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A long shot

"He smiled and said that would definitely be a good idea for me to come along too, as she would be the only woman - and some of the men could get a bit handy!"

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We've dabbled in swinging over the past 8 or 9 years. Usually, it's only been soft play with another bloke. Sometimes we've met a guy a few times depending how we've all got on.

On one occasione she 'really' liked a bloke and went all the way. That was really enjoyable - and agreed we would like to do it again someday with someone else. As she wasn't on the pill, it would have to be with someone snipped like me. A couple of years later we were lucky enough to find such a guy - and had about 3 sessions with him. Unfortunately, he moved on, as seems to happen - and we didn't see him again.

Then COVID hit and of course all the fun and exploring these new horizons stopped.

We never really got back into things post COVID - and apart from a few socials - nothing much really happened.

During that time, she also went through the midlife change. I was selfishly thinking that if we got going again at some point, we wouldn't have to worry about making sure men were snipped if we met anyone she wanted to go further with.

The months dragged on and I wasn't sure if we were going to ever get up to anything again - and thought oh well - we are in our mid 50s now I suppose.

Recently - we did get such a chance - but not how I was expecting and not in a planned meet way..... 

We went for a walk one sunny afternoon after driving over to one of our favourite small villages nearby. We had walked by an interesting old hut right on the edge of the village facing some fields a number of times over the years. I describe it as interesting - because I learnt that there was some sort of rifle club there - but never saw it being used. It was windowless - and the one rather old solid wooden door (also glassless) was always firmly locked.

We were both surprised to see the door open and a guy a few years older than us in his late 50s carrying out some bits of rubbish to a trailer attached to his car.  I said we should go over and ask him about the hut, to which she agreed. We said hello and asked him if there was still a rifle club here. He was very friendly and proceeded to start telling us about how there has been one there for over 50 years, but it hadn't been used for a while as it was in a bit of a state, but he and some others were trying to get it up and running again. 

Being nosey, I asked if we could have a peek in, to which he happily agreed. He took us into a rather dingy looking front office - which had two doors leading off if it - one to a loo (which we didn't ask to see and weren't offered to either - ha ha!) and one to the range itself. It was indeed in a state - and I was surprised to learn that a few of them had been shooting in there a couple of times recently. It was old, dirty and quite unkempt.

However, he went onto say that he was in the process of chucking the rest of the clutter and old furniture out - and was going to be giving it a good clean, paint and makeover. It seemed like an awful lot of work to me - but then if it was just a firing range, I suppose it didn't have to be that good.

They were hoping to get the club up and running again and proceeded to talk about what guns they used, .22s and air pistols and rifles and some older firearms he had. 

He introduced himself as Dave and explained they were going to try and start meeting once a week on a Thursday evening again,  hopefully with some of the members from previous years who were still interested and in the area.

My mrs was really interested and proceeded to tell him about her sister and her husband in the country where she is from,  had been going to a club there. Whilst they were still strict with gun laws over there, it is nowhere as near as stringent as the UK is. Dave was very interested to hear where she was from and said that his wife was from the far east.

Out of the blue she asked if she would be able to come and watch them shooting one day - perhaps even have a go. He said - yes - perhaps in few weeks when it was together a bit more and they had started properly again. I said that a Thursday was ideal for us - and we could certainly pop along.

She was standing on a raised platform looking down the dingy 25-metre range.

He smiled and said that would definitely be a good idea for me to come along too, as she would be the only woman - and some of the men could get a bit handy! 

We both laughed and said oh really?! I went on to joke that they would be trying to help her hold the gun straight, how to stand correctly and would have their hands all over her, including her legs and bottom to get her into the right position!

He laughed as well and said something like they probably will - I'm not joking!

We chatted a bit more about the club and his plans - which included some internal CCTV for safety reasons - although he did joke that he would also now need it to make sure the men were behaving with her!

After another 10 minutes or so, we thought we would be on our way as he obviously had a lot to do. We said we would pop by on a Thursday evening - and he suggested leaving it a few weeks.

We walked back to the car laughing and joking about what had been said. I exclaimed - I bet they are a bunch of dirty old men - and you being the only woman there was going to attract all sorts of comments. She agreed and chuckled - I said that it could end up being one of those cheesy stories on SH. 

In the past - she has only ever agreed to doing something with one other man at the same time.... I made it no secret I would love to see her spit roasted by two men one day - but she had always flatly refused the idea.

Here in the real world - it was highly unlikely anything would really happen at this little rifle club.... apart from maybe some flirting and inappropriate banter from what I guessed were also older men than us - probably all retired.

At least - that's what I thought.....

Just over 3 weeks went by and we hadn't really mentioned it since that weekend. However, she suddenly suggested out of the blue on Wednesday that we could pop along on Thursday evening and have another look. I teased her and said - you could wear a short skirt and stockings and tease all the old men - she giggled and said no that wouldn't be very appropriate! 

In the end - she went for a very safe (but still quite sexy) pair of blue jeans, which do hug her arse very nicely if I do say so myself! A fairly normal top that didn't reveal much - very nice - just day to day / conservative that she might wear. to the office; a little bit of cleavage - but quite minimal, with a nice little pendant hanging from her neck. And some rather practical walking trainers and little pink socks. 

She still looked amazing of course - but a long way off the short skirt and fishnets I had been egging her onto wear! 

So we drove over in what was another nice summer evening, albeit a little windy.

We turned up just after 7 and were pleased to see the door was open - and could hear some men chatting. We went to the door and said hello and were warmly invited in. 

Dave was there leaning on a counter, along with 5 others sat round a table that had appeared. I would guess and say their ages ranging from about 50 to about late 70s maybe.

The place was brighter, looked cleaner - the office walls had been painted and the floor was a lot better. However it was still quite grubby - and not the sort of place you would really want to take your clothes off in - and certainly not have sex in!

They were all very friendly and we were offered tea and coffee - and it was obvious that they were delighted to have this nice lady join them for the evening. 

We joined them at the table - and whilst we were all talking, I of course was checking them all out to see if there was anyone she might go for. I thought there could be two - the guy that we first met and another stockier chap in his early 60s call Paul. The rest were ok - not unpleasant - just not her usual type.

Just after 7.30 - we went through to the firing range. It was also brighter - lighting wise, slightly cleaner than before, but no painting. There were some old wooden stools to sit on when not shooting - the sort of ones you used to see a lot in pubs years ago.

She sat down on one of the stools and I laughed to myself what would have happened if she had been wearing that short skirt…!

We both got to try one of the air rifles - and they all seemed to behave quite well around her.

At around 8.30, I decided to risk the loo.... I was pleasantly surprised. It was just the one toilet - quite old - but clean -  along with a sink which also looked pretty good. It was well lit - with liquid soap and toilet paper. There was a perfumed smell from an air freshener. There was a tork roll dispenser and a kitchen flip bin. Very civilised. 

Things came to a halt at 9.00 as they had to stop shooting because of the noise.

We went back to the front office and we were offered tea and coffee again. They said they usually stayed until about 10 to chat.

They were talking away - probably louder than they needed to be. She looked at me and indicated she needed the loo, meaning it was time to go. I whispered to her and said don't worry - it's really clean. Dave heard me and laughed and said something like - all mod cons here - even a functioning water closet - and walked over and opened the door. 

She shared my earlier surprise of unexpected civility - and I could also tell she was happy with the big heavy wooden door that would give her some much needed privacy.

She thanked him and went in locking the door behind her - an old fashioned/ basic chunky bolt.

When I looked back at the men - I realised that they had been clocking her arse walking away from them. 

They caught my gaze - a couple looked away - and the others smirked a bit. Paul looked over to me and said - "Fuck me lad - you're punching above your weight there!" 

I accepted the compliment - laughed and said something like - oh yeah - I'm a lucky man. He patted me on the shoulder and laughed. A couple of then made a couple of similar comments to me - but very light hearted.

A minute or two later she returned - and the conversation went back to the way it had been. 10.00 came and 3 of the guys said they had better be off home. We said goodbye - and then shortly after they had gone she said that we should also be off then - and started thanking them for the evening.

There was some disappointment in their response - Paul I think said no, stay a bit longer - followed by encouragement for Dave and the other guy - who's name I forget.

Dave then went to the fridge and offered some cans of beer that he had. The other 2 happily accepted; I said I was the driver - and she explained she didn't really drink beer. More tea, coffee and now a couple of cokes were offered - so two diet cokes it was.

She quipped "I'm a cheap date", which we all laughed at - more than we should have - but was just the moment I guess - you had to be there.

Shortly after - I decided I needed the loo again.

When I came out - the atmosphere had changed, still friendly - well - more friendly than it maybe should have been, and there seemed to be a bit of sexual tension in the air similar to some of our earlier meets a while back!!

Two of them sat either side of her - right next to her - with the third original guy Dave sitting just opposite her. I considered the situation for a split second - and decided to also take a seat opposite next to Dave.

I can't remember what was being said exactly - but somehow the guys had started talking about past girlfriends, wives and such like. Not sure how they had got onto such a subject! Nothing blatantly sexual - yet anyway......

To start with it was just relationship stuff and various happenings- which she seemed only too happy to talk about with them.

I spent most of the time smiling, being quiet, listening and laughing now and then. 

Just after 10.30 - the guy whose name escapes me made his excuses, left,  leaving just the four of us.

Dave got up and saw him out - and closed the door. Did I imagine the click of some sort of lock....?

He came back and sat down next to my wife, where the other guy had been.

Out of the blue - Paul asked if we had heard of this site swinging heaven! We both laughed, looked at each other and I said - er yes! He laughed and looked at Dave and exclaimed " knew it - I HAVE seen them before!"

The wife and I glanced at each other, panicked and nervously smiled, I said something stupid like - er what? She looked visibly flushed and embarrassed - with a slightly open mouth!

It turned out he was a guy that had messaged us a while before COVID. Couples will know that you can get bombarded with messages, dick shots etc. It's only on meets you tend to remember the interesting ones.

Apparently, we had swapped face photos but never got round to meeting. For some reason neither of us were sure/ could remember - but he certainly remembered us - well - HER!

They moved the chairs back a little bit from her to give her a little space / not to overwhelm her (very gentlemanly I thought at the time - to which she said "bollocks" to me later when I shared this thought with her).

After a nervous minute or two of not being sure what exactly to say - we did all start talking about some of our experiences, as we might have done at a planned social meet.

The only really interesting dynamic apart from the spontaneity of it all - was that this time - we were talking to two guys not one......

It turned out that Dave, whilst he had a wife, had been on and off the scene for about 10 years - although like us, hadn't done anything for a while. He didn't seem much more advanced than us, other than his successful meets had led to full sex - sometimes with a husband present - or just with a wife.

Paul was a bit more experienced... He had also had a few gangbangs and been on the club scene quite a lot. The latter of which my Mrs is always fascinated talking to people about - the rooms - the etiquette - rules - what goes on etc.

Although it was getting late - and we were in this dingy old building - I was wondering where this was going to go.

Before I knew it - she was being showered with compliments on how good she looked. They both said they were amazed at how young she seemed - which naturally - always has a positive effect on her.

She quickly nipped to the loo again. They both looked at me and asked if we were still playing - and interested in doing anything. I started to explain - "well it's possible - we'd have to have a chat and see...." when she came back out the compliments continued again.

They said how great her arse looked - and how pretty she was. They loved her top - and said she had a sexy headmistress type look....Etc.etc.

All of a sudden Dave asked if they were allowed a kiss, to which Paul seemed completely unsurprised about. She tried to look/ act surprised - but I could tell it was just an act!

She looked across at me, and their eyes followed hers to see if they were going to be granted their wish.

Hhhhmm I thought - at least I am still in control - I think.....

I smiled and nodded and went slightly light headed as they bought their chairs closer and both had what seemed to be a rather gentle french kiss lasting just over 30 seconds each. 

They stayed in close proximity and I noticed they each had a hand stroking her legs.....

A pause in talking - everything seemed very quiet.

Another kiss each - slightly longer this time - I think?

More stroking of the legs. Smiling. Still silence. Both of them slowly moved back in and this time started kissing her neck. When in the mood, neck kissing works wonders on her....However - it dawned on me that this was different - as she was being kissed by two new men - whom she was obviously attached to.

She started breathing heavily - this old but also new sensation was working wonders on her.

I then realised that these two had obviously worked together before and knew exactly what they were doing......

The next thing I noticed was that I was suddenly very hard with what I was watching.

After a couple of minutes - they stopped and we all laughed slightly.... A few simple exclamations like "wow - "very nice" -"phew" - "that was fun"....

Paul then said that his house was nearby - and we were more than welcome to come back to his for another drink. 

All of a sudden everyone is looking at me again - and I just looked at my wife, smiled and said I'm happy if you are. She smiled back and said go on then - but we couldn't be too late. Which is a little odd as it already was (for us anyway!).

They looked very pleased with themselves and Dave clapped his hands and said very good, I had better lock up here. This was a little more involved than I had appreciated - but 10/ 15 minutes we were walking down the road. I was holding hands with my wife - and Dave and Paul were just in front. We chatted - not too loud as it was late - about various bits and bobs - but nothing sexual anymore.

We got to Paul's house - old ish - not too big - not quite the country cottage - but did have some character. He explained somethin about just managing to get this after his last divorce.

Drinks were offered again - but oddly - we both decided we just wanted some water. Dave also sent 2 or 3 texts on his phone - I assume to his wife, and that was that.

