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The Proposition

"Helping out an old colleague proved very fruitful"

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The text, when it came, was unusual.  She wanted to meet and had something she wanted to discuss.

I had worked with Jean when we were both at the same place. She retired a number of years before me and was sadly widowed within a few years of it. When the fuss of the funeral was over I telephoned her to offer my condolences. She gratefully accepted them and asked if I knew much about computers. She apparently wanted to get an email address so she could communicate with friends and family more easily.  I agreed, I would help as best I could. 

At the arranged time I went to her house and was greeted warmly. We hadn’t seen each other for quite a while and we had a long chat before we set to and got her an email account which was on her online television. It was dreadfully slow and I suggested that she got a smartphone or a laptop.  However I gave her my email address and she practiced sending me one.

The result was that we exchanged messages from time to time and over the next few years we communicated on and off, sending humorous  jokes and messages about what we were up to.  As familiarity grew, so did the level of bawdiness. There was no limit to how smutty it could be and neither of us had to censor what we sent. Technologically, she had moved on too, communicating with WhatsApp, though we had never used the video option.

So, after four years,  I once again knocked on her door and was greeted by a lady who had clearly looked after herself and didn’t seemed to have aged since retirement quite a few number of years ago.  Invited in, I was introduced to her new man, Stan. It appears that they have been a couple for a little bit more than a year and over tea and cakes we discussed anything and everything.  Stan was very sociable and all three of us got along very nicely but I didn’t get the impression that what Jean wanted to discuss had entered the conversation.

During a lull in the conversation I  heard Jean clear her throat and I immediately guessed that what she wanted to say was imminent.  But before she could utter a word Stan interrupted and faced me with a statement that surprised me.  He said that he was very fond of Jean but that he was having difficulty getting and maintaining an erection and so their lovemaking was not going as well as he would like and that he was aware that he was not meeting Jean’s needs. And, would I fill the gap?

I wasn’t sure what we going to discuss, but it wasn’t this. They must have seen my jaw drop as I took in the news and quickly he went on to say that there was absolutely no pressure to comply and that I should ask as many questions as needs be.

First question was, why didn’t he take a little blue pill?    It turned out he couldn’t for medical reasons.                                                                                                                                        Second question was, exactly how do I do the deed?      It turns out Jean wants to be taken from behind.        

Third question was, where will Stan be when this thing happens?     He apparently will be in the room as we do it.

It transpires that my role will be that of providing a cock to their lovemaking. I’m not to kiss her or fondle her breasts but to ensure that Jean gets an orgasm and relief, that he, Stan,  feels he has been part of. I looked over at Jean, who half smiled and gave a slight nod which seemed to encourage me to say yes.  Being single and leading the life of a monk, I agreed.

At this point we sealed the deal over a glass of wine from a bottle hidden behind a chair. After clinking glasses, Jean said that there was no time like the present and got up and left the room.

 Left alone with Stan, I questioned him about how he felt about this. He quickly reassured me that he was happy for this to happen and that he and Jean had had a great many conversations about how to get around the situation, and that she liked me, so that was good enough for Stan.

Jean reappeared back into the room wearing a dressing gown and nothing else you could see. She went over to the window and pulled the blinds shut and questioned us about why we still had our clothes on. Before we could take anything off she went over to Stan, let her dressing gown fall and kissed him very deeply. She then went for his belt and started to unfasten it, pulling his trousers and boxers down and exposing his half-hearted cock which she immediately took in her mouth as she knelt down.

I think I only had my shoes off at that point, I just stood there and gawped as I saw Jean in a different light. The respectable lady I knew was voraciously gorging on Stan’s semi-erect cock, but it did have the effect of making mine very hard. In between mouthfuls,  Jean asked why I had so many clothes on and encouraged me to take them off.

With no choice now,  I started taking off my clothes and by the time I was about to remove my underwear they had both stopped to look at me removing my briefs. Thankfully my erection stood  firm and proud. I hoped Jean looked at it lustfully and  Stan, I suspected, looked at it enviously.

Jean looked at me and nodded her approval, so too did Stan who was, by now, running his hands over Jean’s tit’s and making their way down to her pussy. Another kiss and Jean made herself more comfortable by sitting down with her legs spread so Stan could kneel down in front of her and use his tongue to stimulate and excite her.

It was one of those moments when I didn’t really know what to do with myself, so I sat down and waited my turn. The sight in front of me of two very mature people, having sex, was for me, a pleasure to watch. That two people of a certain age were getting as much enjoyment and stimulation as people far younger than themselves, filled me with hope for the future.  

Stan continued to lap at Jean’s pussy as I continued to wank myself in readiness, waiting to fulfil my task. Eventually,  Jean tapped  Stan on the shoulder and indicated that she was ready. As Stan stood up Jean slid off the chair and knelt down in front of it.  I was then beckoned over by Stan who stayed close by while I got into position. Once there I was surprised by Stan, as he took hold of my cock and guided it into Jean.

