This story is similar to my previous one. My friend whose name is Emma who I talked about having a bf and gf and husband who enjoyed hearing about her extramarital activities met a man called Geoff at a Soho pub in London. After talking about the various clubs and shops in Soho itself their conversation turned to their own partners and Emma said she had a high sex drive and had a bf and gf and an approving husband. Geoff said he is having a similar experience but liked much younger lovers and had an 18 year old bf and gf. He admitted he was bi. Both Emma and Geoff said it was fun and exciting and tiring at times. To be in love with three people and dating them seperately. Geoff admitted he enjoyed young flesh and could teach his lovers a lot about courting and romance and sex itself. Geoff said he took his gf to buy her lingerie and to Ann Summers shops. Both his partners liked going to sex shops as well. Geoff also liked showing off his young gf in public but had to be a bit more careful about his young man who he took into pubs . They both liked going for a drive in his car and sometimes the countryside for a fumble. Geoff's wife was also into erotic fun and had fun at swingers clubs and enjoying hearing about her husbands antics. Emma had a few to drink at the pub and was was talking quite freely and would not have revealed so much normally. But she admitted one day she would like to try younger partners as Geoff talked about the fun he had. Geoff admitted that he imagined when he first made love to his gf and bf and dating for a few weeks he was their first sexual partner although he wasn't. But they felt so fresh and willing partners to be adventureous with sexual positions and using toys as time went on and they became more in love with each other.
When Emma and Geoff left the pub quite drunk they both wished each other luck and learned a thing or two from each other about long lasting multiple relationships.