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Curiosity led to Coercion.

"A surprise visit while breast feeding changes a young woman's view on things."

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Stella, a young twenty-five year old woman, sat in her chair thinking back on an incident that happened a year ago that awakened senses in her that she never knew she had. She had never been bi-curious or at least she hadn't thought so. However, something in her life changed all that, and her bi-curious thinking has never been the same since.

It all began while she was lactating and nursing her two-month old daughter when there was a knock on her door. Without giving it a thought Stella got up out of her seat still holding her daughter to her breast while she continued to suck gently and soothingly on her milk-engorged nipple.

When Stella opened the door, she found her neighbour and landlord Tonya who was about fifty year’s old standing in front of her.

"Yes, may I help you?" asked Stella politely.

Moments passed as she and Tonya looked at one another, Stella noticing that Tonya was rather ugly and fat, while Tonya couldn't take her eyes off Stella's breasts that had grown two sizes since her pregnancy to a 40 D, and she was still nursing her daughter with her breasts exposed.

Somewhat dumbstruck by this vision of young, bare breasted Stella giving her daughter the very essence of herself, Mother's milk, Tonya said nothing.

Stella blushed seeing Tonya staring at her naked breasts. In fact, Tonya was so enthralled and taken aback by this vision of loveliness, she was speechless, and it seemed as if she had forgotten what she had come for to be standing at Stella's doorstep.

"Yes, Tonya, what is it you want?" Stella asked coyly, she now feeling somewhat a wee bit embarrassed having Tonya staring at her naked breasts with her daughter sucking on her left, erect but pliable nipple.

"Ah, to tell you the truth, you know now that I see you feeding your daughter I completely forgot what I came for, but if you don't mind could I see your lovely breasts? It is so very exciting to see such a motherly display of affection of you nursing your daughter. I never had children of my own, so I missed out on that aspect of being a woman."

Tonya caught Stella so off guard with her request to see her breasts that she got really upset and asked her to leave.

"I'm so sorry I've upset you, Stella. I meant no harm. I was just caught so off guard seeing you nursing your daughter with your lovely breasts exposed. To tell you the truth, it has gotten me all aroused and excited. Looking at you as you are reminds me of the Madonna with Child," Tonya said, trying to placate Stella's anger, but she did so much want to see her breasts.

Nevertheless, the landlady thought that whatever it was she had come to see Stella about could wait until another time. Tonya, therefore, turned and left and Stella closed the door, returning to her rocker to finish nursing her daughter while myriads of thoughts raced through her mind. Stella was still in shock at Tonya's request to see her breasts, but at the same time she was excited and aroused, knowing that seeing her nursing her daughter had such an effect on the landlady.

That night after Stella had put her daughter to bed and finally crawled into hers, she kept thinking about how she had treated Tonya and even felt sorry as well as curious as to why she wanted to see her breasts. It seemed like such a strange request for her to make.

While still contemplating that particular event in her day, Stella finally went to sleep. The next morning when she awakened the thoughts were still gnawing away at her inner self, now even more curious about the whole thing.

After Stella had finished her morning chores, she nursed her daughter, and while looking down at her lovely face with her delicate mouth wrapped around her nipple and seeing her mouth work on sucking the milk from her, Stella had a change of heart and decided to go see Tonya. Why? Stella really didn't know. To apologize for becoming angry with her because of her most unusual request to see her breasts or to find out the reason or reasons for her desire.

There was also something deep inside Stella that made her curious to find out, and if the truth were known she was somewhat aroused with the thought that a woman wanted to see her breasts which seemed very strange to her.

So, after nursing her daughter until she had fallen asleep in her arms, Stella left the apartment and went to Tonya's. She knocked on the door half-afraid of what she was about to do, and yet half-anxious to find out why Tonya had wanted to see her breasts.

When Tonya opened her door, there was a look of wonder and amazement on her face to find Stella standing there after yesterday's experiences, and yet she smiled at her.

Her welcome was so warm that Stella said, "Tonya, I behaved badly yesterday when you asked to see my breasts—why you did I still don't know—but I felt I needed to come and apologize for being so rude. It could have been all very innocent on your part to see me come to the door so casually with my breasts exposed while nursing my daughter."

"No, no. It was my fault. I shouldn't have been so bold as to ask to see your breasts. My emotions just got carried away, and I blurted out my desire. You have nothing for which to be sorry," Tonya said in a soft but gruff voice.

"I'm glad you understand, Tonya, for my angry outburst," Stella said apologetically.

"Well, let bygones be bygones. Agreed?" Tonya asked.

"Agreed," Stella replied.

"Well, then, if you're not afraid of this old lady, would you please come in, and I'll make us some tea so we can relax and chat. Your little one is asleep, so you can lay her down on the bed if you think it will be safe," Tonya said.

"Oh, yes, it will be safe. She just finished nursing and is out like a light, and she doesn't roll around," Stella said reassuringly.

"Well, then you go put your daughter down and I'll get our tea," Tonya said with warmth and enthusiasm in her voice.

By the time Stella returned from putting her daughter down to sleep, Tonya already had the tea brewed and was pouring it into china cups resting on their matching saucers.

"Please, sit down, Stella," invited Tonya while she took the chair next to hers instead of across from it, bringing them closer to one another. "Do you mind if I smoke?"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't. I'm a non-smoker, and smoke usually causes me to cough."

"All right, then. I won't smoke. It wouldn't be good for the baby anyway," said Tonya.

So, for a while Tonya and Stella just chatted about anything and everything, but then Stella felt Tonya's knee rubbing gently against her exposed, lower thigh since she had on a short skirt and loosely fitting blouse instead of a T-Shirt that she usually wears around the apartment. At the same time Stella knew Tonya was watching for her reaction to what she was doing, expecting her to say something like, "Stop that" or "What are you doing?" Tonya also wanted to see if Stella would move her leg away from her gentle caress.

For some reason, however, Stella said nothing and didn't move or break the touch. However, Stella's mind began to race with all kinds of thoughts, wondering what Tonya had in mind. Stella was so naive, and yet shivers ran up and down her body because of her gentle touch.

Since Stella made no immediate comment or move away, Tonya continued to rub her leg, and as she did Stella felt herself becoming wet in her crotch, causing her to wonder why it should be since throughout her life until then she had never ever been bi-curious.

Thus, as nonchalantly as she could, while still rubbing Stella's leg, Tonya reached over with her left hand and began to run her fingers over the back of Stella's hand and up her forearm, all the while holding her attention with her seductive stare.

"Do you mind what I'm doing, Stella? Touching you as I am?" Tonya asked.

Stella gulped so loudly she knew Tonya heard her, and it took a while for Stella to wrap her mind around what she was doing, but deep down inside Stella knew exactly what she was doing, but she was too timid as well as curious to say, so she said "No."

Instead, Stella let Tonya have her way with her.

Tonya then took Stella by her hand and said, "Come, Dear, let's go into the living room and sit down on the sofa. We'll be more comfortable. Don't you think?"

"Um hmmmm," Stella murmured.

Tonya helped Stella to be seated, and then she sat down beside her while still holding her hand in hers.

"My, but you are a beautiful, young woman, Stella, but then you already know that. Don't you?" Tonya asked rhetorically.

As Tonya said that, she slid her right hand up Stella's right arm, causing goose flesh to rise, and when she reached the level with her breasts, she casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, cupped her left breast and gently massaged it, causing Stella's nipple to become hard and stand erect beneath her touch.

At the same time she bent her head and brought her mouth to Stella's right ear and whispered, "I want you so badly, Stella. Just relax and let Tonya do all the work."

Stella was too startled to say anything, and something inside her didn't want to object and tell Tonya she didn't like what she was doing to her. Stella just felt even wetter in her crotch; so much so she could tell her panties were damp from her leaking pussy cream that had formed around her slit.

Tonya lifted her right hand off Stella's breast and placed her palm with splayed fingers on the left side of her face while at the same time she blew into her ear and whispered once more, "Stella, I want you. I want you so very much. Let Tonya make love to you."

Again, Stella was too much in shock and mesmerized by what she had just heard Tonya ask for to say anything, not shocked by what she was doing to her but by how she was feeling throughout her body. Shivers of sensual energy coursed in waves of pleasure that thrilled her, largely in part due to the fact that she knew it was a woman who was turning her on and getting her all hot and bothered.

So, Stella just gave herself over to Tonya and decided to let her have her way with her. She was in total control, Stella not really knowing what to do in making love with a woman.

Stella was at Tonya's mercy and enjoying attention she was paying to her body.

Tonya squeezed Stella's left breast and felt her nipple harden and become erect beneath the palm of her hand, and as she caressed both her breasts in turn, she dragged her tongue from her ear down the side of her right cheek until she licked ever-so-slowly over her lips, making them all wet with her saliva,

She then opened her mouth and covered Stella's lips with her open mouth, giving her a warm, passionate kiss. With her lips exploring Stella's lips Tonya sucked each, top and bottom, with her mouth working away as if they were candy.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," Tonya moaned as she pressed her mouth over Stella's and thrust her tongue out between her lips, begging for admittance.

As before, this was all new to Stella to have a woman kissing her so passionately. Her lips were so soft, and her kiss was so gentle unlike most men who are more rough and coarse in their lovemaking.

Tonya's lips were velvety wet, and her kisses were sweet and tender. Thus, as Tonya begged for admittance into Stella's mouth with the tip of her tongue, she slowly parted her lips and invited Tonya into it.

Hungrily Tonya explored the inside of Stella's mouth: her teeth, her gums, her inner lips; the inside of her cheeks; and finally Tonya thrust her tongue in as far as it would reach to the back of Stella's mouth until she had a full-French kiss taunting her feminine senses and desires. Never had Stella been kissed so long and tender as Tonya was kissing her. She actually had her swooning with pleasure.

It was then Stella let herself go, turning herself over to her wildest emotions and returned the fervour of Tonya's kiss, seeking out all those places inside her mouth. Their tongues duelled, intertwining with each other as their saliva mingled in a pool of lust.

All the while Tonya massaged Stella's breasts, making them both stand stiff and erect, and while she continued her passionate kiss, she slid her right hand from her breast and slid her hand down her body, breast to chest, chest to abdomen, abdomen to her Mons until her hand rested on her right knee.

With anxiousness in her wanton desires Tonya slipped her hand beneath Stella's short skirt and slid it up between her legs, feeling the softness of her inner thighs. As Tonya went further up Stella's leg, she spread them wider and wider, giving Tonya room for her hand to make its way to her crotch that she cupped in the palm of her hand.

"Oh, shit, Stella, you're so damn wet. You are absolutely soaked with pussy cream," Tonya groaned with great satisfaction, knowing that she had primed her sexual pump well and had her in a situation which she did not want to stop what she was doing and what she planned to do with her body.

