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The Shed 2

"My experience of the shed continues when I meet Doris"

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Ron smiled at the site of me pulling up my trousers and me, not being embarrassed at all, wondering what I could clean our ejaculations up with.  He said he needed to go but that he would be back tomorrow and that he had something to show me. I wondered what on earth he could show me more than him getting his cock out, masturbating and watching me do the same. 

What amazed me was that I had no feelings of remorse,  in fact I enjoyed what had just happened.  That it was a sexual experience with another man didn’t seem odd or strange to me and after thirty five years of fidelity in my marriage I felt no shame. 

I sat wondering about what had happened and the supposed power of this shed when I started to feel sexual again. Panicked by this I quickly cleaned up, put my tools away and locked up making a mental note to buy kitchen roll and tissues on the way home.  

The evening was spent like any other with my wife and again l felt no guilt but I did wonder if this shed had any power or was it just psychological.  

Armed with more supplies I entered the shed the following morning and spent some time sorting things out in it . I wanted to know if it did have an influence or was it part of my imagination so I decided to draw up a map with everything I had planted and was going to plant. This was to distract me from thinking about sex. 

Ten minutes later and with my head buried in a seed catalogue feelings of lust crept into my head again.  I tried to put them aside but they wouldn’t go. I had to resist very hard to not reach for the tissues but instead reached for the spade and went out to dig over another patch of ground wondering what all this was about. 

If I had to go in the shed for anything it was a quick in and out.  I needed to get on with gardening and avoid getting horny again. I was doing well when two things happened.  The first was Ron arriving and the other was a few drops of rain.  There was no way of avoiding going back into the shed. Reluctantly I decided there was no alternative and agreed to take a break and put the kettle on. 

Ron asked if I was okay and alright about what happened the day before. I said I was and asked him about this shed. 

He said that he and Bill had been aware of what the shed did to them right from when Bill got it. As they were both in long marriages that had little physical activity they used the shed as a place of relief. Ron said that as time went on their inhibitions deserted them and they had an anything goes outlook about everything.  

Ron asked me if I had any remorse or misgivings about the day before and I had to confess I didn’t.  He then pointed to a cupboard sitting on the floor and asked me to slide it out of the way. This done, he got down and lifted a number of loose floorboards and lifted out quite a large box that lay beneath it. 

When the lid was removed it had quite a collection of magazines. Knowing what I know now I didn’t think they were of a horticultural nature. It was a large pile of sex magazines.  The deeper I delved into them the older they were.  It was a lifetimes collection.  They ranged from the ones that had edited out the essential lady parts and only showed tits and bums to ones that hid nothing in both male and female anatomy and doing things to each other.  Males and females,  female and female , male and male and every combination of doing everything you could think of to each other. 

Ron said it was light reading for when they had their tea break and many’s the happy afternoon they spent with their trousers round their ankles. For someone I’d only met a short while ago he was very forward and frank about what he and Bill got up to. I should have been shocked about what was said but I wasn’t.  The information entered my head as though it was the most normal thing to talk about.  

I’d now been in the shed long enough for it to have an effect on me and I felt horny again.  Browsing through the magazines I became even more so and my cock ached to escape from my trousers. Looking over at Ron , his already had, so I let mine out too. Another surprise was that the very well endowed men pictured in the magazines were also turning me on as were the ladies pussy’s. I’d never been fascinated by cocks before but now I was.

Ron was slowly wanking his cock between sips of tea and I just sat there fascinated watching him do it.  As cocks go I had little experience, but Ron’s looked very tempting and I just stared at it wondering  ‘what if’! Catching my eye, Ron just said yes and I found myself kneeling in front of him with my mouth just about to dive on his cock. It took two seconds to decide whether I wanted to or not and down my mouth came and I enveloped a cock for the first time in my life.  

It took another two second to confirm that I liked it and licked and sucked away at it as though I’d been doing it all my life. Ron sat there wriggling and trying to push his cock further down my throat and I was lapping it up. Knowing what the end result of this was going to be I didn’t really know what I should do. Still not having made up my mind, Ron bucked and pushed his cock deeper into my mouth and at the point of no return he withdrew and I received the fruits of his labour straight in my face.

Another first.

 Under normal circumstances I would have tried to avoid the spurts hitting my face but for some strange reason I just let it.  The remarkable thing was that after seeing him empty his balls yesterday there was so much of it again today and, coming from a fellow retiree,  it was very commendable.  

Getting up and reaching for some tissues to wipe my face I felt my cock being taken hold of and Ron clamping his mouth around it.  The feeling was electric and warm and extremely arousing. There was no question of me stopping him despite never having such an experience from another man before.  I’ll give Ron his due he took my cock deep down his throat and expertly brought me to a level where I needed to let go the fruits of my labour too. 

 Once Ron realised I was about to cum he increased his rhythm and in a very short time and with a loud grunt he took my load deep down into his throat. No need for tissues this time. 

We readjusted our clothes, cleaned up and put the magazines back from where we got them. Because it was still raining outside we brought the tools in and locked up. As Ron went to leave he asked me if I’d met Doris yet. Her allotment was on the other side of field and he said that she knew about the effects the shed had on those who spent anytime in it.

I’m really worried now. How many people know about it and what if they find out I’ve been indulging in sex with an other man? What if my wife finds out? It was the first time I’d felt any sort of guilt.  It wasn’t remorse but fear of being found out and the repercussions it could lead to.

Ron reassured me that only he and Doris knew about the sheds effect and of course the late Bill. He also asked if he could invite Doris over to the shed once in a while and that I needn’t be involved if I didn’t want to. Didn’t want to ! Was there an option about whether I could be part of it?

 I agreed and told Ron I would get another key cut and they could be as discreet as they needed to be. With that I left and hoped my wife wouldn’t want sex tonight as I thought my tank must be empty. 

Two days later and armed with a tray of seedlings I arrived back at the shed and quickly got out my rake and trowel and headed to the piece of land I had planned to plant them in without getting that horny feeling. 

About an hour later I had completed the planting and I wanted a break and a cup of tea. In order not to get distracted by sexual feelings I went in, lit the primus stove, put the kettle on and dashed out. This I did again and completed the process and came out quickly with my tea and sat on an old wooden box leaning against the shed. 

Half way through my cup of tea Ron arrived accompanied by a lady of a similar age who I immediately took to be Doris. He introduced me to her, telling her that I knew about the effect the shed had on people who spent any time in it. She smiled at that and we chatted while Ron went inside to make tea.

Doris was a lady of retirement age.  She was dressed for allotment work and I thought that underneath that attire she was in quite good shape for someone her age, and why Ron was keen to be in the shed with her. She asked me what I felt about the effects it had on me and all I could say was mesmerising.  She also, very candidly,  told me that should I want to join them then they were more than happy to let me participate any time I wanted and enjoy the fruits of the shed. She also reminded me that her and Ron as well as Bill had spent a lot of time together in the shed. With that she went in, leaving the door slightly ajar.

I just sat there astonished at what I’d been told and the brazenness of it too. They were mature adults doing what mature adults will do with each other but as a threesome! I didn’t need the effect of the shed this time to sexually excite me as I contemplated how that would go.

Trying to put it out of my mind I grabbed the rake and went to refresh an area that needed some weeding. But it proved very difficult to concentrate as I kept thinking about what was going on in the shed . I couldn’t help it but I could only think about the state of undress they were in and what they were doing at that same moment. Curiosity got the better of me and I edged my way back to the shed to see if I could see anything. 

It wasn’t the seeing but the hearing that struck me first. With the door still ajar it was clear that Doris was getting a good pounding and it was a good job there were no other allotment holders in the immediate vicinity. To be on the safe side I reached in to pull the door too but caught a glimpse of Doris, naked from the waist down, leaning forward with another waist down naked Ron thrusting himself into her from behind.

He spotted me and told me not to stand there but to come in. Having never watched two people having sex in a live situation, even more curiosity got the better of me and without hesitation I went in and closed the door. 

The scene in front of me was carnal. Doris was breathing hard and smiling while Ron never missed a beat as he pumped his cock as far as he could inside her. I Just stood there amazed at what I was witnessing and getting hornier than ever until Doris urged me to get it out and stand in front of her. 

Almost hypnotised I found myself doing what I was told. Doris helped, between Ron pumping away at her, by undoing my belt but I had to finish exposing myself as Doris couldn’t keep still long enough due to Ron pounding away at her from behind. As soon as she could she had my cock in her hand and swiftly guided it into her mouth. Neither of us had to do anything as Ron created all the locomotion. 

A number of minutes later Ron pulled out of Doris, but Doris continued to suck me. Ron, breathing hard, urged me to swop and take Doris from behind while she sucked his cock. Now I know I’d said it was a large shed but with three of us in it and cupboards and things , it took a bit of manoeuvring but we did it with relative ease. 

My cock was now facing Doris’s ample bottom and I’m just about to enter my first different pussy for a very long time. And, having been in the shed for some minutes it had its effect on me and I went into her without hesitation. 

The warmth and exoticism I felt when I entered Doris only encouraged my lust and I went at her with abandon.  Her bottom wobbled with every thrust and cushioned me from being too forceful and hurting her with my eagerness. Her bum hole was staring up at me with every thrust and I was sorely tempted to put my thumb over it and press gently but I thought I might be going too far and resisted.

I needn’t have worried because after Doris bucked and squirmed going into her first orgasm she took Ron’s cock out of her mouth and urged me to put mine into her bum. This was too tempting and due to the lubrication we had generated it slid in easily. Another first for me but a wonderful warm and tight feeling that wasn’t going to last very long as I’d worked up a head of steam earlier. 

Looking up I noticed that Ron was very urgently going at Doris’s eager mouth and it was apparent that he wouldn’t last very long and indeed he didn’t.  With a grunt and a thrust he stopped for a few seconds before wriggling as Doris appeared to lap it up. This drove me over the edge and I did the same.  There we were, frozen in time, me in her bum and Ron in her mouth and it took a little while for us to come down. 

When we did it was Doris, her clothes in disarray, who broke the ice declaring that she needed that and that it had been too long. Ron agreed but all I could do was look at them agog and wonder how on earth I could cum as often as I had been recently and, not be bothered about who with. 

Doris asked me,  as I was pulling my trousers up, if I’d enjoyed my part of her spitroasting.  I didn’t know it was called that but I had to admit that I did and hoped that her bum wasn’t going to be too sore. She smiled at that and said Bill was bigger and I  was welcome to it anytime whenever we were in the shed. She also hinted that my wife should visit sometime.  

How on earth was I going to get away with that!



Written by spenny134

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