broad shouldered and just over six feet, that's why I never saw the young guy just behind him and he got an eyeful too. He was probably about seventeen or eighteen years old and he just stood there with his mouth open. I pretended that I had been completely unaware of my free show. The next time we passed Mike and his wife he moved his trolley to the side and we could see the big bulge in the front of his trousers. I smiled at him and he nodded downwards to his cock. The thing is his wife looked lovely, nice big tits good looking and a cracking body on her. Maybe she didn't play the games that I played. To be really honest it turned me on knowing that he had fucked me and she had no idea and he was a right kinky fucker too, but probably not with her, that and the fact that we knew all about his other life if you will, had me damp and moist. The young guy also followed us around but he was much less conspicuous than Mike had been. I told Bill and he suggested that I give the young guy another flash. So we found a quietish aisle that wasn't full of shoppers, Bill walked over to the opposite side of the aisle and I squatted down pretending to look at one of the tins. With my head bowed but glancing upwards I could make out the young guy also squatting down, slightly further back up the aisle. I opened my legs wide and gave him a full on unobstructed view of my unpantied pussy. Then I stood up and flashed him a quick smile and went on my way around the shop. He must have been a horny young fucker because he followed us around the shop, probably aching for another flash. His cock was tucked down the leg of his tight jeans, I knew it was because it was clearly visible all hard and throbbing likely. Fuck the top of my thighs were beginning to feel very wet. If we could have I would have fucked him in our car at the back of the car park, but he vanished into the toilets, probably needed a pee or something. Bill said he had a good hard on and would probably have been a very quick ride. Don't worry though babes I've got a good hard on here for you and he gave it to me in our kitchen before we had even unpacked the shopping. The play friend we had been chatting too was called Adam, we were discussing our upcoming trip for a week end to London. Adam reminded us to visit Soho and smiling at me he added oh and do visit one of the blue movie theaters, you'll both love it. How so I asked but all he would say was that it would be quite an eye opener. You have to remember it was the late 70s and blue movies were still hard to come by and the equipment to show them was even more difficult to get. Unless you were a single guy with access to the movies and a private place to view them. We had neither but we had on the odd occasion been able to view a couple of them, thanks to a play friend who had his own place. Great seventies stuff big hair, big hairy bushes and of course big cocks. So there was little me with Bill my husband and Tom our play friend, sitting together watching some very lucky blond getting hammered by the plumbers who had come to fix her plumbing. Looking back they were so corny but at the same time fucking right horny. I felt as if I was intruding on a private men only show. Back in the day you heard of these types of films that were watched by mostly men and strangely often by a group of them. I guess it must have been the access thing that's why one would get the movie and invite like minded friends over to watch. Tom was probably in his late forties and myself and Bill were in our early twenties. I know it looks as though I had a thing for older men but the truth is it was very difficult back then to meet like minded people of our own age. Thing is we did meet one or two guys around our age but they were more interested in long term type relationships and they seemed very uncomfortable with Bill being present. Whereas there were no such problems with the much older guys. They knew what they wanted and they knew what I needed. Perhaps with today's internet access we would have had better success but not back then. I was totally fascinated with the movie we were watching, I knew the moaning and groaning was mostly acting. I think it was the fact that I still felt as if I was intruding on a men only type of thing. When Bill and Tom took out their cocks and began wanking, I quickly joined them thrusting my hand into my panties, erm I digress let me get back to the main story. Adam had said that it was just as busy day or night, when he had visited for a long week end. I struggled a bit with that, how could it be busy through the day, surely everyone was at work. Obviously forgetting we lived in a small town and we were heading for a very big city. He then went on to tell us all about the Soho area in general with its titty bars and strip clubs, tiny sex shops and of course the cinemas. I was interested in the sex shops as Adam told us you could pretty much get anything in them, like I said, we lived in a small town with no sex shops let alone titty bars and cinemas. Geez in fact if you wanted magazines you had to order them through a trustworthy newsagent, even then it was Playboy or Fiesta nothing too strong. Our trip to London couldn't come quick enough as far as I was concerned and not soon enough we found ourselves on the train heading south. I was excited and wary at the same time, we had never been to London nor a city this big. At last we arrived and at the station jumped into a taxi and headed for our hotel, our previous planning had us pick a hotel within walking distance of the Soho area. It being a Thursday night we ate at the hotel and retired for the night, too tired to do anything but fall asleep. In the morning we got up for breakfast and were informed that it was not in the package and that it would cost us another three pounds each should we wish breakfast. A dear little West Indian woman whispered to us that we could just go round the corner and find a greasy spoon cafe at a third of the cost, which we did. So