If fellow members are experiencing issues with the Site Chatroom's on your Tablet or Phone, I suggest you remove Flashplayer and download FlashPlayer 10.1 works fine on both my HTC One and my Tablet.
Here's the link:
Any problems - Ping me.
Quote by Paddy
If fellow members are experiencing issues with the Site Chatroom's on your Tablet or Phone, I suggest you remove Flashplayer and download FlashPlayer 10.1 works fine on both my HTC One and my Tablet.
Here's the link:
Any problems - Ping me.
Quote by Toots
If fellow members are experiencing issues with the Site Chatroom's on your Tablet or Phone, I suggest you remove Flashplayer and download FlashPlayer 10.1 works fine on both my HTC One and my Tablet.
Here's the link:
Any problems - Ping me.
Quote by Hooters
Okay guys, so I have anew android phone v4.3 , which wont let me view the cams in the chatroom. It says it needs flash player, but when try and download it , it says its ' not supported by your device'.
Help please.
Quote by Hooters
I managed to install Flash Player v11 , but the Chatroom still thinks its not installed.
Ive then installed the Puffin broser, but when try and view a cam it says "not in free trial time", and that I have to pay to install it ". Will that definitley work ? i thought i read you should get 14 days free trial anyway ?
Very frustrating to buy a brand new phone that is worse than my 2 year old one for viewing cams ! :sad: