hi you wanted occasions logged when the chatroom is playing up,i was in single rooms and as far as i can work out it wasnt everyone who got shut out.
room time kicked
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cam fun
cam fun
got fed up at this point hope this helps you sort out rooms,an email to confirm would be nice
thank you
Its Internet Explorer, although its not affecting everyone with Internet Explorer, until we can get the issue resolved would you try either Firefox or Chrome.
Hi- i have switched to google chrome as per recommended- and so far today i have been booted twice in 15 mins- both times i was in the pool room- and only the pool room.... latest event was just this minute ...... :sad:
it just u love hehehehehe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
no its me too, a firefox user, not getting whispers either
Whispers can work for a bit between people then just stop working altogether leaving both parties wondering if the other has gone quiet on them.
I use Chrome, not IE, its not IE related. It's site related and only started with the introduction of the freebie week.
Mids room 2 members just got booted out.
Using IE and I get booted out at least 3 or 4 times an hour. Been happening for days now
I'm using FireFox and my HTC Desire, all's fine, no booting, whispers working on both.
Have to eat my words now,despite making a posts saying I had no issues:
Booted Bi Gay Married
FireFox 9.0.1
Typing froze then ------- booted
I spoke too soon....
Typing in chat freezes........ then booted
It looks like the chat application is running out of handles;
There's what looks to be a winapi error occuring;
12001 Error: ERROR_INTERNET_OUT_OF_HANDLES: No more handles could be generated at this time.
It may be worth checking if the underlying componants are correctly opening and freeing handles. From what i can determine these 'should' get reused once open (best pratice) however it may be some are getting opened but remain 'locked' or allocated even if the relevant process has finished with them.
Just a possible route of troubleshooting.
Oh also - has there been an update to the JavaScript engine at all?
I keep getting signed out if I use Google chrome and never go in multiple rooms
Four or five of us just booted out of the pool f5 didnt either had to go to home page to get back in .
admin sort it out been goin on for weeks now ta x
keep getting booted, makes me bloody mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11