OK I wasn't bothered to say owt but a very persuasive Mod said I should.
To me the name on the room is irrelevant but whatever the 'landing room' is it should be big enough to handle the traffic.
There are too many 'Site' rooms so I would reduce the number to two: 1. The Landing Room (150) 2. The Overflow room (150).
You should be allowed to switch directly from one to the other without having to hop through a private room.
To reduce non chatters filling the room then have a 'timeout' and if they don't chat in say 15 minutes they are gone. Sorry but if you are in a 'Whisper' / PM for 2 hours then use the Messenger facility.
To further increase space stop people being in more than two rooms anywhere (I know you cannot be in say The Pool and Ballroom together). Multitasking is wonderful but when one person sits in two rooms and not chatting its double the waste of space.
Why people sit in a chatroom for hours and not contribute totally beats me. But that is what is happening. Various reasons come to mind but sorry there is no excuse. Either join in and make the place better or go. You never know you may get a meet. Oh wait ..... :doh:
And here is my final contribution. I have just spent over an hour trying to have conversations, passing compliments and trying to chat generally. I said 'Oi Oi' to new arrivals (unlike others) and the nett result? One reply to basically take the p**s otherwise completely ignored. However the screen was completely filled with 6 maybe 7 'regulars' chatting amongst themselves about what they were going to do to each other and making 'really clever' remarks to each other that no one else would understand. As I said at the time it was like I was writing in invisible ink. As were others as well apparently because THEY were ignored as well. When a few people talk amongst themselves to the exclusion of anyone else about 'in' things no one else understands they therefore dominate the room to the exclusion of others. This makes new arrivals uncomfortable and less inclined to chat, the room goes quiet (echo chambers anyone?) and then those same select few complain...
As Jeremy Clarkson might intone: "Some say this is a clique".... I couldn't possibly comment.