Hi Dawnie,
Dont get us wrong - we are able to make conversations with people all the time in rooms, however none are of any real substance. We have run succesful rooms in here from time to time, however just feel lately it is becoming increasingly difficult to actually meet genuine people.
I must admit....whenever I go into a chatroom - I get a polite hello after saying hi
And then the people that already know each other get on with their conversations...
And if you're not super quick on the keyboard it's very hard to interject and try and join in!
So after a few minutes of trying - I tend to just read other peoples comments and then head back to the forum ..........where I can take my time reading posts and respond in a more thougt out and articulate manner.....
And where I fel I can slowly get to know what people are like - with a view to engaging in conversation if ever I meet them at a munch. (hopefully - if they've read my posts and profile .....lol)
The cafe also allows me to see opinions and views of people who may not be 'in my target zone' but whom nevertheless I find interesting and would love to converse with - without any sexual intent!
There's my tupence worth on the subject......lol
as a newbie to the chat rooms but not to the scene I find it differicult as the existing groups are all mates and as a single male they don't really want to chat.
We're new on s/h & as for chat rooms, peeps say hi & then end of chat, most of the time it revolves around which ever ladies are on cam, to tell them how lovely they are ( & we agree), but that means end of conversation. :shock:
Indeed it is. I'm sure most single guys are jealous of the attention us women get in the chat rooms, but when you're sitting there trying to have several conversations with a few people you know in the room, a couple of people who are new and you're trying to make them feel welcome and being polite (in the first instance) to the people who whisper to you without asking first, it does all get a bit much. And when the level of conversation fired at you is 'when are you putting your cam on?' and 'what clour knickers are you wearing?' it does make you wonder what the point is.
For all those guys who march from one room to another, announcing themselves by 'hot horny 30 male who wants it now' and are indignant at the lack of replies, I'd say would that work down the pub? Sit with us a bit, have a chat about anything other than sex for the first five minutes and chill.