Tonya knew she was the first woman with whom Stella was making love, so deep down inside Tonya knew she was making love with a virgin, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it and every part of Stella's delectable, young body.

While Tonya had her fingers playing at Stella's crotch, she took advantage of it and slid the first two fingers of her hand beneath her panties and traced them up between her labia lips.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm," Tonya sighed softly, Stella's pussy is shaved, and her pussy feels like that of a young girl all smooth and silky.

Thus, encouraged by Stella's not resisting what she was doing to her, Tonya knew she had a free hand to do with her whatever she wanted. That was everything.

"My, my, Stella, your pussy is so velvety smooth, and you're so, so wet. Your pussy cream is actually running out of your slit. I can't wait to get my head between your legs and eat that sweet, creamy pussy of yours," Tonya groaned in wanton satisfaction.

Tonya knew Stella was hers for the taking, and it was about time to dip into her feminine charms, but she was more than willing to take it slow and easy. Right now she wanted to see those beautiful, ample, milk-filled breasts she had asked to see yesterday when Stella had become angry at such a request, and now a day later Tonya had complete control of her.

Therefore, Tonya slid her fingers one last time between Stella's moist nether lips and out from her panties. She then brought her hand out from beneath Stella's skirt, and with both hands she unbuttoned her loose blouse one button at a time, beginning at the bottom until she was able to remove it and toss it onto the sofa cushion.

Tonya leaned backwards in order to get a better look at Stella's breasts that were still covered by her nursing bra. Having admired her breasts encased in her bra, Tonya leaned forward, put her hands behind Stella's back, and unsnapped the eyehooks. This caused the straps to become loose, and Tonya took each between thumbs and forefingers and slid them over Stella's shoulders, down her arms, and over her outstretched arms, freeing her breasts completely of their confinement.

Tonya looked at Stella's breasts in awe. Her breasts were full and large due to her pregnancy and nursing her daughter. However, her areolas were puffy and her nipples were large and swollen. As Tonya looked at Stella's milked-laden breasts, she salivated, especially when she saw drops of mother's milk on the tips of her lactating nipples.

"Oh, my, that is so, so sexy," Tonya sighed to herself. "Stella's breasts look good enough to suck."

With that very idea in mind and knowing Stella was under her complete control, Tonya bent forward, opened her mouth, and wrapped it around Stella's lactating left breast. With her nipple firmly in her mouth, Tonya sucked on it. As she sucked, sweet mother's milk came out of Stella's puffy nipple, filling her mouth with warm, delicious milk. After sucking on Stella's left nipple, Tonya switched and sucked on her right nipple, getting more tasty milk that she savoured with her taste buds.

"Oh, my, Tonya, that feels so’re sucking my nipples. I was starting to feel full of milk as it was. Suck momma. Suck momma's milk," Stella sighed contentedly.

Thus, caught up in an eating frenzy, Tonya went from nipple to nipple, careful not to suck too much since she knew Stella's daughter would most likely want to nurse upon awakening from her nap. Besides, there were other parts of Stella's body to suck on and more liquids to enjoy.

With that in mind Tonya stopped sucking Stella's nipples, held her on her sides just opposite her breasts, and kissed each breast all over from the base to the nipples. Tonya then buried her face between Stella's perfect 40 D breasts and licked up and down between her cleavage, and on the last downward stroke Tonya left a trail of her wet saliva. This carried her down Stella's chest until she reached the edge of her short skirt.

"This we have to remove, Stella, so I can get to your womanhood with all its tasty goodness. I love going down on women, especially young ones such as you," Tonya said salaciously.

Thus, Tonya undid the button holding the side of the skirt and slid the zipper down, loosening it so she had no trouble getting it off Stella's trim hips and long legs until she had it lying next to her blouse.

Now Tonya was free to kiss, lick, and suck her way onto Stella's slightly puffy abdomen with its dimpled bellybutton into which she dipped the tip of her tongue and wiggled it around. When she withdrew her tongue from Stella's bellybutton, she deposited a small pool of her clear saliva, and then she kissed and licked her way down to Stella's hairless, puffy Mons that glistened from her sexually aroused sweat.

Tonya caught Stella at her hips with her hands and ran her open mouth all over Stella's Mons, enjoying the smoothness of her youthful flesh. She kissed and licked between the creases between Stella's thighs and abdomen. At times she stopped to suck on Stella's creased flesh, leaving red marks along the way.

From the creases Tonya did a slow licking and kissing down Stella's legs from her upper thighs to her calves and then to her feet where she sucked each of her toes and even as much of each foot into her mouth as possible, sucking on them as she had sucked on Stella's succulent nipples.

Tonya licked between Stella's toes and kissed her insteps and ankles, causing Stella to moan with sexual delight. Never before had she ever experienced this kind of lovemaking. No one had ever loved her so slowly and completely as Tonya was.

Each unexpected soft, gentle, moist kiss sent waves of pleasure throughout Stella's tender body, and she found it difficult to wait for Tonya to get to her creamy, wet pussy and throbbing clit that by now was protruding out from under its protective hood and swollen shaft that went up and over her pubic bone which is an extension of her love pearl...her love bud...her clit.

By now Tonya was kissing her way past Stella's knees and up the soft, tender insides of her thighs, coming closer and closer to her goal: Stella's creamy pussy.

All the while Stella was moaning and groaning with unbridled sexual desire, anticipating Tonya's eating her pussy.

Tonya slid her hands up Stella's calves and pressed her hands behind the knees, causing them to bend. Once in that position Tonya spread Stella's legs and rolled her on the cheeks of her ass, thus exposing her bottom with its starburst, puckered asshole that was a darker pink than the rest of her flesh.

For now this was Tonya's goal: Stella's asshole. She lowered herself until her head was directly over Stella's ass cheeks, and then she licked her sloppy, wet tongue across Stella's asshole. This caused Stella to jump from the unexpected contact of Tonya's tongue with her asshole, but it felt marvellous.

"Oh, damn, Tonya, you surely know how to hit a girl's buttons. No one has ever licked my asshole not even my husband. You are a marvellous lover," Stella hissed with erotic ecstasy.

Tonya took a moment from her licking to respond to what Stella had just told her.

"Well, then, if you liked that, you're going to love this as she curled her tongue and circled Stella's asshole, helping the sphincter muscle to relax until she was able to insert the pointed tip into her anal passage. Not far but enough for Stella to feel the intrusion of her anal canal.

Tonya poked her head up and down as she tongue-fucked Stella's asshole as best and deeply as she could, but now that she had Stella's asshole loosened up and all wet; she was ready for the next step.

She put her middle finger into her mouth and sucked on it, getting it all good and wet. When she was satisfied that it was sufficiently wet, she withdrew it from her mouth and brought it down to Stella's virgin asshole. She circled Stella's asshole with the pad of her middle finger until she felt the sphincter muscle become more relaxed.

Now was the time. The assault of Stella's anal canal. She gently pressed the tip of her middle finger against Stella's asshole, and it slowly opened up to the gentle but constant pressure until Tonya had the first digit of her middle finger embedded inside Stella's asshole.

"Oh, Tonya, yes. Yes. That feels so good. I've never had this done to me until now. Push it in further," moaned Stella.

Willing to oblige, Tonya shoved her finger up to the second knuckle of her middle finger immediately followed the rest of the way until her whole middle finger was inside Stella's virgin asshole.

Stella pushed back with her ass to feel Tonya's finger inside her.

Once inside Stella's asshole, Tonya began a slow in and out movement, thus fucking her anal canal with her finger, and as Stella's asshole became moister inside, the faster Tonya finger-fucked Stella, fucking her until she elicited a groan of orgasmic pleasure that came from deep within Stella's being.

Stella was whimpering in her erotic ecstasy as Tonya finger-fucked her. With the constant in and out fingering that Stella could also feel on the bottom side of her vaginal sheath she was caught up with an intense tingling of her clit, and in the throes of passion, Stella let out a hushed moan as she felt her first orgasm explode, causing her asshole to pucker around Tonya's finger and squeeze it.

"Oh, my, yes, yessssssss, Tonya, you're making me cum just by finger-fucking my asshole," squealed Stella in utter amazement.

Never had she imagined that she could cum this way.

Her heart was pounding, and she was gasping for air as she gripped the edge of the sofa's cushions, allowing her to push up with her ass to make the finger-anal contact even more pronounced.

Minutes seemed to pass as Stella came down from her anal orgasm and begin to catch her breath and control her heartbeat. When the time seemed right, Tonya slowly withdrew her middle finger out of Stella's asshole that glistened with moisture.

Now that Tonya had helped Stella have one orgasm, she was ready to give her more and better orgasms.

With her fingers spread apart Tonya pressed her hands on Stella's inner thighs to spread her legs wider than they had been when she finger-fucked her asshole that was now puckered from her digital intrusion.

Stella let out a soft moan of pleasure as her labia parted, exposing her pussy to Tonya's lust-filled gaze at Stella's womanhood.

Relishing seeing Stella's womanhood, Tonya moved her knees forward on the floor, giving her greater access to her intended goal. She inhaled deeply as she bent her head forward, and her senses picked up the tantalizing musk emanating from Stella's pussy. The fragrance was intoxicating to Tonya as she was now ready to claim her prize that she had wanted since yesterday when she saw Stella's naked breasts with her daughter nursing on her nipple.

Tonya stuck out her tongue as she neared her goal and licked over Stella's puckered asshole that was smooth and moist from her having opened Stella's anus by inserting her middle finger deep inside. Having swiped her tongue across Stella's asshole, Tonya licked between Stella's ass cheeks upwards along her perineum to the bottom of her vulva.

Tonya paused her tongue in its wet slide up between Stella's ass, pressed her thumbs where her perineum and vulva meet and brought her fingers up onto Stella's labia. She then opened Stella's labia wide enough to expose her vaginal slit that was covered with her natural lubrication, leaving her pussy soft and creamy.

With her thumbs at the base of her vulva and her middle, ring, and little fingers keeping Stella's labia spread wide, Tonya inserted her index fingers into Stella's vaginal slit and opened her up.

Tonya looked into Stella's vagina and saw its lovely coral pink colour, and she salivated at the very thought of what she was about to do with Stella's young pussy. She dipped her head forward with her tongue extended between her slightly opened lips and thrust it into Stella's vagina as far as it would reach. Tonya then moved her tongue around in circles inside Stella's vagina, collecting her creamy lube as she did so.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, Stella tastes so fresh and clean," Tonya told herself. "I love the taste of pussy. It gets me so all-fired up and bothered."