with breakfast sorted we headed out into the city and we felt as though our adventure was just beginning. We visited Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar square and a lot of shops a lot of shops. We hadn't really decided when we were going to go into Soho but it was unspoken between us that it would be in the evening. After dinner which was included in the package we went up to our room to get ready for the coming night out. I started with Bill's favorite, a see through white bra and pantie set. Then white stockings and suspenders. Covered with a just above the knee black pencil skirt and a cream open necked blouse with press stud buttons and a black dress jacket with my hair down over my shoulders and a pair of cork platform sandals which accentuated my slim legs. Bill wore jeans a T shirt and a jacket, why is it always so easy for men to dress for the night. We kissed and caressed in the hotel room once I was ready but I had to push Bill's hand away from my pussy as I was already damp thinking about the unknown night ahead. We left the hotel and began making our way slowly around a few nearby bars and rowdy pubs, well it was Friday night. I was amazed at the fact that all of the bars appeared to be full and loud and everyone was enjoying themselves and that the streets were packed with happy people. The big city thing was really kicking in now and we were both on a high. We had wandered further than we had intended and by our fifth bar were kind of lost. We had one drink in each bar and we were slightly merry not d*unk. On our way out Bill asked the barman how we could get to Soho. There was no leering at me or winking at Bill he just nodded his head and said go out the door here turn right first left then second right. I don't know why but I had expected leers and winks but it was just stated as a matter of fact. So off we went arm in arm back into the busy streets, we turned right then left then our second right and suddenly we were there. At first I kind of kept my head down I felt as if everyone was looking at me and that they knew why I was there. This quickly dissipated as I realized of course no one was looking at me, I was just another tourist in a busy red light district. I was amazed by all the neon lights in one street and looked on as mostly women invited in passing trade so to speak. There were women in dimly lit doorways trying to entice men into titty bars, with pictures of bare breasted women in the small posters on each side of the door. There was a strange feeling in the atmosphere at first I couldn't quite put my finger on it but as we passed more and more neoned fronts it came to me. There was sex in the atmosphere it's the only way that I can describe it. I could feel myself getting more and more horny, Bill was caught up in it too. On discussing it later we agreed that it was firstly that we had never seen anywhere like it and secondly with all the women touting for business and the flashing neon and the posters of almost naked women you could feel the air of expectation. We found a sex shop and like everyone else was doing we just wandered right inside. We were suddenly looking at racks and racks of porn magazines. Not tame like Fiesta or Playboy but raw Dutch and German stuff, hard core. I saw front covers of women being penetrated by big cocks and in one section men being penetrated by men, my pussy was tingling and I squeezed Bill's arm when I saw a front cover of a woman being gang banged by four men. We discovered quite quickly that the front of the magazine was as much as we would see, as they were all bound in clear cellophane. It didn't dampen our interest though, in fact it was making me damp. As we wandered amongst shelves upon shelves of naked flesh, I noticed that we were being kind of followed by two or three men. Every time I would glance up they would quickly look away, or suddenly become interested in one of the magazines they were nearest too. Then we saw a display area displaying vibrators and dildos, I was fascinated I had never seen anything like it, cocks all shapes and sizes and colors. Some of the things I couldn't even begin to imagine what they were for, sure they for sex but how would you use them. I felt giddy with excitement and whispered to Bill should we buy one. I opted for an everyday vibrator 8 inches long but quite thick. That was the easy part, now how to get the woman on the till to get one out of the cabinet for us. Bill wandered over to the counter and quietly asked the woman at the till if we could get into the display cabinet. Sure love she says in a matter of fact loud voice. As she came over with the key I noticed that four or five men had suddenly appeared at the shelves nearest the cabinet. I felt myself blush bright red and kept my head down as the loud woman reached in and plucked the vibrator from the shelf. I could have dropped through the floor with embarrassment when she turned and handed the vibrator to me, saying there you go love nice and thick. I knew without looking that the men near the cabinet were looking at me, I could feel their eyes boring into to me. I could also feel my pussy beginning to throb and my big nipples were throbbing too. Here was 24 year old me plain Jane housewife Veronica from the sticks, being ogled by five men and I had done absolutely nothing to encourage their attentions. Lets go I whispered to Bill and we paid and dashed out the door into the busy street. We laughed out loud like naughty school kids at our daring, Bill hugged me to him and we saw maybe three doors along an adult cinema. Bill said there's a bar over the road shall we go in there first. I was sober now and my nerve needed a little more lubrication. My pussy needed no lubrication it was positively wet. It was quite a small bar and it was packed we had to push our way through to the bar. Bill ordered our drinks and we had to stand where we were. As you do in these situations we got talking to a very tall youngish looking West Indian