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Librarian to life model to lesbian sex.

"A life changing experience after volunteering to be a life model"

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Jennifer was single, studious and a very mature thirty two year old librarian who was currently studying history at a local college. Two months prior to this moment, Jennifer had responded to an advertisement, something she would never have seriously considered before, let alone admit to having any such desire for what it entailed. She had almost missed the small advert in a local rag for models to pose nude at an art school. Perhaps in need of a little cash but more so to explore a different avenue in her life, she had made up her mind to apply.

She had subsequently met and been interviewed by Belinda Newton, the fifty two year old manager of the art school and one of the school's most competent instructors. Belinda appraised Jennifer privately regarding her application and her suitability as a nude model. There were several queries about her knowledge of art for one thing which was rather pedestrian and though average, she was well enough informed. Then a series of more personal questions followed in relation to her moral position on public nudity and her attitude to being exposed nude in public herself, especially before a class full of male and or female students of adult age.

Inevitably Belinda asked Jennifer to undress completely in front of her and she proceeded to appraise her for some time whilst she stood completely naked in her office. Jennifer found the experience a little daunting to begin with and then surprisingly warmed to the interview, finding it rather titillating as she evaluated Belinda's response to her nakedness and statuesque figure. Belinda advised her to be aware that with nude modelling in life classes, no part of her anatomy would be hidden from view; there would be no g-string to cover her vulva and no mini bikini. She advised her soberly that she would be completely naked and as exposed as she was now in front of Belinda.

"I can tell you," she added, "compared to our male models the female genitalia is well hidden and if you do become aroused shall we say, and the potential definitely exists for that to happen, it generally won't be noticed." She paused thoughtfully, "From experience I can testify that we've had no small number of our male models who have had an erection, quite hard on in fact," she added with a smile, "whilst posing in our life classes. Generally we overlook such an occurrence in the first instance or two, but if there are any more instances, then we obviously have to assess the individual's intentions. And I know for a fact that for those male models who have become erectile, their erections don't abate easily and in most cases, when it has happened they are obliged to pose to the end of the session, with their erection visible."

Jennifer raised her eyebrows at Belinda's candid portrayal of the facts of life in relation to male nude modelling and its consequences. Subsequently her application was successful and she was assigned to three classes a week to begin with and now her moment of truth had arrived. The instructor for this her first class to model for was Belinda herself and she warmly welcomed Jennifer. Belinda took her aside to a room where she could undress and prepare for her first modelling assignment.

Jennifer had conditioned herself for this bold new venture into paid, organized public nudity as best she could, by turning up at a clothes optional nudist beach she'd heard of, located some 90 kilometres from where she lived. On two occasions she had ventured there before commencing her modelling "career". That was an eye opening journey, especially when she was confronted for the first time by several well hung muscular men strolling about the beach completely naked. A few men she encountered were erectile and as if that wasn't confronting enough, she saw one very healthy couple fornicating in a remote section of beach when she'd ventured further afield.

Her first class had fourteen artists in attendance. Five were women in their mid to late forties. There were four retired gentlemen in their sixties, three younger women in their twenties and thirties, a younger man of about twenty eight and a very intelligent looking teenage youth of eighteen named Tom. It was a mixed bunch and the class had been together for six months prior to Jennifer's arrival. She was cordially introduced to the group and invited to disrobe. There was no immediate response to her nakedness as the group she was informed were very passionate about their art and she was just another nude model to them or so Belinda said.

From the very beginning of this her first class, Jennifer found herself, immersed in something she felt she was going to become strangely addicted to. From this class, she began to acquire a taste for public nudity and an association with an activity which would in many ways consume her in an erotic fantasy world she had not previously envisaged.

After Belinda set Jennifer up for her first pose, she was an immediate and mature presence in the class room. She had a beautiful virginal body, tending toward the statuesque. Her skin had a flawless light olive complexion and her nipples were dark and erect upon well rounded and firm petite breasts. Her vulva curved away sensuously and was adorned by a neat matt of trimmed, dark pubic hair. Of all the students in the class that evening, she noticed none more studious of her naked anatomy, than the teenage youth named Tom whom she would get to know.

