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adult store and theatre.

"this is just fiction , we like to write so hope you enjoy, mature couple visit a sex shop so the wife can see for herself."

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Author's Notes

"Our first attempt at writing from an older persons view point also places far away"

My wife and I were travelling up in Central Pennsylvania having visited friends that re-located from our home area years ago. We were staying in a local hotel as these friends had grandchildren staying with them so room at their place was scarce. We knew the town well as our kids had both graduated from one of the two colleges there. It was a college town now primarily as the old manufacturing base had unfairly abandoned it years ago and damaged it economically. The town was making strides recovering, but it was slow going. The old bridges and buildings originally designed as monuments to big business needed some repairs.

We had been visiting these friends most of the early afternoon and evening for dinner and drinks and at about 9 PM my wife was ready to go back to the hotel. She and our friend's wife had been drinking some kind of homemade mojito concoction, and she was feeling it. We said our goodbyes, and said we'd stop back by tomorrow on our way back home. Their home was just outside of the town proper, so we were making our way back to the hotel in the town centre. It was a Saturday night so the local hot spots, sports bars and such were active. We were on the main road just off the interstate approaching a red traffic light at an intersection when my wife started laughing loudly. I knew she was half drunk, maybe more, and we were in a pretty big intersection, so the traffic light was taking forever to cycle through.

"What are you laughing at Babe?"

"That," she said pointing out to the left of the car. "Is that for real?"

She was pointing to a large sign on steel poles about three hundred feet away to the left. It was old, rust had settled into the poles, and it looked as if it was pointing into the shopping centre, but I knew it wasn't. The sign read "Adult Cinema XXX, Theatre, Novelties, Adult Movies." We had passed this area multiple times during our visits here over the years, and she had to be drunk to notice the sign just now?

"I'm sure it is," I said.

I actually knew it was for real. I had visited the place some three years before, out of curiosity, when we were here on another visit. In our home area there were no adult theatres or drive ins left. They disappeared in the 1980's due to zoning changes, urban renewal, and moral upstarts that knew something untoward was going on in them. We had the occasional adult bookstore pop up, but nothing that had a full theatre. We are both in our late fifties, and I could barely remember them. I did remember being impressed by this place on my last visit though. I was surprised how clean and well-kept it was, except for the outside. The theatre was large as well. I never saw any couples in the place, just guys, but while there was the usual sitting around with their hands in their pants, or the pants were down, no one was overtly pushy. There was some guy to guy action happening, but the crowd did respect personal space.

"What are you saying Sue? You want to drive by there?"

"No, not at all. I was just wondering....."

"What it's like", I said.

"Well, yes", she replied.

"Let's go by there then. They'll have toys and stuff like that. We'll get something new for the collection. This time you can pick it out personally instead of leaving it to me."

"I don't know. We better not. You never know who hangs around a place like that."

"Perverts and old people like us, except they don't have sex anymore. Don't worry, if it's too seedy or the parking lot has people hanging around, we won't stay. Come on, let's live a little. We've been spicing it up over the last year. This will be just another experience, good or bad."

"Ok, but if it looks like a dump, we're not staying?"


I moved the car over into the left turn lane and we caught the light and started up the hill past the shopping centre. It went from well lit to real dark fast, but I saw a small building off to the left that had a good-sized parking lot that was lit. I pulled in and noticed a good number of cars but found a spot close to the building. While I was parking, I thought about what we'd find inside. The place was just as I remembered, looked small on the outside.

There was no one hanging around outside.

"C'mon Sue, let's go in."

"Jay, I'm wondering if this isn't a bad idea."

"Quit second guessing yourself. Like I said, if it looks bad, we'll leave. Let's go look around."

"Alright. I knew I shouldn't have said anything."

As usual Sue was always tentative. In our more than thirty years of marriage no decision was ever easy or final until it was done. But the kids were grown and gone from home; it was just the two of us. In the last year I had convinced her to go to a local nudist camp, which in the end was awesome. We met an older couple and started a nice friendship. There had been a later meeting with some light pool party action, but they played it cool. Didn't push us, and Sue found she enjoyed the time we'd had.

