Right, when I first came on SH people have had mised reactions with dealing with me - frankly, some can't deal with my honesty or simple-minded approach to swinging ("If you're interested lets sort something, if you're not then let me know rather than strigning me along for a year in the hope I get a hint - you can say "Thanks but no thanks". To those people I say "If manipulation and game playing is your style then Swinging isn't for you."
Since becoming a couple (and yes, ZoeRose does exist, if you know which chatrooms she lurks in half the time - wish Admins would enable dual-logins for couples as she's not always at mine hence I can't get into the chatrooms when she's at hers and logged in - maybe I'm just cheap and don't fancy paying for 2 accounts?) profile hoever, a few people have started showing their true colours in some of the chatrooms I use.
People (ok, mainly guys and some couples) that have normally ignored me (some as much as 1-3 years on) with not so much as a "Hello" in chat suddenly seeing ZoeRose on cam going "Oh, so YOU'RE Mrs Ahabs - telly uo what - gimme your msn and lets chat there and not in the room. We can meet up sometime - but don't tell Ahabs."
Well guess what peple - she DOES tell me. Does this make her untrustworthy? Nope. It does say a lot about the motives of those people though.
Whne I then suggest to ZoeRose that 2If they wanna meet you and have ignored me, sod them" they then complain "Oh, Ahabs doesn't wanna share". What rubbish is this "sharing" business about anyways??
1) ZoeRose is NOT a commodity to be "shared" or passed around and I'm alittle tired (int he short space of time) to have to keep reminding some.
2) Since when was it my "job" to "share" ZoeRose? If they mean "We've seen you about for quite sometime hence..." I would ask "Really? And since when have they 'shared' with me? Or is this 'sharing' idea a one-way thing?"
3) And how do some go form seeing me and not saying Hi in 3 years to seeing Zoe (in 3 weeks) and wanting to meet her without my knowledge?? WTF?? And do these same peopel do this with other couples? I think not - just shows how little they think am worth.
Sorry - rant over.
Hey ahabs we get it too buddy, Whats weird about that is I dont play anyway just come along as part of the packwage as I like to wtch and Mrs Lost geys off on me watching but still the Mrs Lost gets the same as ZR. In the end though its those who do the sneaky beaky lose out, understand your rant mate
Lol, you know the funny thing in all this - the "human nature" when people feel to push the boundaries:
1) If you say "We only meet couples" you get "But I'm a single (guy/girl) worth meeting"
2) If you say "We meet singles, but are selective and hence decide who we want" we get the "What's wrong with me? Select me?"
3) If you say "Ok we have no problems meeting singles, but not on our own" you're bound to get the ones that try to meet (you) separately.
4) And even if you're ok meeting separately as long as you tell each other (in our case) some prat will still try to get a meet on the "Don't tell Ahabs/ZoeRose" idea
5) And now some prat is trying the "Look, we're already meeting on our own - you might as well come off his profile and use mine, but don't tell him" (This from a guy using a couple's profile - however no one knows anything about the female, if she exists).
Another "prat" has decided he wants to invite ZoeRose to his place (on her own) by emailing her on another site where we have our indiivual profiles still (even though he knows us from our combined profile so he had to have searched for her) whilst at the same time blanking me completely with not so much as a hello.
When I raised my concern (as I think its only customary etiquette to NOT ignore either half of a couple) I got a very defensive "Listen, I've been in this game along time, besides, its not like you're a married couple". Wow - I guess he told me eh? (All cause I "suggested" he email me to let me know he was arranging to meet with ZoeRose on such and such date/venue), I hadn't even suggested he couldn't. When Zoe, feeling uneasy with his attitude, told him she was backing off the idea, he then suggested I put her up to it as "its typical of all black guys to want to play while not letting their women play".
Apart from the racist comment, I find it baffling that he suggests to know "all" black guys. Prat!
NWC - we won't stop playing, not anytime soon ;) But if someone doesn't like the way we play, the fact we tell each other about our arrangements, or selective about or single/couple meets then surely they know where to go? Lol.
Had similar experience with my ex on here, he would come online and no one would talk to him in general chat it was always whispers from single guys asking to meet, but as soon as I was online everyone would general chat and ask to to meet in general chat. He started to get really pissed off with the fact that single males would whisper him asking to meet us even through at the time we decided to try meeting couples. It got to the stage where he would no longer come online in the chatrooms and really drove a wedge between us.
You really have to be a tough cookie in the chatrooms sometimes and just let it ride over your head, cos there will always be the people that push it too much sometimes.
However I would like to say that there has been a few single males who did ask to meet and as always I used to say sorry only meeting couples but still ended up chatting to them in general chat and they became good friends. Sometimes single guys just use it as a way to break the ice so dont knock them all.
You could try logging out sometime, as you seem to have been logged into the chat rooms all night and not said a single word to anyone!