guy. Well Bill and he got into a conversation over the top of my head with me in the middle. Every now and then they would both bump into me such was the push of the crowd. He introduced himself as Lexi short for Alexander, he told us he was waiting for his girlfriend. He was asking Bill which part of Scotland we were from and because of the noise and the push I had to answer for him. The three of us laughed as I played pass the message between them both. Another push and I felt them both brush tight up against me, I felt a hand on my arse it was caressing the contours and suddenly stopped when it reached the obvious outline of my suspender strap. I thought it was Bill and pushed my arse tight against his hand but when I looked at him he was holding his drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I looked at Lexi and he just smiled and winked at me. I leaned over and said into Bill's ear that he was feeling my arse Bill smiled at me and said are you okay with it. Okay with it, I was rampant. Lexi's hand wandered its way round to my front and I unashamedly ground myself against it. My back was now against the bar and Bill and Lexi were stood in tight in front of me, so they were both shielding me from anyone else seeing what was going on. I dry humped Lexi's hand, well not dry humped my pussy was leaking copious amounts of juice. I felt the front of my pencil skirt being rucked up then I felt Lexi's hand on what Bill calls the exciting bit just before the excitement. That space between stocking top and my now throbbing pussy, I felt Lexi's fingers brush against my pantied pussy and I pushed myself onto him. Suddenly his hand was inside my panties and I pushed hard against it. Then I felt first one then two fingers enter my sodden hole. I immediately began riding his hand, my big nipples throbbing and my pussy contracting around what I would call expert fingers. Lexi leaned in close and said into my ear fuck girl you are wet and ready, I bit my lip and ground even harder onto his fingers. What the fuck was I doing here was me plain Jane housewife Veronica from Scotland riding a virtual strangers hand, in public in a bar full of people. The kinkiness of it had me close to orgasm. Then suddenly the fingers were gone but I was still pushing myself against nothing. Just between Bill and Lexi's shoulder I could see a tall beautiful woman smiling at Lexi. I have to go shouted Lexi and he began pushing his way past us as the tall woman turned and made her way out through the crowd. Same time tomorrow night he said and right in front of me he stuck two fingers into his mouth and sucked on them. He turned and said to Bill she's ready Bill and winked at him then he was gone lost in the crowd. Bill moved in close to me and smiled so you're ready then he said and we both burst out laughing, should we catch a movie then, fuck yes I said. We made our way out through the crowd and although the street was busy it suddenly seemed so quiet. Bill lit up a cigarette and we stood outside the bar looking across the street to our next destination. We stood there chatting about Lexi's sheer audacity until Bill finished his cigarette, in that time we had seen no one enter the cinema. We were beginning to think maybe it was closed, when we saw a man walking along the street then he just turned and walked quickly inside. Well, shall we said Bill and I grasped his arm as we made our way over to the cinema entrance. Although it was all neon lighting outside the entrance was actually quite small, almost like a single door. We boldly pushed our way in and found ourselves in a small entrance hallway with a bored woman sitting at a cash desk and two larger doors just behind her. She took our money and said gents toilet to the left ladies toilets to the right, then she looked at me and but I wouldn't if I was you love, shaking her head. So at last we were here right at the actual entrance, my nipples were thick and sore and were at their longest about an inch and a half, I have often had orgasms with just my nipples being played with and my pussy was definitely wet. Bill pushed the door open for me and I entered the flickering darkness with Bill close behind. We stood at the back letting our eyes adjust to the light from the screen. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. It was very small inside there was an aisle down the middle of six rows of seats on each side, each row had maybe a dozen seats. In these seats a couple of men together the rest of them spread out there was about twelve men in total all in the back three rows, the front three rows on each side were empty They were all looking back over their shoulders at us, I almost backed out right there. Why were they all looking at us was it because I was a woman, I know poor little naive me. I grasped Bill's arm as we made our way down to the first empty row on the right and we sat right in the middle two seats. I could feel all the men looking at the back of my head, with my long hair there was no doubt that I was indeed a woman. I held Bill's hand tightly and took my first real look at the flickering screen. I had to clench my thighs together. There on the screen was a single woman being fucked by five men. She was sitting on one cock with one in her mouth and one in each hand and the spare one was being wanked by its owner. This was so different from the ones we had watched with our play friend Tom. The picture quality and sound was crystal clear, whereas on Tom's old cine projector it was bad sound and grainy. I must have sat there for ten minutes grasping Bill's hand as I watched the action on the screen and I was getting hornier and hornier. My big nipples were throbbing and I was soaking wet, partly from Lexi's fingering but more from the on screen action. Then suddenly the screen went quite bright and I felt rather than saw everyone turn their heads. Like I said poor little naive me, it wasn't me they had been looking at it was to see who was coming in. I can't explain it but for some reason that helped me relax so much more. I reached over and touched the front of Bill's trousers his cock was rock solid and bucked in my hand. Bill unbuckled his belt and lowered his trousers to his knees freeing his big cock and balls at the same time he reached over and rucked up my skirt. I didn't care if anyone could see me or not I lifted my bum off the seat and pulled my skirt right up tucking it into the waistband. As I wanked Bill's cock he had three fingers in my now sodden hairy cunt I rode his hand for all I was worth and came within two minutes, thrashing my orgasm onto Bill's fingers. I wanked Bill quicker but he pushed my hand away a sign that he too was close to coming. The door opened again and this time like the everyone else I looked round. I almost let out a squeal, because in the row of seats directly behind us sat four men. The cinema didn't seem that much busier so they must have moved from their seats. In the throes of my orgasm I hadn't heard them changing seats. I quickly faced the front and whispered to Bill there's four guys behind us. I know he whispered back they moved seats when you were otherwise occupied. I almost giggled out loud at that. Fuck what will we do I asked, do you want to go said Bill ever my protector. No I'm alright I whispered back but I'll let you know if I do. The action on the screen had changed to a woman being fucked by a large black man and I mean large his cock was huge and you could clearly see it stretching her hole, I don't think her moans were acting they sounded genuine to me. I clenched my thighs together, fuck I was actually present at a men only night of non stop blue movies. This thought had me going again and when I reached over for Bill's cock he again pushed my hand away but this time inserted two fingers into my throbbing cunt I greedily fucked his hand. Then I felt it rather than saw it, I felt hot breath on the side of my face as one of the men behind us leaned over for a better look and no sooner had I felt it on one side of my face when it happened on the other side too. I was so horny and pushed myself further down into the seat and open my legs wide to give bill better access to my hungry cunt. Fuck I heard someone whisper behind me and I felt a hand on my shoulder I tensed up as I felt it but Bill's fingering had me fully turned on and I relaxed. Bill continued to finger me then I felt the hand on my shoulder begin to creep down to my right breast. I pushed harder against Bill's hand when the creeping hand had reached it target. The hand began to caress my breast then it expertly tweaked my throbbing big nipple. I involuntarily moaned out loud. This had the effect of another hand coming straight onto my left breast and together two strange hands tweaked my throbbing nipples. I came out loud thrashing my need onto Bill's fingers. When I opened my eyes there were three men sitting in the row in front of us all with their heads turned watching me. One of them suddenly stood up dropped his trousers and began wanking an impressive big thick cock. This opened the floodgates and soon they were all wanking their very visible cocks as they looked at me, plain Jane housewife Veronica. My cunt was positively oozing juice and you could almost hear it squelching as Bill continued to work his fingers in and out of me. Bill whispered, Veronica look at all these men wanking for you, get up on your knees on the seat I need to ride you now and get your tits out slag. I love it when Bill or anyone else for that matter calls me dirty names in the right context of course. I stood up and took off my jacket there was a couple of low moans and not from the cinema screen then my blouse and removed my bra, my small tits and huge nipples came into view and I throbbed all over at my brazenness. Now plain as day, holy fuck look at her was heard loud and clear. I kept my stockings on but removed my sodden panties and very wrinkled skirt. As I went to kneel over the seat, I had no shame in my nakedness. I was now knelt over a dirty spunk stained seat in a blue movie cinema in Soho in London with my tits, hairy cunt and bare arse in full view of several strangers. I felt Bill fumble behind me then he suddenly thrust his urgency right up my aching cunthole. As I raised my head to shuffle slightly forward a guy in the seats behind us whom I was now facing thrust his small cock at my mouth. Take it whore Bill said between clenched teeth as he thrust deep into me. I took the small cock into my mouth and moaned around it as I felt Bill upping his pace I knew he was ready to cum. I took the small cock from my mouth and said fuck me, ride me baby give me your spunk right up my hairy cunthole. Bill loves it when I talk this dirty and I was rewarded with a low moan from Bill as I felt him empty himself into my womb. Fuck said Bill as he slid out of my now spunk filled hole. He sat down on his seat trousers still round his knees and I felt rather than saw a presence right behind me. Before I could turn my head I felt myself being entered I held onto the back of the seat as the new cock owner pounded into me. The old guy with the tiny cock who had to be about late sixties, offered it to my mouth and again I greedily sucked down hard on it. It was barely a twitch but I felt my mouth suddenly fill to overflowing with spunk as the old guy came in my mouth. He might have had a small cock but he had one of the biggest loads I have ever swallowed, he just kept on filling my mouth. At last he let out a long sigh and was quickly pushed out of the way, and a far bigger and thicker cock was offered to my spunk covered mouth, I greedily accepted its warmth into my spunk coated mouth. The cock in my cunt was really thrusting now and I was on the edge of another trembling orgasm when the door to the cinema opened and closed quickly. But not that quick that I wasn't caught like a deer in the headlights. The thruster had quickly sat down and the cock in my mouth had vanished. I was left kneeling there and other than my stockings and suspenders I was completely bare naked. I managed to lower myself down and turn round and Bill quickly put my jacket over my shoulders. Any thoughts that I had that he hadn't seen me quickly vanished as I had a quick glance sideways when he sat down on the seat behind me just vacated by small cock, who whispered into his ear on his way past and out the door. Bill lit a cigarette and we sat there whispering, the men in front of us kept looking back and I could feel the men in the seats behind us looking at the back of my head. Bill asked me if I was okay, yes I replied but I need to come again before we go. A hand suddenly rested lightly on my shoulder, I didn't shrug it off I just left it there. Emboldened by the lack of response it worked its way down inside my jacket and squeezed my thick nipple. My lack of response was catching and I felt another hand work its way down inside my jacket and tweak my other nipple.I smiled at Bill and lay my head back against the seat, enjoying the sensation of two different hands working on my thick nipples. My cunt twitched and I let my legs fall open. Bill duly obliged and sunk two fingers into my aching cunt. When Bill did this one of the men behind me just stepped over the seat seat beside me and sat down next to me, he immediately dropped his trousers and started wanking a very impressive big cock. The jacket was eased down over my shoulders, I leaned forward and let it fall behind me. Bill grabbed my hand and placed it on his now throbbing cock. I could feel it bucking in my hand, it always turned him on to see me, his young plain Jane wife the center of other men's attentions and intentions. The other man next to me also grabbed my hand and moaned out loud when I grasped his thickness and began stroking him. I heard louder moaning from the screen and glance up to have a look I couldn't see anything for the four men stood up in the row in front all wanking their cocks. I felt another orgasm building and I thrust my hairy cunt hard onto Bill's fingers, moaning just as loud as the porn star on the screen. This seemed to set off a chain reaction and I could hear the men around me moaning and whispering. I let got the strangers thick cock and grabbed Bill's hand and fucked myself onto it, moaning out loud oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm fucking coming. Bill had taught me that in situations like this, of which we had been in a few. It turned everyone on to hear the woman letting herself go completely and I was right now, completely gone, fucking myself onto Bill's hand and a huge orgasm, it racked my entire body and I thrashed unashamedly clenching my thighs onto Bill's hand. One of the men in the seats in front of me said out loud, the slag is loving it and promptly spurted three long arcs of spunk which landed all over my upper body. Before I had a chance to enjoy the come down from such a powerful orgasm, Bill promptly mounted me in front of all these men and began thrusting his big thick cock hard into me, fucking whore he kept saying as he pounded me on my way to another orgasm. All to soon though for poor Bill I felt his urgency and he moaned out loud that he was fucking coming in his little whore wife. Bill collapsed onto me whispering in my ear holy fuck holy fuck baby, he lay there for a minute or two. While he was laying there the man on the other side grabbed my hand and began pumping his thick cock into my warm hand. Bill climbed off me with his trousers at his ankles and sat back down and I lay there, upper body covered in spunk and rivulets of Bill's spunk running from my hairy gash. The man next to me whom I had been wanking got up and stood in between my exposed wantonness. I thought he was going to mount me straight away, then the strangest thing happened, a voice said no let the cleaner in. I thought they had meant let the cleaner have a shot. I didn't care who it was by then I just wanted another orgasm by whomever wanted to give it to me. I heard someone get up from the seats behind me, then Bill moving slightly and there he was the cleaner I assumed. He didn't look like any cleaner I had ever seen he was immaculately dressed in pin stripe trousers a dark blazer and waistcoat and a pristine white shirt and dark tie. I would not have been in the slightest bit surprised if he was wearing a bowler hat, I giggled out loud at this thought. He didn't say a word to me he just knelt down on the spunk covered floor in his pin striped trousers, then leaned forward and began lapping at my hairy spunk filled cunt. I could feel his tongue deep in my hole as he lapped out Bill's copious spunk. After two or three minutes he stopped his lapping and said to me in the poshest voice, can you hold your cunt open for me please. I hurried to obey his request. His lapping was excellent and I felt another orgasm building up in the pit of my stomach. The I felt his tongue gently caress its way around my clitoris and I grasped his head and pushed my cunt tight to his face. Please don't he said abruptly and I found myself sitting there like a chastised school girl with a complete stranger lapping at my now very clean cunt. Then he said, can you get on your knees and turn over. I did as he asked and he began lapping at my arsehole and as he pushed his tongue deep into my arse deeper than anyone ever has I squirmed and pushed against his probing tongue. Then suddenly it was all over he stood up said thank you miss. Then he moved over to Bill and knelt down at his knees and took his cock right into his mouth. I heard Bill moan out loud, holy fuck as the cleaner began licking Bill's flaccid cock. It wasn't flaccid for long as the cleaner peeled back Bill's foreskin and began licking round the rim of his helmet. I could see Bill's cock growing and the man suddenly enveloped Bill's entire cock down his throat no mean feat. Bill is eight inches on a good day but also delightfully thick, too thick for me to get anymore than three or four inches