She posed for an hour and a half in three twenty five minute segments. At that point another model was to be introduced before the class ended that night. Jennifer was invited to stay behind and to sit in for the last half hour segment. She sat at the back of the class naked, clothed in nothing more than a thin silk gown. One of the retired gentlemen nearby seemed to take far more of an interest in her than attending to his work.

The last model for the night was to stun her in many ways, for the class was introduced to a twenty five year old young man. And when he took to the modelling platform and disrobed, Jennifer found herself looking at a very naked superbly muscular and disturbingly healthy young body builder. His penis was clearly visible, long thick and vascular, semi erectile she thought and it hung sensuously between his very muscular thighs. His pose was erotic she thought as Belinda had set him in a pose with his legs wide apart like Pan who played the flute and his very meaty penis was openly on display.

When the class was finally dismissed, Belinda asked both models, to come with her to the change room. She seemed rather serious, but that was only a misapprehension on Jennifer's part. Jennifer stood there in her silk dressing gown slightly parted at the front, her pubic hair visible, whilst the young muscular male model simply stood in their presence completely naked.

As Belinda conversed with them about matters related to posing, he became increasingly erectile, but Belinda chose to ignore him, as his penis thickened. Jennifer was fascinated, more attentive to his show of masculinity than taking on board any of Belinda's very sound advice. The male model's penis eventually became absolutely rigid in their presence and at length Belinda summed up their private meeting by saying, "had it not been for your virile show of erectile stimulation Kevin, we would have all been rather bored as I spoke wouldn't we now."

In many ways, Jennifer had the feeling Belinda was suppressing many of her feelings in relation to her constant proximity to her nude models, maybe that was Belinda's assessment of the professionalism expected of her, but she clearly didn't object to Kevin's blatant show of virility. After that first lesson and their meeting, Jennifer was to lose contact for a while with the muscular young stud whose name was obviously Kevin.

As the number of her modelling sessions increased and came and went, Jennifer became increasingly infatuated with the erotic nature and opportunity she had of privately enjoying and being exposed to public nudity and consequently, exhibitionism. She began to secretly enjoy being the only person naked publicly in the room, being looked upon and intensely so and most likely perversely so in many cases. Some may indeed fuck her mentally but she recognized the power at her disposal.

The class room doors were never barred and the class was frequented at times, by visiting students, some of them, overseas exchange students. She remembered a class where some fifteen Chinese male and female students' had filed in and between browsing the work of the regular students, they had simply stood around to gaze at her nakedness as she posed and to boldly stare at her nudity in some cases. Belinda had even discussed Jennifer's figure and her nakedness with some of the more inquisitive students as they had looked at her.

On other occasions, the college owner Helen Bates or an office staff member would enter a class unannounced while Jennifer was posing nude and walk in with one or two male or female guests, possibly a school inquirer or a potential financial supporter to show them about, walking casually around the class room and up to the area where Jennifer was posing. Nonchalantly they might make mention of the nude model and take a good long look at Jennifer's nakedness before departing for other class rooms or back to discuss business. Jennifer quietly enjoyed her nudity, especially the voyeurism and their perceived adulation.

Jennifer found the experience; the more she warmed to it, to be pleasantly stimulating and very erotic. In many cases she found herself posing for the sheer thrill and privilege of being naked publicly in a legitimate, organized exhibition of her own nakedness. She had never quite reached a point of orgasm but felt so close on many occasions. She eventually heard on the grape vine, that the young, muscular male body builder named Kevin had been barred from the college recently, because of a persistent tendency to become sexually aroused and erectile on several occasions during posing sessions. As she recollected her first association with Kevin, she was not at all surprised.

No one looking on would ever have suspected the depth of Jennifer's present and developing erotic inclinations or attachment to her role as a nude model. Her manner at all times remained professional and very mature. That is until one class when Patricia June Oakland a forty five year old, took over one of Belinda's classes for a month whilst she had more pressing business matters to attend to. Patricia was a self confessed lesbian who developed an almost instantaneous infatuation with Jennifer. Jennifer detected her interest in her and her almost overt sexual attention from the start.