With each swipe of the tongue on the upper side of Stella's vagina Tonya rubbed over the rows of fleshy ridges, eliciting whimpers of pleasure from Stella. This was the first time Stella ever had a woman go down on her, and she now realized that a woman knows how to please and pleasure another woman. It is the art of Lesbos love, knowing just the right spots to touch and excite. She also enjoyed the smoothness of Tonya's flesh against hers.

"Oh, my, Tonya. What you're doing to me. I've never had anything like this before in my life," sighed Stella as she automatically thrust her hips upward to increase the pressure of Tonya's tongue inside her vagina that was now dripping with her pussy cream that pushed Tonya's tongue even further than it had been.

Tonya was so immersed in eating Stella's pussy that even though she heard what she had just said she did not stop her working tongue to give an answer. Instead, she decided it was time to work her tongue up a notch to increase Stella's wanton pleasure even more.

Therefore, Tonya withdrew her tongue from Stella's vaginal hole and immediately licked her way up between Stella's swollen labia, stopping to curl her tongue and dip it into her urethra that brought out another moan from Stella.

From her urethra Tonya kissed, licked, and sucked her way up between her labia that Tonya spread wide with her fingers that moved along with her engaging tongue until the tip of her tongue flicked over Stella's Fraenum where her labia joins her clit which by now was standing out from beneath its protective hood, its thousands upon thousands of nerve endings tingling with sexual energy.

Stella's brain had already been receiving erotic messages from her body and sending those chemicals that stimulate a woman as she works towards her orgasm. Each of Stella's erogenous zones was so sensitive to Tonya's every touch of her fingers and her tongue. Her nipples were puffy and erect, having darkened to a deeper shad of pink than when at rest. She felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Her pussy tingled with desire, and her clit seemed to vibrate with sexual energy gradually centring at the vortex of her womanhood: her clit...her glands...her love bud...her love pearl.

Tonya flicked the tip of her tongue up and over Stella's clit, causing her to thrust upward and forward as her body shivered with erotic delight. Stella was now in the beginning throes of her orgasm.

"Oh, Tonya, yes. Oh, yes. Lick my clit. Flick it with your tongue. Take it into your mouth and suck it until you help me cum. I am getting so close to having an orgasm, my first orgasm by a woman," Stella groaned in muted sounds so caught up in the element of sexual hunger and pleasure was she.

Instinctively as Stella felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm, she reached out with her hands and placed them on top of Tonya's head so that she could press it against her pussy and thrust her clit further into Tonya's mouth who was sucking on Stella's clit insatiably.

Despite the pressure Stella had on her head, Tonya was able to open her mouth wider in the all-familiar "O" of cunnilingus and captured the blood-engorged bottom of Stella's shaft that extended upward about five inches beyond her pelvic bone and curved inside her Mons at the angle that continues to the body and then the crux or cross. It is these two points of the crux that straddle each side of the vagina and vibrate as a rattlesnake vibrates its rattle.

Now, Stella was bucking up and down on and off the sofa cushion, thrusting her ass upward as she pressed downward on Tonya's head. By now Stella was out of control of her reflexes and was working hard for orgasmic release.

To help her achieve her orgasm Tonya slid her right hand down from the area of Stella's clit until her fingers once more were at the vaginal slit that was partly open from having her legs spread wide. Once there Tonya joined her index and middle fingers together as if one and immediately and with ease thrust them deeply into Stella's vaginal canal, rubbing past the fleshy ridges to the beginning of the soft, spongy area where Stella's G-Spot was located.

With the pads of her fingertips Tonya finger-fucked Stella, stopping now and then to rub the upper part of Stella's vaginal sheath. When she did this, Tonya felt her top wall give way to the upward pressure, and she could tell above this vaginal tissue lay the collected Para urethral fluid that had been accumulating throughout her sucking on Stella's clit and fingering her vaginal canal. This fluid would be Tonya's reward if Stella was a shooter, a woman who ejaculates.

"Oh, my gawd, Tonya, you're going to make me cum. The urge is so great I feel as if I have to pee," cried out Stella, but softly enough so she didn't awaken her daughter.

Tonya, of course, from her years of lesbian love knew it wasn't that Stella had to pee but ejaculate. Knowing this Tonya sucked hard on Stella's throbbing clit that was experiencing an intense build up of erotic energy looking for release, and that release would centre on Stella's clit.

"Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Tonya. Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" hissed Stella between gritted teeth so intense was her oncoming orgasm.

"I'm Cumming!"

Waves of sexual energy seemed to explode at the vortex of Stella's womanhood. Her un-hooded clit filled with thousands and thousands of nerve endings, the most in any one area of flesh in a woman's entire body, vibrated intensely to the point that Stella removed her right hand off Tonya's head and gently bit down on the bent knuckle of her index finger. Her inner thighs also vibrated from the extremeness of her orgasm.

With Stella's cry that she was Cumming, Tonya sucked hard on Stella's clit one more time before grabbing Stella's hips for purchase so that she could drop her head down so that she could cover Stella's urethra/pee hole and vagina with her wanton, waiting, and willing mouth. Tonya would not be denied the fruit of her labour-of-love, eating Stella's pussy.

Tonya was just in time, too. As she covered Stella's vaginal area with her mouth, Stella cried out, "Oh, oh, myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, gawd!"

With that cry of exclamation Stella gushed her first ever flow of female ejaculate directly into Tonya's mouth, filling it so full some shot up her nasal passages and ran out of her nostrils. Most of the fluid, however, that filled Tonya's mouth she swallowed quickly knowing there would be more, and there was more.