The surprise was that he wanted to do it, probably to play as big a part in the proceedings as he could. It wasn’t the fact that another man had touched my cock ( I wasn’t without some experience in that department) . I did look at him when he did it but he just smiled.  So, like a train leaving the station I started slowly and built up a head of steam going into her long and hard.

It wasn’t very long before we were both getting quite noisy with guttural sounds coming from us, as I bashed into Jean with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. It was a good job that there was a loud grunt from her as I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer before cumming myself.  We both stopped and pushed as hard as we could into each other as I let go of my seed.

 We were both locked together, letting my deposit transfer into Jean when I suddenly realised that Stan was watching everything, and I turned to see his reaction. He looked a little out of breath as he had tried to wank the end of his cock off watching us. He had a smile on his face and gave me a thumbs up sign. Relieved,  I pulled out of Jean but not before kissing both cheeks and giving her a gentle tap on the bottom while Stan went over to her and kissed her very passionately. 

Jean, whilst kissing Stan, gave me a thumbs up too. I wouldn’t have liked the idea that I had let her down, that she got as much satisfaction as I certainly did, was paramount. Relieved, we retrieved our clothes and as Jean only had a dressing gown to put on she said she was putting the kettle on but before she left she came over and gave me a kiss on the mouth, Stan just shrugged and smiled.

In the aftermath of the very erotic incident, we discussed whether we would all like to repeat our adventure and both Jean and I looked at Stan. It was obvious by his smile, that there would be a repeat Date and time was to be arranged on WhatsApp.  With coffee drunk, Stan asked if I could give him a lift home as it was on my way.

The journey home was interesting.  Stan asked me how I felt about the whole thing and wanted reassurance that I was happy to continue.  I repeated the same question to him as I was the one having full intercourse with his partner.  Stan assured me he was happy for it to continue and asked me if I had minded him guiding my cock into Jean, and, by the way, said I had a nice cock and he was envious.

Flattered, I told him I had no problem with him touching my cock, that he was free to do it without asking permission.  With that, he thanked me and tapped me on the leg and left it there. He then asked me if I minded that. I said I didn’t and he left it there, gently stroking my leg as I drove, repeating how envious he was of my cock.

I instantly knew there was more to Stan than I initially considered and that he wanted more from the arrangement than I thought. Arriving at his house, he asked me in for a drink. I accepted, intrigued as to what this was leading to, and so I followed him into the house, where he gave me a glass of wine and sat next to me.

Once again, his hand was on my leg, and noticing that I made no attempt to move it, he then risked the question that he later said he had wanted to ask. That was; could he suck my cock? My first reaction was to say no, as I was unclean after what Jean and I had been doing, but he said that was more the reason he wanted to do it.

Two propositions in one day! How could I refuse.  Having seen each other naked already that day we both disrobed. I did wonder whether I would get another erection but remarkably I did, but what was more noticeable was that Stan’s cock looked more erect than earlier.  It was my turn to get my hands on it and he didn’t flinch when I started to give it a gentle rub.

Stan was supposed to suck my cock but his was almost erect and I wanted to suck his for a little while first, which I did, and felt that if I had continued he may very well have cum but he was more eager to latch onto mine. So, despite my reservations about not being clean enough Stan enveloped my cock in his mouth and eagerly sucked away.

He was very good at it and at first I thought that I wouldn’t cum but he persisted and the sap rose. I told him I was about to cum, thinking that he would stop, but he didn’t and I spurted another load of the day down his throat which he accepted eagerly. He lapped and licked my cock until it was dry. Stan was no stranger to all things cock. He was as eager as any gay or bisexual man I’d ever met.

I attempted to return the favour but he could see my exhaustion and asked if I would come back in a few days where we could have a more relaxed session. I agreed to this but questioned about what Jean knew. He just put his finger to his lips and I immediately knew to say nothing. He said that he really liked Jean but sexually he preferred cock and if I was discreet I could have the best of both worlds.

Two days later I went to Stan’s and  a very nice time we had. His erection was much better than at Jean’s and I even managed to make him cum with my mouth. The following week we met again at Jean’s and repeated the previous session but this time I stroked her tit’s and there was no objection from either party about playing with them. He even gave my cock a rub before guiding it into Jean.

I also received a text from Jean asking if I would like to visit without Stan being there. I did and it was much more like making love and often face to face instead of from behind. 

I now spend my time going from Jean’s house to Stan’s and I’m having more sex than I’ve ever had. It’s almost like it’s Stan’s on Tuesday, Jean’s on Friday and all of us together on Sunday, though its not as regimented as that but you get the idea. Yes, I’m leading a double life but it’s an exciting double life and I’m not about to chuck it and go back to leading my life again, as a monk.








Written by spenny134

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