into my stretched mouth. Fuucckkk I heard Bill moan and a couple of the men watching laughed out loud. My cunt oozed at the sight and I felt a hand on my thigh working its way up to my freshly cleaned gash. The mans head now began bobbing up and down and I could clearly hear Bill saying oh fuck oh fuck yes, then the bobbing stopped and the man suddenly stood up and returned to his seat. The hand on my thigh had now found my tingling cunt and it insert two fingers inside then curved them up and put his thumb on my clitoris. My arse just pushed myself onto it and I rode it gently. A man from behind got up and came round to Bill's side and asked him if he could sit there. Bill got up up and let him sit in his seat. Bill moved to the row in front of us and joined the three men there watching and wanking. I didn't wait for the other man to grab my hand I just reached over and grasped his, what felt like a medium sized cock and began wanking it. My cunt was throbbing with the expert fingering of the other man. He stopped fingering me and stood up and went between my splayed lewdness he pulled me slightly forward to the edge of the seat, he squatted down then without any type of gentleness thrust his big thick cock right into me. The hands on my nipples tweaked tighter and I moaned out loudly as the man fucking me was already thrusting faster and faster. Yes yes I could here him whisper as he thrust into my cunt, my arse pushed my cunt onto him and he began getting louder. Yes yes then suddenly oh fuucckkk yes and I felt him empty himself into me. I had a small orgasm but I was now on a constant string of small orgasms at the kinkiness and filthiness of my behavior. He was quickly replaced by the man from my other side and his medium sized cock slid easily inside me. My head was turned to the side and a cock was pushed against my lips, I opened my mouth and took it in. It's owner put his hand on the back of my head head and began fucking my face. The door opened and seemed to take ages in closing. The men fucking my cunt and my face never missed a beat, they just kept on going. The man in my cunt moaned and called me a slag whore, I could smell the alcohol on his rancid breath then I felt him empty himself inside me. I didn't care what he called me as long as it was dirty, I was already coming again when I felt the cock in my mouth twitch and my mouth filled with warm spunk. As the guy who had been fucking me got up, a tall shadow came in behind him and when the light from the screen shone on his face I could see that he was a black man. Now remembering back it was the mid seventies and sure I had seen black men before. But that was up in Glasgow city or on the television, none of them lived in our hometown. He stood right in front of me then dropped his trousers his cock sprang into view from the side of his underpants. He was as well hung as any of the men I had seen on the screen or in any of the blue movies I had watched at home with Tom and Bill. He looked to be about eight inches and very thick until he pulled down his underpants and another four inches appeared. I gasped at the sheer size of it, I'm sure I heard a couple of the men gasp too. He leaned forward and began kissing me, pushing his thick tongue deep into my mouth. I greedily sucked on it and thought this man can kiss, he stopped and said my name's Tyrone, Veronica I gasped. There was a shuffling to my right and I heard the word move. The cleaner was back and he squatted down between my open legs,Tyrone sat down on my right and guided my hand onto his huge shaft. I couldn't fit my hand round it thickness and I could feel the big veins running up its length. The cleaner had me going again with his warm mouth and very skilled tongue. I looked to my right at my small hand wrapped round Tyrone's black shaft and I felt a twitch in my stomach. The cleaner asked me to get up on my knees again and I meekly obeyed. He tongued all the way up from my cunt and buried his long tongue deep in my puckered hole. Tyrone leaned in and said, clean that girl good for me, then clean me. With pleasure sir the cleaner replied. As I turned back round to sit down, I took the chance to look around. There must have been about nine men in all behind and in front of me and none of them were interested on what was going on on the screen. They were all looking straight at me, plain Jane Veronica, I felt my cunt twitch. They could all be sitting there wanking to the action on the screen but they were all wanking to me. I locked eyes with Bill and he nodded his head and I smiled and nodded back. It was our signal that we were both okay with everything. Then I heard, fuck me look at that, I looked to my right and saw the cleaners head deep in Tyrone's lap. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, he had to have at least ten of Tyrone's thick twelve inches down his throat and he was still going down. Then his nose hit Tyrone's groin, fuck me he's got it all in holy fuck said the voice. The men were crowded round watching the spectacle, again I felt like I was sharing something that only men share together. I also felt trepidation, you could feel an air of expectancy in the group. You could almost touch the sex atmosphere, then Tyrone said okay enough. My cunt twitched with anticipation and I felt a little frightened about what was to come. Tyrone got up and his huge shaft stood out long, thick and glistening in the light from the screen. Stand up he said to me as I stood up my seat also went up. Now sit on the top of the seat edge, he shuffled forwards and I felt the head of his big cock poke at my thick black bush. You get her legs he said to the men on each side of me. They gently lifted my legs into the air and he stepped forward. He began rubbing his cock end up and down my thankfully sodden gash. Then he pushed ever so slightly forward, I felt his thickness stretch my quivering fanny and I moaned out loud. I felt the head of his cock stretching me and going deeper. I couldn't believe it I was actually pushing myself onto his pole. I wanted it all, every inch of his thickness inside me. No let me he said, it will hurt if you don't. I relaxed my pushing and felt him enter me deeper and deeper stretching me wider and wider. I bit my lip, there he said. I couldn't believe it I had taken all of his black pole deep into my young cunt. I put my hand down and was stunned to feel that there was still another three or four inches of cock not yet inside me. Ohhh I moaned out loud, then Tyrone began rocking back and forth with gentle strokes, the sensation of depth and girth was incredible, my orgasm was building. I don't know how he did it but he seemed to maintain the same depth in his steady rhythm, I came on his pole and I told him and everyone else there that I was coming. Fuck yes fuck yes I'm fucking coming. He did not change his rhythm as I felt my orgasm wash over me, it was the first time in my life that a partner hadn't started going faster or deeper when I let them know I was coming. Even with Bill he would hold me tighter and thrust harder into me. The orgasm was one of the strangest and strongest I have ever had. Was that good, asked Tyrone, I could only nod my head and whimper yes yes. Good now Tyrone's turn he said and he began to increase his rhythm, yet still not going any deeper just faster. I was now in a cluster of mini orgasms with one running into another. Tyrone began to get a little faster and faster. Hold her legs higher he said and my arse was now off the seat top and in mid air, the two men leaned back and my legs splayed wider and wider. Tyrone grasped my hips and began thrusting faster and harder. Yes yes please I said, much louder than whatever action was on the screen. Tyrone began pounding me I'm going to give you my babies girl he said as he thrust hard into me. Then I felt his cock thicken more if that was possible. Yes knock the slag up I heard a couple of the guys saying, look at her she's fucking loving it. Here's my babies girl he said and that's when I felt it, his groin was hitting mine and his course hair was pounding my poor cunt. It was sore and my legs were aching I was crying out in pain and lust. I knew he was now fully embedded in me and I felt a strange sense of achievement in taking all of his huge black pole. He held my hips tighter and pounded harder and harder then I did indeed feel his babies erupting inside me. Fuck here's Tyrone's babies he kept saying as he emptied himself deep inside me. I realized I was still orgasaming along with the pain in my sore cunt and aching legs. Tyrone leaned in against me and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. That was good girl, he whispered. The men holding my legs put my seat down and lowered me onto it. I don't honestly know if I passed out or not but it seemed a few minutes before I realized I had been mounted again. Suddenly it seemed both my big sore nipples were being chewed as I was being fucked I looked up to see Bill's face a few inches from mine as he thrust into me and I barely felt him empty himself into me. He kissed me deeply and whispered, fucking hell Veronica that was something else. Thank you I mumbled, as he got up off me. I looked down and I was covered in spunk, at some point, Bill told me later, two of the watchers had spunked all over me. Bill was immediately replaced by another man and he pumped into me calling me a slag and cock whore. He could only have lasted two minutes before he pulled out of me and spurted a big spunky load onto my tits. Then he was there again, all big and thick Tyrone, even though my cunt was sore I was in a flow of multiple orgasms at what a filthy girl I was. He stood me up turned me round, then he sat on my seat and pulled me backwards onto him. I almost unwillingly lowered myself onto his huge pole and I quickly realized that I could control it I could control the depth I wanted. I was now sitting on his cock facing the screen. The door opened again, this time I didn't even turn round I just kept lowering myself up and down on Tyrone's huge cock. The newcomer came right into the row in front of me and promptly took out his cock and began wanking with the two men left in front. The two men who had been sitting together whilst all this had be going on, got up and left. I didn't see the light from the door but I was sure they were gone. Bill moved away and let another man sit beside me, my head was gently pulled to the side and a man in the row behind thrust his cock into my willing mouth. I knew what I wanted and I reached for the hard cocks on both sides of me. Bill was now in the row in front of me and he urged me on with the other men. Go on slut ride that big cock, suck him, wank them ya dirty whore. The other men added their encouragement sending me into a deep orgasm building in my stomach and sizzling throughout my entire body. Here I was re-enacting the scene that I had seen on the screen. The one with the woman sitting on a huge cock, sucking one and wanking two others, only I had another three or four cocks being wanked as they watched, me plain Jane housewife Veronica from the west coast of Scotland. A complete dirty cock whore and unlike the star on the screen I wasn't getting paid for it. Unless you class orgasms as payment if you do then I was getting well overpaid. I thrust myself up and down on Tyrone's pole and quickened my pace as I got nearer and nearer to what I knew would be a massive orgasm. Gone on girl encouraged Tyrone my babies are waiting for you, just say when girl. The men joined in with all sorts of lewd comments, slag, whore, cocksucker, spunk bucket. Then I was there, it was ripping through my body and I said to Tyrone give me your babies I'm fucking coming, I'm coming ohhh fuuuckkk and I felt the base of Tyrone's pole as I fully impaled myself onto his thickness. I also felt Tyrone's babies erupt inside me as I came and came. I barely noticed it but the man in my mouth came all over my face. The newcomer and the two other