I'm abandoning one of my favourites purely because it's populated with the following:
1. Two way chat that dominates the Room.
2. A Chatroom Operator continues to grant/change the " KEY " to that Room to point No 1
3. Said people are permitted to post " Snide, derogitary remarks" and remain in the chat, whilst others aren't.
I will probably face a ban over this post, but as as A Site Moderater posted in another Forum, I was an Ex-Chatroom OP, not here but on a sibling Site, that qoute directed at me could possibly fall under a breach of the Data Protection Act.
Irrespective of my previous existence, I'm a member here and I hope that I'll be treated with the same dignity as others.
Padders meluvvly, first off, it's not I that's changing the key but jeepers dude you can always holler to one of us if there is a problem and we'll do our bestest to resolve it for you? Why didn't you say something earlier?
Re the room, I can't obviously comment on the specifics/politics of the particular room in question but suffice to say that irrespective of any personality clash you may be experiencing I think I can speak for the rest of the admin/chat-ops and Moderators and say that you are and always will be treated with respect (not sure dignity is the right word) where admin/ops/mods are concerned.
I'd ask you reconsider your stance re the abandoning of a room, I take your point but to harness your chat activity by way of abandoning your usual haunt would be a shame, I likes ya in chat just as you are, stick with it and move on and when in the room adjust accordingly.