I opened the car door and she followed. I opened the entrance door for her, and we went in. There were several racks of DVD's lining the walls and creating a couple of aisles. There was a smaller rack of magazines. I was astonished anyone still bought them in this day and age. The sex toys occupied an aisle of their own on the far side. We headed over there. There were several guys milling about the aisle but took little notice of us once we passed them. The farthest wall in the back had a counter with an older woman looking quite bored behind it. Sue started relaxing a little when she realized we weren't going to be attacked by anyone and started speaking in low tones to me as she went through the assorted sex toys. We giggled at some of them like a couple of kids, and when I asked if she wanted any of them, she shook her head and said we had enough of them at home, and at the hotel already.

We were at the end of the toy aisle closest to the counter. Above the counter was a sign saying: THEATER ADMISSION $10, COUPLES $15. I took a step away from Sue to the woman behind the counter and asked,

"Excuse me; are there any couples in the theatre?"

"Actually, there's two or three couples in there now," she said.


I saw a chance and without thinking said,

"Give me a couple’s admission please."

I handed her twenty dollars and within ten seconds she handed me my change. There was no ticket; I suppose she kept who paid in her memory. She said thank you and we could go in. Sue was still looking at the toys and wasn't listening to me, so she had no idea I had possibly just wasted fifteen bucks. I stepped back to her and said,

"Hey, I said we can go into the theatre and look around if we want."

"Theatre? Are they showing porn back in there?"

"No, I said, "They’re showing Gone with The Wind. Of course, they're showing porn. Let's go have a look."

There were two closed heavy doors that I knew led into a hall, then into the theatre. All I wanted to do at that point was get us through them.

I walked over to the doors, opened them, stepped through and looked back at Sue. To my surprise she followed me in, we turned right, and I saw restrooms to the left, and an open entrance to the theatre beyond that. There was a walk up. There were porn movie sounds coming from the theatre, in surround sound. As we entered the lighting was dim, lit in the aisles by track lighting, and some low-lit lights spaced along the walls. As I remembered, the theatre was large, with a long line of seating aisles in the centre, with more up the sides. There was an aisle at the rear of the theatre where we entered, and just to the right a long line of theatre seats against the wall. The seats folded when unoccupied. The lighting along this back row was non-existent and very dark. Hence there were six to eight guys either sitting or standing in the shadows. All were stroking themselves as the movie played, with either their hands in their pants or visibly jerking off.

I was holding Sue's hand as she doesn't see well even with her contact lenses in dim lighting. I steered her up the nearest side of the centre aisle and noticed one of the couples seated about dead centre of the theatre. There were several guys sitting two rows behind, and several more sitting two rows in front on either side. No one was right up on the couple. I guided Sue into their aisle, and as we got closer, the guy was about to make a gesture to come no closer, but then realized we were a couple and just slightly nodded. We seated ourselves leaving one seat in between them and us. The woman was closest to us, so I placed Sue in the seat nearest her with the one between them empty. I immediately removed my coat, and told Sue to do the same, fold it behind her over the seat, and sit on it.

The movie on the screen was gangbang porn, an older sexy milf being ravaged by three guys.

They were DP'ing her and the third guy had his cock in her mouth. The milf was moaning incessantly. Sue was transfixed on the screen, her eyes as big as saucers. I put my arm around Sue and quietly said,

"Imagine being in that scenario." Sue said, "I'd never survive that." "She seems to like it", I said. "Maybe. Or maybe she's a good actress".

We sat and watched the film for a few minutes. I felt my cock getting hard and slowly moved my left hand over onto it through my pants. By luck I was wearing fleece sweatpants, the baggy kind, with sweatshirt since we were just going to our friend's house earlier Sue had a button front red dress. Sue didn't notice where my hand was, but I knew I'd soon be reaching in my pants. Sue was still watching the film, the milf being pounded by large cocks in all her holes. The scene lighting would change occasionally giving the opportunity to see around the theatre. Ironically, I couldn't clearly see the couple next to us, except vaguely. Mostly in dim silhouette. She was a larger girl, younger than us, maybe by ten years. I couldn't see her partner at all, except when his arm would raise to wave away prospective single males that tried to encroach on the seating occasionally. I had also been able to see the far side of the theatre, and under one of the exit signs that had lighting, four guys, a mixed age group, were engaged in oral sex. Two of the guys were up against the wall while two others were slowly sucking their cocks. I also saw others spread out around the theatre, with two other couples about four rows in front of us, sitting close together as well. Safety in numbers, I guess.

