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Breaking into private chatrooms

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(Not sure if this would be better suited to the Chatroom Lounge, mods please move as needed.)
The other night a couple I have been grooming (joke!) invited me to a private room so that they could say hello on camera. It was a quick thing as it was quite late, and after a brief friendly chat they said goodnight and left. I stayed idling in the room for a while as I was doing something entirely different, my intention being that I would join one of my regular rooms once finished. While I was idling, a friend from regular rooms went on a mission to dig me out (as friends do rolleyes) and he did manage to break into the private room I was in.
I thought breaking in was somewhat amusing, though the couple's and my privacy had been breached (in that he now knew whom I had been talking to and what we had been saying). Perhaps because the chat hadn't been too personal or involved, I didn't think twice about it. When recounting this to a common friend, once he thought it over he got livid that anyone should try gatecrashing a private room - that one could potentially walk into people doing very private things that were intended to be shared only with those invited. He said if it happened to him it would put him off using a private room ever again. He had a brief chat about it in the chatrooms, and a few people suggested that this is something that would be worth reporting.
So just curious for your opinion - is this against the rules? Allowed but frowned upon? Something that no respectful person should attempt doing? A nice surprise for the exhibitionists among us? Would you/have you ever tried it? How would you feel if it happened to you? I must say this is the second time I had seen an uninvited person joining a private room... so it must happen regularly.
Are you saying this room was password locked, and this person guessed the password and entered the room?
Or was the room not password lock, and they just entered?
With reference to the subject matter, i was in someones private room last evening and suddenly a guy appeared in there. Noone had invited him in or given him the room password. When challenged who he was or how he had got in replied "Ha Ha i just had a guess at the password" and continued chatting as if it was the most acceptable thing to gatecrash uninvited into a private room.
I wonder if these people would find it acceptable, on finding the key to their front door,to just let myself in and wander around their house? I think not.
I had a conversation with the guy mentioned in the original post about his breaking into the room and he felt he had done nothing wrong. He even tried to lessen his actions by saying " i went in saw them chatting, left and waited until she was on her own before going back in" !! A more curteous burglar i have yet to meet!!.
I think this subject should be approached and a message sent out to said room gatecrashers,that it is wrong. A private room is exactly what it says it is, PRIVATE!
then perhaps use a more secure password just as you would for anything you need a password for
Quote by Sarah
Are you saying this room was password locked, and this person guessed the password and entered the room?

Yes, I am talking about password-locked rooms. Obviously in an open user-generated room anybody is free to walk in and out as they see fit.
was they just a member or as memory serves the chat ops do not need a password to enter any room even a passworded one
Quote by sara2010
was they just a member or as memory serves the chat ops do not need a password to enter any room even a passworded one

Chat ops do not need a password. We can enter any room however we would only go into a passworded room if there was a problem. For example if the password was (for example) 'beastiality'. Yes banghead it has already been done. Once the problem had been addressed, it is not good form to stay any longer than necessary.
I will say that we can see the passwords being used, and the vast majority being used are very simple. So my advice would be to choose a more difficult password. dunno
Quote by Ian
I will say that we can see the passwords being used, and the vast majority being used are very simple. So my advice would be to choose a more difficult password. dunno

As others suggested, yes I do agree (in the case above password was my username, I don't know why but it seems to be popular practice). However I was more interested to see what people thought of this issue in moral rather than technical terms, which is why I posted issue in the cafe ;)
The thing is... a locked room is an indication that the room occupants wish total privacy, so it shouldn't matter if a password is easy or hard to guess, people should respect the wish and keep out. A locked room shouts "no entry"... "NO means NO" *is* part of the chatroom rules, it is an upheld value of the swinging community in general. So just puzzled that people would take this so lightly (myself included).
We have no rule about this and I can think of a few good reasons why we won't include such a rule, that doesn't mean that the intruders are in the right, quite the opposite, however humans are by nature curious and will explore if given the opportunity, if anyone is serious about their privacy they should really take steps to use proper passwords everywhere.
And a locked room is an invitation to many to try. Why climb Everest? Because it is there!
I guess *some* people will always be curious / nosey when it comes to wanting to know what is going on in a private room.
Temptation often gets the better of people, particularly depending on what the title of the private room is (and let's face it, there are some interesting private room names - including some that I've made myself lol).
I agree, at the end of the day, a private room is supposed to be just that 'a private room'.
Using your username or any other easy to guess word/s really is just asking for intrusion (as with any password protected internet submission, i.e internet banking, website passwords, facebook etc etc).
If you wanna keep room hijackers out, make a difficult password - simples :idea: