cam works perfectly on msn and can take pics but wont work here
can any one help me with this as i can go to apple and ask why my cam wont work on swingers sites

tahaning you 4 help
Quote by bootytooty
hi can anyone help im on a mac book not that new had it few years now
cam works perfectly on msn and can take pics but wont work here
can any one help me with this as i can go to apple and ask why my cam wont work on swingers sites![]()
tahaning you 4 help
Quote by bluesouth
Flash is the issue here, follow my fix in the link above. I had the exact same issue here and if you do the 3 simple steps in my post you will be fine. Adobe is aware of the issue and there will most likely be an update to fix it from them soon. The only newer version above what is current for Lion is a beta which would probably not fix your issue and most probably break more things.
Just follow the 3 steps in my fix and you will be fine until its patched by adobe. Not too much of a security either as only allowing access always to the chatroom url. So not a scary workaround at all.
Any issues still give me a nudge and ill happily help anyone out too
Quote by Darryn1c
My phone camera won't work
Just a thought but have you tried their support pages?
or raising a support ticket?
Until recently I had not been able to view cameras on my portable but after a quick read of
their help pages and from some of the info on them I managed to work it out.