I turned my attention back to Sue, just curious if she had seen that, but instead her gaze was directed to the woman next to her and down. I looked around Sue, no longer shy about getting a look and noticed the woman was naked from the waist down and wearing a red top that was pulled down to reveal her large breasts. She was sitting low in her seat, with her legs spread. She was masturbating, rubbing her pussy. Sometimes she would turn her head to her partner and moan slightly, he'd then put his hand in her lap and take over rubbing her clit.

Sue was staring, her gaze fixed on the woman's lap, watching her separate her pussy lips and lightly moan. The woman had to have known Sue was staring but didn't seem to mind. I took the opportunity to move my arm from around Sue, and as I did, a guy was trying to come into our aisle near us. I motioned him back; he stopped and sat about four seats away from us. Sue saw none of it, the guys trying to get close, and the other guys jerking and blowing each other, just the couple next to us. We had watched porn before, at home or in a hotel, but never like this. It was completely new to her. We by no means were experts at watching porn, we did it so rarely. I had introduced it more since the kids were grown and we were now alone at home. I had noticed though, just by observation, that she paid more attention to lesbian sex porn more than any other. She always watched it more intently. She went to an all-girls high school and had a small circle of girlfriends. I always wondered if there had been some experimentation during that time. She always said I was her first. So, I always figured I was the first male.

I thought I had that confirmed recently during our encounter with Roger and Elaine, the swinger couple we met at the nudist resort last summer. At their house later that summer, we had a nude pool party, just the two couples. After the pool, we went into their TV room and some light action had started. Each couple to themselves, heating up until Elaine made the move and touched Sue's pussy. I told Sue to reciprocate, and what followed was those two getting close, Elaine started licking Sue's pussy. Sue was full into it. I then spoke to Sue about reciprocating. She was hesitant at first, but after I told her I'd like to see it, she followed through. She ate Elaine full and deeply. They both came hard. Afterwards, when I tried to question her about it, she would avoid the conversation. I always said how hot I thought it was, and I didn't mind it at all.

So, I wasn't too surprised how interested she was in this nearly naked woman, sitting, enjoying her partner and the film, and playing with herself. I slowly lowered my fleece pants a bit so I could get hold of my cock, which was now very hard. I looked to my left quickly. The guy that tried to get close was still in the same place, jerking off, trying to see us and watch the movie. I turned back to Sue, and with my right hand, slowly put it up the front of her red dress. I had to move my hand forward to then slide into her panties. Sue quickly turned and looked at me, then slid down in the seat and let me get my finger between her already wet cunt lips. I rubbed her pussy quickly, massaging her clit, trying to get her turned on. Sue saw my cock and put her hand on it, stroking lightly. The woman next to Sue looked over and saw us playing. I whispered to Sue,

"Lower your panties a little and sit on your coat."

I pulled my hand away while she exposed her excited hairy pussy to me. I went right back to rubbing her clit and kissed her. She started to moan lightly and gyrate ever so slightly. The woman was still watching, then leaned toward Sue and said, "Hi, come sit next to us, ok?"

Sue got halfway turned to me when I gestured her to go ahead and move over to the next seat. It was more difficult than I thought it would be. We stood, our pants halfway down, grabbing our coats to reposition on the next seat. It was all of thirty seconds before we were comfortable again and resumed our play. We were paying almost no attention to the movie, except the loud soundtrack was covering our moaning. The woman said, "This is so hot isn't it?"

We could only nod yes, as I lowered my pants to my ankles with my free left hand. I could then open my legs allowing Sue full access to my cock. I looked over and the woman had placed her left hand on Sue's thigh. Our eyes locked and I nodded yes to her, and we switched out our hands. Hers went to Sue's pussy; my hand was free. Sue's head was tilted back and hadn't noticed the switch, when she finally looked down, noticing a change in rhythm, she was stunned for an instant. I smiled at her and nodded, the woman took Sue's right hand and placed it between her legs, whispering, "Let's come honey." They were both rubbing each other for a couple minutes when the woman said, "I want to lick your pussy honey, can I?"

I blurted out, "yes" without even thinking. Sue looked at me and said quietly; "I don't know her." The woman heard and said; "I'm Terry honey, and this is my husband Mike."

"Sue and Jay," I said. "Now we know each other." I caught Sue's eye and said;

"Babe, we're here and in the moment. Just go with it and let it happen. Let go. It's been great so far."

