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My Memoirs: Claire: Meeting the Art teacher. Twelve.

"How one thing can lead to another. The double edging sword."

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I was full of apprehension as we approached the long driveway leading up to Lucy Cartwright's smallholding.

"Don't worry about it Lewis, she'll be fine"

That was easy enough for her to say, three weeks earlier after Claire's evening of celebrations on passing her college assignment had turned into a CFNM show with Claire masturbating me in front of her girlfriend's and Lucy Cartwright, her art teacher.

We walked up towards the large oak front door and Claire banged the iron door knocker against the wood.

I remember a creaking sound as it opened, there stood Lucy Cartwright.

"Great to see you Claire, how's my favourite student, oh and you've brought the wonderful Lewis, do come in, please this way"

"I'm fine thanks"

Replied Claire.

We followed her along a wide hallway. I remember thinking what a lot of house plants to water as we walked towards the back of the large property, past a couple of closed doors, with art everywhere, you would have been hard pushed to find any free wall space. We continued to follow through into the kitchen and out into a greenhouse like corridor which connected with a large outbuilding.

"Here we are, welcome to my workshop / studio Lewis"

It was only then that I noticed as Lucy turned towards me that her only item of clothing was a oversized shirt, she was barefoot, l presumed that she had knickers on, but that was about it, her hard nipples easily visible through her shirt.

"I'll make drinks, sit yourself down on the sofa or feel free to have a look around at the art, won't be long"

"Amazing isn't it Lewis, and the best of it is that Lucy said that l can use it anytime, so no need change my garage now, this is far more suitable, I've even gone to the trouble of ordering all the kit to produce my own plaster of paris and paints, I hope that you hadn't forgotten, I still want to get a mould of your cock whilst erect"

Lucy came back into the room with coffee and biscuits, the place was hard to describe, it had a very bohemian feel about it.

"Come Lewis, let me show you around, although some of my work may be quite familiar to you"

I followed a little confused as Claire walked beside me. It was a large building and Lucy had seemingly created little alcoves with various art works on easels and large work boards, she definitely had a theme, but I could see that she was very talented in what she painted and sketched.

"As you can see Lewis, my passion is erotica, but it takes so many forms don't you agree, here we have simple basic nudity of the female and male form"

As she pointed out different areas of her large workshop.

We continued to follow Lucy as she weaved her way around the building.

"You remember Claire's friend Karen don't you, from the party, well this is she"

I looked at the work in front of me, it was indeed Karen naked on a chaise longue, with a little material just about covering her pussy. We continued our tour.

"Oh and l know that you will be familiar with these beautiful breasts"

It was Diane from the leisure centre and the party, she had been sketched by Lucy sitting naked on a chair, legs slightly open, her hand tilting a bottle of Jack Daniels that she drank from, it was an amazing piece of work. Lucy smiled.

"Always helps when you have a girl with a great figure"

Again we continued to follow Lucy around her studio, a large blanket covered another artwork in front of Claire and myself.

"Oh and this is a work in progress"

As Lucy pulled the blanket away, it was Lucy herself, oil painted on canvas, l almost choked on my coffee, before remarking.

"Well I wasn't expecting that"

"Not sure how to take that Lewis, l know l haven't got a body like Diane, but I'm not that bad and I am 20 years or so older"

"No, no, I didn't mean it in that way, I just wasn't expecting to see you naked Lucy, no complaints from me"

"Well that's good to hear Lewis, I'm pretty much a naturist around my own house, so if you are going to be spending time here with Claire, then I'm pretty sure that you'll have to get used to me being naked, I don't see much point in wearing clothes to paint, they always get covered as well as myself, might as well save on the washing at least"

I turned to Claire to see her smirking, as Lucy continued.

"l have plenty nudes of Claire around here too, I'll find them out later, as long as she doesn't mind you seeing them, but I must show you another part of the workshop, follow me"

We walked back past the sofa, we had kind of done a full circle and we now stood in another smaller studio, again paints, brushes, and easels, but a large bed dominated the centre of the room, a small sofa to the left, with a shelf with jars of white paint with male names in marker pen on the front for identification.

"Sit yourselves down my lovelies, let me explain, although Claire knows most of this, as I told her in confidence. I've been working on an erotic take on still life, but not as we know it. Basically, men's cum is still life when you think about it, would you not agree, so what if we could somehow use that cum to paint and create art, it was me who asked Claire for a sample of your sperm Lewis. Of course when you came at the party in front of me it was fun, and yes I was turned on, but I always look at things from a different prospective, an art prospective. Anyway, I've been busy, I've done a few tests and it seems that the cum that you produce is ideal for creating my work. I know that you have noticed the jars on the shelf, I have been advertising for men to give me samples, but all I get is older gentleman or young wannabe pornstars who think they are going to get an easy handjob out of it from me or maybe more, anyway, I diverse, what I've discovered is that the cum from someone in your age bracket is the most suitable for my work, all I'm asking is would it be possible to have some, Claire tells me that you masturbate up to three times a day, I could use that, rather than wasting it in a box of Kleenex, or whatever you use, I know you and Claire have a friends with benefits thing going on, I promise I wouldn't expect it to get in the way of your fun together, I might even be able to make it worth your while if you can help me out"

Lucy continued to talk.