men spurted their spunk all over my front and I was still coming, it seemed to go on for several minutes. I barely felt myself being lifted off Tyrone's still stiff pole. I was sat down next to him and I sat there completely naked legs open and lewdly still twitching and moaning as my orgasm began to subside. Nothing was said but I think it was obvious that the show was finished. I knew I was finished. One of the men in the row in front leaned forward and said thanks that was great and a damn sight better than what was on the screen. I just nodded my head. Tyrone leaned in and whispered I'll be here tomorrow night with three of my friends and girl we're going to give you all our babies. I just smiled at him and nodded my head. Then Bill was beside me, making sure I was alright I told him I felt great but very sore and needed to clean myself before we left the cinema. Bill helped me up still naked and I gathered my clothes and my bag with the vibrator still in it unused. Bill took them from me and I walked up the aisle completely naked my body covered in spunk and spunk running down both my legs. Halfway up the aisle the door opened and a man came in. I continued to walk past him covered in spunk, and he just stood there mouth open. Holy fuck he said as I went past him. I must have looked as if I had just stepped from the screen. I heard a couple of the other men laugh out loud at the mans shock, this gave me an incredible feeling. We went to the ladies toilets and Bill handed me my clothes kissed my spunk coated mouth and said I'll wait here for you. I entered the ladies and it was surprising bright but also surprisingly dirty. There was toilet paper all over the place and some used condoms on the floor still full of spunk and the whole place stank. There was also two men completely naked. The two whom I had thought had left the cinema. One was bent over the sink and the other was thrusting a very large looking cock in and out of his arse. The thruster stopped and I smiled and said carry on boys don't let me stop you. I had seen men fucking before including my own young husband. It was and still is one of the sexiest things a woman can witness. I wrote the story about that experience called Our Second Time at the Glory Holes. The thruster began thrusting again as I cleaned my self with copious amounts of rough toilet paper. Then the man bent over the sink began to moan quietly and I couldn't believe it, but I felt myself getting turned on again. By the time I was fully dressed, the thruster had began to moan too. I stood there and watched them copulate. The man over the sink was now moaning quite audibly and the thruster was getting faster and faster. The man bent over the sink suddenly ejaculated a massive load onto the dirty floor. Fuck I pulled up my skirt and began rubbing my hairy cunt in front of them, as their moans got louder and the thrusters pace got quicker and quicker. I myself quickened my hand on my cunt and when they both moaned out loud and the thrusters arse began to twitch I knew he was emptying himself into the other mans bowels, I came, not a mind blowing orgasm but still nice enough for me to finish off the night with. I went outside to where Bill was waiting and said phew that was a little bonus, what do you mean asked Bill. I'll tell you later babes I said. As we were leaving the cinema the bored woman at the cash till said, thanks love that the longest most of them have ever spent in there and she winked at me. Despite all my lewdness inside the cinema I blushed furiously and grasped Bill's arm as we left for the street. We did look around more of Soho but I was very sore and tired, as we say in Scotland phew I'm fucked tonight and I was honestly fucked, and we soon headed back to our hotel. The next morning at the greasy spoon cafe over breakfast we chatted about the cinema. Bill told me that the cleaner as they had called him had no teeth, that is why he was saying holy fuucckkk it was one of the best sucks at his cock he has ever had. Whilst I was otherwise engaged one of the men told him that the cleaner had all his teeth taken out so that he could take cock deeper into his mouth. Cleaning spunk mostly from men and men's arseholes was his thing. Then off he'd go home to the little lady at home, stomach full of spunk. We didn't go back to the cinema the next night and I never did have Tyrone's babies I was on the pill. We didn't go to the bar where we met Lexi either, I was too sore, we had dinner and Bill had to satisfy himself by spunking on my face and in my not so sore mouth. We left for home early the next morning, after I had asked one of the female staff for a douche, there was still spunk seeping from my hairy fanny. Well I hope you all enjoyed I know that I did. I'm sorry it was so long but I felt that I had to get everything into it. Now my hands are as sore as my cunt was that night phew. Thanks folks from Plain Jane Housewife Veronica. X Please leave me comments enjoy. Veronica X
Written by Dimmy39

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Fantastic story well told Veronica.  I had a girlfriend who lived near Soho but we never quite worked up the moment to go into the cinemas, I wish we could revisit those times,  I had yo make do with sucking cocks at gloryholes and in the woods
Veronica, that was one hell of a filthy story, tell me more. 
Hell fire that's one of the longest but most entertaining stories I have read on SH in a long time. Reminded me of a live sex show I went to in Paris where the audience members had a spit roast kneeling on the seats. Much to the annoyance of the performers who stopped the show until  the roasters had finished. This was before Viagra and I was impressed that the male performers kept an erection, with very little maintenance, for over ten minutes. Thanks for the memory
God I wish you were still up in Ayrshire Veronica, you are so damned hot!!
What can you say, a true slut, shame I never met you as I used to go up to Soho.
Loved the story