With that, Terry moved over and kissed Sue full on the mouth. Sue didn't try to break the kiss but went into it. When Terry pulled back, she said;

"You need to get these pants off. It's tight for a round girl like me in here."

I moved Sue's pants further down but realized there still wasn't enough room for her to spread her legs. I lifted her left foot out of the panties leg over her shoe. Terry did the same on Sue's right foot. I grabbed the panties and tucked them into my coat.

"Sue, lean forward," I said. "I want to unhook your bra to free you're tits"

She did, and I had unhooked her. I then realized there was my wife and Terry, both almost naked and bare from the waist down, except for their shoes. Luckily this floor was clean, wasn't sticky. I got thinking I hope the cops don't raid this place. I then noticed further out in the dimly lit theatre that some more men had moved closer. A few were standing in other aisles craning to see what was happening, and all had their cocks in hand. Several others were up a few rows where the other two sets of couples were. One of the women in that group was sucking any guy’s cock that could squeeze in around them. The soundtrack of the film seemed to get louder, making any background noise not in our row muffled and indiscernible.

I guessed there were a total of twenty-five people in this theatre currently, with eight of us being couples. The couples in front of us were busy playing themselves.

Terry moved over and kissed Sue again, saying; "I need you to show these some love."

Terry moved her large tits in close to Sue. Sue latched on to Terry's left tit and started sucking it. Her right hand was rubbing Sue's pussy. Her left hand was supporting the back of Sue's head, holding her in place. Terry then looked over at me and saying;

I have another one sweetie, c'mon over here. I hesitated only a second. Terry's husband Mike had never said a word, but had been looking around from behind his wife, watching Sue sucking her tit. Mike then reached around Terry, lifting her other tit as if to offer it to me. I went right to it and took her nipple into my mouth. Sue and I were side by side sucking Terry's tits. We were both making sucking and "UMMM noises together. My left hand was stroking my hard cock rapidly. Mike was behind Terry, still leaning around to see, but I could tell he was jerking off to by his motions. I heard him speak for the first time;

"Oh honey, is that good? Your nipples look so hard."

"Fuck Mikey, they're turning me on so much!'

"You should eat her pussy now Terry."

As if by command Terry pulled back and motioned Sue to sit back and moved out of her seat trying to kneel in front of her. The aisle was cramped but Terry managed to squeeze down in front of Sue, separating her legs and pushing them up. I held Sue's left thigh while Mike moved into Terry's empty seat and held her right one. Terry continued down, getting between Sue's legs and finding her mark. As Terry's tongue found her pussy, Sue lurched back and up in the seat, she started moaning.

"Ohh, yea, ohh UUUUMMM, oh!!!....."

Sue was making those sounds repeatedly. Her eyes were closed, and she turned to face me. I leaned over and kissed her, and her tongue found mine. I said to her;

"That feel good babe? She's licking your pussy just like Elaine did. You hear her doing it to you? I want you to lick her too babe. Please!!! Do it for her and me."

Terry continued to lick Sue. Both were moaning and enjoying themselves. Terry's head was down but her nice round bare ass was sticking up practically touching the seat in front of us. I sat up from my seat and reached around touching Terry's ass. I leaned over, still supporting Sue's thigh, running my hand along her ass crack until I found her pussy. I slowly rubbed then began to insert my middle finger into her pussy. She mumbled "yea" between licking Sue's hairy, wet, open cunt. I moved my finger back and forth rapidly. I looked at Mike, still holding Sue's other leg. He was smiling. Terry pulled up, turned to me and kissed me.

"I wanted you to taste your wife's pussy."

Terry then rose, going back to sit in her seat, I said, "Wait Terry, kneel on the seat."

Sue was sitting damn near euphoric. I get close to her ear and asked; "Are you ready to lick Terry's pussy? You should after what she did for you."

"You want me too?" "I'd love to see it."

Sue got up and moved towards Terry, who kneeled on the theatre seat facing the rear of the theatre. Sue knelt behind her, Terry's round ass just inches from her face. I knelt next to Sue and said;

"Go ahead, eat that hot pussy. Lick it, I'll cushion your neck."

Sue leaned into Terry's open pussy, inserting her tongue between her open lips. She licked, sucked and kissed, making a variety of hot sounds. Terry moaned and kept trying to bend over further in the seat, kept trying to bring her knees further into the theatre chair to open more for Sue's probing tongue.