"Lewis, how do you feel about giving me a sample right here right now, but firstly let me explain a few things and give you some information and hopefully good advice. I've seen, sketched and painted more cocks than l care to remember in this workshop over the years, one fully hard at not quite three inches, yet another at just over eleven inches, it doesn't matter when it comes to art, l already know that you are somewhere in-between, it's the same for us girls too. The secret is to be confident with what you have and not to feel uncomfortable.

I remember when Claire first came to me, she won't mind me telling you that she was a little awkward, but I know she takes the most amazing selfies now, it's all about confidence and a little knowledge of photography and camera work. I'm an exhibitionist, Lewis. I don't have the best body in the world, but I'm happy to walk naked along the nearest nudist beach with my head held high, could you do that Lewis, without placing your hands over your dick...... well that's what I mean when I mentioned being confident with your body. I run art classes at the college as you know, but I also have my own private classes here too, not in this grotty studio obviously, I have another workshop over the yard that's clean and tidy.

I have a good clientele of mature ladies and a few younger girls too who are keen to do my classes, I don't advertise, it's all hush, hush, word of mouth, cash in hand of course. The ladies come here for an escape from everyday life, we all need something to look forward to don't we. Over the months it's become apparent that if l offer a male muse, rather than a bunch of flowers as the subject, I always get a better attendance, in fact, inevitably I end up turning some ladies away as l only have twelve spots for each class. Here's the other problem, the agency that supply my male muse's are not exactly the best looking, in general always late 50s, bald and overweight, so I'm wondering if you would be interested in doing a few classes with me, I'd obviously pay you for your troubles, depending on the attendance at each class. Please don't worry, strictly ladies only, I do have female muse's, and my clientele are happy to draw, and paint them. However I remember a female muse who never worked for me again after a few so called guys pretended to have an interest in art only to be abusive towards the young girl, I ended up cancelling the class, vowing never to work with a group of males again"

Lucy Cartwright was a very confident lady, she had done well for herself, she was warming and very persuasive, without being forceful, she had really dark messy hair, quite broad shoulders, plenty of curves, but not what I'd consider overweight, I don't think her self portrait had done her a true justice.

"So will you consider it Lewis, Claire will more likely be always around when you are here, recently she has been helping me out with moving stuff and has been good company"

I looked at Claire as she blushed a little.

"So Lewis, about that sample"

I replied.

"Yeah, I'll have a think and let Claire know, I must admit, I'm a little hot and bothered by it all, pass me the jar and point me in the direction of the toilet, and I'll go and sort myself out so to speak, probably won't take long"

I'm sure by now that Claire had probably told Lucy about my 3 minute cumshot.

"Haha Lewis"

Clapping her hands together.

"lt doesn't work like that. It's art Lewis, no sneaking behind the scenes for a quick hand job here, just slip into that dressing room behind you, get yourself undressed and find yourself a nice gown that fits that you feel comfortable in, there's a good choice from my travels from all over the world, including plenty of nice Chinese silk ones"

I got myself undressed, before returning and being instructed to lay on the large bed on my back.

"Right are you comfortable and ready Lewis"

I nodded that I was fine.

Lucy and Claire were now looking over me on opposite sides of the bed.

"Okay Lewis, I want you to begin for me, but don't rush, take your time, from experience, the longer you can last the more cum you'll produce for me, just gently guide your hand towards your cock and give it a little stroke for me, let me see it grow and protrude against that soft silky material, l don't need to see it yet, we have all the time in the world, just slowly stroke him to erectness, relax your eyes, enjoy your body, does it feel good Lewis"

I simply nodded again.

"That's nice Lewis, now keeping your eyes closed, I'd like you to expose your hardness to us, but don't untie the gown, find the gap between the material naturally"

l slowly continued to stroke myself, feeling the gown becoming loose, and then the slightly cooler air around my cock as it worked itself out of the material, and was now partially exposed to both Lucy and Claire.

"Fancy a wine Claire, red or white"

"Oooh yes, red please Lucy"

"Will be two ticks, keep stroking Lewis and relax"

Lucy returned with the wine handing a glass to Claire.

"Oh my Lewis, you have grown, have you been stroking yourself a little hard, or did Claire help herself to a little stroke"

Giving Claire a friendly wink and raising her glass of wine.

"Let me just untie this belt robe while I'm standing, I want to see you fully exposed. You know Lewis stimulation is a wonderful thing, it doesn't have to be all about touch, oral and penetration. Let me explain, use your mind, listen to my words, you have a lovely young looking cock, I can see why Claire likes it, seemingly very responsive too"

Lucy was right, my cock was twitching to her words, as l lay pretty much naked on the bed, with two woman sitting ethier side with my cock standing up to attention between them.

Every so often, if I began to soften, I would feel there touch, Claire would occasionally run her nail once up and down my shaft, whilst Lucy would just give me a tiny tug, both giggling to themselves as they drank there wine.

