just a cpl of suggestions that i would think would make the chat room better.
1: perhaps an location indication next to anyone in the chatroom.
would make it easy to see whos near you and whos far from you.
2: perhaps an indication that would show the person is enguaged in a pvt chat session or in open chat.
would save you chatting to those who will not see it as they are already enguaged in pvt conversation.
item 1 - believe in planning
item 2 - hence the online, chatty and away statuses
Send out the pathfinder chickens first :silly:
I always wanted a go at herding chickens! :bounce:
Not trying to be a wet blanket (I agree it's a good suggestion) but with my limited knowledge of how these things work I don't think it's possible. As things stand there's an option to have a cam feed or not, and to have an audio feed or not. Adjusting the amount of volume that an application provides is usually done on the PC side, not at the server. Given the number of cam feeds there are, multiplied by the number of people watching them, if the server had to try to keep up with multiple variable volume settings too it would probably melt.
That said, I could be talking out of my orifice, so the definitive answer will have to come from the techie blokes who control the smoke and mirrors that is SH. ;-)