if some one opens a chat room and hosts is it not their job to police chat and when people abuse others should they not stop this abuse rather than join in,happens so much in one room and why can people pass room ownership to people that have been banned from opening rooms (like me im silly )so the abuse carries on..... feel free to comment
As far as I understand it, the keyholder has the privilege but not the obligation of enforcing the AUP... But they are a user themselves, and if you think they are breaking the rules, report the f*ck out of them all!
I am curious - is there really a ban specific to opening your own rooms?
some ppl feel left out due to the speed of the room and the banter that takes place therefore they are not happy at what they see as being left out.i have found the ops do step in when the banter gets out of hand as that is what they are there for to keep the peice and they also join in the chat and banter at times which makes for a happy are rooms other than the pool wich are a tad slower and less clicky get clicking....