It didn't take long for it to manifest itself. Jennifer had spent the better part of a fortnight in one or another of Patricia's life classes. Then one afternoon at least an hour after the class was over and had dispersed, the room where she'd posed was completely deserted except for her and Patricia, and Jennifer retreated to the small change room that she generally used to dress in because she felt rather tired.

With nothing more than her silk gown wrapped around her naked body, Jennifer sat back weary from the long day of posing. She was fairly aroused though from the afternoon's session, as the Principal Helen had arrived with two male and a female guest to observe proceedings during her posing session. All three guests had taken more than a mild curiosity in Jennifer's nakedness as she posed that afternoon. She'd been overly titillated by their attention causing her to become highly aroused and stimulated. Patricia came in soon after and pulled up a chair confronting her and began to engage her with small talk about the afternoon and Helen's arrival.

They conversed for some fifteen minutes or more, until Patricia calmly advanced and laid her hand upon the naked inner flank of Jennifer's well shaped left thigh. Jennifer didn't flinch at her touch and in her state of mild exhaustion, relished the sensuous touch of her finger tips on the sensitive erogenous surface of her naked inner thigh. Soon Patricia's finger tips had moved up to probe the dark recesses of Jennifer's vulva. Her fingers lingering now, she looked into Jennifer's eyes as she sought her clitoris and began to stimulate her, taking full advantage of her already aroused body. Jennifer responded by closing her eyes and relaxed.

As she did so, the door of the small room opened and Patricia exclaimed, "Tom! What on earth are you still doing here?" The intelligent looking teenage youth who had taken such an intense interest in Jennifer's anatomy, stood framed in the doorway staring at them both. He had quickly assessed what was happening between Jennifer and Patricia and wasted no time by asking quietly, "May I stay and watch?" His question was immediately bold and confrontational.

Patricia looked at Jennifer questioningly and after some time, though she noted her eyes expressed some degree of anger, Jennifer simply nodded her ascent. Patricia turned to Tom and nodded. As she did so, he stood momentarily then moved forward closing the door behind him, then quietly and calmly let down his pants, as both women watched him. As he did so, his thickened, rigid and uncut erection sprang strongly upwards into view. "My God," thought Patricia, then she recognized the adoration in his eyes and knew instinctively, that this moment must have been building for many weeks.

Jennifer had not missed seeing Tom expose his erect manhood and everything about him now seemed to take on a new perspective. Patricia gauged Tom's erect penis to be one of the most perfect examples she had seen of a virginal erection, around nine inches long, broad, flat, incredibly rigid and uncut.

Then Tom began to slowly masturbate as he settled in to watch Patricia offer Jennifer the comfort of her seduction, in order to release her erotic tension. What followed then was passionate, erotic and intense, as Patricia masturbated Jennifer for an hour, to bring her to a highly vocal and intense stimulated climax. With Pat's hand well up inside her vagina, her body convulsed violently beneath her parted silk gown as Patricia's practiced hands satisfied her pent up passions drawing her out in four distinct orgasmic climaxes. As her passion rose, she had pleaded repeatedly with Patricia to make her cum.

Tom also reached his climax, catching the mood within the room as he masturbated his nine inch long and thickened virginal erection to ejaculation resulting in several voluminous thick white streams of sperm. When he'd finished, Jennifer said to him quietly though so warmly her mood contradicted her words, "you may go now, but don't ever intrude upon my privacy again, unless I invite you. You have an awesome penis, but I need to be in control of who shares my most intimate moments. Do you understand me?"

She beckoned him to approach her and as he drew near she grasped his solid nine inch shaft, teasing it for several minutes, still thick, hard and wet with sperm as she savoured its youthful firmness and rigidity. "Go now" she re-iterated and Tom immediately proceeded to leave. As she stared at him he nodded, acknowledging her mix of displeasure and compassion for him as he turned to leave.

