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Sapphic temptress and the wife

"A naive and subservient wife"

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Sally never wanted children. They were Don's idea. She was a career woman, returning to work as soon as she could. Luckily both her own mother and her mother-in-law doted on the grandchildren and motherhood barely shifted the course of her career by a few degrees.

That was ancient history now. At fifty she had decided to retire early. Don continued working and they barely crossed paths these days. Intimacy was a long forgotten event. She supposed they should have divorced long ago, but neither actually cared enough about their relationship to bother with the disruption of a divorce or even the complications of separation. They lived in the same property, but it was large enough so they did not interfere with each others existence. She knew he had affairs, took prostitutes, played around on dating sites. She did not care. It prevented any relationship issues involving sex. He had long ago stopped making demands or expecting favours. Sex played no part in her life. That is until she met Lisa.

Lisa was in Human Resources. A senior figure, recently contracted to work with the Customer Services department Sally headed up to look at efficiencies. They had immediately clashed. Sally was a people person. Ironically, Lisa was not. Human Resources to Lisa were just that, resources.

She was unmarried, probably in her mid thirties (she did not share such personal information with anyone) highly intelligent, some said as cunning as a fox. She dressed to exploit her gender amongst the weaker sex (as she described the men) but was an extrovert lesbian. Sally, in her eyes, was a typical weak man's woman who should be safely at home in the kitchen when not lying on her back, legs apart, letting a cock on legs inseminate her at his pleasure. Lisa did not approve of such women in the workplace. Soft, matronly, baby factories. Of course she had no knowledge of Sally's personal life. She categorised her as not a lesbian and therefore of no consequence. It was her intention to reduce Sally's department at least by one; Sally herself. She would do it, as she had done it before in other companies, by humiliating her, demoralising her, bullying her into resignation. Some people thought Lisa was a hard cruel bitch. They were right.

After their first consultancy meeting, Lisa asked Sally to remain while the meeting room cleared.

Sally was taken completely by surprise by the reason.

'Do you think this frock is appropriate for a senior forum, Mrs...errr...Sally?'

'I'm sorry Lisa? My frock? My dress?'

'Please, call me Miss Gresham,' replied Lisa haughtily

'I'm not sure my dress sense comes within your remit Miss Gresham.'

'Oh I think it does, Sally, I think it does. The image of the senior management team is at the heart of my responsibilities. I'd like you to lose the frock for the next meeting.'

The underlying assertive edge in Lisa's voice resonated with something in Sally's experience from her schooldays perhaps? The resistive wall in her character collapsed.

'Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to....'

'Then we understand one another,' interrupted Lisa. She brushed past the confused Service Manager, making accidental contact with the nipple of one of Sally's not insubstantial breasts. Despite the thickness of her dress and a matronly supporting bra, the nipple responded visibly to the touch. Sally felt a long dormant sensation triggered between her legs and she squeezed her thighs together. She thought she might have pee'd a little. She would relive the incident that night. For the first time for several years, she masturbated and stimulated the same nipple, experiencing a strong vaginal orgasm.

Rising earlier than usual, she masturbated in the shower using the stimulation from the shower spray on nipples and between her legs.

She had another meeting first thing with Lisa and of course had not had the opportunity to do any clothes shopping. She could not face Miss Gresham in her usual outfits; annoyingly, she understood that her clothes did not emanate a power image. She had suits and blouses in her wardrobe that she had worn in her younger years. All she needed was a blouse, a skirt and a jacket. Luckily she was a neat and tidy person, her older outfits were clean, pressed and covered and hanging in her wardrobe. She slipped on a plain (white) bra and panties and found a plain white blouse. Unfortunately her bust was considerably bigger than when she had last worn the blouse. The same would be the case for the other blouses. Large spaces opened up between the straining buttons and her breasts were pushed together to create an inappropriately sexy cleavage she'd normally have died for. No matter, she would wear a waistcoat and button up her jacket. At least her nipples were not evident. She had the same difficulty with wider hips in her skirts. The zip did not quite close up and left a space through which a roll of panty clad thigh bulged out. She decided to wear the blouse outside the waistband of her skirt. The jacket covered sufficiently well. Buttoning waistcoat and jacket, she posed in front of her full length mirror and nodded to her nervous reflection.