"That's it babe. Oh yea, eat that pussy. Make her come."

I kept talking to her while she ate Terry out. It was one of the hottest things I'd ever seen. My proper, and often conservative wife eating another woman's pussy in view of others, and enjoying it. Terry was moaning. Her husband Mike had his phone out, recording the action. I leaned around Sue and kissed Terry's ass cheeks while the licking continued. Sue's neck was craned at a bad angle; she couldn't keep this up for much longer. Finally, I said;

"Terry, turn around and sit in the seat now. Put your legs up. Sue can eat you out more that way."

Terry turned herself around and pulled her legs over the arms on the seat. I looked up during the change, and we had spectators jerking off everywhere. She went right back to licking Terry's pussy. She reached up and spread her lips open. Sue found her clit right away.

"Oh god that feels so good", Terry said. "UMMM, AHHHH, Yea!!! Oh, FUCK YEA!!!!" "Oh, babe I love watching you eat pussy."

Terry's moans were getting louder. She eased Sue's face back from her pussy and said; "Oh, Honey that was good, but I need to fuck my man now. So do you."

Sue stood from her kneeling position and looked at me. I grabbed her and kissed her, Terry's juices glistening on her mouth and nose.

"Shit that was HOT!!!", I said. "You sure you didn't mind?", Sue asked me. "Oh hell no. I loved it." Terry stood and said to Sue and me; "Let's fuck at the same time."

Sue pressed me back into the seat, bent over and started sucking my cock. "You can't do much of that, I'll come." "I just wanted to get it wet before you it in me."

Terry bent over the seat directly in front of her. Mike got behind her and started fucking her. I motioned Sue to get beside her and do the same. As we were getting into place the two couples in front of us had been watching and got into the same position facing us. This must have been a tradition here to end the evening. As Sue bent over the seat, I raised her fleece sweatshirt so I could see her tits swing. I then made entry. Her pussy was so wet and open I slid right in. Sue let out a gasping, "AAAAHHHH" as I started my thrusts. All four couples were facing each other fucking. Only a couple of aisles separated us. There were a few the guys standing, jerking off in the aisles watching.

All the couples were thrusting in unison. All the moaning and fuck noises in the theater finally was competing with the porn movie soundtrack. I had Sue by her hips. I was thrusting and looking around at Terry and Mike, then the other couples. I started thrusting into her harder.

"Yea, that's it Jay, keep going, I'm going to come soon, oh....." "You liked eating pussy tonight, didn't you? Huh, tell me!"

"Yes, Yes!!!" "You want more don't you, you're craving it now. You want to eat hot wet pussy, right? Say you want to eat pussy, loud."


After about three more thrusts I started coming. I wanted to pull out and slather Sue's ass with my load, but it was too late. I thrust deep, all the way inside her and my load shot into her. She clamped down on me and we both had a screaming orgasm; "AHHHH, YEA....HELL YEA...."

Assorted jerker’s in the theatre were letting their loads go as the couples finished. Some drifted back into the dark of the theatre. Sue and I started looking for our clothes, getting re-dressed quickly, as were Terry and Mike. We gathered our things and ourselves and followed Terry and her husband from the theatre. I noticed some of the leering smiles from our spectator friends and accepted them happily as we exited.  I was pleased no-one tried to take a turn. Outside, Terry said; "There's a bar down the street called "Mulligan’s. Want to join us?" "Sure, for one," I said.

At the bar we sat at a table and talked about the experience we just had. Terry said her and Mike went there occasionally. I said it was or first time. We had nothing like that at home. We exchanged numbers. They said if we were n the area again please call us. They'd love to do it again. We hugged and said our goodbyes. Sue was quiet during the ride back to the hotel.

"What's wrong? Having second thoughts, guilt?" "No, not really, just tired. It was kind of hot, but so nasty all those cocks and sperm. It's not like we can talk about it to our friends." "Well, I can't wait to tell Roger and Elaine. They'll be excited to hear."

We laughed as we pulled into the hotel parking lot. During the ride up the elevator and for days after I couldn't stop thinking about it, and how happy I was that after all these years, my wife had finally let go and had a good time. I wasn't going to let that fade away anytime soon. There would be other opportunities soon. I was going to make sure of it.


Written by BoredJen

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