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Honesty was the best policy

"Revealing our bisexuality"

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Not all my encounters were of a bisexual nature and I enjoyed liaisons with both sexes. I always managed to use my mouth to good effect no matter what gender they were. I was equally at home sucking cock as well as licking pussy and burying my face between two mountains of flesh with nipples on either side. When you are young and your hormones are flying all over your body, people like me were easily excited about sex wherever they get it from. Cock or pussy, l loved it all.

I had been talking to Rita for a while now in our local pub. She was quite good looking, though a little on the thin side with small breasts. Nevertheless she was good company and after fortifying myself with three pints of lager I asked her out and she said yes.

Now when I get to this situation l really want to tell them l’m bisexual but being honest has not always worked in my favour. Some girls have dropped me like a hot potato, others have been intrigued and asked me lots of questions about it and then politely moved on. Occasionally one or two have stayed around for a while and it hadn’t bothered them and the relationship lasted its course. I resolved to only tell Rita if our relationship turned sexual.

I imagine many of you readers have not said anything and now its too late to say anything as over time it becomes a well hidden secret. I don’t blame anyone as I have had a few adverse reactions to it when I have declared my bisexuality. So I needed to take things easy with Rita.

Our first few dates went well and things were progressing. She was, as I thought so at the time, good company and during our conversations she demonstrated a broad mind and a liberal attitude. Added to this l had explored and got my fingers wet at the end of our evenings during a good night kiss. So things were going that way and I needed to tell her before it did.

We were having a night in and a takeaway along with a couple of bottles of wine and I was pretty sure we would end up having sex. Well l really hoped so. But I felt that I had to come clean and start this relationship right. I’m sure Rita was wondering why I was leaping ahead of her in the wine drinking stakes but I needed some Dutch courage as I really liked her and rejection would have hurt. So I asked her if she had ever wondered about my past and the relationships I had had prior to us dating. She said it wasn’t anything to do with her and that everyone has a past. I took what she said and told her my past was probably not as conventional as hers.

This left her space to ask me questions and after a brief pause she did. It didn’t take long for her to reach the right conclusion. During this cross examination I watched for any sign of rejection or disgust but I didn’t see any. Admittedly I couldn’t see any signs of acceptance either. She looked at me stony faced and went quiet for a while.

At this point there is no advantage of trying to plead my case, to justify what I have been up to. Rita would either accept me or reject me. What l really didn’t want was the let’s just remain friends line. Anyway, what seemed like an age but was probably no more than a few seconds Rita smiled and said it didn’t bother her and then shocked me by telling me that she too has had a relationship with another girl. She also said that we should ignore gender and get on with people we liked. What a revelation! As you can imagine the rest of the evening was spent in bed and I have to say she had the firmest nipples of anyone I had encountered. My mouth was put to good use that evening licking her pussy and sucking her nipples as well as trying to get my cock as deep into her as I could. Rita even joked that she thought I wished she had a cock too so I wouldn’t feel like I was straying.

Over the next few weeks Rita asked a great many questions about my lifestyle and I have to admit so did I. Little by little she managed to tease out of me the things that two men (I’m not telling her any more than that) do with and to each other. Likewise Rita told me everything two ladies do to and with each other. I don’t suppose she would have told me if there had been more than one other. She even admitted to a strap-on. I could see a glint in her eye when she told me. I think I was going to get it at some point. I even found out the meaning of scissor sisters and concluded that it was the same as frottage in my world.

During the course of the next few weeks Rita proved to be a very adventurous lady when it came to sex. Inhibitions didn’t count as bit by bit we shed them. Yes I did get to find out about the strap-on but not before she made me suck it first . She claimed she wanted to see how men did it l thought Rita was getting very kinky. The strap-on was used quite a number of times and I have to say I quite liked the look of it on Rita. It was how I imagined I looked to other men or maybe I was just fooling myself. She even got me to put on some of her underwear before pegging me with it, little knowing before I told her, that I had cross dressed many times. She thought that was hilarious and I thought Rita only dressed me in her underwear to remind herself of her own past.

Inevitably, one day the conversation came round to watching each other have sex with our own gender. Like many men I always wanted to watch two females enjoy each others bodies and Rita said she would love to watch me with another man. I’m not sure how seriously we took it at first as finding other willing participants was difficult in the days before the internet. Nevertheless we discussed what each was likely to witness in front of each other and spoke about what we didn’t want to see. I thought that would have been neither of us having any kind of physical contact with the opposite sex of the other couple, but no. Rita wasn’t bothered and neither was I though that wasn’t the name of the exercise, was it?

It probably would have been a non starter but for Rita finding an advertisement in the back of a magazine selling a contact booklet of people who like to swing. As it was Rita who pointed it out I knew then that she was serious about the project. I hadn’t sucked a cock for a long time and she probably hadn’t licked a pussy for a long time either so we sent for it hoping there would be a section for bisexual people. There was. But nothing that involved another couple. It was mostly couples looking for one extra and mostly females. So we thought we would put our own advert in the next monthly booklet and see if anything came of it.

We got two replies and chose the one that had a Polaroid picture in it. This was after a ‘should we’ conversation . A telephone call and we agreed that we would go to their place and if everything went alright and we got along then we would spend the night there. They didn’t mind a little ‘soft play ‘ with the opposite sex of the other couple but the ‘ultimate ‘was not on the cards. Rules agreed, we both said ‘what have we done’ but secretly I’m sure we were both excited. I know I was.

The week leading up to the event was a little tense. I think both of us were concerned about how this would affect our relationship. Reassured, we laughed and giggled a lot about what we were going to do. I went for the Pre-pubescent look and removed the vast majority of my body hair. Rita liked the look and did the same. The day arrived and scrubbed within an inch of our lives and looking as presentable as we both could be, we got into the car and drove the twenty odd miles to our rendezvous.

The couple we had arranged to meet were Steve and Emma. They were roughly our age. Steve was a pleasant looking bloke, a little taller than me and a little bit heavier than me but by no means fat. Emma too was heavier than Rita but again not fat and judging by the look on Rita’s face Emma was just what Rita wanted. They made us feel at home and at ease very quickly and I, for one, felt that the exercise was on and judging by the smile on Rita’s face I think she felt the same.

We chatted and drank wine for a while talking about this and that. Steve had an interest in restoring old motorbikes and offered to show me the one he was doing. So we left the girls to it. I don’t think they had noticed we’d gone, they were so engrossed in each other. The garage was well ordered and as I was allowed to go in first, Steve put his hand on my bum and gave it a little squeeze. The fun starts here. The bike was near completion and on its stand and Steve invited me to sit on it and he got on it as pillion.

While I’m admiring it I could feel something poking me in the back. Not wishing to lose the moment I pushed back with my bum. Within seconds Steve hands were round my waist and heading for my thighs and stroking them. It wasn’t very long before my cock matched Steve’s in hardness. The bike forgotten about we concentrated on each other as we rubbed and stroked each other and by the feel of Steve he was quite big and going to be a mouthful.

We didn’t hang around too long and returned to Rita and Emma. Judging by the state of their clothes they had made a start too. They were sitting very close to each other and Rita smiled at me when she saw the bulge in my trousers. I sat close to Steve and a great deal of the next few minutes were spent running our hands over each others bodies. We needed to get things going and a game of spin the bottle was introduced. Wherever it stopped at, the person closest to it had to lose an item of clothing.

So the four of us sat around the bottle on the carpet in couples and began spinning. The early rounds were fairly evenly spread. Nothing of any real interest was showing yet and Steve introduced a new rule that if the bottle stopped at you twice on the run then you could do a forfeit. Yours truly got the first forfeit and I had to kiss and stroke the nipples of the rest. No great hardship. Rita was first and it was nice to fondle her very firm nipples. Emma was next and it was lovely to kiss and caress her breasts too. When it came to Steve the site of us kissing sent the girls into whoops and cheers and everyone smiling. It ended the strip game as Emma and Rita made for each other and kissed and tore the rest of their clothes off. This left me and Steve staring open mouthed at them whilst touching each other up and running our fingers up and down the outline of our erect cocks through what remained of our clothes.

It was an awesome sight watching two, by now, naked girls kissing and sucking each others breasts and generally becoming more sexually stimulated and intense. When Emma was about to go down on Rita she looked over to us ogling at them and reminded us of why we were here and told us to get on with it. We quickly shed the rest of our clothes and I immediately clamped my mouth around Steve’s cock and gave it all I was worth. After all it had been a long time since I’d done anything like this and I wasn’t going to waste the opportunity. I could see Rita from the corner of my eye being licked out by Emma and her looking at me and smiling.

The sucking, licking and wanking went on for some time and at one point Steve stretched out his hand and laid it on Rita’s tits so I decided to do the same to Emma. Talk about getting the best of both worlds! We were all reaching the height of sexual frenzy and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I mounted Steve. It had been pre-arranged that I would top him and as I went for the lube and condoms I was able to kiss both girls and taste the juices that had been flowing from their pussies. I also didn’t waste the opportunity to squeeze their breasts too. Meanwhile Steve was adjusting himself for what was to come.

As soon as I had put the condom on and started to lube it and Steve up, the girls stopped. It was clear we were going to get an audience. By the time I entered Steve, both the girls had stopped what they were doing and were eagerly watching us. That was a first for me, but the encouraging words they were saying to us egged me on and it wasn’t long before they too had joined in with Emma reaching under Steve and wanking his cock and Rita getting up behind me and thrusting her hips into my bum at the same time as I’m thrusting into Steve who is making a great deal of noise with each push.

This went on for a while and I was getting ready to explode into the condom. My thrusting is getting deeper and more intense and Emma is encouraging me to take it out in time and cum all over Steve’s bum. So not wanting to offend it’s exactly what I did, getting the condom off and giving the final strokes by hand I sprayed my seed all over Steve. Immediately Rita went to spread it out all over his bum and Emma went back to wanking Steve. But I felt it was for me to ensure that Steve got satisfaction so I crawled under Steve and attempted to finish him off with my mouth Emma quickly realised what I was about to do and let go and went back to play with Rita.

Steve is kneeling up by now so I can get more of him in my mouth and Rita and Emma are busy fingering each other whilst watching me work on Steve’s cock. Momentum grew and Steve was getting more eager judging by the way he was thrusting his cock down my mouth. I knew he was about to cum and had already decided to take the first spurt in my mouth but let the rest run down my face and chest. The first spurt would then dribble down my face and join the rest which is what happened. The girls of course cheered and Emma came over and licked some of it off my chest before giving Steve a kiss and returning back to Rita.

It was our turn to watch as we laid back, our sex spent for a while, and took in the sight of two attractive ladies worshiping each others bodies. I was sure their pussies were glistening as they moved and changed position. Ignoring us, they went into the scissor position and bumped and grinded each other to orgasm which they did quite noisily. It was our turn to cheer, which we did very enthusiastically.

Four naked people were now slumped around the room trying to recover and smiling at each other. We agreed that we would sleep with our same sex partners so that we could continue later when we had recovered enough. So it was a quick tidy up and off to bed. I was quite taken with Emma’s bum as she bent over to pick up discarded clothes and envied Rita. It was more filled out than hers and I would have dearly liked to park my cock between those cheeks. Still, I had Steve’s to keep me interested and use later when I had recovered enough.

And recover we did. The fondling and groping seem to go on throughout the night. Emma and Rita were very noisy and hearing their orgasms only encouraged me and Steve to continue where we had left off. It was Steve’s turn to let me know I was going to take a pounding which I certainly did. The best I could come up with was wanking all over his bum and rub it in until it went dry. I eventually fell asleep listening to Rita panting and screaming as she orgasmed again.

The morning brought a more somber foursome but we agreed that it satisfied our bisexuality and also agreed to meet again in a few weeks time for a repeat performance. The conversation in the car on the way home was interesting in so much that Rita reassured me that she enjoyed watching me give it to Steve and that she really liked Emma and would like to use the strap-on on her. I quite liked Steve and was up for a repeat performance. The rest of the journey was in silence as we thought about what we had done last night.

Written by spenny134

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