Patricia then interjected momentarily, grasping Tom by the arm and looking him squarely in the eyes intoned, "Tom, if you ever want to consider modelling for my classes, please let me know and I'll pass the word on to Belinda." Tom smiled then and said, "I have considered it and my answer is yes." Tom moved away then and closed the door quietly behind him as he left.

"As for you Patricia," Jennifer began again, "believe me when I say I am not your play thing. But I will invite you to lust with me as you have when I see fit. Do not presume to be my sexual companion at any time, unless I give you good reason to believe that is the case." Patricia acknowledged her words by boldly leaning forward and planting a long passionate kiss upon her lips, then she smiled with deep satisfaction, before taking her leave. Jennifer fingered the deep recesses of her vulva for a quarter hour afterwards while she sat alone with her thoughts, before dressing and switching off the light to leave.

Jennifer slept late, well into the next morning. She hurriedly showered and dressed as she prepared herself for the afternoon classes. Presenting herself at the art school, she rechecked her modelling schedule and was soon naked again posing in front of a class this time of just five older men and two middle aged women. Patricia worked with her in her nakedness, to arrange the pose she wanted for this class, sensuously touching and caressing her legs and body as she wished.

Having settled on the right pose, Jennifer took it upon herself to reposition her lightly tanned athletic legs slightly, so that as she was pointing her legs toward the students, she parted them so that her vulva was clearly visible now to all the students. The two, middle aged women made no noticeable response to Jennifer's bold re-positioning of her legs as her vagina became visible to all seven artists in the room.

Jennifer quietly scanned the faces in the room to gauge their reaction to her provocative pose. And Patricia smiled knowingly at her novice model's initiative. One of the older men she thought perhaps betrayed his agitation, by slowly rocking his thighs together as he worked and after a half hour immediately left the room. Another gent followed him and slowly caught up with him in the male toilet. The gentlemen who left first named Ted stood at the urinal as Alan stepped through the toilet door and drew up quietly beside him.

They spoke no words, but as Alan looked sideways at Ted, he saw an immense erection and noted that Ted was masturbating. Eventually Ted sighed heavily and remarked, "That model, has got spunk, she just turns me on every time I come here, I can't help myself, she's actually got me masturbating again."

"Hmm, I thought as much, I feel pretty much the same," Alan intoned as he also pulled his rigid erection from his trousers. "God she's a stunner. But at my age what hope does one have, best to get off on her this way at least." He added contentedly.

They both massaged their erectile shafts. Ted's penis oozing pre cum copiously into the urinal tray, and Alan was little more than five minutes behind him as he massaged his full blooded erection. They didn't release their pent up erotic passion. Then Ted made up both their minds for them, "better get back to the class again I guess," he said with relish.

As they re-entered the class room, Patricia looked at them both inquisitively, but they were all business like again, resuming their positions at their easels and pleased to take in Jennifer's nakedness once more including the explicit view of the deep recesses of her vulva. Jennifer looked at them both, trying to imagine what had prompted their hurried exit. But try as she may, she would not divine their motives entirely. But whatever their motives, these gentlemen it seemed would have more to say to her verbally or otherwise before this experience was over.

They appeared to appreciate her youthful nakedness and to comprehend the artistic merit of her body far more than younger men or women, as well as to enjoy her explicit appearances in the nude. There was an undercurrent of healthy lust for sure and voyeurism without any doubt, but there were other dimensions in the relationship between her and this class as well. They might fuck her mentally and imagine all manner of erotic interaction, but there was adoration in their attitude that was pure and honest as well.

The class drew to a close and that wound up the week for Jennifer. After the students had left, Patricia suggested coffee and to talk over a plan for the weekend for them both to go along as she had done in the first instance, to the clothes optional beach Jennifer had mentioned. "I have my thirty five old younger sister and a fourteen year old niece staying with me who might like to join us, if that's ok," Patricia had let it be known. It sounded like a fine idea to Jennifer...


Written by BoredJen

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