Stella squirted three more mouthfuls of her slightly salty ejaculate into Tonya's mouth that she gulped down greedily and with pure, wanton delight.

Minutes passed as Stella drained all her ejaculate into Tonya's mouth while she gasped for breath, and she felt her heart pounding inside her chest...her breasts rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation. She also felt the pulsing of her blood in her temples.

Once Stella calmed down somewhat, she lowered her ass onto the sofa, relaxed her legs, and removed her left hand from Tonya's head that allowed her to lift her head and catch her breath, too.

When Stella looked down at Tonya, she saw her lips glistening with her ejaculate and pussy cream, and this excited her.

"Well, young lady, how did you like it? Did Tonya help make you cum well?" she asked.

"Gawd, yes, Tonya," confessed Stella. "You know you are the first woman I've ever been with, so this was the first time I had a woman help me cum. It was the most powerful orgasm I have experienced in my whole life."

Tonya smiled delightedly at Stella, and then she raised herself up into a more upright position, took Stella into her arms, and brought her mouth down over hers, letting Stella taste herself on her lips.

"Mmmmmm, that tastes good," Stella sighed within herself as she and Tonya toyed with the lips of one another.

In time Tonya broke the kiss and leaned her head back so she could look into Stella's blue eyes and said, "Well, Stella, did you enjoy what Tonya did for you?"

"Oh, my yes, Tonya. You were great. Now I'm really sorry I got so angry yesterday when you asked to see my breasts," Stella said apologetically.

"Not to worry," said Tonya. "I shouldn't have been so forward. It was just that seeing you nursing the baby looked so beautiful, and I love to see naked breasts.

"However, you can do something for me."

"What's that?" asked Stella in her own innocent way.

Tonya smiled wickedly at Stella, "Well, you could return the favour and eat my pussy as I did yours."

Stella was caught off guard by Tonya's request, but after running it through her mind; she thought it was the only right thing to do. Besides, she now wanted to know what it would be like to go down on a woman and eat her pussy so she knew what it felt and tasted like.

"And besides," Stella pondered, "now that I know how wonderful it is to receive womanly love, I should find out what it's like to give womanly love. I am now curious when I never had been bi-curious before this making lesbian love."

Minutes passed as Stella weighed her situation. The room was quiet.

"Well, what do you say, Stella, are you up to finding out what a woman tastes like?" asked Tonya seductively.

"I..I'm not sure, Tonya. This is all so new to me. I never thought or dreamed of making love with a woman, but I have to admit what you did to me and how you made me cum felt so very wonderful. My insides are still shaking, and my clit is still tingling," said Stella.

Tonya looked intently into Stella's eyes and said, "Tell you what. I'm going to get undressed and let you see me naked, and if you like what you see, then all you have to do is say 'yes.'"

"But you have to remember now I'm over twice your age. I'm no spring chicken, but looking at myself in the mirror I have to say for a fifty-five year old I is still in pretty good shape even though I am somewhat fat. That just means there is more of me to love," Tonya chuckled.

Stella looked kindly at Tonya and finally answered, "Well, that sounds fair enough. Besides, now that I know half the joys of lesbian love, I should at least try the other half."

Tonya glowed inside and outside as she got up from the sofa and took a few back steps so that Stella would have a better view of her. Tonya still had her housecoat on and sandals when she answered the door to find Stella and her baby daughter; therefore, she didn't have much to do to be naked.

Tonya slowly unbuttoned her housecoat from the top down, took hold of both sides, spread them, and slid it off her arms to fall to the floor. She was now naked.

Stella looked at Tonya and felt a shiver run up and down her spine. She wasn't accustomed to seeing a naked woman not up as close as Tonya was, but as she looked at Tonya, despite the fact that she wasn't a pretty woman—some might even say she was ugly—and was fat, she had a certain appeal to her.

Maybe it was her breasts that were quite large, about a 55DD. Tonya had big, pink areolas and thick nipples that were pale and were now erect from being sexually excited. Her belly was plump that made a line around the waist and was well padded by a roll of fat that creased at her pubic hairline.

It was below Tonya's pubic line that caught Stella's attention. As is so often the case with heavy-set women, Tonya had a very big, hairy pussy that had some gray hair mixed in with the black hair. Her pubic hair in fact looked like a forest, and through the middle of the forest of pubic hair Stella saw Tonya's puffy labia whose flesh near the top stuck out like small wings, but what really caught Stella's attention was her exceptionally large clit. Once again being sexually aroused from having eaten Stella's pussy, Tonya's clit stood out from her blood-engorged shaft and protective hood about a half-inch or better. The glands looked like a small penis without an eye.

In addition to Tonya's having a very hairy pussy, Stella saw she also had hair in her armpits.

As Stella gazed upon this hairy female flesh, she looked with scrutiny at Tonya. Again, she noted that she was old and some wrinkles. She had small, brown eyes, an average nose, and big lips, and when she smiled Stella could tell her teeth were not good. She wore her black hair that Stella could tell was dyed to cover the gray. Tonya was one of those lesbians that many would call a dyke. She certainly wasn't a lipstick lesbian. However, Stella thought to herself, as with everything it takes all kinds and people were just different and seeing her now she seemed less ugly.

Now, in addition to her massive breasts Tonya had a large, somewhat flabby ass that Stella saw from the semi-side view she had of Tonya as well as from the size of her wide hips and her large thighs and calves. Nevertheless, Tonya's whole body package had its own appeal, and Stella couldn't help staring at how big Tonya's clit was.

"Oh, shit, I could suck on her clit as if it were a miniature penis," thought Stella, and her mouth actually salivated from the very thought.

Tonya noticed Stella's staring at her clit, knowing it was due to its size. The other women with whom she made love did the same. It was her big clit that was the bait she counted on to get women to make love with her.

"Well, Stella, what's your verdict?" asked Tonya in her harsh, deep voice. I know I'm no raving beauty and a little on the fat side, but I assure you as you found out when I ate your pussy, I am a very sensual woman who enjoys sex, both giving and receiving."

Stella gulped and swallowed the saliva that had filled her mouth before she could answer.

"Well, all that you say is true, but, nevertheless, Tonya, I find you exciting, especially your clit. I've never seen a clit as big and long as yours is. So, my answer to your question is 'yes.' I want to reciprocate and give you pleasure as you gave me," said Stella.

"I was hoping you would say 'yes,' Stella. I've been so sexually hungry for you ever since I saw you yesterday nursing your daughter.

"Now, what I want you to do is sit up a little straighter and rest the back of your head on the top of the sofa. I'm going to get up on it and straddle your head so I can sit on your face. I promise I won't smother you with my big pussy. Trust me," said Tonya.

Stella did as Tonya instructed her to do. She scooted back on the sofa and rested her head on the back of the top cushion. Tonya then even for her size got up onto the seat of the sofa gracefully, bent over at her waist, and moved forward until she was straddling Stella's head.

Stella looked up between Tonya's ample legs right into her very hairy pussy with its penis-like clit protruding out from its protective hood, and her blood-engorged shaft made her clit look even larger. The gland of her clit was pink and glistened with the wetness of her sexual arousal.

Tonya rested her hands on the top of the sofa for balance.

"Reach up and play with my pussy to get me all excited for your mouth and tongue," said Tonya in the tone of an order. "I want you to put your fingers inside me and finger fuck me."

Stella half-mesmerized by the sight of Tonya's big pussy and clit reached up with her right hand and palmed her hairy pussy up and down. With her legs spread wide over Stella's head, Stella was able to look into her splayed vaginal lips and saw how wet and pink the flesh was inside her vaginal canal.

Bringing her fingers down to that cavity of a vagina, Stella worked her first two fingers around the outer edge, making them very wet with Tonya's pussy cream. She then in one easy thrust slid her fingers all the way inside Tonya's gaping pussy, feeling the large, fleshy row of ridges near the beginning on the top of her vaginal sheath. Once inside Tonya's vagina Stella began to finger-fuck her, and both she and Tonya heard the squishing sound her fingers made as they went In and Out...Out and In.

As Stella finger-fucked Tonya's pussy, she added her ring finger to the first two and continued fucking her with them. Three fingers became four when Stella added her little finger, but there was plenty of room since Tonya had a very accommodating vagina. So intrigued was Stella with how easily she was finger-fucking Tonya's pussy that on an outward movement, she brought her thumb and tucked it under and against her index finger so that when she thrust inward, Stella's whole hand slid easily into her pussy. Now, Stella was short of fisting Tonya since her hand went up to her wrist.

Stella had her hand in so far Tonya's vagina she felt her cervix with the tips of her fingers.

Stella rotated her hand around so that the pads of her fingers caressed the top wall of Tonya's vaginal sheath. This let her rub her fingers all over the soft, spongy area where her quarter-sized, puffy G-Spot was located. This drove Tonya wild.

"Oh, damn, Stella, that feels so good. Finger-fuck the hell out of me. Get me good and wet," hissed Tonya.

This is just what Stella did to pleasure Tonya. She sped up her In and Out movements, rubbing her fleshy row of ridges and her soft, spongy area where she'd stop a while and rub her G-Spot, making her whimper with sheer pleasure.

This went on for several minutes until Tonya wanted more. She wanted Stella to suck her swollen clit that was now so sensitive and tingling with sexual energy.

"Stella, Dear, suck me off! Would you?" asked Tonya. "Suck me off now."

Without saying a word Stella withdrew her hand out of Tonya's dripping wet, creamy vaginal sheath. It was all covered with Tonya's pussy cream, and Stella could smell her pungent musk.

Once her hand was free Stella reached up with both hands and placed them on Tonya's fat ass. She then pulled down as Tonya bent her legs slightly until she was sitting on Stella's face with her knees resting on the back of the sofa. Tonya's pussy was so big it covered Stella's whole face that she moved up and down in between Tonya's labia, kissing, licking, and sucking as she did. On occasion she'd stick her tongue inside Tonya's gaping vaginal slit and tasted her pussy cream that had a sweet taste to it.

However, Stella finally decided to go for her prize: Tonya's big clit. She licked her way up between her nether lips until the tip of her tongue flicked onto Tonya's clit which she sucked into her mouth completely, her clit as well as the bottom part of the blood-engorged shaft, giving her a mouthful of Tonya's clit.

"Gawd, this clit is so big," Stella said to herself as she sucked on it the way she would suck a cock.

Stella sucked and sucked and flicked her tongue back and forth and up and down as well as roll it around in circles.

"Ohhhhhhh, holy shit, Stella, yes, oh, yes, suck my firkin' clit. You're going to make me cum soon," moaned Tonya.

Thus encouraged Stella sucked Tonya's amazingly large clit with much force and suction until she felt Tonya's inner thighs trembling from sexual excitement.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, yes. Cum for me, Tonya. Cum," Stella thought to herself. "I want to taste your cum."

In her youthful passion while she sucked on Tonya's large clit, she slid her hands up and over Tonya's plump ass cheeks and reached for her massive breasts. She felt their weight in her hands but then worked them up to Tonya's areolas that were encircled with large goose flesh and her protruding nipples that stood out hard and erect. Taking each one between her thumbs and forefingers Stella tweaked them; rolling and squeezing them while hungrily mouthing her clit.

Stella's toying with her nipples gave Tonya exquisite pleasure to add to the thrill of having Stella sucking on her clit as she rode Stella's face, rubbing it up and down from Stella's chin to her nose.

"Nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Stella. Oh, damn yes, nowwwwwwww. Go down and cover my urethra and vagina so I can shoot my ejaculate into your darling mouth," moaned Tonya.

She was ready for her climax...her orgasm...her carnal prize.

Stella sucked off Tonya's clit with a loud slurp and ducked her head downward until she made her mouth into “O” around both of Tonya’s holes to be ready for the deluge she thought would surely come.

Cum it did!

"Oh, damn, yesssssssssssssssssssssssss! Take it, Baby! Drink Tonya's ejaculate!"

With waves of sexual energy coming together on Tonya's big, throbbing clit, she let loose a deluge of Para urethral fluid that had been building up all the while Stella was finger-fucking her and eating her pussy.

The first squirt of fluid was massive, shooting straight back to Stella's throat. It was that full and forceful. The first shot was then immediately followed by four more squirts of love juice, and all that Stella could do so she wouldn't gag or joke was to relax her throat muscles and let Tonya's ejaculate run directly into her mouth and down her throat until she was drained.

Only then was Stella able to catch her breath and relax her mouth around Tonya's urethra/pee hole and vagina while she enjoyed the taste of Tonya's mixture of ejaculate and pussy cream.

Stella was overwhelmed by what she had just done for the first time in her young life: eat another woman's pussy and drink her warm, slightly salty ejaculate that mingled with her natural pussy cream.

In the aftermath of her highly charged orgasm Tonya slumped down, holding most of her body weight on her hands that gripped the top edge of the sofa as she breathed deeply to catch her breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

Within a few minutes, however, Tonya had to straighten up to take the strain off her bent knees that rested against the cushion. At her age she wasn't as supple as she once was when she was young and in much better shape without all her excess pounds.

Gently then Tonya lifted her right leg and crossed over Stella's head and slowly lowered her body onto the cushion beside Stella whose head was still resting on the back of the sofa cushion with her eyes closed and her mouth open as she, too, breathed deeply in an effort to bring her body under control. Her ample breasts rose and fell with each breath.

Tonya reached over and put her left hand on Stella's right thigh and ran her fingers up and down in a soothing way, caressing her for having given her a wonderful orgasm, one she had thought about ever since seeing Stella nursing her daughter when she had come to the door of her apartment. About what Stella never did find out since she in anger had asked Tonya to leave when she asked to see her breasts?

That was all over now since she and Stella had just enjoyed the thrill of lesbian lovemaking.

Slowly Stella opened her eyes and looked over at Tonya sitting next to her whose gaze met hers.

Tonya smiled and said, "My gawd, Stella that was fantastic. I'd never guess this was your first time with a woman. You helped me have such a powerful orgasm. Thanks, my Dear, for making an old woman happy."

Stella smiled back sheepishly at Tonya and said, "You're welcome. It was quite an experience for me never having been with a woman before today."

"I'm so glad you came today, Stella. It was a real treat for me to say the least, or should I say to say the most," said Tonya as she took Stella into her plump arms and softly kissed her on her cum-covered lips as she cupped her left breast with her right hand.

When Tonya sat back up, she looked down at Stella's breasts that were now full of mother's milk that she felt wet against the palm of her hand.

"Mmmmmmm, you're lactating again, Stella. I'd love to be the one to suck your nipples and drink your milk, but I know it must be close to the time you'll be nursing your baby," sighed Tonya enviously.

Stella looked down at her breasts and replied, "Yes, you're right. I am full now. I should go get my daughter and feed her."

"Would you do this old lady a favour, Stella, before you go?" asked Tonya lovingly.

"And what is that?" she asked.

"Let me watch you nurse your daughter."

Stella wasn't caught off guard, but she was curious why Tonya was so fixated on her breasts, and so she asked her.

"I never had the privilege of nursing a child, and I can only imagine the joy it must bring to feel the closeness of a babe cradled in my arms while sucking on my nipples," said Tonya.

Stella looked at Tonya and saw the desire in her eyes, so she softly said to her, "I guess that would be all right. I'll go get my daughter and bring her out here to nurse."

A warm smile came over Tonya's wrinkled face as she realized that she was going to get to see Stella nursing her daughter at her breasts, the very thing she had asked for just yesterday.

And so started the daily routine and extra lesbian sex with breast feeding Tonya with her excess milk after baby had finished, And to the outside world it looked like the older woman was just helping the young mother and being friendly, and Tonya was finding it easy to train Stella to pleasure her and be used by Tonya almost at when Tonya wanted.

Stella was pleased with her new sexual adventures as well as the relief of breast milk, and company too although some of the things Tonya insisted she do was a bit strange even kinky but so far pleasurable so happy to learn from Tonya and Tonya was pleased at Stellas progress and willingness to do as she was told.

Written by BoredJen

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