'That will do.' She told herself out loud as if to make it so. Her reflection remained unconvinced.

When she saw her, Lisa nodded in apparent acknowledgement of her effort to sharpen up her dress code.

The meeting was going well, right up to the point that the air conditioning appeared to have given up; the temperature in the meeting room crept up until people began to show signs of noticing it. Glasses were filled with iced water, jackets were discarded and sleeves rolled up. Sally began to sweat copiously.

'I suggest you take off your jacket and that waistcoat, Sally, you look just about ready to melt!'

'Is there something wrong with the air conditioning?'

Sally was naturally reluctant to expose her I'll-fitting blouse, her bulging breasts, her cleavage would undoubtedly attract unwanted attention.

'I doubt it will be sorted out until later and we have a lot to cover, come along, take off some clothes Sally or you will faint!'

With a look around her not unlike a hunted deer, Sally surrendered and slipped off her jacket, leaving the waistcoat in place.

When Lisa realised she was not intending to divest herself of the waistcoat, she snapped at Sally impatiently,'come along for goodness sake, it's not as if we are expecting a striptease, get rid of the waistcoat and we can perhaps get a little more work done today'

With reluctant and trembling fingers, Sally slowly began to undo the buttons of the waistcoat. Without its constraint, the blouse was under increased pressure and enough buttons detached themselves from their holes to allow her breasts to escape through the separating halves of the blouse. Luckily the bra she had chosen fitted so her breasts remained covered.

'Good grief Sally, I was only joking about the striptease!'

The rest of the team made a valiant effort to ignore Sally's predicament, though some of the less gentlemanly men failed to resist the urge to stare.

Sally had no choice but to remain as she was for the rest of the meeting. Once again, Lisa asked her to remain after business was concluded.

'I don't need to tell you that was somewhat...embarrasing?'

'I'm so sorry...' began Sally.

'I'm sure you are,' interrupted Lisa, 'I'm sure you thought embarrasing me was a good way to hit back at me for asking for a little attention to image. But spilling out your undoubtedly generous tits to impress the boys has done nothing to improve your status.'

'It was not intentional,' Sally protested,'how could I have deliberately caused that to happen?'

'I'm sure I have no idea, but I think clisercexamination if that blouse is called for. Take it off and let me look for myself.'

'What? Here? Now?'

'Are you deaf? Take the bloody blouse off!'

Again Sally heard the edge in her voice and something triggered complete obedience. Luckily the wall got the meeting room were frosted glass. Nobody would be able to see. She undid the remaining buttons of the blouse, slipped it off and handed it to Lisa.

Distracted by having to expose her bra, she had forgotten the ill fitting skirt; with what was nearly panic she quickly placed her hand over the gap.

Lisa tossed the blouse into the waste bin 'You are just too big in the bust for it. Didn't you look at the label?'

She noticed Sally's awkward pose. 'What are you covering up there? Let me see.'

Sally took her hand away, glancing down she saw her bulging panties. The zipper had descended further and exposed all of tvat side of her panties.

'Oh very elegant,' Lisa shook her head, 'too much waistline too.'

Sally said nothing, what could she say? She wanted the floor to open up and release her from this.

'Take it off.'

'My skirt?'

'What else? Take it off. I want to see how well those knickers fit.'

'You can't tell me to do that!'

'Just do it, why are you being so difficult!'

Sally did as she was instructed. Now standing in heels, in just bra and panties, she felt utterly humiliated. She clasped her hands in front of her, remembering the panties were not fully opaque.

'Drop your hands, did I see a hairy snatch?'

Sally obeyed.

'You don't shave your pubes then, how untidy. I can't say I am surprised.'

Sally was undoubtedly humiliated beyond belief, but something else was happening. Lisa's sharp tongue had triggered a sexual response. She was feeling aroused, sexually stimulated...she felt a trickle of wetness than might be sweat... but it was running down her inner thigh.

Written by Tomcovenent

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