"So I had some thoughts Claire about creating a series of art involving both of you, would now be a good time to run it by you"

"I don't see why not, go ahead"

Answered Claire.

Lucy went on to explain how years ago she had some good friends, a couple, they had openly partaken in some very erotic art, the opportunity had never again presented itself, well that was until now.

"So I was thinking of maybe a sketch of you from a side profile anticipating taking in Lewis's hard cock, and then maybe another with it in your mouth, l love capturing that tongue piercing, well in fact all of your piercings, and then maybe Lewis from the side preparing to slip his tongue around your pierced nipple. Oooh look Claire, it seems that Lewis likes the sound of that"

As my cock twitched into a more vertical position from just Lucy's words.

Claire responded.

"Well as long as it was tastefully done l don't mind"

Lucy replying.

"Well I'm sure that you will be doing plenty of tasting"

Both were giggling at the comment, as my cock presented itself to them like a periscope on a submarine.

"l was then thinking of another prospective to finish the set, but it may be a little too much for both of you, my thought was for me to sit with my easel at the bottom of the bed, with Lewis lying legs apart slightly as you reverse cowgirl ride him, throwing your head back, so no faces for both of you as Lewis would be obstructed by your body Claire, l would love to capture his hard cock mostly inside of you, with your pussy clasped tight around his shaft, again in an attempt to capture your lower piercings"

Claire muttered.

"Not sure, sounds a little much and a bit intrusive, I question if it would be art or porn, l know you have sketched me exposed down there before, but not with a cock inside me"

Lucy replied.

"Oh yes, I'd forgotten about that set......what did we call them...... Oh that's right, shaved, trimmed and natural"

Both girls smiled at each other, again getting a reaction from my cock.

"Claire tells me that you have a soft spot for boobs Lewis, is that right, although I'm really struggling to see where this soft spot is"

Claire burst out laughing.

"Pass me your glass, I need more wine and the restroom, be back in a bit"

"So Lewis, how can I tempt you to be my muse, you would be perfect for the job, I noticed the way you looked at my boobs earlier, Claire mentioned that if I didn't wear a bra, which I rarely do I'd get your attention, and judging by your cock it seems l have, although l was impressed by the way you handled yourself when viewing my self portrait. I've been told that they are the perfect size for a good titty wank, l bet that's something Claire hasn't given you"

I must admit, again I'd never had the pleasure of one, but of course I'd often thought about them, especially having seen as much porn as l had.

"No Lucy, never experienced that, although Claire had let me cum over her tits on several occasions"

I was still lying with my head back, relaxing and enjoying the chat between the girls and the scenario I found myself in, I couldn't recall at that particular time ever being so hard for so long.

"Would you like to see my tit's Lewis, l mean properly, in the flesh so to speak"

"More wine, chin chin"

Claire returned and gave Lucy another top up and sat herself back down beside the bed. She looked past my hardness towards Lucy.

"Is this what they mean when they say a double edged sword"

Again causing a giggle"

"Well l think that they call it edging these days, although I prefer to call it cock control"

"Changing the subject Claire, I found that old folding card table that you asked to borrow, it should fit easily in your car, I've put it in the carport out front"

Claire replied.

"Great, you will be able to make it won't you, it's been ages since I've played cards, my Dad taught me most games, I just can't remember the names of them. It would be fun Lucy, I know you play... we could have a girls night, a few drinks, might even turn into some kind of strip poker, after all you have painted Diane and Karen, they have nothing to hide, I'm sure that Lewis would be up for it too"

Lucy spoke again.

"Looks like he is already is"

As both had a chuckle.

"l think that l have some loaded dice around here somewhere"

Claire still giggling.

"Forget about loaded, I think that we have something here that needs unloading"

Again laughter, they were quite funny together.

"Oooh look Lucy, a little precum"

As Claire wiped it away with my gown.

"He's definitely ready"

"Wow, time flies when you're having fun, Lewis, you have done well, almost 50 minutes, my lessons are roughly an hour with a couple of 5 minute breaks, shall we do the honours Claire"

Claire got up and brought the jar across before speaking to Lucy.

"Go on, l know you want to, you should watch Lewis"

I lifted myself up off the bed, my upper weight being supported my elbows my cock hard a twitching, I watched a Lucy removed her over size shirt to reveal her nakedness, her natural dark bush and large but upstanding tits on full display, she sat herself besides me, legs folded at the knee, thighs together hiding her bush, I watched her hanging boobs as she began to wank me closer to orgasm, almost counting seemingly how many strokes it would take to bring me to climax.

Claire spoke.

"You need to stand up for us Lewis, we don't want to waste any do we"

l managed to lift myself up off the bed, as the girls swapped, Claire gave the jar to Lucy.

"Go on Claire, finish the job, five more strokes and I'd produced my biggest orgasm and cumshot ever, as Lucy watched as my cum jizzed inside the jar she held. It had been an incredible experience, I fell back on the bed and fast asleep.

Written by Lewis68

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