Do you suffer from an overwhelming need to log in to the chatroom at every possible moment? Do you find yourself wondering how it went from 6pm to 2am without taking your eyes off the screen? Do you hold your pee so you don't miss any chat (or worse, take your laptop with you to the loo?) Are you starting to think in chatroom acronyms in every day life??
Then you need SHAG! The SH Addicts (Anonymous*) Group**!
Hello, my name's LB1 and I'm a chatroom addict...
* It's not exactly "anonymous"
** There isn't really a group, but I need one!! Perhaps I'll set up a room in chat for it...
Lilith xx
Nah, its only an addiction if you take it up to the roof to get a signal during a gale-force wind. All the rest is just the convience of modern livin', multitasking and other good stuff. Will definitely agree about the s.h.a.g part though (Special Health Actions Group). Joining a s.h.a.g has all kinds of benefits, like higher self-esteem, reduced blood-pressure, weight loss etcetc. In fact its like a miracle drug. I'm supprised nobody's patented it yet.
I can't say I've ever felt any compulsion to log in to chat, nor worrying about missing some of it on the frequent occasions that I am logged in....however, I find the chatroom to be a useful tool in that when I'm there I'm neither having sex nor contemplating having sex, thereby managing my true addiction.
4 years ago I came off SwingingHeavenChat without any support,I ignored the advice given to me and went cold turkey, It was initially a struggle, I mean everywhere you go there seems to be a keyboard calling you to pick up and use again.I would be lying if I said I have been compleley abstenant during my so called recovery,I managed to stay away from my chat of choice namely SHC but did succumb to some other lower grade chatrooms Im afraid to say.
These were brief relapses but I knew deep down it was only a matter of time before I returned to my primary habit that is SHC. cunning baffeling and powerful that it is.
I am well and truly back on the merry go round now, my sleep pattern is non exsistend,when I do sleep its with one eye open, the other day I woke up to find I was spooning a laptop. I have not shaved for over a week,I have stopped eating, Im horribly dehydrated my flat looks like a tornado has whipped through it, my inhibitions have flown out the window, god knows what day or time it in all im back in heaven and cant think what on earth I left for in the first place!!!
Recovery be dammed..