We were sitting in the living room. I had deliberately chosen to sit in the armchair on my own - forcing her to take a seat on the sofa - which of course (surprise surprise) they came to join her on. 

A few more bits of chat until the inevitable kissing started again. This time a little more passionate, but still  taking it in turns. 

Their hands this time were exploring her breasts through her top - and it was quite an amazing sight for me to see a fantasy start to play out that I thought was going to be impossible for so many years prior.

Of course the top was suddenly being removed, followed by the bra - and her lovely 38C boobs were being caressed. A few comments on how lovely her big brown nipples were and then no talking as they started sucking and licking them.....

Dave slipped down off the couch and her jeans were being pulled off. I was pleasantly surprised to see she was wearing stockings with the bands at the top - it was rather warm to be wearing them under jeans - and she normally only wore these for planned swinging meets. I must ask her about that later I thought…..

Paul was full on snogging her as the knickers were being taken off. Not the most graceful of movements - rather clumsy in fact - but not unexpected on a sofa in a small living room. She had slipped down a bit, allowing him better access.....

Before I knew it - Dave was kissing around the top of her legs and the edges of her pussy. Seconds later - she was starting to moan a little again as his tongue was obviously working its way around and in her pussy.

Paul continued to kiss her and was rubbing her tits and gently playing with her nipples.

It stopped as the angles of their bodies weren't quite right and it was getting a little uncomfortable for them all.

A bit of laughing and some comments again - and a few sips of water.

Shall we go to the bedroom Paul asked?

Before I knew it I was following my virtually naked wife up the stairs with nothing but her stockings on! Very unusual - as normally when we swing - she prefers to have some sort of sexy top on her body to help with confidence.

She lies down on the bed whilst I take a seat in the corner. They remove their jeans and shirts and lie next to her in their boxers. Again - they take turns in kissing. Paul makes his way down to her quim this time and starts licking her properly - Dave also stops and kneels next to her face and takes his penis out of the front of his boxers offering it to her to suck - which of course she starts doing with pleasure. A quick removal of his boxers and he is there happily having his dick sucked, whilst his mate is very content licking her out.

I am feeling rather left out at this point - I normally tend to join in and lick her out when she is sucking another man - but of course it was very different now!

They are all moaning and aaaahhhh-ing softly with pleasure and after a few minutes Paul decides to stop and say "I fancy some of that too." His boxers come off and a second cock is revealed and offered to her. As I had half expected - this stocky guy had a similarly stocky cock - about 8" with a good girth. 

She starts licking and sucking the end of their dicks in turn. What a fantastic sight! Although Dave wasn't as big - he did have quite a big pair of bollocks I noticed.

I spotted my chance and came up and finished the job of licking my lovely wife out. Her pussy looked fantastic - she trimmed several weeks ago - but not completely shaved. The hair had grown back - and there was a nice pretty little bush on display - but certainly not a rainforest! Her quim lips were a little open and wet from being licked by these two guys. I went in experiencing that lovely taste of pussy that has changed with the mixture of somebody else's saliva.

After a couple of minutes of my licking I can tell she is close to cuming.

I increased my rate slightly and she starts to moan - she stops temporarily from sucking their cocks - and they are wanking slowly near her face - also sensing the pending orgasm. They start encouraging her to come, rubbing their bell ends against her lips - they are touching each other's helmets with no issue, just in and around her mouth - something that I don't do - but love to watch (previously - just in porn - but now for real!).

She cums and yells out. I've heard her cum before (of course) but this time she also shouts out "yyyeeaahhhh fucking hell!" (which she doesn't normally do!).

They are encouraging her of course saying oh yeah - good girl etc. She grabs hold of Dave's cock and sucks it hard for around 30 seconds - followed by a few moments of trying to catch her breath.

I start taking my clothes off - suddenly being conscious that I am still fully dressed. I detect some whispering going on as I sort them out and when I turn back round she asks if it's ok if they have sex. I say sure - if you are comfortable and happy, please do.

Still on her back Paul now positions his cock in front of her pussy - and starts moving in slowly and steadily. She gasps a little and then goes quiet as he goes all the way. A couple more comments are quietly exchanged that I can't quite make out. 

He starts to thrust back and forwards and I noticed the bed was actually quite good quality/ strong. She started to moan a little - and a few "oohhs" and "yesses" followed.

Dave placed his cock back in front of her mouth and she started sucking again. With both hands free she happily started wanking him in his mouth (she doesn't do deep throat or anything like that) and also rubbed his balls. I was quite impressed at how well she was doing.

I wasn't sure what to do - I was semi hard and naked near the side of the bed - but there didn't seem to be any space for me. I held back noting that all three of them were slowly becoming more frantic and I could sense that they all may be getting close to cuming.

She suddenly gasped - "oh yeah pre cum" - and continued to greedily suck.

Dave exclaimed that he was going to cum - and asked where she would like it. She only managed to gasp "face" and "tits" (as she was now also being fucked fairly rigorously - but not roughly by Paul). Dave proceeded to pull out of her mouth and said "close your mouth and stick your tongue out you dirty little bitch". I could tell she wasn't fully sure what he intended - but did as commanded. He put the tip of his cock on her tongue and proceeded to wank himself against it. She gasped a little as the fucking continued, Dave laughed and said keep your mouth shut - or you might drown! She did so and was just mmmmm-ing as Paul continued screwing her pussy with his good sized dick.

All of a sudden Dave started to spurt - lots of cum splashed over her tongue and surrounded her mouth gifting her with a white moustache and goatee. It was quite impressive how much came out - certainly more than I had witnessed in real life before.

A huge puddle of spunk had also formed on her throat and was waterfalling down the side of her neck onto the bed.

She said "fuck" - I said "wow" - and he said - "you dirty cow, you loved that didn't you?"

He continued to gently rub his cock around her face, cheeks and chin.

She came a second time again - the combination of being covered in cum but still being fucked had sent her over the edge once more. She made no attempt to subdue it - and I am sure she has never cum so loudly before.

Unsurprisingly Paul then announced that he was going to cum - and he asked if he could cum inside her - she managed an "oh yes" - he looked over at me and I nodded.

He slowed down a little, changing his pace a bit and after a few moments slowed more but powerfully pushed forward making her just go oh oh oh oh - he then let out a pleasurable moan as came in her pussy. "Oh yes" he moaned and she tried to speak - but just gasped - trying to catch her breath.

He pulled himself out - revealing a very wet and open cunt with a thick trial of cum starting to appear and slowly moving down towards her bottom hole and eventually onto the bed.

Again I commanded her to suck his dick - which had a mixture of her wetness and of course some of his cum on his now softening dick. As it was softer - it was pleasing to see her managing to put more of it in her mouth. The two guys laughed a little and exclaimed how amazing that was, thanking her and calling her things like"a  good girl" and "such a dirty little tart."

I came over to look at her pussy - and gently touched the outside making her jump once or twice. I am not bi or into cum eating - but it seemed like the correct thing to do was gently lick the top of her extremely wet clit. At first I thought she was going to push me off - but slowly got into it.  

The bits of chatter stopped as she lay back and closed her eyes. The guys half sat up either side of her gently stroking her and sometimes leaning down to kiss despite the amount of cum from Dave still around her mouth. They must have definitely played together before I thought.

Continuing my licking - I managed to bring her to a 3rd climax with lots of encouragement and some nipple flicking/ rubbing from them both. Not as loud as the previous one - but I could sense it was extremely pleasurable to her.

Afterwards I was so overwhelmed by the whole scene I knelt on my knees in front of her, wanked and came as much as I can remember ever coming over her open pussy, little bush and stomach.

I collapsed down and a little silence fell as we pulled ourselves together. Before I knew it we were chatting again. Wet wipes were offered which she gratefully received for her face and neck. she went downstairs to find her clothes. We scooped ours up - and found ourselves in the living room getting dressed together. Cups of tea and coffee were made and we spent another half an hour just ideally chatting again about every day sort of stuff.

Very civilised and English I thought!

That was probably our best meet to date - and I am hoping for more. We said we would like to join them again, to which of course they said we would be more than welcome. Paul even suggested he could arrange a small gangbang - but she politely declined and laughed saying she don't think she could manage that.

Dave said he would love to see us again soon - as he would like to shag her next time - if that was alright. Paul said he would love cum inside her again after Dave. She laughed and said - "well we'll see…" I went on to say that we will definitely be in touch. 

As we went to leave, I giggled to myself a bit as she had left some wet patches on the sofa where she had sat to put her knickers and jeans back on. I thought christ - how much did he cum in her?!

She would have been horrified if I told her and would have been trying to clean it up.... but I said nothing and was convinced Paul would love it - and probably be sniffing it when he noticed! 

We laughed and held hands back to the car - a very successful evening - well night I thought as it was now very late  being almost 2 in the morning by the time we got home.

Haven't been back to the club yet - but hoping to one day. The trouble is - when we do go back to shoot - it would inevitably lead to more. 

We shall have to see I guess....

Sent from Outlook for Android

Written by ZedKawasaki

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