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Dark Cams

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1 watcher
Can anyone explain to me why poeple in the chat room, go on Cam, then switch off the light!!! so all one sees is a black screen!! When I go on Cam I make sure I can be seen by any one else in the room!! Is there something I am missing??
Maybe they are as fugly as me and dont want to scare people dunno
But saying that I have all the lights on cause I been told it's cheaper than members renting a horror film.
Quote by boofy
Can anyone explain to me why poeple in the chat room, go on Cam, then switch off the light!!! so all one sees is a black screen!! When I go on Cam I make sure I can be seen by any one else in the room!! Is there something I am missing??

Why don't you ask them?
Quote by boofy
Can anyone explain to me why poeple in the chat room, go on Cam, then switch off the light!!! so all one sees is a black screen!! When I go on Cam I make sure I can be seen by any one else in the room!! Is there something I am missing??

no you are not missing anything as we have wondered this as well. or the peeple who just sit there showing a nice bit of shoulder for about four hours. dunno
we have asked many times why peeple do this and as yet have not got a sensible answer. as you have stated, why would peeple actually bother to turn there cams on when others cannot see them? it makes no sense at all to us. but saying that it is also obvious that many have no intention of meeting, but as was pointed out to us, peeple come on here for different reasons, and maybe some peeple get a huge sexual buzz from sitting in the dark. maybe its that air of mystery.rolleyes
maybe someone on here will give a sensible answer to your question, but somehow i doubt it will be forth coming.:notes:
Maybe they're shy.
as i thought, not a single sensible answer. blink
Seems a very sensible answer.
Perhaps the cammer is using a cam for the first time. They may not be ready to show full nudity with the light on, and to show their face in public.
If people want to see full faces & bodies, with the lights and great camera a porn film or download one.
Quote by Dave__Notts
Seems a very sensible answer.

sorry but i do not agree.
Quote by Dave__Notts
Perhaps the cammer is using a cam for the first time. They may not be ready to show full nudity with the light on, and to show their face in public.

perhaps they are doing some of the things this site does not allow a cam user to do dunno how would the site know other wise if you cannot not only see the cammer but what is in the background :dunno:
on the t and c's of the chat room on this site it states " You should only display yourself, if you have someone else on the cam they must be aware ". how would anyone be aware if peeple cannot see who is actually on cam? there are other rules within the cam rules that could also apply. if a cam is to dark to see anyone on it how does the site know if any rules are being broken? surely if a person has a cam on then the purpose is for others to see. otherwise the rules the site ask of cammers should be possibly changed to compensate for blacked out cams surely?
Quote by Dave__Notts
If people want to see full faces & bodies, with the lights and great camera a porn film or download one.

not asking for that at all, only that there are peeple on cam not breaking any of the sites rules. sensible i would have thought? :notes:
we have a friend who has a shite cam that no matter how many lights she has on the cam is always dark.
Quote by sara2010
we have a friend who has a shite cam that no matter how many lights she has on the cam is always dark.

then buy a decent one from e bay for a tenner dunno a nice logitec one with red light technology, always be light even with her lights off. :thumbup:
Quote by starlightcouple
we have a friend who has a shite cam that no matter how many lights she has on the cam is always dark.

then buy a decent one from e bay for a tenner dunno a nice logitec one with red light technology, always be light even with her lights off. :thumbup: i have a decent cam ta lol
just dont use the chatrooms as much as i once did so now it gathers dust
Quote by sara2010
we have a friend who has a shite cam that no matter how many lights she has on the cam is always dark.

then buy a decent one from e bay for a tenner dunno a nice logitec one with red light technology, always be light even with her lights off. :thumbup: i have a decent cam ta lol
just dont use the chatrooms as much as i once did so now it gathers dust
no you said a " friend " had a shite cam, and the comment above was aimed at your " friend ". rolleyes
obviously i have had a glass or three. blink
Quote by starlightcouple
we have a friend who has a shite cam that no matter how many lights she has aon the cam is always dark.

then buy a decent one from e bay for a tenner dunno a nice logitec one with red light technology, always be light even with her lights off. :thumbup:
I've a cam built into my laptop that's travelled the world, It's age is showing now and most slag me when I go on cam about foggy in......(my location) in a funny way.
At the end of the day, its a personal choice of fellow users to cam irrespective of the quality, to suggest to fellow members to upgrade purely so others can wank whilst watching is ere...
Starlight, I'm not sure if you go on cam, but i'd watch and willingly give feedback on the quality.
Quote by paddy
Starlight, I'm not sure if you go on cam, but i'd watch and willingly give feedback on the quality.

my point paddy was and is the fact that the site has rules about the usage of cams, but if a cam is to dark, how does the site know if any of the rules are being broken?
our cam has real light techno and as such it looks like the middle of the day, even when we have the lights off. unless of course we turn the red light techno off, and then nobody can see a fecking thing. rotflmao:rotflmao:
Quote by starlightcouple
my point paddy was and is the fact that the site has rules about the usage of cams, but if a cam is to dark, how does the site know if any of the rules are being broken?

Star there are rules about cams and what can be shown on them and the Chat Ops do check cams regulary and we speak to the members on them, maybe in whisper or the main room.
But if there did happen to be anything that was against the site rules being shown on a cam that was in complete darkness would any one know ? My guess is no because no one would see dunno (not condoning anything illegal or against the site rules here)
The Chat Ops can and do turn cams off if they are unattended or we have feel the cam needs to be turned off.
We can not dictate to a member that the must have certain light levels so people can see there cams perfect, as stated by some one else, some people use built in cams which may not be brilliant, some people might feel happier with the crime watch effect on cam for their own reasons.
I remember when we started using our cam years back we used to use a crappy old cam and never showed our faces (some say it was better for us like that :lol2smile and crap lighting.
Also alot of cams that may appear completely dark if you look really close you can see people or atleast I can (but I have good eyes) :shock:
If you every have a query on a cam though feel free to PM any Chat Op and we will have a look to put your mind at rest.
Spot on Meeko, there is a limit to what the site or the Mods & Ops can do, what comes next, maybe in a photo there's someone round the corner doing something illegal that we need to sort out, as Ali G said keep it real, all we can do is act sensibly with whats in front of us.
Although when Meeko is on cam, I am tempted to turn it off for the greater good of the members.
Ugly bugger :giggle:
many thanks meeko for the comments, and very sensible to.
i must admit to taking a glance at your cam once in a while, but always have to swap over to look at your lovely other halfs cam wink
Quote by starlightcouple
not asking for that at all, only that there are peeple on cam not breaking any of the sites rules. sensible i would have thought? :notes:

If it can't be seen, then it is not breaking the rules. That is the sensible approach being followed by the site, or it would have to ban everyone everyone just in case they do something illegal out of shot dunno
Sensible is the name of the game, with the owners willing to change the rules if they do not achieve what was expected. Sensibility all around
In Edit: Some others have already stated this :doh: That'll teach me to read the rest of the thread before replying
Quote by paddy
At the end of the day, its a personal choice of fellow users to cam irrespective of the quality, to suggest to fellow members to upgrade purely so others can wank whilst watching is ere...

:thumbup: Spot on. People show whatever they want, the way they want it, people can watch whatever they want, if you find a shot of someone's static shoulder boring just don't watch it (I don't but there's always someone who will).
boofy I sometimes prefer to sit in the dark for reasons already mentioned, usually when winding down. I feel there is enough illumination from my screen so that anybody watching can make out my face and expression. I have also watched extensively some rather dark cameras, both of friends and of strangers, for the same reason - I can see enough. Occasionally people ask people to switch lights on, and occasionally people do. Total darkness cameras is more of a peekaboo, ie. a game of waiting for when the subject will step into view - that's the same with cameras left empty for long minutes (who apparently is against the rules but nobody observes it).
my opinion only,many people use laptops playing at desktops or on the bed and dont understand that playing a foot from lens cuts ahuge amount of light from lens,or the guy is trying to give his partner an internal exam lol.maybe some form of tutorial in cam craft would be usful